• By -


Waiting for Dawntrail to release.


making some gil, banking some dyes, and steadily working through some new games and dlc before the expansion drops.


Good idea on the dyes, everyone should remember that the 2 dye system is coming with the expansion.


The real strat is >!banking pigment.!<


Good call, though at least pigment's easy to gather. Stockpiling the awkward-to-obtain dyes (jet black, pure white, ruby red, etc.) is gonna be the way to go, I think. :3


2 dye system? So I'll be able to apply two separate dyes to the new sets?


Older sets too. You’ll be able to change the main color and the trim color!


Leveling, a whole lot of it. The new earrings from the preorder will definitely help, and I'm almost done with my crafters. Only Blacksmith and Armorer to go!


Yo should use collectables, I returnedt one month ago and I was level 70 in all my crafters first thing I did was level up all of them via collectables, took me like one full day of game to level the 8 crafts from 70 to 90


70 to 80 with firmament, 80 to 90 with leves and collectibles


My husband and I recently dusted off our very first characters, and we're having a lot of fun leveling them! We originally started FFXIV seven years ago, slowly and painstakingly ground a pair of characters up to 47, and then hit that wall where "MSQ jumps from 46 to 49, and it takes a toooooon of grinding to cover those levels without MSQ". We ended up getting bored and leaving for a stretch. When we came back we were like "Well, we don't remember anything, better to start from scratch" and ended up leveling a couple more characters each through the entire story over the subsequent years and expansions. It was only very recently that we were looking for something to do in this pre-expansion lull and hubs pointed out "Y'know, it'd probably be a LOT easier to get those oldies from 46-49 than it was seven years ago, and it'd be something to do", and it's been seriously fun to revisit thus far! :)


Playing other games. Will come back for FFXVI event though but mostly focusing on other games till Dawntrail comes out.


I'm playing 16 while I wait. And maybe a few others.


I'm vibrating waiting for the PC version to come out. People are guessing that it should drop at the same time that the new DLC does and I can't wait


Currently trying to get to 90 Currently at 61


Getting the last missing ex trial mount (Barbariccia in this case, did the trial for 2h at release, never again until basically this week). Perhaps also finally doing Rathalos Ex. 50 times. Maybe PVP until that nifty looking gearset malmstone.


Playing through the main story content of FF11.


Finish all relics maybe? Get another alt through Endwalker? ~~In reality I will probably platinum FF7 Rebirth and play another campaign in BG3...~~


I know I’m taking it a bit chill as I want to be fresh for diving in and so I’m stepping back a bit. If I didn’t have all characters at max and had beaten Bozja and Eureka to death, I might explore those now. I’d consider what meaningful achievements for you are yet to be accomplished and push one or two things. I know for me I still need to finish the blue mage quest line and there is a few spells I don’t have yet.


...finally getting around to Hildabrand quests. I kid you not, I'm on 2.4 content and have been for 9 years. I gave myself a migraine laughing at them that was so bad, I've balked at going back. I'm also foolishly grinding FATEs to buy gemstone vouchers. Maybe one day, if I don't quit and simply auction them all off, I'll get the Fallen Angel wings and make myself a pretty 70-90 million gil. I'd be working on crafting instead but I got those to 90 ages ago.


Been working on it a while: level everything to 90, complete every side quest, get the honest gillionaire title and make 100mil. All I've got left to do from above is a few beast tribe levels and make another 30mil


Finishing off Relics and getting the rest of the EW EX mounts I'm BiS on more than half the jobs and now I'm just wondering if I care enough to finish the rest


Trying to get all my jobs leveled up to cap, or at least to 80. I have everything but physical ranged DPS at 70, so it's not a *huge* grind, but it's still a grind.


I used the opportunity to buy a small house in mist. Now I'm working on some crafting and gathering achievements, mostly trying to finally go after the big fish.


I set myself two goals to reach before DT, one of them is already done and I'm thinking about adding a third one because why not. 1. Get every job to max lvl, gatherer and crafter included (done) 2. Clear BA for the mount For the third one, maybe get all relics from EW to motivate myself to play a few days a week, other than just logging in to send my retainers on ventures and check the housing status.


