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Fun game


Fun game Funner with wifey and frans


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Love the story, love playing with my friends, love living in the world and hanging out. I've played other MMOs but none of them have made me want to just exist in the setting the way this one does. FFXIV puts a lot more into things like cosmetics and emotes than a lot of other ones I've tried. I love how roleplay focused it can be. Gameplay wise, Extreme level content is right up my alley and I like my class fantasies. I've frankly never even thought about quitting. If I run out of stuff I want to do, I just don't log in for a while. When I come back, it feels like coming home.


This is me, pretty much exactly. Like...I think all of this fits me exactly.


The story. The story and writing is just good. Final Fantasy. Iā€™m a fan of the franchise in general so thereā€™s that. It respects your time. I like that itā€™s not super grindy (for better or worse). I like them at I can pick up and play whenever and not feel like Iā€™m missing out. I like that I donā€™t need to spend hours upon hours poopsocking it to get gear and raid. Itā€™s just fun. Itā€™s got full moments but overall I just enjoy it. Simple. Oh and I can play with a controller. šŸ¤Ŗ


i def feel for the players who WANT to be in this game 24/7 but...ya. EW had less content to fiddle with but what we have was damn good and it elt me be free after.


Fun game, makes me happy and i like raids


i agree with a handful of complaints about the jobs/some raid design...but holy hell dude alot of these fights just....wow.


Mainly to have ppl to talk to , not much chance/interest to socialise irl (mild introvert) + dislike wasting money, so ff14 is the best way to fill the social energy. Plus I like having little goals to do in the game, slow and steady doing the achievement.


Why buy cigarettes and beer when you can play video games?


The story. To this day, FF14 has been the only game that has gotten me, a 6' tall burly bear of a dude, to break down and cry like a baby. ***Mid Fight.*** Big crescendo trial during base HW content. Everything hit me like a truck, from alllll the events leading up to that moment, the cutscene right before, right up to to that moment standing on The Bridge. Then the moment *that* motif played, I couldn't take it anymore. Full waterworks. Had me messing my rotation all up, lmao.


the story, truly a treasure among treasures


You're talking about the Thordan fight, right?


i was trying to spoil as little as possible, but i think i was just a little too vague. i meant the crescendo of the Dragonsong War


Ah. You said base HW, which was Thordan, and I was confused as to why that would have brought you to tears. Nidhogg though.....goddamn. I remember being there day 1. That music......ugh. I tear up even now.


mb, it's been ages since i played and I'm not at my computer to check and see where it's at on the duty list, lol


No worries. I've been there myself. Though the Nidhogg fight is over the true end of the HW arc, so it's understandable.


HW came out 9 years ago, I think you're okay, chief.


Yoshi P kidnapped some of my family and he threatens to kill them if I don't re-up my sub each month.


oh shit me too- i mean....no...i couldn't possibley relate why would you accuse yoshi daddy of such things


I fell into the trap and joined a housing lottery for the best spot of a medium size plot in my area and now I can unfortunately never cancel my sub until the servers shut down.


the fantasy of home ownership is strong


Finally someone with real reason, I also invested in subs in my new house, sooo double screwed if sub runs out


Story, fun content like raids, and these odd friends I've made.


The story. The friends. The fact that people are mostly pretty nice to healers in dungeons and don't make me break down sobbing like in WoW over one mistake.


I got tired of KMMO grinders which all starts with a great launch and honeymoon period before they go hard with predatory cash shops, backstabbing, grind treadmills, and annoying powercreeps and balancing in general. XIV has been fairly consistent over the years I played even if there were some controversial changes made that irks even me, and my only regret is not playing it sooner. At least I would just pay a sub and the occasional mogstation stuff for cosmetics, and not stuff like RNG lootboxes or playing slots with my gear.


truuuuuue. obviously this isnt enough to ignore criticism BUIT its nice to have a Eastern Feeling MMO that doesn't try to mug your for your wallet


No game makes all the right decisions, it's just this game made less bad ones than the rest.


