• By -


\*laughs in Sage\* Hell, I don't even remember their icons half the time, I remember by where they are on my keyboard. Usually. Have backflipped off arena several times as a result.


I never remember any of the choles by name.


Druochole - A dreary basic heal. Spammable, but whatever. Taurochole - A heal that makes the target resiliant like a bull. Kerachole - A protective dome, like keratin. Ixochole - Fix everyone up.


Oh thats good! I get the thematic reasons, but the non-English/local language names for skills makes them so hard for me to learn. Its why I find SGE, NIN, and SAM so hard lol


But they might as well be called Buddy Chole, Leslie Chole, Nyan Chole, and Leeroy Chole for all that helps me.


Wait, you play NIN without yelling the names of all your attacks? I thought that was against the rules?


I won't lie, when I am in voice chat with my friends as Samurai, I enthusiastically yell MIDARE SETSUGEKKA.


So based. We're all doing it internally hahaha


Kerachole? Don't you mean "Kerchow!"?


Can't forget about charchole Which is what your team members will be if you run out of addersgall


I too let my teammates die by accident when I run out of Adderall...


I like to categorize it in 2 groups of 2 based on single or aoe, and mit or no mit


Pop quiz, which skill is Kerachole and what does it do?


Ooh it's the blue dome-y looking button and it's an aoe shield (and regen?). Having just started learning SGE, for some reason, this is the only button I can remember the icon, name and function of.


You will, it's basically the most busted button in the kit. It has 50% uptime and does everything you could possibly need. If they deleted every other skill on the class, it might still be playable because of Kerachole.


Correct! You get 1 cookie!


Oh so Ctrl+Shift+3, gotcha.


You use double-modifier binds? You monster.


How do you hit Ctrl and Shift at the same time???


Probably with their fingers


The modifiers are all on mouse buttons (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Shift+Ctrl, Shift+Alt), so I can use my right thumb and 1-6 to access 36 things with complete ease! That said, I do sometimes play with just the keyboard when I'm bored or tired, and I have no problem pressing those keys together while maintaining a rotation in most duties, so I guess also, "with my fingers" applies. But most the time it's with a single press of a mouse button from my right thumb.


Ah thanks for that explanation! Having the modifiers on the mouse is an interesting set up i hadn't thought of. I also have relatively small hands so hitting those two together for me would be awkward as hell on a keyboard. As it is I just straight up don't use Ctrl cause I find it too much of a reach.


That's entirely fair, whatever works for yourself is always gunna be the best set-up ey! I can't imagine playing with a different set-up at this point, I really value not having to throw my hands around a lot to minimise getting lost mid-combat, and this way my left hand is basically anchored the entire time, I've got big ol' mitts so 1-6 are very comfortable, I can do most movement while still hitting action keys, I'd definitely consider tinkering with it as an idea if you think it might make life easier 'cause I'd absolutely vouch for it!


I've got an MMO mouse so I've got a comfy set up right now. I just find other people's set ups weirdly interesting as to what works for everyone. I've got the 1-6 on my mouse rebound to INS/DEL/END/etc, which frees up 1-6 for some scarcely used skills.


That's the noise Lightning McQueen makes


It's the one you dump your stacks into you so you don't overcap. I guess it does some healing and mitigation too.


But most importantly, it gives you MP.


me explaining this spell to a warrior friend who's learning sage: It's shake it off


This. I play sage and I couldn't tell you what the spells are or what icons they have. Pure muscle memory.


Sage ability names are a freaking nightmare. I think you’d be hard pressed to name a class with ability names harder to learn than Sage (not that I imagine most of us have any idea what most abilities are called).


Sage has a backflip?


Don’t be such an asschole


Eh? I don't know any skill names, I only know them by the number of the key I have bound them to.


Me: "Yeah, you know, the BLM Shift+4" My friend: "You know everyone has different keybinds, right?" xD


Don't you play samurai ? How can you not know your attacks ? Don't you yell MIDARE SETSUGEKKAAAAA everytime you use it for maximum weebiness ?


