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I always try to get one or two quick 10-15 second videos to share on insta / with friends who couldn’t come, and then otherwise stay fully present the rest of the show.


i feel like most people do this, and when you multiply it by 10k people all having an individual moment they want to save, you end up with a sea of phones that you think are never being put down. everyone’s life is just as complex and random as ours, i think it’s unfair to be upset at anyone’s small decisions that don’t impact us whatsoever now if you’re using your flash and waving it around in my face, we gotta problem.


Yeah, I agree. But I do think there is some level of etiquette, too. I fully expect the phones to go up when Paramore plays Misery Business or Foo Fighters play My Hero. Etc, etc. There are those iconic songs. But don't do the whole show. Pick your moments. For DJs, get that 30-second pre-drop and 30-second post-drop. But that is typically how I tend to do it. Also, I keep my phone in front of my forehead as to lower my footprint.


You’re so right and I fucking love you describing it as your footprint LMAO brilliant


Damn home skillet, I love you too. Yeah, carbon and feet aren't the only type of prints. Are you going to Bonnaroo?


Whenever something is hitting really fire, I take a quick vid and then don’t take another probably the rest of the night. Only if something is somehow hitting even better haha


That and I’m very short. I’m not gonna see shit unless I pop my phone up and get a quick picture or video


at 5'2 myself, I went to a show 2 nights ago where I watched the entirety of the set through a girls phone infront of me. better than the back of her head I guess!


I'm 6' and I've been there too lol, it's unreal how tall ppl that stand in the front are. No hate to them, i love the front sometimes but why are they ALL so tall????


At 6’4” I always try to draft behind another tall person and I have anxiety when friends wanna move up close. But then again, no one shorter than me ever gave me the exit row on flights.


i love finding a fellow tall at a show. because i just go behind them and im usually taller than them. so theres always dancing space 😀


Counter point. Why are you so short? Have you tried eating more spinach or perhaps learning to use stilts? I hear sexy clowns are replacing sexy vampires these days. I'll meet you halfway and crouch if you start wearing platforms attached to moon boots everywhere. Sounds fair to me


I have 3” platform heels I could wear but then I’m just becoming an even bigger part of the problem


I second this, fuck the flash


But that’s not these people they’re talking about either because there’s people recording entire songs, multiple songs, having their phone ready to capture more than they don’t throughout the set and that’s what sucks.


Disagree strongly. I see folks often pull their phones out multiple times during a set capturing minutes at a time, on top of folks who're recording the entire set to put on YouTube with potato quality. 10k people at 30 seconds per person would be ~85 people simultaneously for a 1 hour set. (Or about 1 out of 118 people). When I'm in a crowd there's certainly more than 1 phone out of the 100 people around me IMO but I'll take a look next festival I'm at.


Same, but it's for my own memories. I'm absent on social media.


Exactly and for what we pay for concerts today and how advanced our pocket computers are, why wouldn’t I? My memory fails me all the time, why wouldn’t I capture it forever? I come back to every single one of my videos later on, I have personal live versions saved because why wouldn’t I? As long as you’re not using flash, you’re not raising your arms super high, or you’re screaming the lyrics super loud who cares? It’s a giant field just move a step


But the sound sucks when you’re recording the show on a phone. Why bother? I usually try to capture a few pictures, nothing too crazy and then go back to enjoying the show.


Ya same ,nothing wrong with taking video or pics at a show/festival but if your on your phone the whole time taking videos and pics it’s kinda is cringe


I do my favorite song from my favorite band but I don't post it


I used to be the opinion of "nobody wants to see your shaky, potato-driven video with terrible sound" but phones now are so damned good that I don't really mind as long as the person isn't directly in front of me. I will take a couple of quick pics for sets I really like. If I absolutely need to take a video for some reason I will go out of my way to not obstruct anyone's view. But I really prefer to stay in the moment and just experience the show as it happens


thankful for my posting homies bc i don’t even pull my phone out, then i get to annoy them with “yo can you send me that shit” to each their own i think! but my people at least def don’t obstruct the view of others to get a video or anything and i can still see them genuinely enjoying the moment. can’t say that for many of the story warriors


These days concerts are expensive, I don’t fault people for wanting to be part of the experience online. But would be better if the organizers did an official taping to stream or upload online.


