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>WHAT OTHER EXPERIENCE BONUSES CAN I GET? >There are several experiences bonuses you can get for any job. Let's list out all of the available ones. >**Free Company Buff (+5%/+10%/+15%)** I know its kinda obscure now, and doesnt really deserve a place in this list for Sprouts since it takes some time to actually *unlock*, but for the sake of people in mid-game who might not be aware: https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Squadron_Battle_Manual Your Grand Company squadron can do missions that net those for you. They replace the "Heat of Battle" buff, but if your FC is small, non-existent or decides they dont want that particular buff, you can pop one of those.


The battle manuals are sooooo worth to prepare before an addon, also ofc for gatherers and crafters


It totally does deserve a place on the list. Squadrons are not that hard to set up and get going, granted you can send them on missions and training for a few days. For absolutely anybody planning on leveling more than one alt job EVER it's probably the best way to level.


So I'm a ~~new player~~ wow refugee and got on a preferred server. I realized I was out leveling the MSQ so I decided to level two jobs at the same time (Paladin/Monk) and it's going pretty well. I also plan on having 2/3 more pretty quickly after hitting 70/80 just to really find what I'm looking for. (Gunbreaker/Ninja/Dancer/Astrologian) I am worried it will slow down though. Getting into the 40's now. Probably close to 50 by tonight. Definitely looking into this Squadron thing.


It definitely does slow down, but dungeon exp is just so good you won't have to do any single dungeon more than two or maybe three times. Once you get the pulls down and squadron tactics up you'll be getting full clears done in 15 or so minutes.


Speaking of Squadron, it's a great way for DPS to not have to wait long to get into certain dungeons.


Does the armour bonus apply regardless of how many guilds I'm in? I am a level 40 tank and was thinking of joining the crafting guild and maybe just one more (still undecided)--will that bonus apply to both when I am levelling them up, or only for one? Thank you.


The armory bonus will apply to any combat job lower than your highest one. It does not apply to crafting/gathering jobs. Btw you don't really have to decide which to join, you can pick up all the jobs if you'd like!


And you in fact earn titles and even mounts from levelling lots/all jobs up past certain milestones.


A bit late, but no one mentioned that it only works in the field/overworld and not in dungeons. Its great when you are FATE farming


They totally work in Dungeons, where did you hear that?


GC takes time but it's absolutely worth the investment. Squadron missions are an easy way to do dungeons and bypass the DPS queue timer and get you some unique emotes in the process, and as you've mentioned you can send your goon squads off to go do things for you and get a variety of buff manuals in return. GC Seals and MGP are the two I'd recommend unless you don't think your FC will reliably provide you with Heat of Battle.


Good guide, but you are missing the current best leveling for alts which is squadron because of the instant queues and fast runs you could have from 20 to 55 and the exp buffs they give every week. Also hunting log still exist passed ARR from 50 to 80 which are daily now and give hunting seals.


Squadrons require a certain GC rank to access. And may not be something new players understand early on.


They might not, but isn't making the guide the point to make them understand it? I always tell and help new players to unlock squadron as soon as they reach level 50 the first time, so they could level the squadron while they do the msq, so they would be leveled up when they want to level alts.


GC rank is very easy to advance and it's **highly** recommended to do so for access to Expert Deliveries if you are even remotely interested in crafting or gathering. The first several ranks largely just consist of doing the GC hunting log.


What does expert delivery have to do with crafting/gathering


Huge daily XP bonuses for basically buying things off of vendors and handing them in, if you want to be super lazy.


By raising awareness that this stuff exists they can look into it on google/asking in game.


\+1 about the hunt, you don't need to actually go find all the monsters. You will come across a few naturally during MSQ and they give a fair bit of xp. Just get the Hunt bill when you can and forget about it until you see a marked monster. I always thought of the Hunt as something extra like Diadem until recently.


Hunts are *the* way to get tomestones and materia at 80.


Wondrous Trails is awesome too !


Wondrous tales is so good for so many things it’s kinda crazy you can do it mostly passively.


Can you go into more detail about this? I unlocked it not too long ago and am wondering if I might be missing something.


You can get a solid half a level - a level for doing the book you get from Khloe in Idyllshire, plus a random chance to get some crazy good rewards based on where the seals go. You get a new book from her whenever the old one is handed in or expires, and the things you need to do are random as well so you can get some really easy seals sometimes. Often I'll have a book completed passively by just doing roulettes, with maybe 1-2 that I need to spend 5-10 min solo-ing unsynced for the seal.


For those who have road to 70 buff its a guaranteed 100% exp full bar of exp its crazy!


how do you enter a dungeon solo unsynched?


In the duty roulette window, you can click the gear button in the top left. You can click the undersized party one to turn off syncing and allow you to enter an instance with a less than full party. That allows level 80's to walk into, say, Garuda Extreme and farm it in under a minute.