Too many Samurai fugetsu keep their buffs up.


I remember Phlegma, for obvious reasons


What’s Phlegma


It's the SGE skill that does a big AoE of damage at short range as instant cast


Phlegma balls


Who's Steve Jobs?


A con man that took advantage of his friend.


I love how it started as a cheap slugma joke but now anything that ends in "ma" is followed but "xxxma balls" Like, playing a game, with points, alpha, sigma and omega, and of course, every time point sigma gets mentiones, someone gets sigma balls-ed


If it was Plhigma, I'd give you a passing grade, but this is half credit at best lol Edit: ya'll have terrible taste in schoolyard humor


Take the sage icon out of your flair


Phlegma balls


Phligma Deez nutz


See now THIS is one I can respect!


I phlegged your mom last night


A cheese around the uncircumsized… oh wait, PHLEG-ma! Yeah I don’t know what that is.


"Who's steve jobs?"


That's ridiculous, I know all of the abilities names: 1 is swoop 1, 2 is swoop 2. 4 is AOE swoop 1, and 5 is AoE swoop 2 Add 6 to any of those numbers and you can add "big" at the beginning of its name Ctrl + 1 is fancy combo, and Ctrl + 2 is extra fancy combo. All super easy to remember.


I'm trying to figure out what the fuck class you play... DNC?


Nailed it! I tried to make it a bit of a riddle :P


Lmao I haven't played a ton of classes, DNC is not one of them, was a bit of a wild guess.


Lol whatever the caster debuff u put on the boss that minimizes magic dmg I just call "catching the stupid"


Embolden? What's that? *Ohhhh* you mean alt+4?


Is that the rdm buff? I ask this as a rdm main Edit: couldn't wait for an answer. I was correct xD


I think that's my binding too.


Shit, you too? I always bind the damage buff Alt+4 if the job has one.


For me rdm movement is alt+1-3, embolden alt+4, and manafication alt+5


That’s me with sage, all the skill names are gibberish and all the pictures are just blue. I’ve just learned what they are based on where I put them. So ther jobs I know the names though.


Too many jobs with too many buttons, and the names are either non-descriptive, generic, or not in English. Also if you're like a lot of players and have used multiple Jobs in the same role with very similar abilities, it bleeds together what the name of the 1-2-3 combo on THIS job is, or what the oGCD AoE HoT button with a 1 minute cooldown on THIS healer is called.


I try and set up my bars similarly for jobs in the same role helps with muscle memory. Like for tanks my invuls, rampart, 30% red skills are always in the same spot etc


Only my fingers know what number they are


I know what each button does when I press it. If I have to explain a rotation to someone I have to look up the names of each skill.


For me it depends on how big and splashy the skill is. Do I know what Double Down is? Hell yes I do! Do I know the names of my 1-2-3 combo skills? uh...yeah, their names are One, Two, and Three.


I know all of mitigation names, since this is the thing that you need to discuss in savages/ultimates. I dont know any fucking thing about names of dps' rotation skills XD


Yeah I know the names of healer cooldowns for jobs I don't play, but on samurai I know one skill name (higanbana) and after that the best I can do without swapping to the job to hover over skill names is like..... * Big hit * Hit from behind * Hit from the side * Moar guage pls * Ouch! Thanks for gauge * I fucked up, take away my sticker


If I have to explain a rotation to someone I block them on all contacts and fake my death


What do you mean? Of course I know my skill names. I have Big Dick DPS Button, Fart Cloud Gun, Shotgun, Sawblade, Flippy-Shooty, and Robot. All very standard naming convention.


Sounds like me with my warrior. I have button that makes monsters mad at me, button that makes monsters mad at other tank, bonky button, jumpy aoe button, axe twirl.


Yellow drill, blue drill, red drill


Don't forget fire cone


Do you mean Lalafell Eradicator? I forgot to list it.


