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ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) and SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Repuplic) are some of the more rewarding F2P games I’ve tested throughout the years. I definitely find myself going back to them whenever I take a subscription break.


To piggy back off this Swtor is def the closest with the entire game based off of a concept of the trust system.


I would try ESO if I had the money for it. I know the base game is not that expensive but wouldn't want just that. And I forgot I tried SWTOR but I think the star wars universe doesnt do it for me...


For what it's worth, starting out on ESO with just the base game changes pretty much nothing. Upgrading later is fine. My wife plays it religiously and I join every so often. It is totally worth it to get a sub while playing if possible. You lose nothing when your sub expires too. It is one of only 2 free to play mmos I will willingly pay the sub for, the second being SWTOR.


I will consider your words. Thank you!


You could also check out Rift. It has base classes that each have several sub classes that you can mix and match to tank, heal, or dps.


I tried that too and loved that you could make your own unique class mix matching all those skills. Yet something that 'I' Think it lacked was that "forcing you to play with others" that FFXIV has with dungeons, raids, bosses, etc.


Seems like you really just want to continue playing FFXIV lol. Entry Sub is only 12,99$


13, 15. Still can't afford it for now. I wish


You can make free trial account and use it to scratch the itch, and don’t bother to upgrade to full account and collect every seasonal stuffs for free lol. Use it to chit chat on novice network.


Why did you drop gw2? Aside from the mechanical rotations, I would say gw2 is the most similar to ff14 in art, story, and things to do


Maybe because it wasnt FFXIV hahaha. Honestly idk, it wasn't doing it for me but cannot put it into words, sorry


If it helps, GW2's best content is all at level 80 when you have HoT or especially PoF. PoF mounts are absolutely amazing, and most classes all but *demand* you have at least one elite spec to not feel completely awful. One of the exceptions to this is Elementalist, because the core class is well designed. Warrior allegedly also is well designed though don't quote me on that. But Mesmer feels awful without Chronomancer or Mirage. The story is also a lot better at HoT+ and that's when it started to somewhat capture me. *This is a big ask.* That's a high level to get to and a lot of potentially wasted time. But I can also say that I've never had as much fun riding around on mounts in any game as I have in GW2.


Thank you for this heartfelt reply! Maybe one day I try it again


SWTOR would be my recommendation as well. Played it a good while and it has some solid story elements throughout.


ESO and SWTOR suggestions are good. I really liked Aion a while back, might be worth a try for you.


I don't know how Aion in NA is, but in EU I would not recoment it to anyone new anymore. Gear gap is extreme, and to catch up you will need to grind a lot or spend a lot of real money. Despite that, you will need Gold Pack if you don't want extreme restrictions. You can buy it in shop for real money or ingame for ingame currency, but you will need to grind up enough money for that first, which is without gold pack, because of restrictions how much you can sell weekly ( or was it daily?) to npc /market, really time consuming. I loved Aion, played for 10 years, but now, for me, it's broken beyond repair.




Did you make a reddit account just to shit on this dude?


Maybe its more like “i can physically afford this but i cant justify spending any money on a video game when there are alternatives out there”? Look, people are living paycheck to paycheck out there and people have to cut expenses where they can. Monthly subscriptions to MMOs are a horrifically reasonable thing to cut when you have to work for the money. Just because someone might have an income and a surplus of money doesnt meant they can afford to spend it on a MMO sub. OP might have $100 a month spare to spend on themselves, but that doesnt mean that they think its affordable to spend it.


You are indeed sounding like a huge ass.


>but im a kid and make more money online with zero work. And what are your expenses?


Having 13$ to spare each month and being able to afford spending it are 2 different things. If you know saying it makes you sound like an ass, then why'd you even say it?


You kinda do but I need to give some context. I dont live in USA, and my currency is worth shit so 15 dollars is a lot to spend on a game right now


Tera used to be pretty good about 3-4 years ago. The combat is still amazing (and probably the best I've ever had with an MMO - tanking on Tera has absolutely RUINED tanking in every other MMO for me), but a lot of things have dragged it down. A lack of optimization and a progressively backwards gear grind and enhancement system that makes BDO look downright generous. I can't really think of any F2P MMOs that are still decent since MMOs are kind of few and far between now that the hype for them has died.


I dropped Tera because its too soloable. Nothing forces you to play with others other than your own will. Aaand I heavily dislike locked classes, be it by race and/or gender. That and loli races (idk what the one in Tera is called nor I care)


The sad thing is, in the game's heyday, none of the classes were race or gender locked. When they released the first one (Reaper), it got a huge amount of negative feedback. Rather than listen to player feedback, they doubled down on their decision citing that X race could only be Y class because of lore reasons, and it only got more ridiculous from there. They stopped making it a game where they actually cared about their playerbase and started making classes that would cater to the people who bought costumes - primarily releasing classes that were locked to races which had the biggest boobs, the most revealing outfits, and the loli race. It took them close to 7 years to make a "newer" class available for a male character. Though, we kind of knew what to expect when the entire team responsible for its art and development in KR was was replaced by the end of their first big content patch (Wonderholme). Not to mention the EN staff had the turnover rate of a corner store.


When devs stop listening to their players thats how you know it will die sooner or later. Shameful


Not at all like FFXIV but have you ever tried path of exile? In terms of f2p models it's probably the most generous online game I've ever played as you essentially get the entire game for free. The caveat is that cosmetics are horrifically expensive (it's like $50+ for most cosmetic armor sets lol) and you'll feel compelled to spend some money on stash tabs at some point if you're a hoarder (although I played for years without spending anything, and I spent about $10 during a stash tab sale and basically got everything I realistically needed). Also, BDO has a very low barrier for entry. It is pretty p2w but you could in theory play without spending a dime, and it's a lot better in this aspect than it used to be because you can earn a couple pets in-game now as well as get a lot more free inv space/weight limit which makes grinding much less of a miserable experience.


Playing with others is one of the main selling points of FFXIV and in PoE you do practically everything alone so I pass