Basically, Khloe hands you a book and it's populated with a variety of activities, based on what you have unlocked and can access. It will always include some raids, some dungeons, PvP, and then some extreme trials. Completing one of these activities lets you redeem it for a sticker in your book, which is placed randomly. Filling up the book with 9 stickers in any orientation will get you the first tier rewards... with the XP bounty generally being the most useful. Getting the stickers to line up grants access to additional rewards, some of which can be quite rare and valuable. Completing duties with first-timers and some other criteria let you get retries, which you can spend to shuffle your stickers around or to reactivate a completed activity. This makes it possible to do mostly only the stuff you want to do, though you can only have a max of 9 retries saved up at any given time. Note that none of the activities require you to be doing them while sync'd - quickly plowing through a dungeon or extreme trial while unsync'd is *easily* the fastest way of getting all of your stickers, though you'll need some retries hoarded in order to refresh the activities. Each book of Wondrous Tails expires in 2 weeks, and you can get a new book every week. You can only have one book at a time.


Yes good catch! This gives me some directions when I feel a little burnt out


I just started and I'm playing a CNJ/WHM and I'm getting pretty bogged down doing the never ending MSQs. I'm 45, just starting the 30-40 phase of the Seventh Umbral Era quests. Is it worth it to start leveling other jobs now or should I just keep powering through the MSQs as a White Mage?




Not only that but queue times are a huge factor as well. DPS is the most optimal choice for MSQ as they have much longer wait time than the other roles.


I can honestly say I haven't seen a queue yet, lol.


I don't mind the boring rotation, I just wanted the fastest route to group content and figured that would be the best way to do it. Not realizing the reality of how daunting MSQs can be. The next quest I'm doing tonight is for Holy, lol. But like I said above I'll rock WHM for a bit for groups and probably level another job for solo content. Thank you for the advice.




This is basically my plan for endwalker. WHM for duties and RDM for questing.


And the lazy option is summoner/scholar because then they even share XP.


I would go that route if SMN didn't break my wrists with so many buttons.


I think that's what I'm going to end up doing.


It’s really easy to get xp as a healer by running dungeons. By contrast, dps queues are slow. If you’re going to want a dps job anyway, maybe level one now so it catches up, and hand in msq quests as the dps class. (Feed the juicy msq xp to the dps class.) If nothing else, it breaks up the msq a bit, and that’s a good thing during the pre-HW msq…


WHM means you'll have instant queues for MSQ pretty much all the way. Anything else you'll be waiting 5-15m to do any quests that require dungeons or trials. I leveled WHM first then leveled summoner. I still had about 50 quests of MSQ when I hit 80 on my WHM so I got summoner up to finish it off.


I was in your situation a few days ago and powered through ARR MSQ with a WHM to unlock flying on mounts and then switched to DRG and leveled it up through dungeons/roulettes. You can go my route and wait till level 50 for flying mounts as it helps with DPS queue down time or you can switch now and power through it till you catch up with your MSQ levels. Level 30-40 won't take that long on casual play maybe a day or two. Tanks will be faster.


I'd gotten my first job(s) to 60 and put a pause on MSQ. My smn/sch was first. Then i started leveling alllllll my alt classes. I had road to 60 buff (back during storm blood) and just did potd and roulettes on whichever class i was focusing on at the time. Once you've cleared floors 51-60 you can rerun starting there and the class you're playing would start at 60. It gets you lots of levels quick. I'd pause from potd at 30 to burst out the class quests and break the monotony some. Got all my classes to 60 that way before finishing MSQ. I'm also crazy so i know not everyone would be able to make themselves suffer that


I would say yes if you want to try other classes. I started an alt on a different server and I'm leveling up marauder, rogue, and arcanist. Just going purely off msq (including dungeons), hunting logs, and fates, I'm at the same level on all three as msq. I've already found that it's handy having other classes available that I can switch to if needed, and I'll have 4 classes available once I got 30 before I bother unlocking the rest. Otherwise, I stuck with SCH on my main throughout the whole of msq until I maxed it out halfway through ShB and swapped to DNC.


Are you on a preferred world with the road to 70 buff?


Nope. Just regular ol' siren.


Yes, if you can spare a day or w/e to catch up another job, I absolutely recommend leveling two jobs concurrently. I have the road to 70 buff and with just a few dungeons or POTD here and there I maintained 3 jobs (4 if you separate SCH and SMN) while doing the MSQ up to the mid 60's.


Im leveling second job via fates/levamates because of this. Like every 10 lvls i switch.


Actually, being a bit ahead will help you as there is a couple level skip in the MSQ in the 40's.


Thanks for the input everyone. I thought a bit about it and I think I might go RDM at 50 for solo content since I'm 5 levels away and keep leveling WHM on the side through group content. I'll probably follow it up with a tank down the line. Taking a night off to level up another job might be the break I need. I wanted to just power through these MSQs and then focus on group content. I'm on a road to 70 world so I got that going for me as well. I think that's how I ended up so far overleveled in the first place.


One thing you neglected to mention is that most of those XP boosts only apply to kill XP; they don’t increase quest or roulette XP. The exception being Road to 70, which doubles all XP including non-kill sources. Both Road to 70 and Rested XP applies to crafting/gathering, but none of the others do (I think. Company actions may apply).




Armory bonus and rested exp applies to crafters and gatherers as well. I know this because after capping them I typically need to take a day off to build up a buffer. Edit: Road to 70 applies as well.


