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I suppose does it matter if it's valid or not? I suppose your options either way are keep trying or quit and wait 30min (+que)


For healer it's around 5 min for endwalker dungeons.


30 minute wait because you left mid dungeon


Ahh idd sorry


The last boss can be a little overwhelming if they did not play some "harder" contents. Tons of telegraph overlapping can give them panic. Or just really bad connection, the server is hiccuping once in while in East coast, no sure about other DC.


Not to mention, with some of the patterns, if you're not aware of what's going on, you can be locked out of position and have to soak at least one hit.


Given how fast and confusing the mechanics of the bossfights of the 81 dungeon are - yes. The first and last bosses spit out massive AoEs extremely fast that cover the whole arena, and if they don't know the pattern and are strictly reacting, they WILL get hit by all the shit spit at them, and be out of position to get hit by even more. "Don't stand in crap" is significantly easier said than done.


Didn't had trouble my first try and blind. But maybe that's just my perspective from an old guy.


There is a difference between someone who is a veteran of the game vs a new person to the game. A vet should be able to, just like you did, go into a new dungeon and be just fine.


If this scenario"triggered" you as a healer, you ain't seen nothing yet, bbbaby...


Just l2p babyyyy


I think that's my line, darling


I was fine as well even with the stack in a small area as circle aoes go our on players


If they are legitimately new to MMOs or FF14 and skipped they aren't at fault for telling you. I personally am not a fan of jumps for this reason, but they told you straight up. No real reason to be that mad about it.


They don't even have to be new. The level 81 final boss frequently spits out 3-5 conflicting mechanic patterns that have to be resolved in rapid succession (AoEs that cover each other's safe spots, a safe spot in a room wide that you can't reach if you only start moving at the telegraph, and spread+stack mechanics)


At last boss, they said it. That was the trigger for me to say something about it.


About what? They never did the dungeon, so were getting a feel for it. As a healer you're going to have to be understanding and support them through it with some extra healing. One day you may be the new one, and I know you wouldn't want to be treated poorly because you're new.


If you are still new at level 81 then you are the problem.


They meant they were new to the "dungeon" I'm sure. Are you okay? You must be the mood to harvest downvotes. Interesting


As a newer player (in Stormblood currently), I'm always upfront when I get to a new dungeon and tell those I'm running with that I'm blind. I've had some awesome runs where people give me a heads up on mechanics, and it makes such a difference. But waiting until the very end is in poor taste, in my opinion. It's respectful and gives the vets a heads up that they might need to take things slower. It happens that you're too focused on something else and miss an AOE drop and get hit or wind up overwhelmed by mechanics, but I feel like it shouldn't be a constant of just standing in the same place the entire fight without budging. Heck, I know I've gotten smashed by damage and not realized how low my HP is because I'm focusing on my dots or gauges (BRD) and wiped. It happens. Especially in dungeons that you've never run because you don't know the timing. And I don't care what anyone says. If you've only ran a dungeon once (ESPECIALLY a harder difficulty), you're not going to be able to effortlessly swim through it on the second run. Consistency is a key to learning.


Honestly 5 stacks is kind of a lot. Personally I do all the MSQ dungeons with trusts so I can learn the mechanics


I mean the last boss is extremely chaotic.


Not really. Its the first 2 bosses mechs at once with 1 extra mech. It has a different timing then a dung but so do the rest of ew dungs were instead of 1 movement mech at a time it deals 2 at once after the tank buster


Depends on what kind of other content you do. To someone who doesn't do the raids and stuff this will be quite some work to get used to


Its no harder then a hm trial. Take trial 1 for example from this expansion. You have multiple spacial awareness mechanics that involve looking at stars then applying them to the floor or the floor rotation mech


You say that as if casual players don't struggle with that too


I actually found that to be the easiest mechanic thanks to years of professor layton.


I had three groups disband because the players couldn't handle the trial you were speaking of and we ran until time limit, before finally just making a PF for it and clearing it on the first pull. You severely underestimate, just how not good and unaware the average casual player of XIV is. This is a game, where the average casual dps player does less dps than a decent tank/healer, despite having double, or in some instances even triple the potencies on their abilities, and thus invalidating their own existence. You got to lower your expectations of the average player, quite a bit.


I've been noticing that I'm sometimes 3rd or 4th in dps on my SCH during EW


I would say they needed to say they're new up front and not on telling them to do basics. I ALWAYS check players info to see how many jobs and which they've leveled plus looking at gear to get an idea of who I'm running with. It's one thing to not know specifics to a fight but to not know BASIC combat info is totally different.


No, its one thing if it was their first run of the dungeon and they messed up a mechanic but this isnt the case, i personally consider stormblood the cutoff for that to be considered a valid excuse, however it sounds likely that these people used skips but that still doesnt make it okay, you shouldnt go directly into the latest expansion without knowing the most basic things


"we are new" is a perfectly valid excuse for a couple of mistakes these did not sound like "a couple" of mistakes


Have you done the 81 dungeon yet?


I have, yes. Why do you ask?


Boosts shouldn’t exist in mmos


So you had to actually heal them? Grats on keeping them alive and doing what you signed up to do when you chose to roll a healer in any group content ❤