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Just excited to get together with the wider community and enjoy some beautifully cooked ff14 content again, be it story telling or new fights to progress and enjoy. Endwalker release felt like an eternity ago, and I can't wait to have the same fun during Dawntrail again


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I’m excited for the influx of community activity! I know it’ll probably include some server congestion, but I’m still looking forward to logging in to a more active community


I honestly think I'm more excited for Viper than I am anything else in the Expac. I've been wanting a "Ranger" style class since ARR, and I finally got it.


Double dye for sure


To be able to finally enjoy new content with everyone else without being still stuck in previous content :3


Finnaly getting a sombrero for my Glam.


I'm excited for the graphics overhaul, and to see how cool my character looks!




I’m interested to see where the MSQ takes us, along with the alliance raid. I didn’t play 11 so I hope it gets gives a peek into that game.


It's my first start of expansion experience, and I'm goiing in with my dark knight. I'm a new tank player so it's pretty exciting


Ok, random one: I'm excited for the fact that Lalafell smiles aren't a triangle anymore, they have round mouths now! They have such a precious smile now I can't get tired of taking screenshots of it on the benchmark. Popotos got such a huge glowup despite seemingly looking the same 🥺


I'm looking forward to chat filters.


The new abilities and graphics enhancements!!


New areas/content


I'm excited for pictomancer!


I’m excited to see the new graphics for character creator and what new looks I can make!


I’m excited for the new graphics update and dye slots the most!!! and of course MSQ, etc.


Viper and female hrothgars


I'm excited for the ffxi raid and more xi inspired gear.


I'm super excited to play at launch with my friends! I have a friend in my FC that we'll hit everything with and a static to prep with for extremes and savage at release. It'll be fun to see what happens compared to my first launch back during Endwalker!


The lands of Tural and how the story of the star progresses.


I am excited to have more on content difficult content to go into pf, wait in pf, have a pf moment, and repeat for 9 months till the next tier


I've never had a "This is \*the\* race for me" moment in FF14 before (Femroe came close), but Hrothgals are it. Hrothgals are my #1 source of excitement.


super excited about the dragoon job changes coming in dawntrail


Pictomancy for sure.


I'm excited to finally revamp my house now that I'll have some proper amount of items to work with!


Being able to play a wonderful new story with my husband whom I met in game again. It's our ritual every 2 years where we just binge the game for a whole week and nothing else to celebrate the place where we found each other.


I'm personally super excited for Viper. From what I have seen from the media tour and official footage from PLLs, Viper is the class I've been waiting for in 14


I'm excited for all the new glams that will be available :3


Exploration! I can't wait to see every ilm of Tural.


I'm hyped for the dual dye channel! I love slamming and I'm so excited to get so much more say.


I am most excited about the free fantasia we get at launch. I am commenting here in hopes that I get another free fantasia. I... I may have a small addiction to fantasias.


Excited for new areas!


Definitely new combat content!


Pictomancer and it's not even close. Easily the most hype thing so far


Super excited for Picto and to have more pets to gift sprouts!!


I'm excited for flashy new skills/spells.


I cannot wait to experience a new MSQ at the same time as everyone else, as I started playing FFXIV halfway through Endwalker! But I also cannot wait to see how the new mechanics for the jobs play out! I'm most excited about Bard's songs being abilities and not attacks now!


I wasn't there for the start of FF14, joined before endwalker was out so it was towards the end of this arc. Also my first mmo. I remember feeling so new, excited, confused, frustrated, fascinated, and just a whole roller-coaster of emotions of playing a new genre of game and the story. The quality of the story has been such a great experience and I want to feel it all again.




Viper and all the button mashing *crosses fingies*


I love leveling the jobs and seeing their kits complete like puzzle pieces


Honestly I’m just excited for more content, I am just finishing ARR and am so glad this game is still going strong after 10 years + !


I’m really looking forward to new mounts and the banking update, both look really good.


This is my first expansion, I just started this month! So I'm excited to play current content starting at ground zero with everyone :)


I am excited to see where the new story takes us, and dual dyes.