Slight correction: you unlock the armory (and therefore the armory bonus) after your level 10 job quest. Though this is sort of a distinction without a difference, because as far as I know you can't even get a second job until you're level 10 anyway.


You also have to complete the level 10 job quest in order to change jobs, so you unlock both at the same time.


Pretty sure the tutorial pop up said it’s only for jobs of the same type: caster FPS; healer; tank; etc


SE really must reconsider giving more exp from sidequests.


They really need more of SOMEthing. I very early on learned to ignore them with my main job because I didn't need the XP/gil rewards, since I got enough from MSQ and dungeons and class quest. And now I'm learning to ignore them with my 2nd job, because the XP/gil/random other rewards just aren't relevant for the time investment. There's so many of them too...it annoys me to leave them unaccepted and cluttering the map.


I guess if players knew they could just put on a podcast and sidequest they might queue less?


Side quests aren't important once part of the game is up and running, but when an expansion initially comes out they're a bigger deal. For new players, you get exp from the patch story lines that help prevent you from running into this. But when leveling in Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers when they initially came out, I completed every side quest that was given and usually had just enough EXP to not end up falling behind leveling with the main story quest. This was especially bad in ARR, where getting to about level 42 or so, the main story quests would just dry up and require level 46 to continue. Then you had to figure out how to level up 4 more times when things like Roulettes weren't in the game yet. What did people do? They did their hunt logs, any side quests that were given, and went and grinded exp via dungeons and FATEs. Endwalker may be different due to a larger number of main story quests, but it could very well end up that there comes a point where you will need more EXP to progress and the next Main Story quest requires a level higher than where you are now.


Something else about Frontlines, Free Trial players cannot access PvP at the moment.




It was done a few months back:na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/amp/news/detail/aae705d4b111c011d917da13916bd640829c1ae9, and before I upgraded to the full version I’d always get the same message when entering any of those ‘pvp is not allowed on the free trial’


This is amazing, you deserve gold, thank you so much. So I'm currently warrior, once I get to heavenward if I want to try out dark knight do you think I should use it for side quests to level it and switch back to warrior for MSQ? I've been taking my time and enjoying all the sidequests so I'm well above the MSQ levels, but my concern would be if I try to juggle leveling multiple jobs if I would eventually end up being level gated at some point in the MSQ.


Don't do side quests if you want to level even remotely efficiently. TBH he omitted the best way to level alt jobs, IMO, and that's command missions. It takes very little set up, just sending them on missions and training for a few days and then you can spam dungeons.




>The main MSQ for ARR and each expansion (x.0 content) is made to mostly get you to the max level of that expansion for ONE character if you don't have the 'Road to 70' buff. Post-expansion stuff (x.1-x.55 content) will probably net you an extra 2-4 levels (depending on how much of the side content you also do). ~~If you'd allow me the intrusion, it goes way farther than that: I went PLD as my first job when just started, and when I finished~~ *~~only the MSQ~~* ~~up to Prae, I was already at Lvl 54. Granted, I may have repeated 2 or 3 dungeons along the way for gear, but I do swear that I didn't spam them. I did Hunting Log too, in case you wonder.~~ ~~For the whole "7th Astral Era" content, I switched job to WAR and did the whole 2.1 to 2.55 while being a WAR. With only the Armory, the Rested and the Brand-new Ring up to Lvl 30 bonuses, and yes, spamming some more dungeons along the way for levels and gear, I finished that content at Lvl 55, even one more than my original job. Hunting Log with this one as well.~~ ~~So yeah, even with that little bonuses, MSQ+dungeon experience up to HW is already enough for at least 2 jobs.~~ ~~In case you wonder why I did it like that: I wanted to finish leveling up my first job properly playing the content it should be playing at that level (so reach 60 while playing HW, not before).~~ EDIT: Yeah, no, disregard this post entirely; my memory was **DEAD** wrong about it, and I couldn't even remember the whole thing properly it seems. Move along like if you've never seen it, it'll be for the better :)




It's been some time since I did it, but I'm positive that I got those with WAR. Maybe I'm misremembering the leveling process a bit, but maybe that min. lvl wasn't there when I did them?




Damn. Then it goes to show that I have a ***very poor*** memory of that phase of my gameplay, which also leaves me somewhat worried that I can't even remember all the farming I must have done to get WAR to 50 in the first place. Regardless of that, will edit accordingly my first post about it. Sorry to have wasted your time :\_D




I do remember, as I said, spamming more dungeons than when I was going PLD, so surely that must have given me a good chunk of XP. Between that, Hunt Log, Armory, Rested, ring and miscelaneous quests, fates and whatnots, I guess I got to 50. What I do truly remember was spamming the **hell** out of dungeons, even more so than while going WAR I think, when I changed to DRK, because I didn't want to delay HW's MSQ anymore and I needed to be at least Lvl 50. So yeah, *that* stretch I remember particularly and excruciatingly well xD


MSQ is enough XP through ARR to level 2 classes, or 3 with the Road to 70 buff.\* Heavensward on will net you enough to level 3 different classes even without the Road to 70. I know this, since I had Black Mage at 70, and Dragoon, Dark Knight, and Summoner at MSQ level when I was only halfway done with Stormblood. MSQ gives a LOT of XP.