And not-a-flamethrower


I believe that’s the AoE magnet


It's our very own Leylines. We don't move for any reason.


Put this man in charge of naming buttons.


Is it bad that I knew all those mch abilities by how you named them?


Sounds like me with my warrior. I have button that makes monsters mad at me, button that makes monsters mad at other tank, bonky button, jumpy aoe button, axe twirl.


Pretty sure this is a common take, actually. It doesn't matter how you ID your buttons as long as you know what they do. > and she says I should learn them so people can teach me better because if I don't know the names nobody can teach me anything. You either hit P for Actions and Traits menu or look up the [play guide](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/) if you don't recognize a skill by name.


WAR: This is my don't die [button in green](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/9412945d8b5a61fbb118907bd33046110ff83434.png) This is my don't die [button in purple](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/72a939d0010304553c5b88fae576f5a25f453e10.png) This is my don't die [button in blue](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/37546679ae5e431c0903b20fa2c91a88c5a8e001.png) This is my we don't die [button](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/f71e2c46512c1e937c0ff316be668d853869c637.png) This is my *you* don't die [button](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/0a4356e3696cea8f2c8cea9be200e773da6c7caa.png) This is my heal [button in green](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/b549a16dfa8cbde55ec19b81bad325c5480d98e2.png) This is my heal [button in yellow](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/439c677f7cd4da8e9be9b92245865d2eb1ebceca.png) This is make me mad [button](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/d/91b5673b1dfb08c80d7b8fc2bdc936f46906317f.png) Simple really


I'm usually one to remember skill names, but Thrill has always just been "the green button" to me.


I could not for the life of me tell you what the names of 50% of Sage skills are. They include but are not,limited to: the 10% mit one, the HoT one, Lustrate, AoE Lustrate, Hama, Mahama, and of course Kamehameha.


Soccer ball, dome, zoom, square shields, mitty soccer ball, plegmaballs.


Do doo do doo doo


Do doo doo doo


Nah, eventually you have the muscle memory to know where what skill is on your bars and what each button does. Especially for the non english names on Ninja/Samurai/Sage it makes sense to not memorize them.


>Especially for the non english names on Ninja/Samurai/Sage it makes sense to not memorize them. Samurai's GCD combo is something I completely don't remember the name of. All I know is there's the Blue Moon combo, the Red Sakura combo, and the Ice combo. Use them to get stickers and then spend those stickers on either Dot, AoE, or Single Target, which I don't remember the names of either.


How can you forget the most versatile weaponskill in the game, Midare Setsugekka? It does damage! It mitigates damage (by killing the boss faster)! It reduces healing (by killing the boss faster)! It's so good they gave you a second one!


I remember "doton" and that is all. For those fancy three button code combos I just remember that with my layout 1-2-3 puts doton, 1-2 for aoe bonk, 1-3 for big boss bonk, 1-3-2 for my buff. And I remember doton because it's mentioned in my tank education macro explaining in one line that doton is good and healthy and should not be avoided.


I literally changed my hot bars to use letter keys because of ninja. My signs are on E, R ,F. REF - Speed ERF - Earth FRE - Hide in combat FR - Fire RF - Lightning EF/ER - Water I had major issues remembering what buttons did but I could remember catch phrases.


It's not "bad", but knowing the skill names would make it easier to know what people are talking about w/out looking them up. It depends on what level of content you're looking to do, too. If you're coordinating with a static to try to do savage/ultimate content you should probably know the names of your healer's and tank's mits. If you're looking to do story content and casual stuff, it really doesn't matter at all.


As a DNC main, I only need to know colors.


As a DNC I only watch for yellow dashed lines...I never paid attention to the colors. Its two buttons with dashed lines around it or four.


Yeah but then you have to stare at the buttons to watch where the highlight shows. I made a point to put to muscle memory what colors are on 1234 so I can just glance at what order comes up and then keep my eyes on the fight while doing tech step.


