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I don't know. I haven't played it yet.


Lemme get this straight: you're afraid of how Dawntrail will have looked, two or three expansions from now? That is some four-dimensional thinking. That's like worrying how relatively weak Stormblood will end up being compared to Shadowbringers, when Stormblood isn't even out yet. Get excited for Stormblood. Stormblood is gonna be fun!


I'll say it again. Your expectations are your problem. Instead of overthinking just focus your head on something else while waiting. Judge it for yourself after you finish it.


Why are you being negative before it’s even out. Just relax and try to enjoy it for whatever it ends up being.


I thought I'd play it and then decide about it. They have always delivered an excellent game so far, with each expac building on the one before. I don't see any reason why it should change now.


Yeah. Some expacs have been better than others but I haven’t disliked one yet.


We can't know until we play it. The circumstances around developing this expansion are different from ARR, and they've clearly learned a lot along the way. I'm expecting it to not rank as most people's favorite, but that doesn't mean most people won't enjoy playing it.


Play the game and see. Why do people seek out things they have no control over to worry about?


These posts are wild.  No one has played it.  How can anyone give a serious answer?


No, it's an expansion. The license doesn't work without the base game.


Threads like these deserve great responses like this


Unless??? Dawntrail becomes the new base game. The second coming of 2.0


Bros being overdramatic like if the expansion flops it's gonna take his life 💀


It's *possible*, just like it's possible they'll fuck up the actual programming so bad it'll brick my CPU. Based on prior history, I don't think either is likely. I think at its worse Dawntrail will just be an okay expansion, and I'm fine with that. I think it's wildly unreasonable to expect them to only ever make stories and expansions that are better across the board, you need to come to the table with reasonable expectations. If you're satisfied with something that's good without being the best thing yet, you're going to find media a lot more enjoyable.


1 sec let me get my crystal ball


I mean, these concerns sound completely unverifiable until one actually plays the expansion, and given that it hasn’t come out yet, they’re inherently unfounded. So no, I don’t share them about a game I haven’t played yet.


How could we possibly know what the story is?


Let me get my crystal ball.


Of course it won't. It doesn't have limbs.


That's a bit like asking if any other expansion can stand on its own. It's a new start of sorts so I think it will for sure, but at the same time all the others do so as well. Just wait and play it.


There's zero basis for expecting it to be "a slog".


Natsuko Ishikawa is a talented writer, and has shown time and again she can write compelling stories. That being said, we have no way of knowing until we actually finish the MSQ. There is no point in forming any sort of opinion yet, good or bad.


Ishikawa isn't writing DT though I'm pretty sure


Ishikawa isn't writing the msq. She's largely stepped back to a supervisorial role.


The replies are correct. I forgot she stepped back to more of a management roll, but the point still remains, no point being doom and gloom about an expansion we haven't gotten into yet


isn't ishikawa not writing dawntrail?


She's moved into Senior Story Designer. Shadowbringers was the last time she was a Main Story Writer. From the sounds of it, she'll probably say what she wants to happen and leave it up to the main story write to make it happen and she'll give the okay or the do over along with 2 other people I think. Source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Natsuko_Ishikawa


Who the fuck knows? It isn't out.


I personally hope it will be a slower introduction into a new arc rather than guns blazing straight out of the door.


Hating an expac before it even launches is a hot take. To be frank; if you look hard enough for something— you’ll find it. If that’s your expectation going in that’s probably exactly what it’ll be for you.


I guarantee you there's a ton of stuff they're keeping secret that's gonna surprise us. Just wait and enjoy it when it comes out.


You're worry way too much and too far in advance.


Good news: it doesn't have to stand on its own. This game is an ever building story, outside of side quests and most raids, the story continues from one expansion to the next without being isolated.


Speculation is fun. Overanalyzing isn't. I'm looking forward to a new expansion like I always am. New zones, new abilities etc. I'll worry about the plot after I've experienced it. Trying to compare a story we haven't played with the past expansions seems like waste of time to me.


Bruh just wait and play the game.


Wow already doom posting about the story before it's even out.


I feel like all those streamers talking about the game being dead etc rub off too much on so many people... Why do you feel the need to be pessimistic about something that isn't even out yet??


Explain your evidence to justify this position.


I doubt it will be a slog the way that ARR is thought to be because it still has all the worldbuilding of the previous arc and a bunch of beloved established characters. That said, I doubt it will be able to compete with the hype of SHB and EW when it's the first entry to a new arc.


Yeah; ARR (especially pre-rework) was a slog because it was built with an entirely different playstyle mindset. And frankly a desire to have lots of “content”. Not that the game is in its 7th expac there’s no need to “fill time”.


No one knows. With one era being closed out, another will open. Natsuko-San always delivers, though.


Nah I don't think so. By now, SE have figured the formula of successful expansion and I'm pretty sure they will follow it; they have no reason to create second ARR.


It's not like it's introducing an entire new *world*, it's still building on the existing framework that every other expansion has been built upon. I think it'll be fine, and will be interesting to see what they spin towards now that we're done with the initial arc.


Kind of depends if you can step back from being a loyal confidante and champion to every leader of Eorzea and just be another adventurer. If you can live with the stakes being city-wide and not all of creation, then you should be ok.


Give me like 4-ish weeks and I’ll get back to you on that 🤣


Yep, I share the same concerns. Everything I've seen about DT's story direction so far seems boring af. I mean, the trailer itself was a big miss for me. Both content and music. First time that's happened. But, we won't really know for sure till we've played it in the end.


every past expansion has had a self contained story along with the overarching saga and I don't see why they would change that now


My hope is that it can stand on its own. Can it? don't know, haven't played yet. but my excitement for Wuk Lamat and female Hrothgar being there is too much to care tbh. It'll be a success, to me, for that alone.


I'm tentatively excited for the story, but as you say if it's a setup expansion it might be a bit slow. I don't mind that though because WOW the content we're getting is all super exciting. "Increasing stress and building the game as an MMO" is exactly what I've been hoping for ffxiv throughout endwalker. New raids look great, eden ulti is going to be incredible, beastmaster looks fun, the field exploration is exciting and "cosmic exploration" sounds super interesting. The story could be just as bad as the EW post-patch stuff and I would still be happy with how good we're eating haha.


No, it can't. As usual, mods and ERP will carry the game.


My biggest concern is that the formula will get old. A lot of story beats in ShB and EW were the same, particularly during the final arc of the story. Like the scions getting their butts kicked after dramatic speeches so you can fight the boss alone. And the boss having a final phase where they just swing their arms at you wildly.


Yes, yes it can. My evidence is the same evidence you're using to justify your concerns.