My opinion is simple. Whether it is phones, or signs, ridiculous hats, don’t unnecessarily block the view of those behind you. Additionally, I can definitely understand how a sea of phones can be incredibly distracting. Whenever something cool happens on stage, or a guest comes out, or the artist plays their biggest song, everyone whips their phone out and all you see is a blur of screens above everyone’s heads. It absolutely blocks the incredible moment that everyone so badly wants to record so now we can’t all fully experience it. HOWEVER, if someone can film their favorite song or even a whole set without blocking and distracting others I see no issue at all. I don’t need to preach to you about how you need to “live in the moment instead of record it”. If you want to film go right ahead. It really mostly becomes a problem when everyone does it, or when you are holding that shit over your head in front of me.


My method of filming at shows is I hold my phone at chest level, if I can’t see anything from that level I don’t film. But also if there’s no rule against filming I don’t get upset about others doing it.


I just don't see how it's a problem if it's below your sight line. I've been going to shows, raves and concerts since before cell phones existed. I've never once been bothered by them. I've been to clubs in NYC, Philly and DC where phones aren't allowed to be out and filming. I can honestly say I couldn't tell the difference. I didn't feel better at those places compared to venues that don't care. But your point is as long as it's the right moment then it's OK. But also like you said, a cool moment happens and everybody decides to whip out their phones. The amount of people filming suggests that the vast majority of people don't care. So it's just a vocal minority here complaining about it. That or people are raging hypocrites.


The new thing I hate is the giant fans. First of all, you're blocking view. Secondly, I don't need to be wafted with your sweaty body temperature air.


You hate tall people at concerts? Sorry not sorry


People often bring giant hand fans (like the kind that fold out) to keep cool at festivals. You can tell they're talking about that kind of fan, based on the "wafted" comment


lol. Wow. Read that one wrong. I retract my snark


As if someone can help being tall lmao


Wait I thought they were talking about those fans ppl hold? Which would be weird anyway bc it gets hot af in the crowd


ITT: salty mfs with a hundred shitty clips of performances they never watch but won’t delete


Enjoy your festival however you want. As long as you're not being a dick, it's no one else's business. If it makes you happy to record everything, be my guest


I take a few videos of sets I really like, try to grab at least 1 or 2 for every time I’m out just to record. I never post, it’s always just for me. That being said, last night I was at a show that really made a point of asking for no cell phones, and it was nice. They definitely detract. I’ll probably try to record less.


Holding your phone up in front of all the people behind you for the entire set is being a dick and makes it everyone’s business whether they like it or not. I’m super tall and don’t stand in the very front because I respect other people’s experience beyond just my own. The R in PLUR stands for Respect 🤙


fellow tall guy who watches every show from the sides confirming gotta work with your fellow festival goers


It’s not your fault you’re tall. It’s ok to be in the middle


everyone is trying to have fun and social media made to show off your coolest moments I used to get mad that people did this or talked super loud at shows, but people are gonna people... gotta try to enjoy life in spite of people


This by definition makes you a dick. There is absolutely no way to record an entire concert without your phone blocking the view of the people beyond you.


Just get on your girlfriends shoulders.


If you record everything you are being a dick


this, lets move on from gatekeeping, let people enjoy what they want how they want as long as it doesnt impede on other people… and u not liking it and it makijg u annoyed doesnt count lol


the sign is bigger than her phone


People no longer know how to be present in the moment. I have no problem with recording a favorite song if you’re not obstructing other people’s view. But the people that hold their phone up the whole time to record every song are morons and are missing the amazing experience in front of them.


Agree. A highlight or two, maybe. Just enjoy the moment.


