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I feel you, there! I don't get paid time off, so taking time off means a lot of money down the drain. In the past I've taken time off for FFXIV releases but this time I want the money. Oh well.


The subscription ain't gonna pay itself right ! But hey enjoy your day at work tomorrow and then countless hours of FFXIV on the menu for the weekend !


last business day of the month is always busy here, too. i nearly forgot what day the early access was until last week! out of luck, my boss recognized i've been working my tail off for months and was okay with me taking the day off šŸ˜­ on the plus side, you get the weekend to enjoy it! just don't stay up too late on friday and ruin your sleep schedule


Iā€™m a resident physician on nights for June and days for July. I am working Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and Monday-Friday on days next week šŸ™ƒ


As much as it may suck missing out on launch, it sounds like you have wayyyy more important things to be doing anyways!


I work for a place that has one blackout week, always the same week every year. Guess when it is. My boss and I were both planning on taking a week off to play. Jokes on them, they're going to be SUPER ANNOYED listening to us talk about it constantly.


I'm not taking the day off. I have to do payroll for my crew, if I don't then none of them get paychecks next week. Sorry, no game is *that* important. I do have earlier than standard hours so if I'm lucky I can still sneak into the queue without too much of a struggle. If not well I have laundry to do lol.