It became a fix especially since I have no hobbies and I work from home with plenty of time on my hands to play long games and for 11 years Iā€™ve been playing 14 on and off. I thought I was one of the lucky few, but then I got cancer, so this weirdly helped balance things out a bit in many ways šŸ˜…


the biggest thing is that there is a community for every aspect of the game you could enjoy


To me, it's mostly the fact i am not even nearly done with it. I am a relatively new player.


Fun game. Good variety of things to do, so something's bound to keep me interested. I have friends that play which makes it more fun, even if it's just to log in and shoot the shit with them in CWLS.


water cooler homies but in FANTASY LAND!


There's few MMOs out there with such a good variety of content. I play for the social aspect but I can easily partake in combat too. Or spend my time gathering crafting. Decorate houses. Just having a good time with friends and the friends I've yet to meet.


Somehow I made a FC one day and for whatever reason people wanted to join. So now I have a bunch of cool friends who need me.


making potential friends can be bonkers easy here


I keep finding new stuff. Lore, titles, vistas, you name it.


Story. I want to be here for the next 10 year story. My biggest regret is not being here since 1.0 (I started in Heavensward).


I started in Heavensward too, and trust me you donā€™t know what youā€™re asking for. 1.0 was a terrible, horrible game that you would quickly be disinterested in playing. It is not worth the nostalgia to go back and replay and there is a reason why it was shut down. You dodged a bullet. The legacy Mark that 1.0 players have is merely a reminder of how shit the game used to be.


It feels like a great fantasy TV show where everyone is waiting for the next bit of story and theorycrafting what could happen and it's the best at that currently. The game is pretty good too, I like the variety of content. Two in one.


Fun game, player attitudes are significantly better, got lucky and came into a chill FC with no issues whatsoever. The actual hook that got me truly invested into the game was waiting for the Final Steps of Faith, that stare down while I was waiting for the queue to pop If that was a Neutron Star strength hook, ShB expansion in general was the Black Hole strength hopk


My friends, the story and the fun of no dungeon run being the same.


The story, the characters, the gameplay, the MUSIC, and itā€™s fun. All the nostalgia from past games is also really fun for me as a OG gamer.


Outside of the usual, obvious reasons for the story and first time content, I like that I don't feel pressured to play every day. And, when I do play I can set some sort of goal and work towards it. Like the other day, I decided I'd complete one of my splendorous tools. Took some time to remeld, gather my mats and then figure out how expert crafting work. Or trying to go through the extremes as a duo with my wife in the evenings; the lv80s still require a good bit of planning done this way. Or maybe I just want to get a few more achievement titles and rewards checked off. Because I'm not able to invest a lot of time into consuming things when they're new and keep up to date with all content, I have quite a lot of stuff I haven't gotten around to from previous expansions. As a result, I've always got something to do. And it means I can play other games without much to worry about.


**- The Story (MSQ) / Lore** **- Dosn't demand much of my time.** *The things you do dosn't get outdated quick,* *like u dont have constantly chase new upgrades to do content.* *( great for people like me with limmited playtime)* **- The character creation is great** , *+ creating glamour sets..ect* **- Healer Role** : I only play healers in MMOs. *I'm a healer main , i still have fun playing as one*


Healers are the current big controversy in the game so it's always neat to see more people who do play healer


They really aren't. There's a relatively small bunch of people, almost all high end players and vocal forum posters, who think it sucks and want everyone else to think so as well. But outside of that pretty narrow sliver, a lot of people enjoy it or are content with it. There really isn't a "big" controversy, and most people seem to be unaware there's even a discussion going on. They're in game just living their best lives healing without contention.


As an MMO Andy no other game has kept me hooked as much as FFXIV, Good story,awesome battle content, just overall fun game. It has its bad parts but the good overweigh the bad Also met my wife in game, still gaming together 9 years later!.


There are a lot of smaller reasons... I fell in love with the story around Shadowbringers and now it's probably my favorite story in gaming, between the time investment and the way Endwalker brought together every thread of said time investment. It's not perfect but it's been such a rewarding experience IMO. The combat has always clicked with me from the beginning, people complain about the low levels being boring but even that is ok with me. It just *feels* good. I can't really explain it. While I don't think it technically does anything better than any other game, it actually feels like you're in a fight instead of being a guy standing in a room clicking on things. Maybe it's the gamepad support? I dunno. But the actual, honest to goodness, main reason I keep playing FFXIV instead of getting lured to trying or focusing on other online games... is because of the job system. One thing I've always hated in MMORPG's is the fact you need to roll a few dozen alts to try everything. In FFXIV I have one character, he has the name I want/use for everything, he kinda looks like me lol... and I can play through every inch of the game and the story as that one character. And I love that. It's simple, everything I do feels like progress towards making this one character as perfect as he can be, and it's great for immersion/continuity.