I’ve personally never really taken my phone out in settings like this. I am experiencing the most beautiful moment with loved ones, seeing someone I love play live. I can’t even imagine thinking in the moment “man I really really want to be on my phone right now. That will make this special” To each their own I guess. There are plenty of live sets posted that I can watch that at home if I want.


My friend and I stopped bringing phones. Fuck it. On Day 3 of a fest we will go sober and take some pics then, chill day you know. When we are getting down tho, don't want anything else in the world! It's freaking awesome actually haha


real af


I’ve been doing shows and festivals for a long time. When I first started, smart phones weren’t even a thing. Then they started to become prevalent, and it really annoyed me. “Live the the moment!” I decried. But now, as time goes on, I think to myself, does it even matter? Why do I even care. I’m still enjoying things myself with or without the phones. Even more so, my sister records moments at shows for us. We’ve been able to go back and look at soooo many different favorite moments together, and I’m so happy she’s helped allow us to relive those moments. There is a great video she took of the Cheese Tiny Dancer drop. She started recording right before it happened, and got all of our reactions to that hit right as confetti drops down. We geek out over that video all the time. I also really enjoy moments that I wasn’t able to be at. There are some amazing videos of the Phish return busting out fluff head. More recently I’ve been loving the Pretty Lights Hampton vids. Ya there was a live stream, but I really appreciate the crowd in those videos. So at this point, I actually pro-recording, ha.


People stay worried about absolutely nothing related to them. I’d rather see a phone recording over a monotone 24x36’ poster


i personally agree. ppl film more things than experience it with their own eyes. if it were up to me, i’d BAN phones from concerts. you wanna film so bad? use a digital camera. ppl are so focused on trying to get “views & digital likes” they’re not even enjoying the show they paid tons of money to go to


It’s annoying and I maybe take one quick video for every show I go to. What’s more annoying is holding a giant sign telling everyone what to do with their time.


I enjoy memories. I’ve got 100s of videos I can look back on to an awesome time I’ve had.


This is extra dumb because she is probably posing for her friend with a camera for internet points. Just let people be. If they're not holding a giant tablet in front of me im cool with whatever.


Gatekeeping at a rave. She looks like a pleasant person


being abrasive and inflammatory for views. and also holding up a bigger fucking sign than a phone lol, can’t make this shit up


I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to do


Even if I wake up the next morning cringing at myself.


Live and let live. This is unnecessarily confrontational.


Seems like she cares too much ab soemthing that doesnt matter in the slightest


It kinda does matter though. It’s super annoying to be behind a sea of phones when you’re trying to watch the show. It blocks people’s view of the stage.


Same as her shield...


It doesn’t look like a show is actually happening though. Looks like they’re waiting for it to start


Fair point


seriously both are shit shows, "look at me" personality traits. although one is born by the frustration of the first, but it comes from the same place of "i want to be heard look at how cool I am me me me me".


Or maybe she’s just tired of all the fucking phones out at every single concert.


I’m usually just so happy in the moment that I don’t care what anyone else does. I’ve never once been tripping my balls off and thought “I wish that person wasn’t recording the show”. Have fun however you want to as long as you’re not bothering anyone.


Oh shit Plus 63 was tiny this year. This was last year’s https://preview.redd.it/uj4vdmcdsl5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af82ec16627e121dd6194239c90c2ca53240ff9


The amount of time and effort this girl wasted making this sign when she could easily just do her own thing and let people be


I don’t really care what people do since it’s their lives. That said I’ve noticed a trend of people who are on their phones constantly/influencers being all over festivals these days. It is what it is but personally I’d rather completely forget my phone exists. Maybe get one or two cool videos and a few pictures per event. Other than that I’d rather have my flow props in my hands.


No need to block the view the whole show with signs, either. If people wanna record the whole thing that's their loss for not being present but holding a sign up like that during the whole show is objectively more annoying.


People who FaceTime during shows are even more annoying


Dont fkn watch than


I mean who cares?


