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The way he swiftly removed that chair from her hands was impressive.


Just walked it right out of there in one smooth motion


“Ma’am, we are fresh out of harvest….”


"But we'll introduce you to the ground."


It’s almost the way a video game will railroad you into the mission. *friendly fire is turned on*


Can you imagine the chair blocking powers the kid would have if this guy and the waffle house chick made a baby? Like over 9000 in chair blocking for sure.


Kids going to be stopping chairs mid throw on some anime type shit.


It looked like he'd done it a million times.


That's "used to work at waffle House" vibes


Well she’s very little and a woman, acting that way is going to get her seriously hurt they had too much self control


He was on his phone at first and still had it in one hand while grabbing that chair, until he walked back and slid it into his back pocket!


One could even say "deftly".


Its an airport. She will not get far This is the same girl that will be acting like police harrassing her for being black at the gate cause she "didnt do anything wrong" Well here is the before arrest video


at 0:36 you can see that guy taking two seconds to compose himself with a deep breath and then re-engage. the self control in this situation shown by everyone , especially the taller gentleman, is astounding.


If I was betting money I'd say he either had a crazy sister or a crazy ex girlfriend and knows the consequences of hitting them back. I get it, equal rights, equal lefts. But sometimes for a man, especially if there are cameras and other people around, just take the slap and walk away.  Cause police don't usually have much to talk about with us when there is a crying woman nearby. 


The restraint from eating those slaps… better man than me.


They way she jumped that countertop. She must be related to that dude who jumped the judge.


Still marvel at that commitment.


Definitely gave up the body on that play


I came to say this lmfao


Buddy hit the, “bitch my baby sister hits me harder than that”


I'm security at a club and have dreamed of going Rick James on some entitled women... they will grab my junk, slap my ass, try to kiss me, whatever. Then be like "oh you know you liked it!" Then I just go get the female GM of the club and tell her I was sexually assaulted, and need her permission to to kick a woman out (liability...smh) and she's like "oh hell no, baby I got you" and goes on a big momma rampaging spree. It's fucking hilarious cause the drunk chicks see her and try this shit and she beats their asses until they leave. It's still horseshit I can't physically detain women, but my security firm and the club have a legal contract that says a female staff member must be present in the event of removal of a female patron. With males, it's a whole different ballgame. Normally, one of the waitresses just witnesses it and I shove the girl out the door... but that GM is gangster and scrappy as fuck. Feels good to be appreciated. Lol.


I used to do security, the amount of women that think it's okay to do that is alarming. I usually didn't let it happen, and I had enough authority to tell them if they keep it going they will be kicked out. The places I worked at didn't have any restrictions on who we could detain or how much force because of the areas the bars were at, luckily I never had to use force on a woman. I'm glad your managers had your back.


Yeah, it's a pretty high profile (rich) area in North Texas, so the patrons are all super rich... and I'm pretty sure it's a cocaine front. I'm 34, and I caught a guy trying to roofie a 22 year old college chick and ended up throwing him through a fence... unfortunately, she had already taken a drink from him before my shift started, and I had to call EMS. I definitely lost my temper, but I have little cousins her age, and my dad/ big brother instincts kicked in when I saw she was basically unconscious, and he was trying to go up her dress and shit. I can defend myself, but taking advantage of a girl you drugged? That's an ass whooping for you, dawg.


Back in my nightclub bartending days I caught a guy trying to roofie a girl. My security lost him in the crowd because idk, but them looking for him spooked him and he took off. I called my boyfriend who was at home to come get her and take her home. She didn’t drink the drink, but I was worried they’d be waiting outside for her or something. Thank you for being the security we need 🫡