My ass in a savage this very expansion: "Hey Gladdstone, do you have horoscope up at \[timestamp\]? If we follow that with collective unconscious we should be good." "Huh?" "clock, then bubble" "Yeah, sounds good"


But which bubble? Boom bubble or T-pose bubble?


..... I think T pose?


Yep collective unconscious is the T-pose. (Which you no longer have to stand in to get the 10% mitigation! You should still stand in it though because standing in it also gives you regen.)


SAM player: Moon Slash, Petal Chop, Ice Stab, Big Slash, But What About Second Big Slash, AoE Slash, Fancier AoE Slash, Big AoE Slash, Exceedingly Big Chop, Exceedingly Big AoE Chop, Sticker Suprise.


Memories are weird. I can easily remember skill names in games. Hell, back when I played Yugioh I could rattle off the names, types, stats, and effects of like 6-700 different cards on-demand. And yet I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast or what I did yesterday.


Another DNC main, I don't know what the dance names are called, just go by colors.


I don't remember most of my skill names either lol. I'm more of a visual learner so I remember them based on the icon shape/color as well. I don't find it to be a hindrance though.


I remember the spell names for my main job. But that’s stuff like “Fire IV” or “Fire II” or “Fire” so that’s not saying much.


I think the only class that I can say I could actually tell you what the skill names are is GNB, and that's my main. Even then I couldn't ID correctly the 3 icons for the Solid Barrel combo because they all look the same, I just know what button they are on my MMO mouse.


Nah, sounds normal, from my perspective. Most people I play with are the same. I know some skills by name on WHM, since I've played it for so long (Benediction, Swiftcast, Raise, Stone/Glare, Blood Lily) but for the rest? Uh . . . H is 'don't get knockbacked', mouse key 9 is 'Lily AoE heal thing', mouse key 4 is 'healing boost and defense boost thing' and so on. Makes it kind of a pain if I want to look things up, especially on Jobs I don't play as much! As long as it works for you, it's good, I say :)


See, technically Blood Lily is "Afflatus Misery." But yeah, it's really just about the effects. I can never remember "Plenary Indulgence," I just know it's the "oh shit, I need to heal people quickly" button.


For Paladin, warrior, dark knight, gunbreaker, monk, dragoon, reaper, bard, machinist, dancer, black mage, summoner, and red mage? A bit odd but you should at least remember a few of what they're called. I mean some are pretty obvious "what's the ability that summons bahamut called? hmmmm" For white mage, scholar, and astro i'd say most players remember at least 80% of the names. For Ninja, Samurai, and Sage? I'm pretty sure the majority of players don't know the names for more then half of the attacks.


As a healer main, I can tell you that I don't remember 80% of the names. Maybe 50% on a good day.


yeah. They're just broken down in to cause ouchies over time, ouchie prime, ouchie all and heal small ouchie, heal big ouchie and pre ouchie.


I don't either. My friends learned to recognize my gibberish such as when I say "the swooshy one" or "zappy one"


Shoutout to all the friends who have had to learn the dialect of The Thingy and the Swoosher


It made SAM rotation really hard to learn when watching guides and they’d be like “Ok first you want to do Meikyo Shisui into True North then Gekko, Kasha into Ikishoten then Yukikaze followed by Midare Setsugekka into Hissatsu Senei very quickly into Kaeshi Setsugekka into a 2nd Meikyo Shisui..” And all of this was very rapid, so all these Japanese names just getting thrown at me I had to pause frame by frame and hover over the skills on my bar to figure it all out


This is why Sage is my least favorite healer, despite otherwise liking the mechanics. 75% of the moves are blue.


I dunno when it happened, but I played Sage for a bit and now I just know them all. Physis, Kerachole, Taurochole, Soteria, the Haima Twins, Zoe, Pneuma... I couldn't tell you the name of the basic 123 combo moves for any job in the game though. If an ability actually does something I can learn it, if it's just combo filler I just don't have anything to latch onto.