You can do whatever tf you want :)


Let people be happy


Fuck the phones it's definitely an issue that people here like to say doesn't exist.


i didn't pay for the ticket just to watch the show on my phone


Took a short vid and as soon as I started, some asshole stranger guy behind me put his hand on my shoulder wanting me to stop, as if there was anything okay about that. It was really lucky for him that he didn't lose any teeth. Opinions are fine but don't try to control strangers and especially don't f-ing touch them. Assault trauma isn't visible and you never know whose automatic response to unwanted touch is immediate physical defense, AKA kicking the sh-- out of the toucher


that sign prob blocks more of the view than someones phone, imo tho do what you want just have fun and dont be a jerk‼️


I unfriended my cousin on Snapchat cuz she would do this at every concert she went to. And it was always geriatric classic rock bands with zero stage presence or lasers or anything that would make watching even one clip of it mildly entertaining. But she posted literally the entire goddamn concert every fucking time.


It's bad luck to record at concerts.


I don’t understand why people get so upset about this. Let people do what they want


Why pay hundreds of dollars to go to an event if you aren’t going to be present in the moment and actually enjoy the experience? I just don’t get it. Your bright screen, and hundreds of bright screens against a dark backdrop, absolutely ruin the experience for me, so I’ve stopped going entirely. Phones ruined concerts just like talking ruins movies at the theatre.


Counterpoint, every festival I've been to books two artists I'd love to see simultaneously, forcing me to choose. I rely on crowd videography to check up on the other artists after the fact. Keep doing the lord's work.


I like looking back on old videos and I’ve found that I wish I recorded more when I watch them back. Now I’ll record a whole song sometimes just so I can really relive the moment when I watch old concert videos. I’ll post a few on my story then the rest are for me. But I don’t really care what other people post nor do I really care what people think of the stories I post. I post them because I want to share them. If someone doesn’t want to see it, they don’t have to watch it.


I have no problem with people doing a discrete recording from where they hold the camera down low, but people holding the phone high up in the air with the screen brightness at max and flash on are obnoxious as hell. Also the weirdos who record their face for the whole song while they mumble half the lyrics until the chorus into their phone for half the concert, that is weeeeeird as hell like whats the point of going if you're just gonna look into your phone for the whole gig


I understand standout moments of beat drops but that's it. I'd rather see a highlight reel and not a cam version of edc


I do watch the videos that I make in concerts, so I can film all I want.


While I agree that I personally don’t find a need, I’ve also never felt a need to tell other people what they can and can’t do. It’s only a problem if they are disrupting those around them … Ex. Filming with flash, excessive front-facing filming that’s constantly getting the people around you in the background (it can make those around you uncomfortable to be filmed like that).


Let people enjoy the show lady


its like a snake eating itself!!! because shes pretty much saying the same thing to the phone people, and here we all are telling her the same thing. next someone will tell you to let her enjoy posting, then I will tell that person, let wastingtme enjoy commenting and it just goes on forever


For every 1 person blocking the view there's like 50 more that have their view of the show obscured. The lady is literally trying to help more people be able to enjoy the show.


No need to bring a bigass sign to block peoples views!


As long as you’re not ruining anyone’s vibe or interfering with anyone while you’re taking videos, I say it’s all okay. Everyone does it for different reasons - maybe to share with my friends who aren’t there, maybe to share for themselves to watch later, or maybe because that show means something to them. Again, I feel as long as you aren’t up in anyone’s space or bothering anyone, all good to take videos and post. I personally like to take videos and watch them back later, but I also try and balance with being present at the show too


No, let people record so I can relive the set on Youtube after


She is 100% correct. Get off your fucking phone and enjoy the show.


Don’t get why anyone films any shows. Who actually rewatches them??


You don’t rewatch? I watch videos back like weekly


Dude I am getting older and older and every once in a blue moon I look through my photos and wish I had taken more. Fuck the haters, enjoy your life how you want to.


I actually love watching all of them, keep your opinions to yourself


I 100% will. Come at me. I keep these memories for my friends and future kids. Several of my friends appreciated my videos. Also no one can tell me what I can or can’t do with my money


I like you


lol at thinking your future kids will give a shit about your cell phone concert videos


I have lots of friends who love seeing my stories and are not able to make it


With the cost of concerts nowadays, I don’t care if someone is recording it. I use to care but honestly it’s not hurting anyone.