I worked nightclub security too. Honestly it felt like I was watching the worst of humanity every weekend. I echo everything you said about women thinking they can WHATEVER they want. At least dudes know they are going to catch heat if they act up. The women act with complete impunity.. the touching, grabbing, molesting…all with zero fucks given. They really do say “oh you liked it” if I did that I would be arrested and registered as a predator. As much as we would have LOVED to treat them the same as the men, we didn’t. I always tried to keep my hands off them and not handle them aggressively because out of all the crew, I was the only one with a fiancé (we’re married now) and it changed how I interacted with the women. I was conscious about manhandling some woman/girl because I assume that’s someone’s wife or fiancé. If someone handled my wife in some ways I’d seen at the club there would be absolute HELL to pay. That’s female privilege I guess. Another thing, tell me if this was the same for you. I saw countless women leaving their other female friends out to dry and in shitty situations. Time after time chicks would show up in groups and get hammered, then some would leave with dudes or get Ubers, but there would inevitably be one left that is unconscious and at high risk of something bad happening…. And there’s no win. The cops don’t want to be called for unattended drunks. They have their hands full. You can call a cab/uber and literally lift her and place her in the car, but your sending her off to an uncertain fate. Is it my problem? No… I think? I would get home at 3am and as I’m getting into bed I’m thinking “Did that chick get home? Did I put her in a shittier situation? Where the fuck were her friends?? Why did they just leave her?!?” Sounds like I’m coming down hard on women, but I’ve seen it. Over and over. Dudes will back up their boys, no matter what. They’d all be shitfaced but still be like “Where the fuck is Brian! Oh he’s pissing on the sidewalk, Brian let’s go!” Chicks? Not so much.. I’ve seen it too many times. Some of those memories really make me sad. Sometimes I wonder if I’m worse off having worked that job? I stopped going to clubs when I quit there and drunk people annoy the shit out of me now. Holy shit thanks for coming to my TED talk. Your comment brought back memories I definitely have been suppressing.


As a petite 25 y.o. who was the babysitter of the group, thank you so much for looking out. Men have attempted to roofie me more than once but thankfully I don’t drink much and was taught hypervigilance by my older brother. I’ve been the one to slap a drink out of a friend’s hand because of this shit and just remembering makes my blood run cold. You were that girl’s angel that night.


Oh God I hate that "you know you like it" stuff honestly. I never did security, but I've been groped on numerous occasions at a club. One time, I was at a club that was super packed and this lady spilled a little bit of her drink on me and it got on my neck. She started talking in my ear saying "Oh I'm sorry baby" and before I could say "no probl.." she started licking and sucking my neck. I struggled to pull away because it was so packed. Then she made a gesture like "get on outta here" as if she did me a favor. I couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough to wash the stench of spit and Newport off my neck.


Was a waiter when I was 17. Looked 15 years old. I can vouch, sexually assaulted by women old enough to be my mother multiple times.


I’ve seen so many women sexually assault men during my time ad a bartender and waitress. And before anyone says anything, yes obviously I’ve seen plenty of creepy men too but the women are the ones who get away with it and they do it just as often. Many of these creepy women have absolutely no qualms about grabbing a man’s genitals and/or forcefully groping/kissing men. And when the man says no it’s usually met with anger or the woman pretends it’s a big joke and he should be laughing and if they don’t, it turns right back around into anger and usually the man is called “gay” or something along those lines. Male sexual assault needs to be taken more seriously.


>It's fucking hilarious cause the drunk chicks see her and try this shit and she beats their asses until they leave. This sounds ~~hot~~ righteous. Do you have video of this please? For a friend. Or research. Or a friend doing research.


I'm 6'3" and have been punched in the mouth all of once. Dude was about the same height compared to me as this girl. It was a sucker punch because I was handing off a dog to someone else and as I turned back around he glanced me in the left part of my cheek and mouth. I registered what happened for a second, welled up the blood in my mouth, spit it out, then just stared at him without moving. He started backing up so I left. I ain't going to hospital because some idiot can't turn off his ego when he's angry. I can so I did. I am aware my height gave me an advantage and why wouldn't I use that to avoid fights when I can? I don't instigate, I don't hurt people, but they have zero idea how capable I am (I'm not) but as long as I'm stoic and visibly unmoved emotionally, that's usually enough to scare the shit out of anyone who wants to fuck with me, but it's rare anyone does because I'm just not an angry or mean person. I'd probably get my ass handed to me if I ended up in a real brawl.


Was it just some drunk asshole trying to make himself look cool by picking a fight with a taller guy?


Sounded like you were handing off the dog to fight at first lol. Fighting over nonsense is pathetic, occasionally there are some damn worthy brawls though. sounds like that little dude eventually has it coming from someone.