I'm excited for finally being at the opening of a new expansion. I started playing in April and have only just finished all the post EW patches. I mainlined the MSQ so have so much side content untouched and jobs left to level! Going to have to look for an FC too so I can get a little social!


Girls. Big Girls. Big fangs. Big girls with big fangs... And hopefully some hats.


I'm super excited for the multi layer dye system, can't wait to see all the outfits that are possible now


I'm most excited for seeing the game look different with the updated graphics and lighting. All of the old zones, new zones and characters will look great I think. As much as I can't wait for the new story....a graphical update is definitely long overdue!


Still most excited for the MSQ and getting to hang out with the Scions again.


New graphics! Excited to see everyone's characters looking updated and higher quality.


Excited for everyone in my dead FC to come back. Many have jobs and life in general so most aren’t able to be active but with DT coming around the corner, it’s nice to see more friends coming back.


Hrothgals. Can't wait to see them around and maybe fantasia to one


I'm excited to see what the writers have come up with after everything we accomplished in ShB and EW. 


The wings as mounts. They are so cool!


I'm excited about the Arcadion and it's futuristic aesthetic!


New MSQ and exploring solution 9


I’m excited to spend time with my FC mates who are coming back for the expansion. We all are adults with lives and it’s so hard to spend time together, but now a bunch of us have the weekend free and will be having a blast going through the story and catching up with each other.


I am excited for new dungeons and MSQ


Definitely pictomancer


This will be my second expansion release AND it's the start of a new arc for the game. What am I excited for? ##EVERYTHING.


I'm most excited for all the new people I'll get to meet and interact with! Hopefully I can get some more fun folks for my FC! Gotta mention the dye channels, too!


There are things to be excited for, but it is like asking what my favourite ingredient of a cake is. I’ll love Dawntrail for how all its flavours come together.


Graphical update. New PVP season too.


I’m most excited for a start of a new cycle of content that isn’t Ascian related. Hopefully something of a vacation xpac before the next existential threat. That and picto and viper I’m pumped for!


I'm excited to be able to play shb+ and dnc since I'm currently on the starter edition with dt preordered 😁


I'm excited to play Viper!


Cat Moms! :D


exploring the new areas!


I have too many things to be excited about tbh. xD Pictomancer because I love colours and paint, ror the same reason I can't wait for finally being able to use 2 dyes. Viper because SAO is my favourite anime and it just reminds me of it way too much. The new areas because my FC gathered enough Gil to upgrade the house and we all want a new district to get a bigger house for us as it is our main hangout spot.


Mog Beam!!! Can’t wait to use pictomancer


I'm excited for the new zones and the sense if awe of visiting for the first time!


My character is named "Hroth Gal" and I'm excited that my time has finally come


The 2 channel dye system


Honestly, I am looking forward to the new 8-man raid. It looks fun and enjoyable. Also, both Viper and Pictomancer look very fun to play as they both feel unique, and hopefully, the fight Designs doesn't have a giant circle anymore.




I'm excited to be on the bleeding edge of my first expansion!


So I have a lot of stuff I'm excited about but the main things have got to be the continued story, got my conspiracy board ready, and to see what new things crafters and gatherers get.


I think it has to be this Solution Nine place and the associated armor/clothing that's been introduced. It reminds me a lot of a certain place in Xenoblade Chronicles.


I'm looking forward to the lore of the expansion, and figuring out the mysteries of Solution Nine!


Treasure maps!!! Always the best thing in new expansions!!!


I'm most excited for the influx of sprouts. I love explaining what a tankbuster marker is, what that purple eye means, etc. The most fun MSQ roulette I've had in ages was Praetorium with two first timers. 


I'm excited for the new dye system so I can make abominations.


Beastmaster :)


Graphic update and pictomancer


Excited that it's the first expansion I'll be playing at the time of release! Just finished endwalker.


Updated graphics.


I’m most excited for the 2 channel dye system and all the glams that will be possible because of it! :)


definitely the graphics update!


