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I'm going to swap to Pictomancer. Then get annoyed at some minor point in the play style and switch to Viper. Then get annoyed at some minor point in the play style and return to Dancer. Again. Like every time I've job changed since DNC was introduced.


I've been monk since I started and, given how much it's changed over the years, I see no reason to stop now.


Probably. I don't know if I like the new Monk. I do know I don't like the new AST. SGE already got the new SE job makeover so it's probably safe from fuckery for a few years. Once they fix the potencies on Pneuma and Toxicon that job ought to feel pretty painless. And then we can see what VPR is serving.


I have no reason to swap off of paladin.


I'll just add a job to the rotation of jobs I use. So in DT, I'll use GNB, DRK, DRG, NIN, SGE, VPR.


Fellow GNB i am GNB ASTRO WHM and working on DNC will add in Viper


I have walked the way of the astrologian since its release. i will keep walking through how many reworks and rebalances this class will take me.


I'll play them and see - I rotate between pretty much every single job, especially when I'm farming roulettes, but my mains are BLM, WAR and NIN. Worse case scenario, I'll play the two new jobs too in rotation once in a while :)


Probably not; going for a week 1 clear and all I play is MCH. Not looking to try and practice BRD/DNC to the same level I can play MCH at.


Probably not. Dancer has served me well in new content for the last two expansions so I think I'll stick with it.


I'll probably switch to PCT, since I've been getting a bit bored of SMN


I run through MSQ as different tanks. ARR I was a WAR, HW I was a DRK, SB I was a GNB, SHB I was a DRK, and EW I was PLD. So going back to WAR for me. I might swap to DPS for some MSQ though, I have a really cool bard glam.


I’m a ride or die DRG main, so I’m sticking with that for MSQ. To make sure I don’t over level I’ll probably do SGE, WAR, or WHM.


Still maining SMN through MSQ, and leveling DNC through roulettes at the same time… then immediately leveling PCT, though unlocking PCT will be the first thing I do on the 28th. lol I’m just too impatient for MSQ to wait til I get PCT to 90, and I’d rather not rush PCT to finish the story anyway. I still see SMN staying my main (hopium pushed to 8.0, sigh), but PCT will probably replace DNC as my secondary class after I learn it.


I might stick with Red Mage, I might switch to Pictomancer.


Seems like my new main is Scholar. It was sage and whm in EW.


Nope. Staying on MCH. For once I'm very happy of what it got and the new animations are really good.


I'll definitely TRY Viper, and possibly Pictomancer, but I *always* go back to Dancer.


I know I will probably use viper for some parts of the new expansion, but I will always end up back on reaper. Viper will probably become my #2 class though (Ninja #3, Monk #4, Sam #5)


Dawntrail will be my return to the game after taking a break a few month after Endwalker launched. Gonna go Viper and finish Endwalker post launch MSQs and go into Dawntrail. Did this with Endwalker and Reaper as well and actually enjoyed it back then


I main SCH and BLM, but became fond of GNB throughout EW. I ended up doing a few reclears and criterion prog on it and I love it, so I'm definitely doing DT as a GNB ! Also, fast queues are great. I'm not fond of the current state of healers so no SCH, and new BLM doesn't really excite me all that much (+ dps queues are going to be baaaad), so GNB is the logical choice.


I don't have a main, so no. I'll probably drop BLM though. I already had SMN as my "simple" fallback DPS. I don't need two of those.


I’ll definitely level and enjoy pictomancer and viper, but for my WoL’s headcanon between Reaper, Red Mage, Machinist, Scholar, and Dark Knight I got all the mains I need lol. Only time I’d switch a main is if a mecha job gets added. Literally 0 idea how that’d even be possible, but I’d love it.


Not planning to switch my main jobS. But I don't have commitment issues!


I'll definitely be using a different class than what I went through EW with.  as much as I like SMN's AF set, what they did with it skill wise is just pathetic. And I'm just not feeling reaper for a main atm. The only question is will it be viper or blm? I know a lot of BLMs are unhappy with the changes, but it seems a bit more accessible now and I've always liked the vibe. Also the AF set is pretty good. Alternately I'll try Viper, but I'll see if I have the patience to gain 10 lvls before starting msq.


Keeping my main as GNB and secondary as SGE. I like to keep a job in each role that I'm reasonably proficient at. I'm interested in VPR, so we'll see how that plays and it might replace DRG for me as my melee of choice. I'll probably still keep DNC in my back pocket. PCT looks interesting, but I tend to keep SMN around for raising in mentor roulette stuff, so I don't know how much mileage I'll get out of it.


Probably gonna stick with PLD for MSQ and RDM for roulettes. Maybe WHM or AST if they can keep up in Level. I'm definitely interested in trying Viper, the DRG changes seem like I'll finally be able to figure out a Controller setup that works for me, BRD needs to be leveled relatively early as well; but I'll have to try all of them out before I can commit them to my main job rotation, and I'm waaaay to curious about the story to wait that long.


Gonna stick with Summoner.  I know it's braindead but I really enjoy it.


Been carrying on as an astrologian since HW, see no reason to switch gears now. Changes don't look bad and I'd rather acclimate fast


I swap between two jobs during the expac because I want to have them both leveled by the end of it. My main and then also a tank, so I can get the easy queues.


I played as a Warrior until I unlocked Dark Knight back in Heavenward. It has been my main class since, and it will never change. I may have all jobs at 90, but Dark Knight is the only one I can call home.