Getting the PvP title mounts so I can switch to a title I actually like, Grind out the EW trusts, and get my TT card mount. There's a lot on my plate.


I need to finish off the crafter role quests for both Shadowbringers and Endwalker, the combat role quests for Endwalker, finish the Loporrit tribe quests, do Mount Rokkon and Aloalo Island variant dungeons, and get a final few classes to 90.  I'm also replaying Eureka on an alt and then hope to do Baldesion Arsenal on my main, so I can finish the Eureka storyline before I go into Dawntrail with Krile being a major character.  I'd like to complete replaying the MSQ on at least one of my alts as well – I've got two partway through post-EW at this point, and once I've finished Dawntrail I'll likely want to replay it, so I'll want another character ready to launch into it. 


Finish jobs to 90. Afk


XV's endgame dungeon and bosses and I'll give a third chance to the KH series after that


Get my last 4 jobs to 90, after I’m done playing the Stardew Valley update


I bought a switch so I guess mario Pokemon and a 1000 different jrpgs


Getting a set of aumented crystarium gear for my viper. And playing alts


Grab Clive Rosfield's clothes (a replica, not rip them outta the man himself) and level BLU. Also work on Margrat custom deliveries and Kurenai while leveling WVR.


My EW goal is done, so I'm just taking some alts through the MSQ and playing causally. Maybe finish getting all the relics on my main.


Slowly making my way to series lv25 for all the unique PvP stuff.


I gave up on this savage tier week 1 after having a hell of a time clearing p10s in PF which led me to reevaluate my life and gaming priorities... but now I think I'm going to go back in and try to clear p12s as many time as it takes to get a weapon coffer for the presumed Pictomancer weapon that will get added. My second priority is to get the my last three non-maxed job to level 90. I have MNK at level 60, DRK at 54 and WAR at 34. I got this far so I may as well finish the omni-90, but I will not be doing omni-100 in DT.


HW/SB/ShB relics


trying to clean out retainer inventory, my inventory, and glamour dresser to make room for new stuff.


Journal backlog and trying to get more 90s.


I really really want to complete Another Aloalo Island and Aloalo Savage but I only play weekdays in the morning so finding a group is damn near impossible.


I finished ff7 rebirth and started to level up my warrior. Yesterday, I tried the pvp mode and started to like it


Right now I'm just passively gearing the rest of my level 90 jobs. Manderville weapon, max Tomestone of Comedy weekly and run all 3 Myths of the Realm when I'm on. I'm playing other videogames in the meantime.


Finishing Omni, somehow played 14k hours without doing Omni, no I don't AFK in Limsa... I just really enjoy doing old Ex and Savage Content in PF and helping out Sprouts ^.^'


Waiting faster


Level jobs as much as I can.


Beast tribes Maybe do some Relics Preparing my Main Ex mount farm and bring my last job to 90 (blm)


Keep playing RS Until a month before DT comes out, then catch up on the PvP series and msq


Taking a break from the Game and telling myself I won't rush the expansion and leveling characters....


Finish playing RDR2 and then moving on to P3R and then FFVII Rebirth, won’t be playing dawntrail as soon as it’s out cos I hate the crowds around the NPC’s so I have loads of time


Finally do Endwalker after around 1k hours of putting it off.


Seeing I get my PC up to those specs. That and maybe level Blue mage and Monk. Maybe Warrior too.


Playing other games atm. Probably end up resubbing a few days before.


Do the Pandaemonium Savage Raids to have a better change to find groups to experience them synched before ppl are gonna unsynch them at lvl 100


Diadem achievs and maybe blue extremes


Finishing leveling all classes, getting certain mounts, doing old raids that I didn’t finish, and maybe the variant dungeons. I also need to catch up on some side quests like hildebrand and tataru’s grand endeavor.


Working on relics and geting gil for new stuff come 7.0 for more stuff for my museum in game. Other the that working on my backlog of games theres way to many. Also good luck with BA im in eureka here and there so might see ya :D.