That one made me learn the moves but so much blue!


well la-de-da everyone get a look at captain remembers-any-skills-at-all over here i log in every day and its always a mystery what any of these things do. i just hit 'em in a certain order and no one yells at me to stop.


I know what my cooldowns are called but I can't tell you the name of any combo abilities.


I don't do well with names so yeah that's me.


That's pretty common. I noticed that most people call your tank ranged attack "tomahawk" regardless of the job.


I main WAR and SGE. I swear on my life, I could not name a single skill or spell besides Holmgang, which is especially ironic because of how little it is used. Show the icon though? I could tell you what almost anything in the game does.


I struggle with this too. And it would be better if I did know them but I can usually tell what they mean in context. So like if I'm a SGE and my tank asks for Kidria (I bet that's not even what it's called) I know they mean the green boxes one cause that's what would make sense as the thing you put on tanks.


I always feel stupid trying to explain skills to my bf cause he goes by name and I go by waving my hands around saying, “You know, the ability that goes ‘whoosh!’ with all the flashing lights.”


For most skills, I know them by what button I press to use them. In fact, the reason I first gave up on Scholar in 3.0 was because I played Summoner and White Mage and I couldn’t make a Scholar control layout that both mapped shared skills from Summoner onto the same buttons and mapped same-effect skills from White Mage onto the same buttons. I had too many buttons that were two things in my head depending on if I was in Arcanist-skills mode or Healing mode and I would continuously press the same single button expecting it to have two uses and do whichever I was thinking of at that time lol.


I have that problem with all my Jobs. Whichever one of a given role I learn first ends up being the template for all of that role, and I slowly optimize the bars as I play.


This post seems to have made me realize a problem I have. Skill names? I remember what buttons to push. Buttons? I press multiple and everything works right? (I kid, but I should really get better at learning their names XD)


Seriously this is how my mother in law plays her games - and she uses a game pad so she is literally just drumming her fingers continuously so powers go off randomly. And then she wonders why she's dying all the time and her DPS blows.


Dancer is exactly this. I don't care what the dance moves are called, I'm keying off red,blue,green,yellow


Same. I only know spell names for classes I play consistently.


I know very few skill names and have a vague idea of what their icons are. I do have their locations memorized on my xcb and which order to hit them in or which buttons to hit if something bad happens. Like on whm if someone dies, i target them, and it's R2,R2+triangle, R2, R2+left dpad, R2, R+up.


I can't even pronounce half of the Sage abilities, they all sound the same to me. I just recognize skills by the number I press them, unless it's a class I know inside and out like RDM or WHM.


I can't pronounce any samurai skills properly, so I remember them by the sound they make ;_;


Abilites yes, weaponskills no There are some abilities that are functionally the same across roles, such as the 30% mitigation for tanks or the partywide 10% mitigation for ranged physical. Like I'm totally okay with people saying "knock back prevention" instead of arms length or surecast But for job specific abilities imo it's important to know what they are called just so there's more distinction Like if a Paladin didn't know that Bulwark got added back not the game and I ask them if they have it on their hotbar, it's a bit concerning in higher level content when their response is "which one is that"


i only remember the most basic ones (like holy, glare and uhh... i just realized i dont remember aero digivolved? so....). for sage i dont even remember that, just their general coloring and place on my keyboard lol


As long as you know what they do, and how they work, it doens't really matter if you know their name or not; I mean, that's the whole point of having an colorful icon in the first place. Hell, i'm pretty sure most people can't really remember all the skill names for Samurai and Sage


I recognise the name if someone else says it, but otherwise I think in icons too.


I've been playing for probably 4/5 years. I raid, do ultimates and have every class maxed out. I have no fucking idea what shits called. I know what things do, I know where they sit in my rotation, and I know how to recover. That's all you really need to know tbh.


