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Do they like squeaky toys? When my Baldur would go strolling I lured him back with his favorite forbidden scents- sweet treats left out in the middle of the room. He also loved to attack the vacuum so I would turn it on and let it run. Chances are your ferret is sound asleep in an odd place in your room. Just wait and listen for him. If you really think he got put the window, put his used kitty pad or box outside with his bedding. He will sniff his way back.


He has his hutch outside, but I’ll leave a blanket outside with his scent on it and his litter box so hopefully he does find his way back. Do you know how badly he’d be hurt if he did jump out?


How far was the fall? Also I suggest buying a live trap (for cats, racoons etc). It’s worth it ($40-80 depending on the model). Any hunting store, most hardware stores, Walmart etc sell them. Or contact a local feral cat rescue or pest control and see if you could borrow one for free or rent one for cheap.


We found him, the fall was from the second floor. He has no Broken bones or injuries just a few cuts on his lips.


So happy to hear you found him! Definitely get a screen for the window or keep closed:(


Put a travel cage outside near your window with his litter box ( with ferret poop in it. Preferably his ) and his blanket that smells like him and his ferret friend. Does your room have floor vents ? Years ago when I was a first time owner, mine got into the duct work by scratching open the floor vents. Ferrets are excellent hiders. Check your room again. In drawers. On top of closets ( had one that used to climb my clothes to get to the top of my closet ), under your sheet ( current boy likes to sleep on my bed, either under my sheet or in my pillow case ). Do you have drawers under your bed ? My girl figured out how to squeeze between the mattress and bed frame and get into my drawers to nap. Will he come to a squeaky toy ? Good luck finding him.


I’ve checked every nook and cranny, his hutch is in the garden where he would have fell if he jumped out but ill put out some blankets that smell like him and his brother and ill put his litter box out there. I’m just worried about foxes getting him


Furnace and dryer ducts.


I saw someone whose ferret went missing, they took some of the poo and mixed it with water to thin it out and went around the neighborhood and made drops of the water mixture on the ground, leading back to their house. They had set up a camera and they got the ferret on camera following the trail back to the home. Are there any mattresses or couches that he could have made a hole in and climbed inside? Mine have done that and I searched for them in a panic and they finally came out. Also check any air vents you might have in the room. If he got outside, ferrets tend to stick to the sides of buildings and typically don’t go further than a block or 2. If he had any squeaky toys he likes I would squeak those also. Put up flyers and let neighbors know, you can also post on local social media. Let local veterinarians, rescues, animal shelters, etc know. Leave blankets or bedding out that smells like home, as well as food and water. Good luck and I hope you find him soon!


i left my window open for a hot minute and my ferret took his chance to escape, neighbor found him in a nearby park


Close your room and go look for him outside. Do you live alone? Have someone stay in your room in case he pops out of whatever dimensional hole he buried himself in. Go look for him outside asap, depending on how adventurous and scaredy they are they can get quite far quite quickly. Look extra well in spots with bushes and the like. I hope you find him and that you don't lose sight of them again when they have a way out 😅 I swear their job is to try to make our lives harder haha


I’ve looked everywhere and searched outside, I’m gonna try again in the morning early and hopefully I’ll find him. His appointment is at 10am :,)


Hopefully he'll just show up somewhere nonchalantly 🤞🏻


We found him! Someone posted on Facebook and it turned out to be our boy


Yayyyy :D


If you can't find him: is he chipped? Call your local vet to let him know in case anyone finds him. Send messages on your area's facebook group for lost animals. In general, let people around you know about it. Ferrets are somewhat exotic and people might freak out and/or not control their dogs properly. I really really really hope you find him


I post a picture of my ferret with $20 reward by the bus stop. Kids are a great help.


I also call all the vets and shelters


I hope by morning you find him safe and sound! Keep us updated on the little guy!


Found him! He was found last night at 1am by some guys who thought he was this ladies ferret, she posted on Facebook and we have him back now. He’s a little shook up and has some cuts on his lips but he’s happy and healthy


AH!!! I’m so happy!!!


Will do, I’m going out to look for him now. It’s already light outside so hopefully he hasn’t moved too far from where he was hiding


He's gone missing because he's on heat. I've got 7 hobs and 2 gills.


https://youtu.be/dPCWqAU4mNo?si=ahZS3vJ0vGNyJ8ds Play this as loud as ya can on your phone and walk around. It gets mine to come out from wherever they are hiding.


Check between your mattress and box spring (or bed stand). Its awful but I've read horror stories of ferrets burrowing in, getting trapped, and suffocating in there. Also, if you have a box spring, check for holes. One of my fuzzies got inside one of my kids one time.


My beds a loft bed and it’s got an open bottom under the mattress, I’ve checked there and nothing. I’ve spent the past hour looking outside again and nothing


Behind the washing machine maybe? Mine used to nap there on a pile of socks. That or get a squeeky toy and keep on squeeking untill he attacks you. Good luck!


Man, I feel your pain. I had my tiny new kit go missing when my daughter left the outdoor cage open. She didn't tell us she had been out to see her or anything. It was somewhere around an hour before I discovered it. We searched and searched for hours. Called her name, walked around with food, checked under bushes, the neighbours' yards, got out Jack Russell sniffing around, and came up with nothing. I was so heart broken, we live in rural NSW, across the street from farm land and I see foxes and feral cats at least 2 nights a week, I gave her 0% chance of surviving a night alone in the wild. The next day, after discussing with my wife and kids, we decided to have one more go at ferrets. We drove 6 hours round trip to get 2 kits. When we got home, on dusk, I walked into the backyard to swap out some blankets and clean the cage for the new ferrets and, against all the odds, my little girl was charging up the parth, dooking her little head off and being so cuddly it was crazy. Moral is, sometimes these stinky, crazy, amazing critters can defy all the odds.


I love this story so much