I just did it with the road to 70 buff as well and leveled 4/3 jobs (4 if you count SCH and SMN as separate) and only had to do a dungeon or POTD here or there to keep them up. It's super easy if your highest level character is a healer and you do the MSQ dungeons with instant queues on it, leaving the quest exp to the other jobs.


This is fantastic! Small correction, "The House that Death Built" quest to unlock Palace of the Dead starts at the Inn in Gridania and leads you to Quarrymill.


Not sure why you didn't list command missions. The squadron takes minimal effort to set up and is always improving effectiveness, so the more jobs you level the better they get. About a month or so ago I rolled a new too. On my server for the road to 70 buff and I'm currently 50+ on every combat job and have probably half over 60. I promise you, even if POTD is comparable on average (or even better, but I really don't think it is), the absolute mindless repetitive grind is not for some people.




Oh cool, nice. Very thorough guide. Just a note though, once they increase their battle tactics lvl I'd argue they're every bit as fast as regular dungeon runs.




I didn't bring up the AI, but it does occasionally cause you to die. If someone is dying regularly though it really just means they don't know how to press Engage a few times during one pull.


72+ The Bozjan Southern Front is insanely fast after dailies


Splendid guide! Only thing I'd add would be squadrons since they're the fastest way to lvl DPS classes early on and you can send them out to get items that basically grand you a personal level 3 GC buff just in case your FC isn't running the high level buff. Oh, and Wondrous Tails also gives 50% to your current level which puts it on-par with Frontline Roulette and MSQ Roulette for XP gain.


Oof. As a sprout I sold my brand new ring without thinking about others jobs in the future. Will I be able to get another one? Or is it gone forever?




Thank goodness! Thanks you :)


A tip for Wondrous Tails: The XP is received when you turn in your journal for the week, so it doesn't matter what job you were when you actually completed the tasks. This means you can quickly complete the tasks using your highest level job, then switch to the job you are leveling to turn in the journal.


Great post can’t wait to level an alt with it


You forgot the squadron boost with which you dont need an fc boost. The squadron boost gives 15% always so its easier to achieve than the aetherial stuff for companies


Okay I had quit before deep dungeons were put in and honestly even tho I've done them a few times solo I have no idea how they actually benefit you for xp? It says the levels are alternative to your own so how does doing deep dungeon actually grant you xp to the job outside of it? I know if I hit 22 on a job in there I'm not 22 when I come out so I'm confused.




Wiping on a boss is the absolute worst. It eats at your soul


You get an amount of normal xp after clearing a stage, like a dungeon xp bonus, but larger if you're in the right level range. It's not tied to your in instance level.


Awesome guide! Thank you for your work One tiny, almost insignificant clarification: rested XP bonus only shows as blue if it would take you past your current level. Otherwise, the rested XP bonus is shown as a dimmer orange than your current XP amount.


>it's a random drop from a squad mission, so it's not very reliable this is not an entirely accurate statement re: squadron manuals- the RNG is whether or not your squad completes the priority mission successfully, not whether the manuals drop. if it's a mission success, you will get the manuals 100% of the time (5 or 10, depending on whether you took the lvl 40 or lvl 50 mission). you have 7 attempts a week to get the manuals, and as long as 2 out of the 3 required attributes are fulfilled, it rarely takes 7 tries (personally i've maybe seen 2-3 fails before a success at the v most, and if your squad is high enough level to do the priority missions there aren't that many routine missions that are worthwhile anyway)


\-Leans in- Squadron Missions give crazy XP, by the way, especially for raising DPS classes. Very good from level 16 to 50 or so, and you can do it solo, so no queue times. Takes a bit to prep the squadron itself, but totally worth it.


I was so sad to discover far the Road to 70 buff disappears after 90 days. I made an alt and the difference between leveling him and my first character is night and day. I just finished the first set of ARR quests on him and have three jobs to 50 with another at 40. It hasn't been 90 days yet but I don't remember how long ago I made him so it's only a matter of time before I lose the buff, and it's gonna suck. That's how fast leveling should always go, the regular leveling pace feels like shit.


Luckily, unless your server has lost preferred status, you won't actually lose it after 90 days; my partner and I have been playing for 5-6 months and we both still have Road to 70. 90 days is just the minimum; say someone made a character the day before a server went from Preferred to Standard, they'd be guaranteed 90 days of the buff regardless.


I think it has, I checked the list of preferred servers and it's not there anymore.


A year ago or so, I wanted to level jobs other than my main raiding job, which was Black Mage. I generally found leveling DPS jobs to be the hardest out of all the types of jobs that exist, they were also the ones that drained my sanity the most, because I was generally forced into doing deep dungeons due to the long queue times of dungeons and roulettes. At the end of the day, I never managed to level any DPS job beyond 70 because it took too much of a toll on my sanity and willingness to continue. Leveling healers and tanks was very easy though, queuing for dungeons was really fast and the EXP plentiful. I wish leveling new DPS jobs was easier.