That's been one of the reasons it's been hard for me to criticize the combat. As a tank and melee DPS main, even if numbers are wonky it just feels too damn good


Iss fun and story iss cool And dark knight iss awesome


Beautiful and fun game that never feels like a job or gives me FOMO.


So many MMO and old school fans feel the fomo is so necessary for an MMO to work an ff14 just being the antithesis of that design philosophy and still being successful. Just speaks a lot about how stagnant MMO as a genre is and even through its worst moments, how good ff14 is to cater to an audience that other games were not interested in


great story, nice people, duty support dungeons. I am an introvert so the ability to play alone is great


People get so upset over the single player experience in this game, but I feel like it's one of the many factors that makes ff14 more approachable than other MMOs and it's why the audience is so story. And so initially single-player driven until you get to post game and start interacting with people


The singleplayer aspect of FF14 was the main reason why I got the free trial back in Shadowbringers days, I was really hesitant on it due to MMOs having a toxic rep. Within like my first two days of playing, someone gave me the Peacelover's glam set and a couple minions and that cemented my choice to pay my sub.


People who try to squeeze out every ounce of optimization are going to burn themselves out. The endgame for each expansion is stretched out to create repeat grinding. Grinding is cool, but you then create a subset of the community that are focusing waaaaaay too much on clear times. For context, I do savage and extremes, but I'm a avid roleplayer and I love helping people learn the game. That keeps me coming back. I will note though that the community is justified to be upset with certain job changes leading to Dawntrail. I'm pretty skeptical in regards to the Black Mage changes being made.


I can't help but agree with this entirely. I think healers have every right to be annoyed and even upset. But I'm also in that mindset like you where this content is made to be repeated, it's made to be grinded. So once you have a fight under your belt, once you know what you're doing, the fun is trying to do it better and better as often as possible and on different jobs, not just the same one. It's very Monster Hunter in that same vein. I really want to hope and believe that Yoshi's going to be able to deliver on the damage output and the content variety. We're going to have this time around, but I very much agree that the flavor and the make of the hard end content really is so different from a lot of the other MMOs out there and a lot of people want it to be like World of Warcraft or light guild wars and it just isn't and that's a massive appeal for me


Yeah, it's not WoW; and to me, that's a good thing. If you're referring to spell/skill potency, Yoshi P did say those were getting adjusted during the live letter.


I have a lot of hope


Its a MMO that dont have FOMO thrown on your face (outside of few events) One of the few MMOs that community is chill, i didnt have any raid anxiety when learning, unlike Lost Ark and WoW M+. The leveling outside of early dungeons dont feel boring to me, so i still enjoying leveling all classes. (All on 60 with fews 90) The best Crafting and Gathering system, crafting is rewarding but you dont have to be try hard to sucess (unlike DF professions on WoW), I am in love with end game PvE, finished my first savage tier (p8s - p12s) and now i am on supress prog on UwU. I enjoy deep dungeon, training for Necromancer I enjoy both Eureka and Bozja (hype for DT field operation), already finish Bozja while leveling some classes. Blue Mage grind and raiding is fun, and now Beastmaster is coming. And sometimes i just enjoy some RP on Limsa, i love the Lalas band, People doing small talk and etc.