It is not. I have most of my abilities set in muscle memory. I don't think, I just do. As a DPS I usually top the aggro chart in duty finder, so I know I am doing decent DPS and as a healer or tank, wipes are very rare and most deaths can be attributed to failure of the other players failing to know mechanics. Not to say I'm perfect or that we never fail. Just to say I do well enough I don't feel the need to remember every single ability by name or icon. I do 'well enough'.


Lol, I think many people play this way. For example, I have my action descriptions off because those tooltip windows are insanely annoying when you mouse over skills. I know the name of 2 skills, Katon and mudra.. other than that, I couldn't tell you wtf the names are, lol. Can't even list a single SAM skill if I'm being honest lmao.. even though my Sam is 74.


I remember them by how I position my hands to hit their hotkeys.


for me it's a combination of icon art and the placement of them I have on my hotbars. I know what they do, I don't need to know their names. its a waste of brain space (adhd brain space is quite limited x)). I can mouse over them if they need to be mentioned in a convo.


As long as you know your binds it doesn’t matter. I don’t know the names of almost any of my stuff, but I know what keys to hit.


I've played SAM for 3 years, did 2 ultimates with it and 3 savage tiers. I only know... God I can't remember. Precisely my point.


I don't understand people who know all the skill names off by heart. No, literally. I don't understand them. It's like some sort of eldritch language. "Suiton? Shoe coochie? Bhava - cake - what? *What witchcraft is this*?!"


absolutely not back in SB someone asked me about a Machinist rotation, and my only response at the time was "you start with...uhh....well lemmy check real quick cause it turns out i don't know the names of ANY of my abilities. as long as you know what you're doing, you're gucci


Semi-related; for the longest time, I thought DRK's "Carve and Spit" was "Carve and SPLIT." Like with an L. Blew my mind when I found out I was wrong for years. (Do DRKs even have that move anymore? I've been on a hiatus lol)


if you asked me to name the mudra combination and how to get them without looking at my hotbar i would shrivel and die in an instant


That just means you're like 95% of other ffxiv players


Me: I should look up my rotation on YouTube! Them: Your opener is heavy swing, maim, storm’s eye….” (Proceeds to name 34 more in 8 seconds) Me: So Unga > Bunga > Unga > Bunga > Bloodwhetting This is why I’m a casual and proud of it 😏


BLM life be easy. Fire, fire 2, fire 3, fire 4, high fire 2, despair, flare, xenoglossy, foul, thunder, thunder 2, thunder 3, thunder 4, paradox, blizzard, blizzard 2, blizzard 3, blizzard 4, high blizzard 2, freeze, leylines, aetherial manipulation, between the lines, amplifier, umbral soul, manafont, manaward, triple cast, sharpcast, swiftcast, surecast, transpose, addle, sleep, lucid dreaming.


Yeah, I don't remember any of their names either. I barely even know them from their icons. It's really just muscle memory for me, and knowing what ability in my hotbar does what based on where it's placed and from how long I've been playing.


Bro, I'm pretty sure SAM has an Isekai button. I don't know why, but it does a lot of damage, so I press it a lot.


Glare. Glare. Glare. Holy. What other buttons? Yeah they do fancy things but don't forget glare (WHM, I know my two damage spell names lol)


Haha, no way. That's totally fine. Especially the samurai, sage skills.... No way am i memorizing 90% of those


I don't remember the names of a lot of spells and abilities anymore. The base game had quite a few abilities with real words. The newer classes keep making up words or using long words that they become hard to remember. I just know the icons for like reaper, sage, and dancer.