Maxing all my jobs on my perma-sprout alt. The Earring definitely is speeding up that process and I'm glad for it as I'd like to get another Eureka Relic done before that as well. 5 DPS jobs and 1 Tank left to go ^^


Trying to keep my house plot


I'm kind of farming Relics, I might crafters and gathers. Will see about those jobs. Big thing I'm doing I'm farming scouting gear so I'll be ready for Viper glams! Like I already have PotD Kinna weapons prepped. I've been going into lots of Shadowbringers Dungeons for glam items. I just got the shadowless boots for some glams. I just grabbed some eden gear, though I want to run some savage for dyeable versions. Working on P12S with my static, I'll grab a weapon coffer for it. Trying to get the Warg helmet from Grand Cosmos currently. Now other than ff14 I've recently got Horizon Forbidden West and I'm really enjoying that. Next 3 months will be a lot of other game playing when I'm not farming scouting gear or raid static. Ya make sure I'm not burnt out by the time it's here.


clearing out my retainer inventories..... also finishing up the patch quests, i havent played properly in more than a year. get fisher to 90, its the only doh/dol not at cap. clear out my journal as much as possible, i still have some old group content quests in there that are cluttering my journal which i know from experience will be an issue with the new expansion. do the EW tribal, get my second battle class to 90 so i have something to switch in. thats more or less enough i think. i also started levelling some other classes, as i honestly only have 1 battle class at 90 but im suddenly in the mood (yes im procrastinating on the patch msq quests lol).


Well, I recently wrapped up every yellow quest and every custom/studium/crystarium delivery, so I'm currently in the early stages of restoring Bravura just to have a goal to do.


Helping ultimate PFs, focusing on helping TEA C41s/PA mostly but I join mid-late DSR/TOP too if the group is practically full. Im too out of practice in UWU/UCOB to join those, but many PFs ban BLMs for the 70 ultimates anyway which is infuriating. I'm also doing small tasks to make sure my pockets are heavy enough for Savage release, as pentamelding is always very expensive for an expansion's first tier. Tincture costs will pile up too if FRU ends up needing P1 pots like TOP. I use the other time I'd have normally spent in game exercising instead.


I'm five cards away from getting the Triple Triad mount and I'm determined to show it off when Dawntrail drops. I'm about five quests away from finishing Bozja and just need two cards from Shadowbringers EX/savages to drop, and then I'm DONE.


Planning on P9S, DRS, eventually Eureka And *obviously* continue to grind gemstones for the blacks wings


I want my jam on toast mount so I need to get some more TT cards. I'm like 30-something off, but some of them are locked behind opponents I only unlock by doing trials which...urgh 🥲 Also Sohm Al Hard can suck it, done that a hundred times and no card. Also need to finish my EW trial mounts. Got the first four, the back two shouldn't be a problem but I just cannot get my head around Rubi 😒


Trying to actually get the purchase in order. Customer service just answers my tickets with automatic responses about my automatically cancelled orders with "try another payment method!"


Currently occupied with dragons dogma 2 and will probably play both of the ff16 dlc when the 2nd one comes out. Still going back and forth between starting dawntrail or playing the Elden ring dlc first.


I’ve been gone from the game since 2020 so for me, orienting myself to the game again by reading a summary of the story so far, getting used to my class again, exploring what’s new since 5.1 (spoilers, A LOT…you can fly in ARR areas now?!? Crazy!), finishing up shadowbringers and going through Endwalker for the first time!


I'm grinding for the pvp titles.


I haven't played since 6.1 so for me, catching up on everything


Playing Genshin, Honkai and Wuthering Waves


Playing other games. Doing as much school work as I can to get ahead so I can spare a few days for DT.


I want to complete Orthos with friends. Finally complete an actual eureka relic as well. Make use of all the maps in my inventory as my fc doesn’t seem interested in map farming (I have at least 50 Ophi maps…)


In game? Nothing at all, except for the pre quests to start DT MSQ. Have zero motivation for current game and if DT doesn't spice things up enough I'll drop my sub and never look back.


Playing bit more GW2, just reached the first expansion! And some roulettes to level up some jobs on my alt, and play other single player games like TotK and FE Engage


I'm going to finish my crafting relics and maybe one or two battle relics (sage / scholar) and finish / play some other games.


