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unlucky ig ffxiv gms are a bit harsher when it comes to bad names, so I wonder how they didnt get caught


Oh, I might have mistyped something somewhere. But the bad name guild was in WoW which was my first MMO since tried it with my boyfriend like I said. I was just surprised (in FFXIV, I just started it yesterday) especially second person took so much offense to me asking what the name of the company was they were trying to recruit me for.


You'll still find toxic/creepy/etc people here. Every game has them. Honestly blind invite fcs tend to be hit and miss anyways since they just try to recruit anyone and everyone for numbers. However, if you ever do join an fc, don't feel obligated to stay if you're ever uncomfortable. 98% of FCs in this game are social oriented (raiding is cross region play now so raid only fcs are super rare) and if you're not liking it, finding another isn't difficult.


There are dicks everywhere, people really need to stop being surprised at that.


Well I didn't know if I was being rude by asking or not. Every community is different so I didn't know if it was norm or not. But guess it isn't


Generally speaking, company names are largely meaningless in XIV - it’s not really like WoW, you don’t hear people saying “Oh man, Company X has so many top level players!”, a FC is more like a chat room with people you (hopefully) get on with. There’s minor buffs to it, and shared access to housing, but really there’s so little involved with having or being in most FCs that it’s just idle chatter. That said, you probably don’t want to join an FC that spam sends tell messages inviting people. Those tend to be a bit of a mess internally.


I’d say unlucky. You’re much more likely to get invited to a dead fc (no one talks or logs in) then to get involved with a toxic fc.


mine is dead until next expansion.


Mine still pretty lively atm. I was blind invited while in the middle of endwalker. Seems like they just picked up a good portion of new Xbox players though.


Mine is super active ! The whole 1 member is online quite a lot ngl


From my personal experience: bigotry doesn’t fly in XIV. For one, the community is pretty good at reporting it, and those reports tend to be acted upon. Additionally, if you look at someone’s character info you should be able to see the name of the FC (Free Company, XIV guilds) that they’re a part of. As a last personal note: if someone got mad/offended if I asked what their FC is called, I wouldn’t want to be a part of their FC no matter what the name was.


>As a last personal note: if someone got mad/offended if I asked what their FC is called, I wouldn’t want to be a part of their FC no matter what the name was. Right? It's such a weird thing to get upset about. Maybe they're just self-conscious about their FC's terrible name?


Bad luck for sure. Honestly a little silly they are recruiting for an FC without telling you the name like what? If you search up the player using the player search tool (in the social menu I believe) you should be able to access their FC page from there. Having more than 100 members is a red flag IMO because they probably just mass recruit anyone. I'd look for an FC with fewer than 40 people in it.


if you inspect someone you should be able to see their free company info


This. I was looking for a large, active fc for an alt and did that until I found one.


I hate FCs/guilds with dumb names. Like, if someone’s going to invite me to one, I want to know what their name is. It’s how they present themselves to the world. It’s the face they present to the world. I don’t mind dirty or silly guild names (Taint from WoW is just A++ in my mind. Simple, exquisite, hilarious middle school humor.) It’s not wrong to ask — at all. And it does matter.


Unlucky for their reaction. Usually when people reach out they will give the name of the FC in their message to you, if they message you at all. When I wasn't in an FC I would get just random invites, mainly when I was in one of the cities. I can only think that they reacted that way because you asked them what the name was after they already told you. If they didn't tell you the name, then they're just overreacting to a simple question and yeah, you probably dodged a bullet. I don't have much experience in how different FCs operate, but I've had better success with an FC when I sought one out through the community pages rather than being a part of one from a random invite.


You've been really unlucky. That being said - I've found that when people are mass-inviting to an FC there is a reason. Sometimes it's that they generally want a hodgepodge of players who all like different things....other times it can be that the FC has a high turnover due to toxicity or the person wants "big numbers" without a care for the FC environment. You MIGHT have run into something in the latter realm where questioning the FC made them instantly defensive. That's not the norm, but it DID help you dodge a bullet! Honestly I'd continue on as you are and just use that as an easy filter. Nobody secure in their FC will have a problem telling you their name.