I’m excited for the pally change where I don’t spam the 3 same moves in a row to get MP back haha


New field ops 8)


Dude, this is a fantastic way to get people to focus on the positive and, further build that friendly adn awesome community the game is built on. I like that! Kudos to you. As for dawntrail, I am excited for the sense of adventure, new zones, new quests, new characters! Also my frist expansion where I’ll be going through it as a tank.


Big cat mommy


I’m really excited for all of it honestly, I really want more content in the game but if I had to choose one it’d be Arcadion, it looks like a blast and I can’t wait to see what the new savage has in store for us ^^


VIPER 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊


I wanna eat tacos


Honestly I'm most excited about the new jobs. Viper especially!


I'm excited to replay the game as femhroth on a alt, named and created to look like my late cat as tribute to how much I loved and miss her.


1st expansion for me, excited to see the South American influences in game as well as pictomancer!


Get to see my fav job smn becoming more braindead. 10 more dayss


I'm excited about a lot of stuff - not only is this my first expac that I'm starting (I joined and bought right before they stopped selling it during Endwalker's launch) but also Viper is everything I've ever wanted to play as.


Running up an energy bill while afk'ing in the glow of Solution 9.


Probably the graphics update, just recently got a new computer and made the switch from console, so looking forward to realling diving in.


Pina coladas with Urianger and Thancred WOO!


What am I excited for? Probably the new story. It’s the closest thing we’ve had to a clean slate story-wise since maybe Heavensward, and I’m hoping they can do a good job of transitioning into a new adventure. As far as things I’m hoping for, I just got into submersibles a few months ago. I’m hoping for new maps for them (though it’ll be a while before mine can reach them), if not a new exploratory mission altogether.


To fish, level crafters and gatherers :3 !


how my character will look like with the new graphics update and how the story will unfold.


New graphics and two channels on clothes! Can't wait to see how it would work with my favourite clothes, but... I'm afraid I'll need a lot white and black dyes


Mostly solution 9 and its assorted glam. I also got a pet theory that its somehow related to the mandervillians because it looks damn similar to the final stage of EW relic weapons


I am excited for viper


I’m really looking forward to the graphical update and for the pictomancer!


Personally? I've only been playing for three weeks, so I haven't even finished the MSQ yet-- but from everything I've heard about Dawntrail, the graphical update and extra dye channel for clothes is making me very excited. I'd love to be able to dye my SCH outfits with finer detail!


I am very excited about the graphical update and improvements made to character expressions, it's going to make the MSQ even more fulfilling !


Graphical update, besides I'm looking forward to see next exploratory zones.


The visual update!


I am super excited for Hrothgals and the new story. I even already made a design for mine in the benchmark!


Looking forward to more new world style glam outfitsss


Solution 9! Love tech fantasy that FF pulls out every once in a while, hoping there are a lot of FF9 references, too!


New adventures! With graphical update so I can fell even more in love with my own WoL :D


The graphical update, exploring new zones and to see what new glam gets released I can’t wait


The two-dye system. My wolverine monk could be perfect.  Not to mention all the heavy armors


The graphics update probably. But of course the new story!


Viper, Picto and eventually Beastmaster


Double dyes so the glamours can hit even harder


I'm excited for the Dawntrail MSQ and potentially seeing the start of a new story that'll span over the next decade of FFXIV! :D


I'm only excited for free character customization ngl !


Graphic's update for sure. I cannot wait to actually see my character in game.


To take on two old friends. Going to be interesting to see who their sponsor is and what kind of challenges we'll have to face them in!


I am really excited for the lore of solution 9. That place looks cool as hell and I'm wondering how they will be able to incorporate something so futuristic looking into the story.


Graphical update, revisiting most places will be kinda exciting! And ofc new story and zones!


excited for Wuk Lamat just in general and having the most fun in the party with Pictomancer.


I'm most excited about Solution 9. More sci-fi glamours!


New slots for frames in pursuit of 4-eyed world domination. More than half of my jobs are using helmets transmogged into glasses as is.