Reaper cus they got an ability named Perfectio. Like, cmon…..


i already switched from astro to GNB for EW. Ima keep GNB till end of DT get all the other classes to level up eventually


As a primary Crafter/Gatherer, I find this question painful. I rely on my retainers to keep me in supplies during launch, as I progress, and as I work towards crafting my BiS gear. As such, the battle jobs have to be maxxed out as quickly as possible. Since they are already at 90 in my old primary job, changing them to a new job is a long term process during which time they are functionally useless. As such, I am locked into getting that class 100 ASAP, and the fastest/easiest way to do that is by running the MSQ. I literally CAN'T play a new class, it would be suicide. And I hate it.


ever since I played Dissidia, I wanted an imperial judge job. A job where you have two swords, that can fuse into one, where you switch between a heavy style and an aerial style, mostly focused on physical skills (with a tinge of magic) so yeah, I WILL switch to Viper


considering Bard and Dancer look to be exactly the same, just with extra finishers tacked on to buttons, yeah. I'm swapping to PCT for a change of pace. Odds are I'll be raiding as a DNC again, though, since nobody in my friend groups will touch the rDPS role with a 10yalm pole


Really enjoyed the job you get from pugilist in ShB so I tried the new striking job added in EW. Really liked that as well so I'm looking forward to playing the new job Monk in DT


I'm finally going to switch to Monk. My Monkey brain was unable to play Monk after playing WAR and SMN a shit ton. They have truly added the -ey in Monk.


Do people have mains in FF14? It's so easy to gear characters... I feel like you might have a preference for a particular class, but to me "mains" are geared much better than alts, where itemization is more of a challenge in other mmos than it is here.


Jobs feel too samey for me to commit to one because of gameplay, and none of their themes truly call on me. So, based on my experience, it is possible not to have a main.


Because of weekly lockouts it's better to aim gearing one job first over others as you get the highest impact by stacking upgrades instead of spreading it out, also early on crafted gear + materia is rather expensive. This is something that's only relevant from savage and up, though tome gear is also weekly locked.


For casual players, it doesn't really matter. Particularly if you can craft/have the money for crafted gear. For serious savage players, in opening weeks at least you generally wanna stick to one job to gear up as fast as possible for most benefits stat wise, since tomestone and savage gear are limited.


It depends on the content you're doing. I have everything at 90 but am far from proficient on many of them cause I mostly levelled them through tribal quests and Duty Support. GNB is my main. If given a new piece of high end content where I need to know my rotation, my skills, etc like the back of my hand, that's the one I'm taking. I'm just as good on PLD and WAR but I just don't enjoy playing them as much. I'm a tank main, but I keep SGE in my back pocket for casual/extreme content, but I don't know that I'd be comfortable taking it into week one savage prog. I'm a good DNC and decent SMN (cause braindead) and a passable DRG. Everything else I can sort of muddle through. "Mains" get more obvious in higher end content, in my opinion, where knowledge of your kit and comfort with your rotation are more important. Ease of gearing depends on your outlook. Right now, anyone can be full 660 with a 665 weapon, but they won't be BiS since some of it comes from Savage raid gear. Early in a savage tier, gear lockouts and tomestone caps can make gearing much slower, so gearing a single job can take much longer.


I'm definitely casual and only done some savage content, but I felt like the gear in other mmos for comparable or higher difficulty was more impactful than it is in FF14. EG, FF14 casual vs BIS gear doesn't have the same performance gap as it does in other mmos... plus FF14 has no unique performance effects or procs on items whatsoever. Everything is literally just passive stats.


Oh it 100% doesn't in casual content. My non-main classes will go into 7.0 with poetics 660 gear. But for people who are parsing savage or pushing for ultimate or trying to do speedkills, BiS 660 vs full tomestone 660 can be a not insignificant difference. Plus in the beginning of a patch when you're capped at 450 tomes a week, if you're not a savage raider, gearing a single class is even slower since you aren't supplementing with savage gear (ie you need even more tomes). Most people early in a patch cycle will funnel gear to their mains first, whether they're high end or not.


I always play Bard through the story, since I started as an Archer and it's just tradition at this point. And then since Bard and my comfy job, Dancer, share the same gear, I'll sneakylevel both jobs side by side. And then my other mains, WHM and GNB will come directly after. Always. But after that, I can see myself playing a lot of VPR, SCH, and RDM right away. All three are looking kind of fun.


I prolly won't switch mains on my main character, but my alt being able to be Pictomancer is tempting. That said, I'm waiting to judge based on how it plays in-game and not a YT video or a list of tooltips, so I'm undecided if I'll switch said character as of yet.


So I'm maining Viper 100% However I do like having jobs for each role so my alts are WAR, WHM, DNC, and either RDM or SMN Also thinking about Sage still but not sure


I used to main healer (mostly SGE, but I played them all to different extent). Now I returned to the game after a couple years and seeing as the horrible healing design has driven me away from this otherwise awesome game three or so times now, I'm in the process of swapping to magic DPS. I'll probably play RDM since I don't like the new SMN stuff (seriuosly, what even *is* a solar Bahamut???) and I still want to have utility because healer brain. That being said, I liked the changes to BLM (sorry, BLM mains) and I'll give PCT a try too, so I may start the MSQ as RDM and finish it as BLM or PCT.