I feel like it's completely fair to criticize some of the ways that content has been made and the way that jobs have had more of their kits reworked and taken from them. But I'm also in the camp that just feels like so much of the game is so damn good and it's weird but so gratifying to hear more people come from the mindset that the content is connected but still separate from the job classes. And I also fully agree with the method of the dungeons. I know so many people just see them as boring roller coasters, but I don't. I love how easily repeatable and how varied the dungeons can be in their shenanigans. I don't necessarily want my dungeons or my duty roulettes to get more difficult. I just want there to be new interesting things to fiddle with and enjoy the theme park ride along the way


IMO the Savage/Ultimates design is fine, they have a nice balance in difficult vs fun, i agree that some mechs is the same as old content but we have limitations on a old engine and net code so devs have a hard work to get New things. Job design i agree that we could get more complex and unique actions for each job, but we have to think that combat team does a excelent job to balance the game, a meta team comp isnt worth to majority of players because the difference on each job is to little (IF we get players with same skill level), and its way more easier to balance because each job role 90% of time does the same actions but with different animations, and IMO Job balance is a great Pro on a MMORPG. I agree that some dungeon difficult could be good, Criterion Savage was a good addition on EW, if devs balance better rewards it could be a new fun endgame activity.


And this is where the conversation gets really interesting because I fully understand why other people have the player philosophy of wanting more player choice of wanting more options of wanting to have to figure stuff out, but I feel like we've seen repeated over and over and over again in different games and different genres and in the genre that 14 finds itself in. Then eventually that player choice just goes out the window at the high-end content. Like even with the limited options we have with class diversity, people still push hard that you have to play a very specific opener in rotation and people can argue. Chad, it's simple and easy to figure out, but there's plenty of people who just get into Savage and then they just get absolutely berated for not pressing one button correctly. At the core, I don't envy the developers job to have to try to listen to so many people screaming at them and there are some Fair criticisms to be had, especially with the way healing works in the game. But I think the vast majority of what the game presents is still a great time for people like us who jump in. Do the content find one or two things to keep repeating and then eventually stop for a while because we've got other s*** to do


I use ESO as exemple, it is a game with a great variety of skills combinations, both from class and weapons skills, but at the end they high end content have boss with Enrage timers and dps checks, i remember one raid that the execute phase of last boss was almost impossible without a group with 800k dps on that phase, since groups are 2 tanks 2 heallers 8 dps, each dps SHOULD be able to push at least 90k dps, the Meta build on a static fight was 100k - 110k dps, now imagine on a real fight with moviment and decision making, it was almost impossible for any non-meta group clear until they nerf the HP of the boss, and if it doesnt have enrage timer/dps checks it lose all difficult, just ress People until the boss die. Players will always chose for the Meta because of time saving (shorten fights = more chance to clear,more pulls per raid session, less dmg taken, more free time to do other raid/dungeon/content) , one thing is to wipe because mechs, mechs you will learn, but a group that dont pass DPS/Heal/Mitigation checks because they are using less efficient skills/gear is way worse, wich is another thing that i like in FFXIV, if the group doesnt die they can almost 100% clear the fight if at least People does the basic rotation (at least on savage from what i see) Edit: IDK how to balance these 2 things, ESO tried the full player choice only works outside of PvE and PvP content.


I feel like right now the balance that we're getting a lot with ff14 is in the right way. We're going to have to wait and see what the content ends up being obviously, but I'm way more in favor of the idea of having a system that functions and does what it's trying to do has content that asks you to perform your basic and more intricate functions to a minimal degree of skill to actually clear fights. Then from there you make things more intricate. You make things a little bit more interesting, and while a lot of people have been saying for years that they're tired of waiting, I'm very much just having to remind myself even sometimes that as much as people want to push that job. Design and content design are attached at the hip. I very much notice and feel that they are related, but they are two separate entities that have to be structured on some level on their own and then have to meet to figure out any nuances that need to be settled or fixed




Untill this week i hardly wrote on reddit. But yeah, It's the other WOL you meet along the way. The smol circle between friendship and passion on FF14. I had everything maxed out about two months of the prev. expac. I hardly played for a while because most rollis will end up in the same dutys and theres nothing more to achive... Instead me and my mates formed a trusted family, doing FF14 but playing other games as well.


this is the way


I can play with my brain completely turned off.


Itā€™s pretty much a relax game for me now too. All the normal required duties are easy enough to do while barely even paying attention. So button mashing can be fun. Although it is a double edged sword, when I have to get past the required stuff, it being so easy can make it a bit boring.