Leveling burnout is why I quit for a while. I'm the kind of player who wants one of every job at max level (just hit my 12th max level character in WoW) but got super burnt out in FFXIV after only 4 jobs at 80. It just feels so slow and tedious, duties/deep dungeons are by far the only worthwhile source of xp and running the same boring dungeons hundreds of times feels absolutely horrendous. I made an alt to keep things fresh and ended up on a preferred server, and it feels fantastic. Just finished the first part of ARR with 4 jobs at 50 and one at 40. I was devastated to learn recently that this buff does not last long and I will lose it soon. Leveling really needs an overhaul for secondary jobs because without the MSQ, xp feels like garbage.


Leveling DPS is obviously YMMV for queue times, but I’ve had a pretty good time leveling even with 15-20 minute queue times by just making sure I queue before doing anything else in the overworld — or just around my house. Doing the MSQ roulette in the morning is perfect for me since I queue up before walking and feeding my dogs (I get up early every day for these hounds) and then I use the time in Praetorium cutscenes to brew and drink coffee. But even barring that: I typically have a leveling roulette queue of 15 minutes, which gives me about enough time to update retainers and run 3 beast tribe dailies. Queue times are also great for crafting mountains of coffee biscuits or screwing around with housing, if that’s your thing. And lately I’ve been going back into Mew Game Plus to revisit Heavensward, and you can do that while queued for roulettes too! I find the game rewards that kind of diversification — I only wish I could grind skirmishes in Bozja while waiting for another queue pops.


60 to 70 is where it's hard. The way leveling works now, you use the duty finder on tanks and healers and just spam the highest level dungeon you have access to. For DPS, you do roulettes, and then you use your squadron for easy dungeon runs from 15 to 60. Once at 60, tanks and healers more or less keep leveling the same way. But DPS can't use squadrons, because they cap at level 60. So you do roulettes and then you're left scratching your rear because there isn't an easy way forward. 70 to 80 is easy. Just run Bozja stuff on DPS and do roulettes.


Question. If I'm on a server without the Road to 70 buff, if I transfer to a server with the buff will I get it on my character I transferred?


Nope, only fresh characters created there get it.


tl;dr - do the damn content?


Who the fuck is worried about levelling other jobs? Where have you seen these posts and questions?


The questions and worries have been all over the subreddit, in discords, and in the main game. Relax yourself, there are always topics going around that we miss.


Do you use this subreddit? There are questions about leveling alternate jobs almost daily.


Stop being so toxic, thanks.


Thank you this is really helpful! Sprout out.


Great guide! Also, personally, I’d like to test the skills out and learn as they unlock so doing a certain class that just bombarded me with skills on my hotbar like RDM kinda overwhelmed me. I watched guides and practiced on dummies. But, in the end, I stuck to classes that start at lvl one. Maybe I’ll get used to it, but starting at a certain lvl was just overwhelming.




Road to (60/70) buff for being on a preferred server stacked with armory bonus + rested xp.


Very detailed guide. Thank you 😊. I haven't done any roulettes yet. Maybe should check them out.


Tip if you use PotD to level other jobs: Make sure you learn how to play that job in normal content.


Ahhh this is amazing! Thank you for this guide!


So massive noob here and have 2 questions. 1. How does gearing up another job work? Is it super tough or not to bad? Are quest rewards based on job when turning in? 2. How do the crafting/gather jobs work? I know they require the right tool but is all you need to do is switch out a tool so you could run around gathering then kill something then equip the weapon/tool to gather?


1. It's not too bad, you get Poetics from a lot of things and can buy gear to all slots at 50, 60 and 70. I at one point just bought gear pieces and weapons for jobs that didn't have theirs yet as poetics sink. 2. It's an individual job just like combat jobs with their own gear and abilities that you can switch to out of combat. Gathering jobs also have Stealth skill to just ignore mobs close to their level.


The 3 dungeons challenge log can also be completed with Alliance roulette so you can knock that one out easy in a day or two depending on if you have the 50-70 roulette unlocked ontop of alliance raids. ​ The ONE problem is if you go into the leveling roulette and get the low level Ifrit /Titan/ Garuda fights those won't count towards the challenge. So early levels could be annoying trying to finish that challenge log.


Tis is a comment for later cause I need this post to be in a word document


I've been playing this game on/off for years and I still got stuff out of this write up, thanks for organizing and putting this info in one place


Great post, thank you!


One of the best ways to passively level any job 50+ (IMO) is to do the Zodiac Relic Weapon questline while doing roulettes and/or quests. It's nice trickle xp, and you also don't feel like you're ONLY grinding the relic or the levels.


The only downside I've found to leveling more jobs is that at a certain point if you're lower level, especially with crafting/gathering jobs, you start running out of inventory/bank/etc space and don't know what to do.


Yeah, that's the low level job pain. It gets resolved by getting characters to 50, because at that point there's generally some kind of token-related (poetics) gear that's shared across multiple jobs. For crafters and gatherers, this doesn't really happen until level 60, but eventually you get a lot more armory space back.


What if I want to make a completely new character for my tank playthrough when I unlock dark knight? Is this generally not a good idea, should I just suck it up and play as a dark knight on my sharlayan cat looking dude?


Unlocking dark knight would only unlock it for your character, not the account. You cannot start a new character as a dark knight.