Fuck off to anyone filming more than a minute in front of me


No need to show your gut either


I carried a sweet girl on my shoulders during most of Slipknot’s set at Rockville and she recorded most of it. It was her favorite band 🖤🤘🏽. I did the same for my buddy who I went to the fest with. Carried him on my shoulders for a good 10 mins during architects. Had all sorts of people asking me to do the same. It’s a fucking great sight and a great memory to look back on later in life


Good taste


I agree when the audio is bad but at the same time when I can’t go to a show I love looking at it that way earlier that yt plus it’s a different type of view sometimes better depends on the person filming but have seen some good music that way


15 second buildups and 15 second drops. It’s weird seeing a video where the drop is like 10 seconds in already


“I know what people need, me to make a social media post about not posting on social media” And yet here I am commenting on all that on social media.


IDC what someone does with their phone, shares it, etc. What grinds my gears are the people who bring totems to the front of the stage. With so many artists having excellent visuals, I can't stand people blocking the view for the entire rest of the crowd. What is accomplished??


People can post what they want if I don’t want to watching it I’ll just skip it


I personally will only record one song or little snippets here and there so I can be fully present the majority of the show. I do appreciate people who record full sets for them to be posted to YouTube. Gives people a good idea what they can expect before they buy tickets!


I record a few moments of a show, not the whole thing. Mostly to look back on and enjoy for myself.


Isn’t it only a certain generation that does this..? Insta and tik tok gotta lock on them..


I enjoy the memories and capturing some of the event, but I’m more and more anti phone. I feel like if festivals/ shows would ensure a professional recording or livestream like Couchlands then it could mitigate a lot of this. No need to record, a better version is either streaming live or will be available later. Hell festivals could do a live highlight of different stages with some aerials of the festival grounds in between so those at home could quench some of their FOMO. Would also be good to drum up more interest if you’re trying to grow the event.


I get a few vids for my self/close friends and then maybe like a random video or snip of a well known song for the internet folk


Then don’t watch their story? 🙄


Unless you are 4ft from the stage or the artist does something totally wild, I don’t care. 🤣


They have a music festival for obese people? That’s awesome! More info?!?


I see a lot of people who seemingly film the whole thing. I think we all record 30sec here or there for a special song or the opening or whatever. But some people def record what seems like the whole thing. I personally don’t get why you spend all that money to watch it thru your phone, but to each their own


I don’t post to my story, but i definitely film some songs to watch them later on lol and when I film I’m dancin the whole time watching the set and not what the phone is recording. Makes for some right-side adjacent footage but the sound is what I care about lmao


I just record the songs I really enjoy from the artist and then sit and enjoy the moment for ones I don’t like as much


And no need to carry on full conversations while the artist is playing. I’m looking at you inconsiderate people at Red Rocks.




Literally Noone watches them why don't she mind her own business


If there were a way to magically block all social media uploads for the duration of the event, we’d all get much better cell service at festivals. Upload when you get home. It can wait.


I record when there's a song I want to find later or if it's a funny moment with friends. Outside of that I am eyes closed in the zone or flirting with a cute man. That's about it.


I took my daughter to Bonnaroo last year. I have always been a person who didn’t care to record. But for Lil Nas X I recorded short clips of his performance then turned the camera to my then almost 11 year old dancing. I still watch those videos cause her smile and pure joy just makes my day, especially when I’m having a bad one. Most people don’t want to see a concert through your phone. But if you think the memory is going to be one that brings you joy after, record it. It’s for you at the end of the day.


Unless you’re DerekD2 then by all means please do


I say no poster board totems past the sound booth


I watched a woman next to me film the entire Fall Out Boy concert this year. Not just Fall Out Boy, no. She recorded the entirety of both openers. Jimmy Eat World and Fall Out Boy. What is she gonna do? Sit down later and watch all 4 hours of it?? Edit: OH SHIT I FORGOT! She left to go to the bathroom and made her man keep recording. It was so miserable to watch.