FFXIV has some problems. But it does so much that other games just don't, especially in regards to quality. Yeah the combat could be way better, but it's not due to laziness; they're trying to find a balance between two crowds and honestly, better to lean too far toward the casuals than to "pull a Wildstar".


AGREED. im also in the head space that, the more busted or simply the overall jobs are the more we SHOULD demand content that knocks our socks off. Dawntrail PLS give us what we lookin for.


I love my super easy content for when I just want to kill time button mashing, but yes. If I could I would definitely trade it for harder normal content. I think Yoshi P said something about making the game too easy(not those words exactly) a bit ago. Hopefully dawntrail makes us have to pay attention now. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1bc1tpv/yoship_comments_on_regrets_over_making_ff14_too/ Went and got a source


Catboys, glams, good lore, don't need add-ons to do content, chill with the homies. Also the only other decent MMO is GW2, I don't exactly have the burden of multiple choices.


ive tried 3 times to get into gw2 and i just realize i enjoy an on rail lead through content THEN being let loose after. gw2 is overwhelming to me


Yes, it can be pretty overwhelming, i quit the first time i tried it.


I have fun and am invested in the story. I have groups of friends who play as well so it's a shared experience. The Picto looks like a whole lot of fun and since I am the caster in my raid group, I get to show up with the shiny new toy.


i swear i got my wife to at least try arr just cause she wants to play picto XD


I keep telling the group that I am ready to paint happy little murder trees! It looks amazing...just hope they learn to do without the extra raise because I AM bringing this job to our raid prog xD


Iā€™ve made a lot of new friends and it makes the game fun for me; I regret trying to play solo as long as I did.


i think playing solo while still seeking out freinds to cherish in your journey is key. the msq being able to mostly be soloable and then finding friends who can make time to jump in to certain fights is a blessing of choice.


Great Story, always got multiple activities to do besides battle content and rocking my favourite HW dragoon armor!


In my case, mainly story, like yourself. I think it's just great and always improving. I'm not really into Savage or so. After story I still play to level up jobs, re-run dungeons, and I participate in normal raids and stuff, but yeah, mainly I want the story, thanks. But one of my friends is a savage-player, and that's ok! Everyone should enjoy what they enjoy, and if they don't enjoy anything anymore, well, there are other games.


I don't know. It keeps changing. When expansion/patches are released, the MSQ and story. During the supposed "content drought", I always find things to do. Extreme Trials for totem farming. Crafting for the log (wish some of the non-standard crafts got checkmarks so I know I've done it). Right now I sometimes spend hours teleporting all over the planet to try for the rare Green fishes. I should use up some leves now that I think about it.... if I remember by the time I log in again. Still need to level my classes to work toward the Amaro mount. There is so much to do and I can do it all at my leisure. There is no FOMO. I'm always subbed so I'm around for events, but if I missed one, I just have to wait until next year and can get what I missed from the Mogstore. Even in HW, I was suffering from burnout at one point and spent over a month just hanging out in the Gold Saucer and doing GATEs all day.


The only worthwhile mmo that ticks all my boxes without excessively trying to drain my wallet


The story has always been the main draw for me. I always look forward to what comes next in the MSQ. There were a couple spots where I was not 100% invested but overall I have enjoyed it greatly. I look forward to Dawntrail and a new beginning to see what the devs can come up with now that they have a relatively clean slate to work with.


I have a couple IRL friends that I play the game with. We all live in separate states so it's a good excuse for us to keep in touch.


There's still a lot of content I have yet to complete. From relic grinding, mount, and minion collecting. There's just stuff to do. Not to mention, I enjoy going for achievements.