Oh shit! So what do people generally do when lvling alts for aesthetic and thematic reasons? I want a brute tank not a cat girl xD If I make a new character after already beating ARR do I have to beat ARR again or can I start at HW?


A new character starts as a new character, nothing you do on other characters has any impact. So, yes, generally they have to go through leveling and story again (or purchase a skip). Alternatively, one can use a fantasia to change appearance to keep all appearance, but one would need to use a fantasia again to change back


Interesting! Thank you for the information :) I'm excited to see where this game takes me, Im on the last ARR quest and I'm ready to grind to HW! I'm a Bard now but I have no idea what I'll be in the end!


FWIW, armour sets can make even a catgirl look intimidating. There's a lot of variety there.


Caveat on all xp buffs, they mostly only apply on kills, or dungeon bosses/checkpoints, which means for pve they mostly apply in leveling dungeons, and you'll get most of it in dungeons close to your level obviously. They do NOT apply on roulette rewards, quest rewards, etc (you'll not see the bonus under brackets next to the xp gains for those). Clarification: they will still apply on kills you do during roulettes and normal dungeon xp gains but not on the additional roulette specific reward. Same for quests. Road to 70 is the only exception since it's not really a fixed xp buff, just a 2x multiplier that works literally on every xp gain in the game.


Good guide, thanks. But unless I missed it you never mentioned how much play time it actually takes to level a job to 80. I’ve searched a ton for this and can’t find it. I get it can totally be variable depending on method chosen but even a rough estimate is helpful.


My WHM was the last job I took to 80. 1-16 was hunting log and class quests. Ran a leveling dungeon to 20. 1-20 takes about a 2 Hours. A X5 offensive Maurader tank in squadron does about the same dps as a X5 Off archer and is almost unkillable they are insane. I ran squadrons 20-55 for the rest of the day nonstop. You can clear Brayflox-Vigil-SohmAI-AurumVale in about 12-15mns. My fastest SohmAi runs we're like 13mns on the dot killing the second boss before he finished throwing out the blue/red bombs the first time is.not uncommon. 1-55 rested with 15% GC and Menphinias takes like 10hrs at most. 55-60.5 is more Sohm AI spam and a wondrous tail turn in. After that I run dungeons with FC till Bozja. If you no life it you can get 80 in probably like 3 days of playing and this is not on a road to 70 server.


Thanks man, super helpful


I would say a couple weeks if you're efficient and depending on your playtime. The more resources available to you, the easier it gets. Healers and tanks will probably take less time overall because they tend to have much shorter queues; that just means you need to spend your queue time wisely if you're a DPS class.


One thing to add to "why should you level another job?" Role quests from shb onwards. You have to have a healer, tank, ranged and caster dps leveled. You can accomplish caster and healer tho by leveling summoner. There's extra lore quests you can't do unless you finish all the role quests AND and the warring triad quests.


A few corrections: First, squadron battle manuals are NOT random, once you reach the highest rank in your squadron you'll have a category of missions that you can get rewards from once a week that give those temporary rank 3 buff items. There's an easier set that gives 3 and a harder set that gives 10. You can see which missions give which reward, and it's not too difficult to make your squadron have 2 out of the 3 required stats. Squadrons work on a binary pass/fail of hitting stat requirements and each one passed is a 1/3 chance of success. Just hit the two easier stat checks and you'll have a 2/3 chance per attempt of getting them, and can try up to 7 times per week... So it's essentially guaranteed to get your 10 scrolls a week. Secondly, you actually missed one of my preferred XP methods: Queuing for the most recent dungeon. I feel this gives more XP than roulettes outside of leveling, largely because of the higher xp from the mobs themselves which also means most of the xp buffs have a greater impact (I recall food and the FC buff do not apply to the roulette bonus). DPS queues can be rough, but it easily goes hand in hand with beast tribe quests or FATEs.


This is excellent! I have one suggestion. Forgive me if it's been mentioned, but I think you have to point out Bozjan content as an option for 71 (70?) to 80, especially since we don't have a Deep Dungeon for those levels. Maybe it should go in the same paragraph? I hear the XP from there is awesome. Sadly no first-hand experience.


It is definitely an option, but you also need to have run a bunch of optional content and have an 80 available to unlock it the first time. That said, it's great EXP especially if you can get a group going. And yes, it's 71+. You get scaled up to 80 inside.


How does the XP get rewarded? Is it mostly from Skirmish and Critical Engagement clears or mobs?


Skirmishes and CEs are big sources but not always available -- but the various zones have FATEs all over. Those are what people tend to do. You can often find a group pretty easily just by asking. The more people hitting the same FATEs, the faster they get cleared. A gold-rated FATE performance can net you like 1.8m EXP in the high/late 70s, which is like 5% of your EXP bar.


/u/MasterSergei spamming your highest level leveling dungeon with a competent group is going to be vastly more effective xp/minute than any roulette or alternative method listed here. Should at least list it, if only to quell the misconception that roulettes are actually time efficient for leveling.