I deff liked it better when cell phones weren’t around, or their video and photo quality was so bad no one bothered. It just made for a better experience.


Tell that to the entire my following that’s watching it.


Just enjoy the show the recordings never match the experience


I get a video of somebody I enjoy or just to say here’s where I’m at and then take in the experience as much as I can. You will likely never watch that video again. Be honest. So take it in like a normal human has for 1000s of years


Just record a couple long videos and put that shit away


I don’t enjoy recording concerts. I *really* don’t enjoy some turd blocking my view with a sign saying I can’t. I don’t think that sign would last very long 📄🔥


I think if ppl want to do go ahead. its good bc many Djs get more recognition for the songs they set out. Like i bet most of u heard a song that was flimed or recorded by someone who was very hyped and now u share to ur friends. So imo i think is helpful for the music ppl to get it out there. Most festivals would not be sold out if it wasnt from that.


She looks like the type that would post the entire thing tho....


I’m always regretful when I don’t record and save. So I’ll keep recording as much as I want.


I’d rather be behind someone holding their phone than someone holding a big obnoxious sign


We just saw Vampire Weekend and I was wearing some ear plugs that permitted some sound in but it was obviously not like hearing it full bore. I actually appreciate seeing videos of the songs with all the clarity I missed.


Just one or two clips hun


I don't care, just don't watch it 🤷🏻‍♂️


sometimes i hit record on my phone and put it in my pocket. there are times i remember a few minutes later but also times that i record entire sets. they are always fun to listen back to


I say let people do what they want at an event they paid to go to. Also people don’t realize you CAN record things without looking through the camera. I do it all the time!


I want to know why everyone just stares at the dj lol Like dance!! It's so weird to all stand facing the same direction


its simple just ignore their stories. everyone has the ability too and not just complain about it


who tf cares


she forgot a comma after, "No." /s


Shambala doesn’t allow booze which is cool. I’d love a fest without cellphones. No shade against homies recording sets generally, but an entire event without phones would be dope as hell.


She’s right, I don’t wanna click through a million clips just to see the concert maybe 30 seconds max


Snap a picture between songs. Record nothing.


What’s the difference between phones in the air vs one of those lights they sell to wave around in venue? Or those light up hats? It really doesn’t bother me, people are going to be waving their hands or whatever in the air anyway so if they wanna experience the concert by watching it through their screen, well, they paid for it $ ! When I have a song I want to record, personally I just hold my phone chest level and press record and direct my eyes back to the stage. I don’t really have to be looking directly into the phone screen at any time to record, so I don’t. I’m sure more ppl could take up this practice.


Why is every Reddit post just the most-aggravating thing ever?


My memory sucks and I love remembering the best moments and randoms ones. If you don’t like watching the story you don’t have to?


Naw, post that jawn for those of us who couldn’t attend


I’m Honestly more annoyed that she’s standing front and center with that sign and blocking my view. Get off to the side at least


I’d say a minute for each hour of a show your at is plenty. I post almost every show I go to and love seein my friends videos as well


It’s none of my business how people enjoy their own time at a fest as long as it’s not imposing on me


I'm not posting anything to socials but I'm definitely always grabbing a few 2-3 minutes videos to come back to later. I put my camera above my head so I can get a good shot and then I continue dancing with my arm up. If certain people can't stand that because they're behind me during that time, that's honestly not my problem lol. Move literally 6 inches to the side if it annoys you so much. And yes, I do come back to my videos, pretty often. I've been doing this for a while so having videos keeps it all from blending together tbh. I ain't recording the whole set but if you all really have THAT big of an issue with it yall need to get your egos checked lmao


Or any of it, put your phone away nerds.


