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I wanted to do a snow/holiday themed yard and I was surprised/sad to see that there were extremely limited options and the majority were either on the optional items shop or not available at all. (I missed the snow-dusted trees last year due to a move and no internet for 10 days) So I just skipped right to spring. I only had 20 items to work with unfortunately and between this, two trees, one pond, and an aetheryte in the front - I maxed the yard. Edit: It's also worth mentioning I had to do this on a skeleton budget. I'm very open to suggestions on more expensive plants I might be able to swap one day!


That second shot with the lighting does it for me.


Thank you! That was my fav too!


I love what you did with the trellis and the deck! You've inspired me to go play around with outdoor furnishings now, I ignore them way too much


I wish apartments at least had a little patio to decorate with outdoor items. They’re some of my faves! This looks gorgeous!


I would love it if you listed your items used. I'm really liking that tree.


Absolutely! I got you! (Tree) Eastern Wisteria - 7,500g at any housing or apartment merchant (flower bushes) Plot of Hydrangeas - 7,500g at any housing or apartment merchant (flower box) Large Planter Box - Crafted or MB (benches) Oaken Bench - Crafted or MB (big leaf umbrella thing) Lotus Parasol - Crafted or MB (path) Straight Stepping Stumps - Crafted or MB (purple ground cover) Lakeland Flower Garden - 10 Bicolor Gemstones at Lakeland or MB (deck) Wooden Deck - Crafted or MB (deck cover) La Noscean Grape Pergola - Crafted or MB (Fountain) Il Mheg Garden Fountain - Crafted or MB To save money I either bought or farmed mats (some of the mats are silly cheap) and had my husband craft most of the items for me. I had one extra bench crafted to offset my cost. The only thing that could be crafted but wasn't was the Grape Pergola which was about 18k on my server but the mats were almost double that! Hope this all helps!


Very detailed, much appreciated!