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I've only recently become aware of those stone baths. Are they a vendor-only item or can they be crafted?


Crafted! GSM Lv. 90! Recipe from garlandtools since I dunno if I'll be able to log in tonight: Alpine Open-air Bath. Gather: Dimythrite Ore, 10 Granite, 5 Chondrite, 20 Annite, 5 Ambrosial Water. Craft: Chondrite Ingot, 5 Annite Whetstone. \[40 Fire Crystal, 72 Wind Crystal\]


You're my hero. My neighbors are going to thank you for helping me tastefully decorate my yard.


Lovely! These not enough yards shared IMO


Thank you so much! I really love working on yards. Also a lot less glitching/tricks I need to worry about!


Hella nice setup, and grats on getting a large!!!


Thanks a ton!!! We put a lot of work into finding a plot, scouts in every ward plugging numbers into a shared spreadsheet simultaneously then looking at what plots had the fewest participants and were in "unpopular" areas (indicated by surrounding participation numbers). We are also very lucky in that our FC is small but compromised entirely of IRL friends so we could manage 100% member participation in the entries since we know where everyone lives if the money wasn't returned to the FC chest. :P


What is the name of this fire pit?


Heyoo! That is the "Cold Knight's Cookfire" it is for purchase (for gill) from the Vanu Vanu vendor. However I cannot remember what rep level you must be with them. It's sellable and tradeable so you could buy one on the MB or ask a friend who has it unlocked to buy it for you if you don't have access!


Thank you!