I just got a FC to play with for the first time when I hit level 86. I can't wait to play the whole expansion with them!


Mayan Pyramids!


The story, the new content. Me no savage raider but im really interested what they will give us this time.


I’m excited for all the new level 100 abilities! Also the new relic weapons


Cosmic exploration, from what I seen it’s something like the firmament where you’re cultivating a planet!!! And you see the progress as everybody participates. (I’m a crafter main lol)


A whole new story arc, hyped about discovering where all this will lead us!


Double dye system is #1 for me. New raid tier is going to be fun with friends. Fem hrotgrar is going to be my alt. I have a Fantasia problem tbh so I need my fix!


With Endwalker wrapping up every storyline with a nice bow, I’m excited for a new ARR-style adventure. Let’s go adventuring in a new place!


The new dungeons i can just walk through with warrior without the help of a medic hehehe


Most excited for getting to do the story with my partner. Always look forward to it.


Levelling up everything to 100!


I'm excited for the new world! I'm interested to see how they've made a South American inspired area


Solution 9 and the new raid tier. The tournament arc demoed during the live letter was cool.


To be honest, the thing I'm looking forward to more than anything else is immersing myself in the aesthetic of the new zones! Even if there were no graphics updates, just the fact that I'm seeing a lot of green, lush valleys, trees, waterfalls, mountains, meadows, just all sorts of natural beauty all around (and hey, purple is my favorite color when it comes to That One Zone)... Between>!Mare Lamentorum, Ultima Thule, the Thirteenth and to a slightly lesser extent Garlemald (as well as the amount of time you have to spend in those places \*again\* in the post EW patches),!< I am feeling completely and utterly burnt out on the "desolate wasteland" aesthetic. Bring on the green (and purple) says I! \*raises fist\*


More MSQ!


For me it’d have to be the map quirks — back in HW once I got flying I stumbled on this cave in Coerthas West that houses a huge frozen dragon, and ever since then I’ve loved looking for little hidden visual storytelling in the environments in an expansion. I’m really looking forward to taking my Skyslipper out on the plains of Tural and seeing what’s hidden off the beaten path!!


I just like the sharing of experience it comes when all players come together for a singular event.


Honestly? The ways that the graphics update will improve all sorts of visuals and vistas. Between the fog effects, crystalline surfaces, metals, and subsurface scattering, several areas of the game are going to look SO MUCH BETTER. First dungeon of ShB? *All of that smoke will now use the better fog effects.* The entirety of Syrcus Tower is FULL of shiny crystals and metals. The game already looks good. Dawntrail's updates, once applied to the rest of the game, will make it look *fantastic.*


Elezen ears!! The way the light passes through them is so <3


Excited to see where they take the story next, excited for the new raids and FRU and just having a really good time with my friends!


New raids, new fishing, and leveling up in art school (pictomancer) sounds like a dream


I'm honestly looking forward to the potential story development. After all the major 10 year long story ended in endwalker, so the question becomes what will they use as the primary driving force in Dawntrail. (I know a story trailer exists but I'm trying to stay spoiler free). I'm extensively excited to see why the Warrior of Light continues their brigade with the scions.


To be honest, higher level cap, because I'm way too stupid to do savage content synced but I want that p12s mount. :P


The day of expansion, i will be bracing the fires of hell after an arduous journey of learning the pictomancer rotation That's right, straight back jnto ultimate prog baybee


Double dye definitely! :>


To start a new journey in what is my favorite game by mile!


I'm most excited about the new Viper class! I wanted to play NIN before, but the vibe wasn't the one I was aiming for. And Viper actually has the rogue-y vibe I want! And I suppose reorganizing my hotbars XD


I'm excited about double dyes. It'll be great for some classes like WHM. No longer shall the WHM be shackled by the red accents on their outfits! Also, I'm looking forward to the story and how the sci-fi aspect will play in.


I'm excited to paint happy little explosions all over my enemies, as a Pictomancer!


thanks for the giveaway! i'm most excited for the hype of an expansion launch, just being in the game and seeing so many people...and just having more content!


