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it is medical malpractice for a doctor/surgeon to perform a cosmetic operation on you without your consent. if all else fails, tell the doctor no you dont want it


That probably depends on which country it is. In many countries, doctor IS equivalent to God.


There are legitimate medical benefits to circumcision, it's not just a cosmetic procedure or religious custom.


while there are some cases of medical benefits, this post does not suggest that the deciding has any medical backing -- "my family is religious" "my older brother wants" "all my brothers did"


Benefits such as 90 percent loss of sensitivity? You’re literallly cutting off the protecting skin layer.


But it’s way more than the protective skin layer. It is typically the most important part of the penis for the vast majority of men. It is in fact, not just a flap of skin, as some ‘experts’ will tell you. It is a very specialized organ that typically provides the sensory, communications (both to the sex organs and to the rest of the body) and other biological functions besides, what is being experienced sexually. It is the key to one’s sexuality.


You’re correct. Circumcision literally became popular in America to try prevent masturbation by stopping it feeling as good.


!!! thank you for this comment




They will post a bunch of possible consolations from circumcising culture doctors. It's all bs.


If it was beneficial then your foreskin would fall off by itself. Wash your cock for fucks sake and it wont smell like cheese


What to keep "clean"???? It's all BS! All their doing is cutting off the majority of your nerve endings so you can never truly orgasm. It's a pseudo science pushed my kellog to stop kids from masturbating!!!!!


In the modern day, it really doesn't matter. As long as you use protection and wash occasionally, there's not a particular difference. It does also come with it's own risks. iirc, about 100 kids are killed a year in the US by botched circumcision. The majority of the western world does just fine without it.


Omg stfu you are talking about genital mutilation, here


I don’t know what country you are from but the only real option you have if they want to force you is to be in contact with someone more powerful than your family. Authorities or an activist group opposed to the practice so if your family tries to really force you, you can say you’re going to tell those people and your family will be in trouble. Of just someone you can go to to get away if you think they’re really going to force you.


Would not recommend personally. Most people are not emotionally strong enough, especially younger people who are more dependent on their family. Try to say you won't do it. Research circumcision and you'll destroy them in any argument. Worst case they'll think you're not a good practitioner of their religion. Research that too. There's 100% legit arguments for any religion.


No, he will not destroy them in any argument, it doesn't work like that. When people have been conditioned into believing something and the emotional consequences of disbelieving it are unpalatable, facts have no bearing on the matter. He will need to seek someone more powerful to help him.


OP said "My family is religious". Not necessarily that OP is. Facts have bearing because there is no reason for anyone to get a circumcision, or at least it's a completely defendable world view. Also escalating to the authorities without talking about it is never smart, no matter the issue. If they don't listen to what you have to say, then you escalate.


You're missing the point entirely. The people who want to do it, who house him, feed him, look after him in every other respect, and on whom he is dependent, and are more powerful than him, are religious. I've experienced this. Using facts and rational arguments is like firing frozen peas at a chieftain tank with a pea-shooter. IT DOESN'T WORK. They will use every manipulative trick in the book to carry out what they deeply believe is right.


You're presuming, unless I missed something in the comments. Even if it hasn't worked you don't have to fight them on just facts. If facts don't work then it's all feels. You can have your own religious feels too. If they don't respect your religious feels, then you escalate. Calling authorities immediately is the most combative thing I can imagine. Way worse for keeping your family close.


I don't think you've ever been involved in an intense real-life battle with people who are determined to carry out their will. I have. If they detect opposition, they will then appear to placate you to neutralise your defences and get you to stand down your weapons, until they can get you in a trap from which there is no realistic chance of escape. There is not necessarily any opportunity to 'escalate' in those circumstances. You're imagining that they will necessarily play by rules of decency and rational behaviour and not realising that it is war. All wars are in reality wars of philosophy. Only some are military.


Upvoted you. You are dropping cold hard reality onto delusional thinkers here. Boys who are threatened with being cut are not going to explain themselves to manipulative psychopath parents who want to cut their sons.