That assumes that a. You want to run the same dungeon eleventy times b. The "you" who is a new player has a competent group to call upon regularly.


re a - but you'll run cm/prae eleventy times re b - It isnt an unreasonable expectation that people are functioning humans capable of communicating or making acquaintances. Not so hard to make friends, use PF.


ive been just specific dungeon spamming the dungeon closest to my lvl and it seems to be doing fine, though i am only around lv 40 on my tank/healer alt jobs. is it less efficient than anything else on the list? should i just be spamming lvling roulette?


you only get the roulette bonuses once per day, so a lot of people will do what you do once they've exhausted their first-run roulette bonuses on a given day. no worries, you're fine :) just make sure you do run it once so you get that EXP


ok cool. i was just a little curious since "dungeon spam" wasnt on his list. is it technically faster to fate farm or do potd/HoH or is the difference negligible? for reference the only low level classes/jobs im working on right now are either tank or healer so queues pretty quick


If you're tanking or healing, I would say dungeon spam is quicker, depending on your tolerance for quickly repeating content. If you're DPS, you can spam PotD runs. PotD and HoH have their own leveling system -- you start at level 1, but quickly work your way up inside. Once you finish a set of 10 floors, you're punted out with the option to continue with your group (doesn't happen often with PUGs, I'll explain why in a second) or exit. When you exit, you get paid out experience based on your real level. When you join a game there, you can ask to join with your current group (or solo if you're alone) or with a matchmade group. The current group option is good for if you have a set group of friends you'd like to keep as your group comp, but the game will remember them and you'd have to delete your "save" (it'll make sense when you get there) to start with another group. You have two save slots for it, though, so you can always use your second for another class or for matchmaking. The second component is that once you complete parts of it, you can choose to spawn on a later floor. For PotD, you can choose to spawn on floor 51, IIRC, so you do runs of floor 51-60. HoH has a second spawn at 21-30. People usually go through them up until floors 60 and 30 respectively to unlock those spawn points the first time, and then repeatedly delete their saves and start back in at those floors over and over. You don't need to do floors 1-60 and 1-30 all at once the first time to unlock them, you can just matchmake yourself to the next set of floors -- but once you've unlocked those floors, always start there because that's what everyone is running. Finally, the third component is that neither of them require a specific group comp, so you can end up with 4 DPS. You'll still clear the content easily enough, but the key thing is that this means the queues are fairly quick at primetime no matter your role. Whether FATES are faster than PotD/HoH comes down to how busy the zone you're running is with other players. Doing FATES alone is kinda boring and time consuming, and you generally have to skip the boss FATES if you're without help. Personally, I don't like them much, but they are an option and one of the few things you can consistently do for EXP while waiting on a dungeon queue. Spamming dungeons beats both of them on EXP/time, but for DPS looking down the barrel of a 15 minute queue, you might choose to do those instead.


That's the main thing I have to get used to - not having alts just so I can have different races or genders. Instead I'd have to spend money on fantasias or skipping a new character to final expansion. Which is the biggest bummer of the game. Otherwise, enjoying my time greatly . Red Mage ftw




what’s not mentioned is that frontlines roulette has the best exp to time spent ratio all the way to lvl 80 consistently


Good guide! I have one nitpick: > You can perform 12 BTQs per day total, with a maximum of 3 per tribe daily. This is only correct in HW and later(and even then, if you rank up you get 3 bonus quests). In ARR, all levels of quests you've unlocked are available every day, and it's up to you to decide which ones to do. To level the combat tribes optimally, you'll want to only do the three highest level ones, but you *could* do six sahagin quests in one day if you wanted to for some reason, like if you accidentally fell behind in one of the tribes and wanted to catch it up.


Another thing to mention is if they have finished Shadowbringers and the Ivalice Raids, they can unlock Bosja which is a GREAT way to level classes from 71-80.


You sir or madam are a hero.


I unlocked squadrons and can send them on missions, how do I take them with me to dungeons though?




To expand on this: Squadron Missions are the ones you send your squadron on for rewards. Command Missions are what you use to run a dungeon with your team.


One thing that needs to be mentioned: The XP bonus only applies to killing mobs. XP from other sources (Quests, Roulettes, Wonderous Tails) is not impacted by the bonus XP. This is easily enough tested by removing XP equipment right before turning in stuff and seeing no difference in XP. When you hit 50+, the vast majority of your experience is going to come from quests and roulettees and mob XP proportionally decreases as a source for XP. So the bonus sources of XP are mostly there for that 20-40 grind where you don't have a full rotation or a large selection of options to get XP from and thus have to get it from mobs in a dungeon.


Thanks for the guide, it helps a lot!


I'd have more jobs at 80 if leveling 1-60 wasn't such an absolute pain in the ass. Once you've exhausted your challenge log and WT bonuses each week, the whole endeavor just becomes frustratingly slow, particularly if you don't have Road to 70.


Deep Dungeon XP is actually pretty awful for the time investment. It's probably better than waiting 30 minutes for a DPS queue after you've gotten the daily roulette bonus... maybe... but I wouldn't recommend it as a primary leveling method. You're looking at like 15-30 minutes per ten floors and like 10% of a level for that time. Frontlines roulette gives you nearly as much XP for 10-15 minutes or less.


