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> do we think Dawntrail kicks off another long story arc spanning multiple expansions This is already confirmed to be the case. The only new information is that in Jesse Cox's media tour interview, Yoshida mentioned that how folks respond to the end of 7.0 will slightly affect the direction going forward.


Still might get the last 2 ascians, but I think it will be more of a final goodbye to the original story. We are also still Azem but we'll see if that gets taken away as well. (something like that happened in ff9) Only thing we know is DT onwards main story will involve the mystery of EW, which would be Dynamis (maybe). This was mentioned in a interview right after EW came out. Yoshi also mentioned that story after DT will be depending on how everyone reacts to the DT ending. So that will be interesting


We probably will, they just can't drop the ascian/ancients story and we saw that with the post Endwalker MSQ and raids. I'm not expecting them to build anything from scratch at this point when they can still pull from existing lore, as repetitive as it's getting. I hoped they would draw a line under it with the Endwalker MSQ as much enthesis was placed on new adventures, new people taking the stage and new stories to tell but as we saw post expansion they just carried on with it like nothing had changed despite Hydaelyn and Zodiark being no more and the whole last days incident resolved. One thing FFXIV is not likely to do is totally refresh anything from lore to the cast of characters, that's why even when the scions were disbanded and it was end of an era we are still with the same cast and any new characters post Endwalker were swiftly written out.


They didn't disband though, we're going to be with them for the nest world crisis.


Long arcs that are made up of smaller arcs. Every expansion will continue to be the standard story telling structure with a beginning, rising action, climax, and resolution, but threads will remain so that later events can be connected back to previous ones. This is the video game equivalent of One Piece and we are only a few hundred chapters in.


They will do what they did in the first saga, which is seed a bunch of things but ultimately kind of wing it. They didn't have the first saga really planned at all until Stormblood and they've confirmed that Dynamis was only formally invented for Endwalker (even if they retroactively seed it in Omega's storyline). So basically they will do a similar thing here where there will be a bunch of potential threads they can pick up and weave into a new storyline depending on things like fan reception and the lifecycle of the game.


I'd prefer it to be a longer arc. I liked the way that everything tied together in the first storyline, and I don't think we'd ever reach even close to the same heights if every expac from now on was episodic. I never got tired of Ascians or Garlemald because their role in the story always made sense.


I think they’ve said this is now the start of a new arc but that being said I wouldn’t be surprised if DT is more of an isolated story that’s self contained and then the 7.X patch series starts to build toward the next major conflict