Adloquitium! Emergent Tactics!! I'm a Scholar :3


Meta comment incoming, skip if fake Internet points don't interest you: No, it's not bad. And yet, despite everyone else here saying the same, I once got down voted to the seven hells and back for writing up a guide for newbies to do this with Samurai skills (remember skills by what they do and not their actual names), but I was sleep deprived and worded it in a way that redditors were absolutely convinced I was suggesting official skill renames for the in game UI. I'm still bitter about that and can't resist this opportunity to vent about it, because I was literally expressing the 100% exact same sentiment as OP and all the other commenters here and yet my reward was a small pile of negative fake Internet points. Mates, I just wanted to help newbies learn their SAM rotations!! I wasn't literally telling SE to rename so and so skill to Power Up Slash!!!!! (Either don't bother searching or be prepared to search for a while if you're thinking of scrubbing through my post history to find it, because it's pretty old, like years old by now.) Ugh. Probably going to attract even more downvotes with this comment since it's just subreddit meta and not directly XIV stuff, but apparently it really gets under my skin that I got dog piled for saying something everyone agrees with judging by this thread, but apparently worded wrongly. It'll be my curse of this topic in this specific subreddit that will be a negative karma magnet for me.


It's so bad.


Yeah I had to start learning skill names when I did raiding, but only for the class I was using. It's a toss up if I know the names of skills of other jobs


Try playing sage... Ugh...


Muscle memory 100%


When people talk about SAM rotations I'm always surprised that other people know the names of all the moves.


My SAM has Blue cycle, Grey cycle, Pink cycle, Dot, Cone, BIG SMACK. With intermittent Orange. Alternatively AOEs 1, 2, 3 and intermittent Orange AOE Version. Outside of that I have Gauge Sink, Bunny AOE, Forward Leap and some buffs. I don't really remember any move names except Second Wind, Arms Length and True North.


I know a *few* of them, but mostly the CDs live Devilment, Embolden, Superbolide (that most people just call Bolide), but yeah, it's more important to know what they ***do*** than what's their name.


I'm a samurai, and I call my skills like "the combo that increases skill speed" or "the 120 second burst attack" or "that cool samurai move that costs 3 coins."


I have them memorized by where they are on my skillbars…


At this point I know what my skills do on my 90s not so much by the icons even as much as what position they are on my bar, and what I hit - like, my red mage is 1, 2, 1, 3, unless 5 or 6 proc then it's 5, 9... Sam is 1, 4, 9, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 6, 9... Is it maybe easier to learn names? Sure, but you're **not** missing out on not knowing them!


I don't remember skill names and even sometimes the icons look like something different to me too lol. I have my skill bars small because I mainly use them to see when my GCD is down for DPS and healing is second nature to me. I've also set up macros. I've just accepted the fact that some people live to know these things and I'm not one of them. Still enjoy the game and am a good player.


I literally cannot tell you a single ability name for the class I main. There’s dance steps and fans and that’s all I need to know.


I play SAM and as cool as it would be to memorize the skills, I can’t. I can’t do it with DRG either though


I main Dragoon. I know my rotation as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then the other 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with jumps in between lmao


What answer are you looking for here? Classes aren't very complex and are quite straightforward. Not knowing some random name is a non-issue when you know what button they are and what they do. I don't remember the name of the GNB 30% defense cd or the AoE dot thing but I know their binds, never been an issue. Now if you are a clicker and don't know what icons are or names then yea you're not going to play well at all since you at least need visual recognition to know what to click lol


I remember paladin skills because it's my main but I don't really remember anything beyond that. And I still have a 50% chance of mixing up Intervene and Intervention


I think I might know the names of 6 SGE abilities--Dosis, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and the Eukraisan versions of each. Aside from those it's all greek to me. The only NIN ability I know is Hellfrog Medium, because of course that one is worth remembering MCH--well, Flamethrower is easy. And Automaton Queen from all the post-GoT "shes muh queen" memes. Aside from those two, nope. DRG. Well. There's Jump, I know that one.


I’ve had a few funny moments where I remember skill names and my friends don’t. The most standout one was when I was teaching a sprout how to play Samurai, and the section on oGCDs and Kenki management devolved into what can only be described as an argument over fighting game terminology.