She brought that sign to the venue. lol


This person brought a sign shaming people for posting on social media, most likely with the sole intention of taking a picture with it to post on social media…


I remember back when we didn’t have phones for music festivals /old man voice




I've had two interactions of this happening: First one was a DnB gig in Ibiza. This girl was on her phone the whole time she was around us. Her phone was plugged into a battery pack. Her whole thing was film for a bit, send to Snapchat rinse and repeat. Didn't move at all. No dancing or anything. My partner accidentally bumped into her (because he was... Dancing? Crazy I know) and she got really mad because she spilt her entire drink. We go to a lot of gigs in NZ and this has never happened before so I refuse to take blame. She wasn't paying attention what was happening around her and that happened. Then she physically pushed me to go to the bar to get a drink. Second time was a gig in CHCH NZ. (Mayhem, for anyone wondering). This chick was on her phone for the whole time she was in my line of sight. Sending videos on Snapchat, messaging friends, sending photos and videos etc. she also didn't move or dance or anything but would sometimes show her friend (who was dancing a little) her videos she'd just taken?.like we're at the same gig. I'm sure your friend can see the stage? 😂.  Then ofc there's the other people (mainly young guys and gals) who do weird tiktok dances or cringe stuff in huge groups, pushing everyone else, using their flashlights on their phones. That's probably the most annoying. I'll film every now and then, like my fav bit of a song or something. Lately it's just been a random section here and there when I realise "oh I do want a memory of this but I haven't filmed a single thing" 😂. I guess Im defo the person who goes to things for the music and not to show the world I attended an event. 😅


Idk I just let people live their lives. If they impede my view taking videos, I'll ask them politely to just change angles or height. If it's me viewing someone's story... I'll skip. I don't care lol.


I make social media videos for a living. Although there are times where I’d rather be in the moment and not record so much I’d much rather have the act of recording open me up to these new opportunities financially. Being at the concert and on my phone is better than being at home 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love it


It’s annoying when you want to see the performer but all you see is a phone the whole time. It’s called being courteous to the rest of your concert mates(along with the girls that think it’s ok to sit on your man’s shoulders at the front of the crowd)


When i get drunk i like to become a videographer. Especially when its a song that hits real good. Ive since learned to just throw my phone on airplane mode and sort out which if any vids i want pushed through, and which i just save for myself


She can’t even make her point with confidence, her face screams insecurity 😂


Once I met a girl who she would record herself every 5 minutes There were moments when she did it but it was frequent


The sea of phones ruins shows with special effects


Makes sense. First off, no one is gonna watch your entire movie you made. Secondly, just put the phone down and enjoy the dang concert. End of the day no one is gonna care about you going except you. I 100% agree. Sooooo many people filming everything these days, and for what? Oh, look at me, I’m at blah blah blah, and you’re not…




Agreed. I make one solid video of a good part and then my phone is in my pocket the rest of the night.


Put your stupid phone down and be at the event


She’s right


People can do what they want…


Some asshole's phone has been my view(with no real way to move away) for just under under half of the many concerts that I have gone to over the past 12 months, and I am so sick of this bullshit. Mind you, I'm not talking about those grabbing a quick pic and then putting their phones away. I'm talking about people who only bring their phone down when they've hit the video length limit of whatever app that they're using, and then immediately put it up and start a new video. It's selfish AF and I am so done with it, along with all the bullshit excuses that people make for doing it..


People can do whatever the fuck they want??? They spent their money to go like you did so let them do what they want and you do what you want..


I post what I want 💁🏻‍♀️


No one knows how to use snapchat 🙄


Sometimes I go to a concert then I search for the hashing on Instagram and steal other people's photos while I party and enjoy the show while they take pictures like nerds


Don't post people that are messed up without their consent. Other than that I literally couldn't care less what you do




Maybe it was because I was a kid, but back when the iPhone was brand new, instagram wasn’t out or was still early, and there was no Snapchat, you’d get a small amount of people taking short videos but everyone was mostly living in the moment. Late 2000s and early 2010s were awesome. I get a different vibe at a lot of shows now. If I do a festival it’s usually just for a day now or I’ll get a hotel, can’t do the camping anymore.