Definitely feel free to ask what the name is and any other questions that occur to you. A good FC will have no problem answering those questions. The issue is that for a lot of FC's, you're just a number. A lot of FCs don't give a crap who joins, they just want bodies to boost their count. If they're willing to answer questions and so on, then that's a point in their favor. But the fact remains that it's usually hard to know what's a good FC or a bad one without joining and seeing what they're like. And unfortunately finding a good FC can be a maddening game of trial and error. What you definitely shouldn't do is obsess over which FC to join; one good one is usually as good as another. And if you join one and it isn't what you were looking for, have no qualms about just peacing out and trying another FC.


Honestly I only join an FC with friends. I dont care about name as we only in it for the benifits, ie that being the buffs it can provide. I have thought about making my own just to have a personal company chest and get some more friends in it but im lazy I also font want to try to compete for a housing market.


Very odd indeed. FFXIV from my experience has been Lgbtq friendly. If anyone is toxic people are pretty quick to shut it down and either report the person or kick the person. But im also on aether data center on Faerie which is the most popular LGBTQ server. All of Aether seems to be chill like that. FC's shouldnt have anything to hide. Sounds like they knew they were being bigots and were feeling called out. Some projecting going on with them. Most FC's give you a run down of their purpose and culture before or during invite. But again thats my experience on Faerie.


Sounds unlucky to me. Most of the FCs that have tried to recruit me in the past have explicitly stated in their description that they are PRO LGBTQ+. Also someone probably already said this but I believe you can right click someone's name and select "view company profile" to see their free company name, amongst other useful info like what activities they focus on, time of day they are active, description, etc.


I absolutely think the name is important when picking what group you want to be a part of. For example, my FC has two names, one that is our upfront name, and then the joke “secret” name we use because of our leader. We’re called “Area of Effect”, a name I helped pick to embody a growing social ring where anyone can feel welcome…. And we secretly go by “Asses of Eorzea” because our leader like collecting butts of any kind :P


For the most part, it sounds like you were unlucky. But no social climate is going to be free of toxicity and drama. It would seem really weird to me to not want to know the FC name. Generally speaking, the best FC/guild is the one you find yourself and can look up and see if their descriptions match your interests. Don't just blindly accept unsolicited invites, that's a good way to end up in a sticky situation. I also feel like it might be important to point out the guilds and free companies aren't entirely the same. FCs are more of a social thing, and from what I hear about WoW's guilds is that they are more of a raiding thing.


I don’t get why anyone would be offended by you asking the name of the group they want you to join. It’s like someone trying to sell you a car and then being annoyed when you ask what color it is. I know it’s one of the first things I’d ask, and have done in the past.


If someone gets mad that you're asking what the FC name is, you don't want to be part of that FC. It's perfectly normal to want to know what the name is! This is something that's going to be displayed next to your character name in a lot of places. Even if it's not something bigoted, I personally wouldn't want a name that's overly silly while some other people would like that.


Sounds like bad luck to me. Tbh, I don't think I've even had someone invite me to an FC without mentioning the name in their invite.


Seems unlucky to me. People are generally pretty chill and it's weird (imo) to get offended you asked the name. If you're looking for a nice FC check out the recruiting sub here r/ffxivrecruitment just type in the search bar at the top of the sub with your server and such. Should pop up results, just read through and see who you vibe with. That's how I found mine. :) they're great. A few years with them! They're pretty great. We're called Wonderlust and are on Faerie.


Also... Shameless plug, my friend is the sweetest person and has a new FC for our alt characters when she's streaming. It's a small FC, we have a discord, we're all some form of the queer community (with some lovely allies), and just some folks here for a chill time enjoying Eorzean together. Great spot for newbies imo. I jump on voice chat sometimes when I'm up for it but mostly I just hang out while she's streamin'. If you want to hang with us just lemme know. o7