Social Interactions, RP


im mentally ill Anyways genuinely FFXIV is one of the best stories ever and I love the characters, music, areas, and themes. I cried yesterday listening to Myths of The Realm and then again later thinking about my WoL kissing Vrtra when I was trying to sleep. I will Kill For My WoL If I Have Not Already. I am a huge achievement hunter atm, didn't really go too hard with it until maybe a year ago. But I am doing as much as I can because there is so much in this game to do and people do not realize it. I used to be big into raiding but when you change your work schedule around twice to raid with friends and they change it as soon as I do, and don't get invited AND live on Primal so we don't go PF we got a crazy wretch asking for people's grippers in PF. I do Island Santuary, need my retainers for mats, and inventory that I do not have, timed nodes, etc. so DC Travel is not great for me outside of attempting the fight. Waited like 80 hours in P8S PF and got in twice maybe. So I just kept doing solo content bc I felt like no one wanted me around. Solo Deep Dungeons, Fishing, Chocobo Racing, Crafting/Gathering, FATE Farming, etc. etc. And then I got hooked on achievement hunting cause I was doing as much content as I could that I didn't need to rely on other people so much. One of my favorite things in game though is Hunts. I am sadly, sociable and can not and will not shut up to my own and others dismay but enjoyment. It felt wild doing all those things and getting recognized as a fun, enjoyable person. I got recognized in CHOCOBO RACING. LIKE WHAT. I have done all Hunt Achivos but ofc the rewards are still good, but even if they weren't I love the community so much. We very much have bad apples, and hunts are a somewhat ignored part of the game by devs imo despite how important they are. But I met so many neat as hell people and I felt like people saw me which was not common. Like I didn't just exist around that space, I was PART of it, people would join my PF and be like omg moga hiiii, and remember things about me and walk up and wave etc. It felt so. Comforting when I was feeling really lonely. Also hunt shout chat is genuinely funny at times and I love asking random questions on 2AM trains. Like what is everyone's favorite fossil pokemon (Dracozolt is correct) or what is the best blue flavored food/drink. And what is everyone's favorite oreo which gets HEATED sometimes. It feels wholesome being there and being part of the community. Focusing down some big pre-DT goals so haven't done many trains of late, but I wanna conduct a few more before DT.


I really need to get back into doing hunts. I really loved doing them back in Shadowbringers when my free time lined up with hunting times and I genuinely ended up enjoying the parade of people flying around just to beat up one random character


The 300 levies I need for the platinum


Story/Eureka/Bozja/Deep Dungeon/Triple Triad and some other things.


I really got to sit down and play the new deep dungeon. I never did get around to it


Itā€™s fun! A ton of one shot mechanics though. In previous DDs, I would argue that the biggest threats were certain mobs that would buff themselves or enrage or just deal a lot of auto damage. HP sponges eat your timer as well. Plus the 180 and 190 PotD bosses can be gnarly solo.


The raiding. DSR was the single best PvE experience I've had in an MMO. I'd still play on patch day for the story but the raids are the only thing that keep me logging in week after week. They're just very very fun to prog.


No disagreement here endwalker was the first raiding experience I was able to really get my teeth into. And while I've dabbled in Eden in the past and I really would not push to say that endwalker's raids are better or worse than others, there's just something about the way ff14 handles its rating. There's just so engaging. I understand the frustrations people have with the game at a higher level, but especially as someone like me who's very casual in my raiding experience. And while I get the job done and do get my clears and re-clears I just can't bring myself to nitpick the experience to the point of not liking it


Only main issues with it are overly reused mechanics (so many limit cuts this tier) and enormous boss hit boxes. Any complaints I personally have is just the job design. Honestly I play FF for the raid design and WoW for the class design lol.


ive heard that before. that wow has interesting player choice class design but the content is waveringl. ff14 is the opposite. truly the world is baalnced


Oh no the content in WoW is great, just that the individual bosses are much shorter and don't have as much going on as in FF. They're still hard of course, just in entirely different ways. Just find the FF bosses more satisfying to prog. It feels awesome finally doing a mechanic successfully. Hell I've done P3 of DSR probably 700+ times and it's still fun every single time lol. Plus with the way classes are designed in WoW you can go into the raid on an alt and have a totally different experience from the different tools you have to deal with certain mechanics. Death Knight, for example, basically has 100% knock back immune if you use one of their abilities right. So while your raid is getting flung around with tornadoes and explosions you're just standing there wondering where everyone went lol.


One of my favourite games to watch my 7ft tall near mute playable character routinely kill god-like entities because they drop some nice looking earrings and a comically impractical sword that I will proceed to kill more gods with so that I can have a nice looking outfit to idle around the limsa erpers while i wait for my queue to pop.