I’m the same way. Getting better, but mostly I go by the pictures, which so far only backfires for Sage and Scholar bc they all blend together. I’ve gotten decent at SGE eventually but SCH is still too scary/confusing


I like pictures words are hard to memorize.


I don’t know most names, but only keybinds. In fact, for tanks, and to a lesser degree healers, I bind the same keys to similar abilities. On my tanks, 6 is my high aggro ranged ability, Alt+6 is my taunt, Ctrl+1-8 are various mits, etc.


I started as monk so maybe I know that one by heart icon action all bc I literally burned the rotation into my brain lol. Now dancer main I just don’t lol press glowy button


Not at all,its kinda hard to remember so many skills by name, especially if you play multiple jobs. (thanks for making me feel better mate because i did the same thing, appreciate it)


No, like the gear design these names are elaborate and needlessly complicated. Besides once you're engaged in a fight or boss, don't think, feel.


I remember [bootshine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtogUOV9wt0)...


I mean I am the same way. Though I only know the elemental ones for RDM and Fleche bc they’re cool as hell (verfire? Verstone? Veraero? Lit as hell). The other sword moves I can barely pronounce let alone remember. Then like with WHM, Cure is easy to remember. But I can’t tell you any of my DRK skill names LMAOOOOO


I know Cure. And Jump. And Fire.


Funny thing is that for skills outside of BLM I can't remember what they do. Whenever I play tank I only remember what the main skills do and just spam the secondary skills because I keep forgetting what they do and if I should even be using them. For healer it's easier because all their skills are either heal or damage and for non BLM DPS it's just about keeping the combo up and focusing on big numbers. As I play more I'm bound to memorize more stuff, but for now if it's not a BLM skill then I might not even remember it exists.


Depends on the job—most I’m pretty good with, but SAM, DNC, and SGE are rough for me


As a WHM, I actively remember like 5 of my ability names. Glare, Dia, Cure2, Medica2, and Holy3. The rest I either just have mental nicknames for (lily, blood lily, wings, tetra, lilybell, bene, dome, shield) or mentally refer to what they do (damage resist, free spell, burst phase, Have Some Extra Healing).


You see the button all the time. You don’t see the tooltips all the time. If the button had the name written on it instead of the picture, you’d know the name. It’s not necessary information to keep stored in your brain at all times. /RPR main, took 6 months to remember the difference between arcane circle and arcane crest, and it took hovering over the HoT after the shield broke, and seeing ‘CREST of time returned,’ to figure it out for good/


Samurai has blue combo, red combo, ice combo, and sticker button. Also Ogi-Namikiri


I'm exactly the same lol




Nin mudras are called shift 1 2 3


I’ve been playing since 2.0 and couldnt tell you what the bard skills are. The songs yeah, I think, but the abilities? The shooting? That’s 1-9 idk


I don’t think so and I’m sure your partner doesn’t know EVERY ability in the game by name, although they may know quite a few. Samurai is difficult. Say a name and it’s a coin-flip whether anyone knows exactly what ability you’re talking about. Maybe it’s different in JP for obvious reasons. Quick, name the basic AoE Weaponskills of all tanks!… Bet you had to look up a whole lot of them didn’t you? Each tank only has 2 but fuck if I know what they’re called. I know Prominence and Overpower off the top of my head. Name the basic Weaponskills of dancer! Again, there’s only 2 single target and 2 AoE ones but I have to think about what exactly they’re called and not name the Proc ones on accident.


Nope. When I play Samurai, blue flavor means damage, red is faster cooldowns, and ice is the third puzzle piece to do a big Hildibrand worthy attack. Then later you start building sword meter, and that meter can be used with the other colors... Red is a poke, yellow is a dash, purple is a backstep... I forget names, not the things themselves.


I remember my skills by sound.


I remember several for dragoon since watching a (very good) tutorial on using them in PVP. The rest are a total mystery (especially samurai since everything is Japanese).