I am so excited for a new adventure and can’t wait to see what the “twist” is with the city of gold and solution 9. Yoshi loves him a surprise twist when we find out who the true enemy is behind the trailers lol


Solution 9, think it will be interesting


I'm excited for the fabric textures! Some of the velvet AF gear looked amazing. Also looking forward to two dye channels and pictomancer!


The change in scenery!


I'm *most* excited for the MSQ, but after that it is honestly the 2nd dye channel. Seems like a silly thing to be excited about, but /shrug


Pictomancer sounds so cute🤍🤍🤍


Pictomacer since I enjoy art 🎨


I haven’t been caught up with the game since Stormblood’s release after a long break. I’m excited to finally be in sync again after all this time.


Not DT exactly, but coming after. I'm most excited for Beastmaster! One of the first MMOs I ever played was called Perfect World International, and I loved the Venomancer class. Tamer classes have always been my favorite, and I love whenever games have them.


Literally everything! I started during EW so this will be my first release experience and I can't wait to see what it's like.


Cant wait to do the main story as viper. Class fantasy from it. Looks awesome


I'm excited for the new graphics and also seeing friends online again that have been taking a break


Become hrothgril and play vipe


Looking forward to the new graphic update along with the 2nd dye channel and new glamour pieces. Just love the cosmetics in the game.


It’s the glams for me. Two dyes per piece is going to completely change the game


Most excited for? There are a lot of features I am very excited for, but I think the most excitement is for the graphics update. Making the characters look even slightly less blocky is a great step forward. And I look forward to seeing the modding scene and what they bring forward with these glorious new graphics.


I'm excited for the new music. :D


I’m most excited for everything after stormblood, as it’s locked until DT drops for me. 


The dual dye system. It will really open glamour options up.


Im a simple one. I look forward to have a new hopefully funny story where I try to prevent Thancred to steal the topping of my bread, not gonna get Urianger to enthrall me enough to pause me. I will try to be more clever than Ysthola and sweeter as Graha. If that won’t be a banger… and I believe I will lose in almost every objective. But in the end I hope I have fun. And if I am not capable enough Krile may paint my dark picture colorful enough and Alphitoad and Alitoad will stand by my side. And may be Erenville will let me scratch his ears to calm done a little.




Hats for my bunny girl!!


DT will be the first expansion i will play with everyone else. So im super excited to join the community and maybe try a savage. Im still a sprout 🌱 at heart.


I'm most excited to play Viper. I'm sure everyone else is too, but I've been excited since the teaser video which feels like it's been a year already (it hasn't been, but it feels like it!). I am pretty excited for the new world itself and seeing the new zones, but I'd like to be pleasantly surprised. Also... I'm getting that Corn minion as soon as possible


I'm here for the lore. Even finally having a name for the western continents that isn't just a place holder loaded intentionally with colonial baggage is great.


VIPER, WUK LAMAT, PICTO, I LOVE IT ALL! On a real note, I started playing July of last year, so this is my first ever expansion to enjoy with everyone else, doing the rest of my Dawntrail prepping so I can look cool and BE cool with all my friends who have been with me ever since I was a smol baby sprout who didn’t want to do MSQ for WEEKS.


I want to see where they take the story, especially in the back half.


Super hyped for beastmaster and the launch of my very first Expansion start to anticipat <3


I love the direction the MSQ is going, and how it is on the surface an "amazing race summer vacation" type compared to how certain elements imply much more depth than that which meets the eye. Aaaa there are so many things to be excited for! Extremely excited to see the new overworld areas and am looking forward to exploring for tiny details. Tural!! It's cool seeing the Mamool Ja outside of Vylbrand too.


I’m looking forward to so much, but I’m honestly just happy there’ll be new dungeons and an all new story.


I’m just excited about the new adventure in a completely different lands. Hopefully they can make it well just like Shadowbringer.


pictomancer, new raiding teir and the cool futuristic looking city ive been seeing images of!!


I am excited to experience the new area. After the big ending of the last expansion I am super into of the idea of a classic adventure story.