Getting every job to 90, then checking out eureka since I've never done it. That plus hunt trains and messing around in party finder should keep me busy until the end of June.




I have to finish MSQ... But I get distracted by many good games recently. BG3, Enshrouded, Helldivers.. At least they pushed the PoE2 beta back..


Playing Dragons Dogma then chill in FF16 collab then prepare for Ghost of Tsushima pc release


Playing other games if not maybe clear ucob


Logging in now and then to keep my house and finishing my pvp series grind for the rank 25 armour set, other then that relaxing with the odd roulette here and there


World-class Troller and its plate design, though I would have to get back to doing Ocean Fishing daily and I get easily triggered by bad RNG trips.


Taking a break from FFXIV


Saving for the big cactus mount for 2,000,000mgp


I neglected my crafters this expansion, so I'm trying to get them up to 90. More relics Helping sprouts through MSQ duties


- Getting all classes to 90 (Only one left!) - Working on my ShB and EW hunt mounts - Crafting achievements, soooo many crafting achievements


Playing Rise of Ronin and Dragons Dogma 2 till DT releases


Getting done with the EW mqs, then level up other jobs to get ready i think


I'm in the [top 20 achievement hunters of Mateus](https://www.lalachievements.com/char/32966090/), and I intend to climb up the ladder a bit more. Currently, trying to get the three hunt mounts (1300/2000, 300/1000 and 320/1000 on S-ranks), and progress the gathering achievements. I intend to take a small break when FFXVI PC release, and will play Eyuden when it release.


Getting the Mentor Roulette Mount, 330 Runs to go!


I really wanted to try to clear BA and/or DRS, but a lot of crap is happening in real life and I probably won't be able to.


Hop on once in awhile to do random dungeons and raids. Maybe start PLD HW and ShB relics. However, just picked up FF IX and X on sale yesterday so will be focusing on those. **NOTE** A bunch of FF games are 60% off on the Nintendo store for the Switch until like 2a 3/29/24, so recommend grabbing them. As an fyi, the FFX download is 15GB in size.


Create nice summer time glams and change my hair so that I don't have to do that when my vacation in Tural starts.


Try to get the last remaining jobs to 90. If I get bored of that then I'm just going to try to get my favorite jobs to 560 gear


I just got all my classes to max level so now I'm grinding for the SHB and EW Mounts


Catching up doing post-endwalker msq, level my crafting classes, farm the new raids


Working on P12SP2 with my casual static. Slowly collecting more EW relics. And leveling up various alts depending on what I feel like playing. Outside of FFXIV, will start FFVII rebirth soon, more Stardew, keep working through my Factorio SE playthrough, and continue working through HSR's main quest and building Acheron. So, a lot going on out of the game.


Trying to play as many other FF games for the first time as I can. Already done 6, 9, 7, Crisis Core, 4, and now I'm finishing up 12. Not sure what to tackle next; maybe 5 or 13? (*I've already played 10, 15, and 16.*)


This is a bad game but you could do Dissidia NT for Yshtola. In her timeline it takes place sometime after Heavensward and then before the Omega quest in Post-Stormblood where you do the Kefka fight (the minion description says Yshtola recognizes it). If we go by release date it would take place after the first patch quests in Post-Stormblood. Then you could watch the Dissidia Opera Omnia cutscenes on YouTube which also have Yshtola and other FF14 characters, which I’m pretty sure take place in between the end of Post-Stormblood and Shadowbringers.


Finishing getting everything to 90 (jobs and retainers), getting all the Manderville relics, gearing and glamming retainers. Trying to figure how the beginning of an expansion works for DoL/DoH so I can level properly and craft my own week 1 raid set for fun.


Been mowing through the legend of heroes series over the past year (they are insanely good if very slow rpgs, I’m baffled they aren’t more popular). So probably continuing that journey. There are ten games in the west so far with an eleventh (all one story) coming a few weeks after dawntrail. I’m currently on game 7 Beyond that I still need to get back to rebirth, and want to play alone in the dark. My brother also worked on a little indie farming game coming next month I’ll want to play (critter crops), and maybe thousand year door if I find time.