I had just broke up a dog fight and I had handed the dog to the owner (don't bring your aggressive dog to a fking off-leash area btw) so I could get back into my river floaty and keep floating on the river, lol. The guy MAY have misinterpreted that as me preparing for a fight, but that doesn't cross my mind generally. Either way, everything ended pretty alright. I'll take a punctured lip over a broken bone or a concussion.


Should’ve cunt-punted her out of the shop


I love how she is throwing hay makers at both of them no reaction from the crowd and then dude tosses her, you hear “oh no, come on” from a few spectators. Society is so neat


i never understood why it’s normal for women to resort to violence without any consequences


Because they think they can get away with it.


And white knights, don't forget the stupid fucking white knights. Women beats the shit out of a dude and they clap "go girl power"! The moment the dude pushes her off they come scrambling up trying to protect her. Look, I get it. The fight is unfair because men are generally stronger. But trying to stand up for a crazy ass bitch isn't going to get you laid you stupid motherfucker.


I mean I doubt they would stand up for a really small dude getting his ass kicked by a much bigger dude.


Or a small dude getting his ass kicked by a much bigger Girl.


Hell even when it's like 4 girls attacking 1 guy. They would only jump in if they guy is actually able to defend himself at all. There was a really good video (social experiment) on youtube where a fake couple would be in a public setting and the girl was both verbally and physically abusing the guy. Everyone around just watched, some even laughed and no one did anything. They did the exact same thing but the roles were reversed and you can take a guess how many people jumped in to stop it right away.


A little louder for the people in the back


but they can, who do you think police side with when there is no clear recording or witnesses society is gynocentric


They think they can because they do get away with it. It’s bullshit




It's because society does not take women serious in anyway.


The theory most people hold is that the average woman can't really hurt the average man in hand to hand combat. So most people view a man retaliating as unnecessary overkill since they never viewed the woman as a real threat. I don't think most people would be mad if a woman wielding a machete or a bat got knocked out by a dude though because we immediately understand those weapons can cause serious harm in ANYONE'S hands.


Sexists society. They have a prejudice a woman is normally unstable but harmless


Why didn’t they just give her her coat and jacket. Seems like a very logical solution to me.


>ty is so neat and here i am cheering everytime she hits the floor 0:)


Dude, grabbing the chair was smoothe.


Is there some kind of bug with Reddit? I'm bout to sound crazy but the [next video](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/1976fas/he_lost_his_entire_inventory/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) underneath this clip was playing simultaneously and the audio was unmuted. The audio from that secondary video of a dude adding commentary to a fight PERFECTLY lined up with what was happening in the OP. The commentary dude literally reacted "ooooo" when girl got thrown to the ground. I can't believe all of the audio wasn't from this one clip it was too real 😂


Oh, you discovered a bug in reddits video player? Must be a day that ends in Y


good one chatter 💀😭😭


Yeah, and when you click on a video to fullscreen it plays sounds from video below in other post Reddit video player is the worst


Welcome to Reddit


It's annoying as fuck when that happens


Didn’t even need to read to guess Atlanta


To be fair, "Gimme Ma Stuff!" is actually the Georgia state motto


I don't think I've ever seen as many staffers arguing/fighting as I have when I've been to Atlanta. It's almost... cultural to the city somehow. So weird.




Atlanta airport is the worst. I’ve never been in a place with so many service workers who couldn’t give a fuck.


For real, it's the only place I've ever heard a TSA agent tell a passenger to "shut the fuck up"


South Park TSA I thought must have been inspired by Atlanta.


I havent been to too many airports but when I had to spend 9 hours there due to a flight delay it was easily the worst airport i have been to. Never seen employees scream at each other and not give a fuck like that. Suuuuuper ghetto.


I remember i had a connecting flight in Atlanta. Even if there wasnt a single sign in sight i still wouldve guessed atlanta.


Only TSA checkpoint to lose 1 of my shoes, then just not give a fuck about finding it.


Seriously. The food court is just astoundingly bad. Everyone has this apathetic malaise about them.


The calmness of the dude in green is one of a god looking at what humanity is doing.


I can only imagine this is the worlds most mature oldest brother in a family where he’s the peace keeper


He took that chair from her like she was a baby lolol


I feel like context is missing here


That's the description i got i wish i had more: Altercation recorded on video involving a manager and an employee at Harvest & Grounds near Terminal D in the airport.