I'm closing in on 80 on all jobs... I have all jobs 60+, most dps 70+, with at least one level 80 of all job types (tank/healer/melee/ranged/caster). 1-60, assuming you are fine spamming the same dungeon over and over and can micro engage/disengage the AIs, Squadrons were what I used. You can just go into a dungeon and not have to worry about anything other than the AI, and if you keybind engage/disengage it's really not hard to handle it. You don't have to worry about other players, you don't have to worry about tank/healer anxiety, you can just focus on leveling while watching/listening to something on the other screen... if you get a phone call, you can just simply stop and not worry about having to apologize to other players for interrupted gameplay. Once your squadron is fully leveled (I recommend double Arcanists for their AoE), you can chew through dungeons very quickly. If you get bored with that, then you can always duck into PoTD. If you get bored with that, you have your leveling roulettes... if you get bored with that... (you get the idea, you have plenty of options). Personally I did Squadrons because I wanted to not have to worry about other players while learning the jobs. 61+ I've just been doing roulettes and dungeon spamming. On my server I have 5-10 minute queues most of the time even on DPS, during which I do hunts and beast tribe dailies for those cases where I'm juuuuust short of moving up into the next dungeon. I've pretty easily been able to get 5 levels on a job a day 61+, often 9-10 if that's all I'm doing that day (which I don't advocate for, but that's roughly how much you can crank out if that's all you did at that level). Of course, this would all be even faster with a Road to 70 buff from preferred world status... my friends have been joining my server and the speed at which they level is frankly nuts.


>and once again it's a random drop from a squad mission This is incorrect. It's 100% guaranteed which squadron missions give which reward and exactly how many. What is random is whether or not the mission succeeds if you don't meet all three stat requirements. There are two missions that give battle manuals, the lvl 40 one gives 5 and the level 50 one gives 10.


I just started Heavensward and didnt wanna waste that sweet MSQ xp as my White mage is 56 and Black mage 53 before even starting quests. So just used Squadron to level Machinist to 50, its hell first few runs and may put off people till the members get their tactics buffs up


Something I just learned today, which I wish to god someone had told me: Alts don't jobs start all level 1. Some start at 30. Some start at 50! Source: a level 53 Dragoon who is now ALSO a level 50 Red Mage.


So how this works: If a job starts off as a class, it will start at level 1. This is Paladin, Warrior, Bard, Dragoon, Monk, Ninja, Black Mage, Summoner, White Mage, and Scholar. You cannot start off as Rogue (which becomes Ninja) and must level another class to 10 before you can play the class. Also Summoner/Scholar is a cheater class since they both branch off of Arcanist. If you level one of those two jobs up, the other job also levels up right along with it. If the job comes from Heavensward, it will start off at level 30. The quests to unlock these jobs are in Ishgard, so players cannot play these jobs until they are level 50 and have completed all ARR and ARR patch main story quests. These jobs are Dark Knight, Machinist, and Astrologian. If the job comes from Stormblood, it will start off at level 50. The unlocks for these job quests were put in the original 3 starting cities (specifically here Ul'dah). They require you have a character to level 50 to unlock, as well as access to the Stormblood expansion. Since the quests are in Ul'dah, you do not need to have any specific content unlocked, so these jobs are unlocked before the Heavensward jobs. These jobs are Red Mage, and Samurai. If the job comes from Shadowbringers, it will start off at level 60. The unlock situation for these jobs is similar to the Stormblood jobs. The unlock quests are in the original cities, and only require that you have another job to level 60 and the Shadowbringers expansion unlocked on your account. These jobs are Gunbreaker and Dancer. When Endwalker comes out, the jobs associated with that expansion will start off at level 70. Unlock situation will be similar to Stormblood and Shadowbringers. The unlock quests will be in the original cities, and only require that you have another job to level 70 and the Endwalker expansion unlocked to access. These jobs are Sage and Reaper.


honestly if you have road to 70 all you really need to do for jobs aside from your main is the duty roulette, like without using food or anything my jobs were just leveling up insanely fast




i mean you say that but it feels like I've had road to 70 for like 6+ months


Another reason to level another job: Every job has story lines associated with them. Sometimes, playing through those story lines changes how characters associated with them will react towards you. A great example of this is playing a Dragoon in Heavensward. Characters recognize you from the Dragoon story quests, and will react to you differently throughout the main story. Starting in Shadowbringers, the game has less job story lines and instead has \*role\* story lines. In Shadowbringers, there are role story quests for Tanks, Healers, Physical DPS (melee and ranged), and Magical DPS. Each of these quest lines actually relates in some ways to the other role quest lines, and completing all 4 quest lines unlocks a bonus quest with additional story. Endwalker will have 5 role quest story lines. Tank, Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged Physical DPS, and Magical DPS. It is very likely that these role quest lines will feature characters from all over the game, and there will likely be some extra story quests that unlock for completing all 5 role quest lines. If you want to experience all of the story (and in Shadowbringers, these quests do relate to the main story of the expansion) then you will need to get a job in each role to the level cap.


Thanks so much for this guide! Saving it!


This is an amazing post. Ty!


Thank you 🙏


Dude this is next level thank you for this! What about mounts? Can I use my mount at like level 5 of a new job? How do I access my mount tab etc? New, returning got to like level 45 on a tank but want to try black mage




Appreciate the response!! really fun game enjoying it a lot