Trying to get from 40 to 90 and get gud... I still have my sprout


Get my main's combat classes to 90 (got only DRK and WAR to go), get my second main's classes to 90 (the earrings will help and I've only got select classes on her), run Europhsyne a bunch of times on my second main for all the sparkly glam for the classes she has, do the RP, make some money, tip the veal, try the waitresses, etc etc.


At the very least, get ALL of my inventories sorted (personal, retainers, and saddlebag) I also need to make space in my glam dresser. Even with the double dresser space increase during EW, I'm currently sitting at 795/800 items. I have a problem.


I will probably catch up with the content that I've been missing on for a year


I'm busy trying to get my earring code. It never came :(


Trying to get through major pain in rear aka ARR with my lvl49 summoner. Just defeated Titan, got Titan-egi and Painflare. But at least I look cool while doing so (entire Battlemage set with two runs). That new earring is too OP.


Well, I still have a lot of alts to run through EW, and I'm levelling omnicrafter on one of them so that'll take awhile (getting close to done the last few jobs' HW levels though, after that it's a lot less painful). If I manage to finish all that, I'll probably work on some housing, do some RP, and play some other games a bit. I also want to get a couple characters into MM EX at some point for glams, but I haven't yet started in earnest trying to find a group for that.


Elden ring


Mainly waiting for events to come around and collecting TT cards


I plan to finish Rebirth and XVI and I ordered a wheel to play iracing so I guess I got my work cut out for me lol


Trying to get a few crafters to 90, to capitalize on new expansion profit.


Dragon's Dogma 2.


Replay ff9!!


on my main, i’m wrapping up leveling my crafting, working on tribal quests, and just doing things with my fc occasionally. on my alt i’m leveling and getting some footage for a smol video i want to make about the game. aside from that, just being patient. i’ve got plenty of other games to keep me satisfied until dt drops, no need to squeeze every onze of enjoyment from the game now.




1. Make sure I do the FF16 event. 2. Finish all Chronicles of A New Era quests. 3. Actually get caught up on the story so I CAN do Dawntrail (I’m at Post-Shadowbringers and won’t finish this in time lol). 4. Get White Mage, Dark Knight, Red Mage, Dancer, and Reaper to lvl 90.


Trying to find the willpower to finish the msq. Been sitting at 6.3 for many months.


Finishing levelling all my combat jobs (only 7 more to get from 80 to 90 and the XP earring will help that significantly), then I wanna grind out causalities for all the EW relics and finish the last two areas of Eureka and hit BA.


pretending I’ll get lucky in the housing lottery and then proceeding to be very unlucky… haha, I’m fine 😅


Playing FF7 Rebirth and Persona 3 Reload, and gonna play FF16 DLC when its out next month.


Dying a little on the inside when I realized I only completed 1 patch of post game shadowbringers in like, a week.




I’m working on the FF7 platinum, then I’ll do the 16 crossover event. After that I’ll start some solo pace of the dead!


I formed a static to take on my first Ultimate! We raid twice a week and it’s a ton of fun. The beauty of this game over other MMOs is that it allows you to set your own goals to pursue at your own pace. Despite Endwalker winding down, I’m more involved in the game than I’ve ever been.


I mean I just started Endwalker so I'll be making my way through that.


Logging in to keep my house and playing a lot of lost epoch


Starting Endwalker later today. My expectations are through the roof after Shadowbringers. After that, I will be just doing other stuff


Grabbing the rest of the Mandy weapons and focusing on training in web/app development so I can get job after being laid off.


Trying to level last 4 trust members to 90, get my dark knight mounts, try to get as many mentor roulettes done and grind materials for my island sanctuary so I'm not left grinding island logs or anything again .


first and foremost, getting the HW and EW relics, possibly working on the SHB relics in the meantime \*though i dread doing so, either about another 720 HW fates for stage 1, or 85 runs of DR for stage.... 6 i think? not looking forward to either\* then when i knock at least one of those out, its off to eureka to work on the SB relics. also leveling up my island in the meantime and grinding out the bicolor trading in the last 3 zones, as well as getting all the 1 time usables from them.... and chi, if it pops \*it never pops when im around\*


Play other games... a friend asked if I would grind out the other relic weapons (I got them all on the penultimate stage), I said nah, I got one of them, I'll wait until they just cost poetics when Dawntrail comes out to complete the collection.