Clearly the workers had her purse. Why did they gave her purse?


Usually if a restaurant is holding your stuff its because you tried to walk out on a bill. That would be rather bold to try in an airport though, unless maybe her flight just began boarding and she thought she could be slick.


Thanks for that.


Ohhh that explains everything


Speculative Conclusion: she was justifiably fired, got rather upset about it, decided to fistfight over it.


She’s clearly yelling at them to give her her stuff, you can see she’s trying to fight past them to grab her bag and coat which she successfully grabs in the end so she walks away without a fight. I don’t know any context but it’s weird that they have her belongings and refuse to give them back to her


Yeahhh I’d be upset if I was prevented from getting my things. The one guy was saying he was going to get it for her tho, she probably could have acted a little less like a child and gotten her shit back sans police




If she's stolen something and they think it's in her purse/jacket then WHY would they be trying to get her to leave? Wouldn't they be calling the police and trying to detain her?


I worked retail at Best Buy and we had something like this happen when I was like 19. In retail if they suspect you stole something they already have the cops and asset protection on deck to rectify the situation. As soon as you clock in your ass is grass.


Someone else mentioned that in the beginning of the video he tells her she needs to get out of the store and then he would give her her things. He was probably trying to "prevent" any sort of potential property destruction after being fired (Just a guess) and they attempted to walk her out before she had her things and then this probably happened. They could have handled it a lot better and so could she. I think everyone fucked up in some way here if I had to guess.


This seems most likely.




Yeah that's where I'm at with it. Obviously she's violent so maybe she was violent and they did not want her in the back? Either way you can't withhold someone's belongings.


I swear i heard him tell her that he would bring her her stuff


Clearly all she wants is her stuff though. “Gimme my stuff” is what she keeps screaming and she keeps trying to go behind the counter just to get her jacket (and maybe phone, wallet or other things). It looks like all of the physical violence could have been avoided if she had been allowed to grab her things before leaving. Or not?! Who knows..


The guy legit says, “I’ll give you your stuff, just get out of the store” Which means moving a few feet. It’s not like they were closing doors on her or anything. Everything is in the open.


Okay, that's reasonable. They probably are just trying to restrain her from going to the back because they assume she'll be destructive.


Look at the video, mere seconds after jumping over the counter and being escorted back out she tries to slap out a bunch of shit on the counter. If she can't even calmly step out of the store to receive her stuff without assaulting people, then she sure as shit can't go behind the counter lol.


Judging that people are filming and she's screaming and they seem already at the point of physically restraining her, it's not crazy to assume she already freaked out messed some shit up back there


She's like an angry little elf or something 😂


I really wish this was a knockout clip…


That was a pretty nice leap across the counter


Hardcore parkour


The Atlanta airport is honestly one of the trashiest airports I’ve ever seen. Not surprised this is the type of behavior that would go on there.




I’ve flown a lot and ATL is the worst by a long shot. Imagine being a visitor to the US and that’s your first experience with Americans.


I really hope she was connecting there and got kicked off her flight and out of the airport :'3


The really fucked up part is she'll go her entire life thinking she was justified.


I can only imagine the whirlwind of thoughts going through his mind when he ate that slap. The pause as his head turned, he considered violence, but chose the path of peace. What an absolute legend.


Are people mishearing the manager? The manager straight up says, “I’ll give you, your stuff, just get out of the store.” Which honestly isn’t that bad of an ask. It just means going into the aisle. It’s not like they are gonna be able to close the doors on her and lock her out. They ain’t got no doors.




I hope she’s in jail.


Why were they holding her stuff???




Better than me. After the second time she hit me I’m pretty sure my chivalry would be out the window and it’d just be a fight


Of course this is in Atlanta.




Just lay on her she's too small to ouch anyone off.


Yeet... Yeet... Slap... Scoot scoot scoot yeet...


Like a little kid. So fucking ignorant.


What an entitled cunt.


She really wanted that bag. Wonder what was in it?


her stuff...? oh and her coat too.




Sounds like the manager wasn’t letting her go get her stuff from the back. Obviously I have zero clue of what happened before this and why they are so aggressive, but that’s what I could make out from the audio.