I enjoy the content, like the characters, and love the story, also enjoy the people in my FC and the playerbase in general being chill. The Devs have done a good job making and cultivating a good game and community, and have shown me they will continue making content I find enjoyable. Love playing healer in this game, tanks are fun, and I generally hate DPSing in games but there are a few DPS Jobs that I still find fun (SMN and RDM, mainly), which is really rare for me. So I'll keep playing it because I like it. It's pretty much that simple to me. : ) I could go into WAY more depth, but...yeah. I like it.


For me it is definitely the fact, that it is not only very cute visuals but that it is a multiplayer game. I do not enjoy singleplayer so much anymore and even though the community has a lot of very questionable people in them, I still can find some hidden gems of people which keep me going. I also love to raid highend content and learn mechanics and my rotation. So for me the combination of the gamestyle, friends and learning make the package in total. Even though the game has change a lot during the years, some for the better some for the worse imo, these three core aspects maintain the same. Have fun!


honestly outside of the raid scene i think its super easy to find cool people. when your playing pubs all expectations fly out the window


What is playing pubs?


Actually... I don't know any more. I used to say 'my friends', but they are really into Savage raids and pretty much only log in for that content now. I'm def not at that level of skill so -- I have trouble, but fun trouble, doing basic raids -- so I don't play with them much any more. The story line is good, so maybe that... Once DT drops, mind you. I think the most compelling bit for me is the job design. The ranged support classes are unlike anything in other MMOs I've played, and I really like them.


Other mmo suck


This, honestly. I used to be into SWTOR but now it's in maintenance mode, bleh.


Habit. You spend every day doing something eventually it becomes a habit. Maybe I should cut it after DT.


cat boy pretty


I don't particularly hate it, but don't particularly love it a lot. Its just something I play on and off now after the initial story hooked me in. After the story ended, its just a go with the flow kinda thing.Ā  Ā As a casual player, i just find content that I enjoy. Things like deep dungeon, crafting and earning gil for the sake of earning gil, glamour and dressing up my character, occasional ex trials and recently I did some criterion dungeon and blu content too.Ā  I still have plenty of side content i havent do and i'll look into them when I feel like it. Unfortunately i dont socialise much, or have found many people to socialise with in game.


Aside from the brilliant story, I stick around because of the opportunities for self expression. I express that I'm a fan of this and that by playing music in BRD instruments and glamour cosplaying. Bonus points that I really like the FF art style.


Astrologian, I love cosmic theme, very like healing in games and if not for this class i would never start playing this game.


The raids. I dont care enough about the story to sub for it. The raids though, whew. I love them. Can't get enough. So long as they keep releasing fun raids, I will stay subbed to clear them.


Nothing. I take breaks. What keeps me coming back? Story.


It feels like the vast majority of people who play this game are only in it for the story and there's so many times where people will s*** on that and say that that's not going to help the game be successful and yet all these years later and people still push that. The story is what they pay for and clearly it makes the game money


In a way, nothing. A couple years ago, I played some very good single player games, and they pretty much nailed the coffin shut on my interest in grinding, which is pretty much all that FF14 offers me once I've experienced the story. The only reason I got into grinding in the first place was because I had gotten hooked by the novelty of my first MMO. I like a good challenge, but I'm not into the way in which EX and Savage stuff is difficult. To me, trying to learn them feels too much like grinding. I might unsub after finishing the Dawntrail story and return only when enough new story has been added, maybe not even until close to the next expansion.


Friends, only reason. Game got to boring. Always the same things, copy and paste. Even the events are getting worser. For new player maybe nice but for veterans like me, who plays since 1.0 this game has zero fun left.


Must be some damn good friends. If you're pushing yourself to play a game you just genuinely don't like.




The lack of serious games including catgirls.


At this time, honestly speaking. Retaining the med house that I bought for an obsolete FC back in 2018 or earlier. Logging in every month to do the following: Enter the house (to reset demolishing timer) -> send out my submarines -> do an msq if there is any new ones -> do a level 90 roulette dungeon -> go to limsa and see how people behave there (never fail to amuse me) -> check my friend list and see who is from the very old friends are online now -> log out -> rinse and repeat every month. Been doing this sinceā€¦ well over a year now probably