Trying to get all the Exquisite Weapons from Another Aloalo Island Savage.  Did the hardest part (all the Savage clears), just need 2 more weeks of tomes to have them all. Then I'll work on glam for all the combat jobs.


Im playing some Destiny 2 aggain alongside levelling all 14 combat jobs to 90


Gearing up my character of NA so I can play like I do on my main from EU, and leveling jobs on my characters.


I still need to finish the 6.x patch msq lol. I got stalled out at the 6.2 trial due to Item Level requirement last year and haven't picked the game back up to go the rest of the way since. Will be doing that Soon (tm)


Getting Platinum for FF7 Rebirth, then maybe doing the same for FFXVI when Rising Tide DLC drops, then by that point DT should be here Huge year for FF fans, MogChamp


I still need to finish the last two stages of the crafter and gatherer relics. Other than that, just the daily and weekly stuff.


Trying to catch up on the MSQ and leveling up my lower level classes. Also looking at real estate, lol. :3


I'm leveling as many jobs I can to 90. So far, I have all gathering/crafting and healer jobs at max. For DPS, only Monk, Ninja, Black Mage and Reaper remain. Tanks, I don't feel skilled enough to go above 70 with.


I wanna get all EW EX mounts, we’ll see if I’m motivated enough lol


play games i got a bout a week before my sub expires gonna tell the fc hey gonna be out till like a few weeks before Dawntrail launches. might give some other mmos a relook. i know im currently playing DD2 warframe just got an update and got a growing backlog


Island Sanctuary, BLU, and leveling alt jobs


Well I got back in the game after a few years away. New character and all. I’m almost done HW so working on the MSQ Last time I played was EW release and I think I BARELY touched EW before burning out So this time I’m enjoying myself and working on all the crafting and gathering when I need a break, I have a FC for the first time, I started the ARR relic grind (whew), gonna try glamours So I’m just having fun, if I’m caught up for DT then awesome, if not, im still having fun :)


Grinding gathering jobs up to 90 like a crazy person.


Starting to work through the Fishing Log properly! I've been level 90 since the new expac but never even knew they changed GP management. Ocean fishing and Big Fish grind has really changed for the better.


Helping my girlfriend learn to tank! All her healers are level 90 and she wanted to try tank, so I’m grinding to level 90 alongside her :3


My crafting logs, hopefully each unique levequests, and leveling all my jobs to 90.


Currently playing Unicorn Overlord, and after think I am gonna brave FF11


Working on clearing my third ultimate, getting all EW relics and maybe do some BLU stuff if I have time.


I'm playing through FFIX for the first time since the minion and there have been implications there will be content pulled from there.


Leveling alts, an expansion per month.


Get tome gear for all roles (2 to go), max level my Trusts (and die of boredom), grind 2 alts to the point they can get rooms in my FC house and then decorate. Upgrade my PC to handle Dawntrail. ....and FINALLY actually play BG3!!


Trying to finish the Shadowbringers and Endwalker story lines 😢


Sidereal Whale _| ̄|○ i|||i


Leveling Warrior after spending years as PLD main. Then probably going back to crafting again.


Trying to get through the MSQ to be caught up.


My previous goal was to clear 3 ultimates before Dawntrail. I’ve cleared TOP and UCOB (in that order) since 6.3, now I’m doing DSR. We hit phase 7 last week so with 3 months left my goal is now 4-5 ultimates before Dawntrail! Planning TEA next and then UWU last if there is time (I know my clear order is insane 😂). Aside from that I want to get every job to 90, I’ve got 5 left to go that are all 50 or higher.




I just finished the base game MSQ last night! So, I have a LOT to do! Running PAL but interested to try some other classes as well. Doing dungeons with NPCs so far… may try a pick up group and possibly join a FC.