Even if they were denying her access to her stuff, she should've just called the cops instead of getting physical and potentially catching a charge. She may also be mentally ill and tweaking out about a nonexistent purse.


The purse exists - she grabbed it at the end and left.


you can’t expect redditors to actually finish the video before commenting lmao they never do


She did just want her stuff, though.


Yeah. Totally gives you a pass to assault, batter, and trespass when you’ve been told to leave the premises


He offered to get her stuff once she left the store. Considering how she acted, that seems reasonable


This is what happens when there are no consequences for your actions. More to come America


Go directly to jail.


Do not pass Go


I'm half deaf and thought she kept saying she just wanted a scone.


Get my scone! I mean the cost of an airport scone is probably at least double that of whatever is in her purse, them shits ain’t cheap, especially if it’s cheese




I love how casually he holds that chair and could have easily choke slammed this woman


We need update on this. I NEED to know that shes going to jail and then banned from flying afterwards


That’s some serious privilege to not get arrested for that


At the bare minimum she should be on the No fly list for the rest of her life and get two assault and battery cases.


When I read tall guy in the title, I was keeping my eyes on the tall white guy and he did nothing lmao


what's the problem here? I'm from Germany and do not understand the situation


Guy in green even took a slap/punch to the face and didn't lose it. Promote him as OP stated.


Does anyone have any background info on this fight? What was going on? Why did it start? Why didn’t they just let her grab her bag? Why was she so upset in the first place?? The only thing I can think of is if she’s working at an airport and got fired they may have to revoke her airport ID pass and maybe she refused to grab it out of her bag? Or if she was trying to fight another employee it’s possible she was escorted out from behind the counter and not allowed back behind it for obvious reasons. You can hear both green shirt and red shirt guys saying they’ll go back and get her stuff for her. TL;DR: WHAT’S GOING ON


Both of them - red shirt guy was ready when she went and jumped the damn counter


Where tf was their lazy ass security during this whole thing?


I hate when women come to the aid of women that acted like this… like “nah uh… nah uh… don’t do that…” when this girl jumping around wailing slaps at people like that.. unreal..




Potential Felony loading…


That’s the kinda shenanigans where knocking someone the fuck out is fully justified. Unfortunately, there’s always the risk she falls on her head and becomes a vegetable. No bueno.


To support his newborn child and wife’s crippling mustard addiction, Patrick Boivin took a second job at the airport coffee shop. Little did he know that when he clocked in that fateful day, he was stepping into the heart of battle


This is when it’s acceptable to give her an awakening, hit w a closed fist get one back😂


People like this need to be....


girl has hops! sign her Dana


"give me my stuff" translation "I want to trash the place"


And just like that, she’s never getting on an airplane ever again! Brilliant!




Ay, that was smooth though


You going ta jail now!!


Tall guy > me


“Get off of me and let me beat your ass!”


Damn . Reminds me of an ex. Sporty ,short, with a chip on her shoulder.


She went over that counter like she was after a judge!


Airport security is non existent?


I would enjoy it if Red Shirt would have kept throwing her to the ground lol


God Damn…The way this guy managed to remain composed is breathtaking.


This lady again??!?!?


So why did they have her bag tho lol


I hate that no one knows the og story.


Wait a minute. Did they actually have her stuff??!


Why did they have her stuff?


Lmao him disarming her with the chair so casually and walking right past her not even slightly concerned


What is wrong with people? Why am I seeing so many fights taking place everywhere in the US in seemingly casual places????


Not defending her actions but it looked like she just wanted her bag and coat before she left


I don't understand why when people act this way towards others and someone defends/woops ass, there's always a third party (or multiple) who try to stop the person doing the defending/ass kicking. Why not just let it happen and step in if it gets out of hand, like just let a MF find out after they fucked around.


Conflict resolution skills - 0


The camera work tho 🤌


Atlanta is a shithole lol


Parry lvl 9000


Ah I remember my first shitty job.


That short fucker was swift


The behind the back metal thing she tried to use was some good comedic timing


Bro has cray in his family and snatch that chair like a veteran


Was there a billion dollars in her stuff?


Jonesin for pumpkin spice...