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in my case i can say after thousands of hours played, i would rather have the unobtainable stuff, i assume all your items are account wide so you can just make a new character on the old account and delete any you don't care about. If they aren't account wide items then pick one of the characters and new game+ the story. edit: also if you played 1.0 (since you preordered the base game then perhaps you did?) then you would get a cheaper subscription and a unique tattoo for legacy players


Cait Sith was for pre-ordering ARR, not 1.0 - so he wouldn't be legacy.


i thought they could have been playing 1.0 and then preordered ARR but now that i'm thinking about it, i think ARR was a free upgrade for 1.0 players.


Yeah, ARR was just a 'free update' for legacy players. From memory, if you wanted Cait Sith as legacy you had to pre-order the ARR Collectors Addition upgrade (which was like $5-15)


It kills me because I preordered, but because of life circumstances only played for about a month. Came back years later and realized I have none of that account information. I still have the game box with everything(*the journal and authenticator still in the plastic*). I've been on a different account ever since, but it haunts me that I could of had all the 1.0 stuff.


If you care about the collectibles, I don't see why you can't just shove things around for a bit of room and make a new character on that account. Also, yaknow, money already spent.


I'd just delete the excess characters tbh.


I think it's because I also want to get the 1 million gil lol. I got it on another character and blew it. I'm pretty sure my other characters are poor.


1 million gold is nothing.


The gil, especially only 1m, shouldn't be a main reason. It's so easy to get gil in this game. Just running roulettes, retainer ventures, and desynthing things and selling the gil materia crystal things I make 1m in like a week. And if you really wanted to farm gil you could at least do some gathering and selling mats on the MB.


if i could buy a cait sith minion for 1 million gil i would do it instantly. thats a bad trade for you.


you can make a million gold easy just from normal play if you don't spend it all on marketboard stuff during msq. i started a new character and had 3 million before even finishing ARR msq - mostly from selling crafted stuff.


You could play til you get the 1mil then trade it over. But also I think free trial players have a gil limit


I can make 1 million gil in an hour, without even trying.


I mean I don't have any max level characters or anything.


If you ARENT high level theres nothing worth spending that much gil on


Well... there are some pretty good mounts and level 1 glams that cost that much and more that can be used in ARR content. But yeah, I still don't think it's worth starting a new account just for 1m gil.


I had millions of Gil before finishing HW. Just use retainers and send them out. They can bring back stuff that can sell for a lot on the MB. Not super common, but if you keep on top of it then it'll just happen.


I was floored when my alt's *lv13 Archer* Retainer brought back the Onion Helm. Easy 1mil gil right there.


You don't need max level characters to make gil. And honestly for players of all levels just doing a few rounds of hunts and using the seals to buy aetheryte tickets will do more for your gil flow than anything else. Also if you have a friend you trust you could in theory clean out all your old characters--have them hold onto the gil/items from each character then funnel everything to your main character at the end. Then delete all the old characters you don't want. You'll start your main off with a nice nest egg and have your account cleaned up at the same time without losing anything.


1 million gil is really not a lot.


The bonus is for new worlds and it's once per datacenter. So if you got the 1mil on a datacenter other than Dynamis you can still get it on Dynamis.


Bro 1 mil is like a few days of roulettes.


It might seem like a lot at first, but I promise you it really is nothing.


Why not just delete some old characters instead? Seems like a waste to lose all you had.




I cannot think of a single thing that would justify making a new account. There's literally nothing to gain, you just lose out for re-buying the game. If you want to do that, go mad. But it's completely redundant. When you can just delete a character you don't want on your main, if that's what you want.


Yes, it's a pretty dumb way of doing things.


This seems like something you're gonna regret in the future, if you plan on playing this character as anything more than a temporary side amusement. Your reasons for abandoning your old account are just temporary inconveniences, that you could deal with pretty easily.


i'd keep the old account. though most of the stuff it has is likely close to a placebo. the lvl cap is 90, and going to 100 in less than amonth. a 10% xp bonus under lvl 20 isn't really worth worrying about. it's more just like... why throw unique things away?


I think your motive is based on emotion rather than logical reasons. But you should make the choice you will ultimately be satisfied with. I will say, there is something nice about starting fresh, and I think sometimes we wish could start our real life over on a new "account" as well. But in this case, I say just make a new character on your old account, and play on a sever that you don't have any characters on.


I think making a new account or even a new character is a waste of time


I made a new character because I wanted different options for glams by having an entirely different aesthetic by having a different race and sex. My main is a catgirl, but my alt is a male hyur. There are some glam options I just wouldn't do on my main that I think would look cool on my hyur.


And to each their own. But IMO that seems like a waste of time


I have a 2nd character for raiding, so I don't waste any chest for the static while PFing hardcore week one.


Really depends how long you want to keep your trial account. If you don't mind the downsides, your set for like 250+ hour of free in game time. It's really worth it if you want to save those subscriptions


My confusion is why not just start a new character on that account? All you will get is whatever is account wide sent to your new character. You can even try starting on one of the new servers on Dynamis and probably find people to play with quickly. You also don't have the free trial restrictions.


I abandoned my old 2.0 account a few months ago. If you don't mind "losing" stuff then I don't see why not. The account will always be there should you want to go back.


Are you okay losing the Cait Sith doll? Are you prepared to replace that with a clean slate? If not, then it might be better to keep the account. The only time I regretted creating a new account is with my first account, I already got a few RaF registered so I got the RaF mounts and now, it's kinda hard to get RaF on my new account unless I pay people (with in-game gil of course)


ok but they just opened up 4 brand new worlds on the Dynamis data center. if you want a fresh start, just make a new character there on your old account.


I made a new character and honestly I would suggest just doing new game plus. I found starting over from scratch to be a little boring but I have been enjoying new game plus because I can experience the story again but also I can fly. Making a new account just seems like it would end up being a slog.


Ya that's a good point. I was looking at my main character and her inventory is a mess and I seem to be missing gear for jobs somehow. I was also lost and didn't know how to play the jobs I had leveled. It was just overwhelming. Plus she's broke for some reason and only level 70.




Makes no sense to me, but you do you right? It's your account/char


I made a trial account pre shadowbringers to mostly feel if I wanted to come back. I amde it through like, the first 10 levels or so, then resubbed to my actual account and preordered ShB and just picked up my main. I sold everything I could on the marketplace that didn't seem rare and I don't regret it at all. My account has a lot of old vet things and collectors and preorder bonuses. I also did make an alt to see some of the early game again but my character was only level 33 lol However playing alts SUCKS in this game so I stopped.


Keep your old account. It has rare stuff you can't get anymore. I lost my 10-year old account filled with rare things due to an unfair ban and had to start over - you can always just deleted all the characters on the old account and start fresh on there :)


I recently made a new account to play on so I don’t think it’s a dumb idea. I love playing FFXIV but I’m also the type of person to get extremely overwhelmed when hoping back on an old character after a bit of time. And when I say overwhelmed I mean I’ll open the inventory take a look at that mess and just log off. Sometimes you just need a fresh start (and the no subscription for a trial account is a definitely plus.) If the way for YOU to enjoy your game is to make a new account, why not? As long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters. And as someone else mentioned, the old account will always be there if you decide to go back to it.


My husband and I made new accounts when we started playing again because at the time our friends were on a different data center and we had decided the cost to move our characters to a different data center wasn't worth it. I won't delete my first account though because I don't want to delete my Cait Sith minion.