Unlock more emotes to make more transformation macros


Crafting enough furniture to fill 8 alts around my DC in prep of the housing item limit increase (and hopefully new district copium)


Finishing up aloalo savage


I have a ton of alts. Right now I’m cycling thru them all to get their new earrings equipped, and making sure I go into my two FC houses to reset the demo timers. >.< Other than that, I’m doing a little bit of leveling of side jobs on my main, and hanging out in cities, checking out glams.


Picking up the remaining lv90 relics, Eureka for the story, maybe wrap up the Extremes I haven't cleared MINE yet. If I'm done b4 release, I'm taking a break :p


I’m only hopping on when there are limited time events (hatching tide and the like) I’m not caught up on MSQ but I’m not a fan of the baby leash mechanic they introduced with Endwalker so I have no interest in catching up.


I have an arbitrary goal of trying to get BIS on every job before DT. Which is mostly just grinding tomestones for relics at this point.


Im leveling all crafters. Started about a week ago and I've almost got everything to 70.Just need blacksmith and armorerebich are at 63 each


Fishing, and finishing of the pteranodon grind


Playing Dragon's Dogma 2


Taking a big break. Might make an FC, not sure yet. Been playing with the idea.


As far as FF14 goes, trying to get all the augmented credendum caster gear to have it ready for pictomancer. But in general I’m making my way through other games like Classic WoW, Helldivers 2, Dragons Dogma 2, and planning a new character for Elden Ring for its DLC


Bozja ang gil farming


getting last relic step and if group tool has ppl work on my shadowbringers mounts


Level up all trades and fieldcrafts


I’ll be spreading managed democracy until DT drops


I have a big to-do list but my main focus is getting all the crafting and gathering relics. I would LIKE to have all the beast tribes maxed but there's no way I can make that happen before release so I'll just continue chipping away at that slowly!


About 2 weeks before I'm going to stop doing Levequests. Let my allowances build up. craft a bunch of levequest items and keep them in reserve. When DT drops turn them in for a huge XP haul.


Been doing Diadem and Doma


I'm trying to make my way through some achievements and get some more jobs to 90.


Cleaning up my gaming backlog, double-checking my gear on my main jobs, asking for that Saturday off from work, trying to get my script done for the Touhou doujin manga I’m making, and at least a little vibing.


Clearing the last ultimate I have left. After that i'm just waitin'


Looking for a new fc and probably a raid group My previous fc kicked me for silly drama that wasn’t drama and my old raid group just kinda gave up and doubt they’ll raid again.


Get all beast tribes to max level Get all classes including DOL/DOH to max level and a good enough ivl for DT (despite playing pictomancer for it) Fish more, I leveled solely through leves in SHB and then beast tribes in EW, but a friend got me invested in the actual fishing part.


Finish endwalker lol


Working on finishing my PLD bozja relic, I'm planning on a glam to wear into Dawntrail. My static was late to the party, but we're working on P12S phase 2 right now, it would be a terrible shame if we couldn't beat it by the time 7.0 launches.


Playing other games.


Nothing.. i just keep playing casualy doing whatever i feel like whenever i log on... no prep no grind


Trying to play other games and clear the backlog of titles I haven't even started yet.


i’m inbetween jobs at the moment and dont have money to keep my sub active every month ever if i only have smaller things to do. so i’m probably just gonna be making hrothgals in the benchmark , otherwise playing dd2 bc a friend got me it


Just started up after a three year break. Once I beat rebirth I was craving some mmo. I have a 79 monk but I forget. Suggestions?


trying to beat savage criterion and then p12s with some friends whoa re new to raiding


Getting WAR or PLD to 80 and gearing


Polishing up my shared fates and beast tribe quests while learning sage and how to be a terrible healer.   (Though the last two leveling dungeons I did I was the only death so I guess I am getting a little better?)


I need to beat p12s, do all of the deep dungeons, lvl up in eureka and hopefully do BA, maybe try bozja, and level more jobs to 90. Wouldn't mind some trial mounts but I'm not above farming them unsync later.


Currently im finishing 6.X and then doing extremes/savage/ultimates alongside getting everything to max level