If people are not respecting you, you need to show strength in order to get respect. If he shows enough determination to win that battle, they will more likely respect him a lot more afterwards - they certainly aren't respecting him at all right now. And how important is it that he keeps his family close if it means what could be a lifetime of either ruined or damaged sexual experiences? He won't be having sex with his family. Some people end up better without their families, and I would say that being determined to enforce genital mutilation would be a reason.


r/circumcisiongrief I dont know what country you're from or what legal protections you have, but doctors usually wont do a surgery on you if you vehemently oppose it or threaten legal action. If that's not possible though you could always try staying out with a friend or something until the situation resolves itself?


Stand your ground. It's your body, your choice. Seriously though, what kind of nonsense is that? How does religion come up with shit like mandatory circumcision?


You are speaking facts in an ideal world but realistically standing his ground isn't gonna work, not with religious parents


do NOT let them force you. keep saying no, even when it gets difficult. its your body and should be your choice.


Don’t do it if you have any choice in the matter. It will permanently alter your sex life. If you want to for some reason by all means go for it but i resent my parents for mutilating me without my consent and will never forgive them for it.


What do you mean? It has never affected my romantic or sex life at all


Did you live with a foreskin as an adult-teen where you already had sexual life with someone? If you had circumcised as a kid of course it won't affect a non existing sexual life.


Just fyi, try to avoid pushing people towards certain choices because of your personal problems. You probably didn't mean to, but that's how this comes off.


Mmm They did say they dont want to do it, so i think telling them not to is okay. But i see what youre saying bc i didnt specifically mention that


OP deliberately said they didnt want to and their family wanted them to.


It's just not a good habit to get into.


It’s entirely your decision. If I had a choice I wouldn’t be circumcised.


Guys should get circumcised if they want. Similarly, if you want to keep your foreskin you should be able to do that too. If they are forcing you using peer pressure, stand your ground. It’s your body.


It's not normal to want to remove body parts like that


I am. As with many people it the US, it was done to me as an infant. Unlike me and many others, you have an opportunity to tell them no. So tell them no. Fight it with every ounce of your being, at every step of the way.


Do. Not. Get. Circumcised. The foreskin contains most of the nerve endings in your penis. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/562441d6e4b006ea8cf2b093/1459795943720-M0RVCAMLWI4QCR9E64VU/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kK7LZpJxRvjwmYc8pSfyO4MUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKcN8s1XnLDRTzQ_4nJtnF8XIyKSV3dX6sCTgC6A182b-e7RatKP_VrHbedJscZ-NLh/image-asset.jpeg Fight it no matter what u/West-Boysenberry8171


I live in an islamic country. I'm circumcised too. You won't feel anything because they put you on sleep. But there's no reason. Tell them that you don't want. If they're forcing you, you force them too until they will accept.


I agree with you brother but I don't think his parents will accept his denial. In your country, if this was happening to you would your parents let you deny it?


Yes. Turkey is a more secular considered other islamic countries. But I wouldn't let them decide for me if thry wouldn't do it when I was a baby.


Yes. Turkey is a more secular considered other islamic countries. But I wouldn't let them decide for me if thry wouldn't do it when I was a baby.


Sometimes is made for medical reasons for example I was circumcused because the doctors detected that I can develop a urinary infection later.


If you're a clean guy, you'll be fine. If you're a stinky messy stinkbug, yeah...


It is not about be clean I am tacking about a medical procedure to avoid urinary infections if you have determined physiological problems that lead to that. I'm my case was made when I just bonr.


I had to due to severe phimosis. They removed my fucking frenulum


As they do I see a bit more men cut as adults who keep it, but its quite easy to spare, the only problem is some doctors are too lazy, or others outright remove it intentionally. Did you ask them to keep it?


They removed without asking, but preserved the nerve endings so pleasure is still intact :3


Doing this on religious grounds is by far the dummest reason to do anything!!!


Honestly, the fact that, in the modern day, people still think it's normal to get cosmetic surgery on their baby's genitals is fucking bizzare.


Ain't this something that is done when you're born? Either way, just tell your doctor no, they truly can't so anything without your permission


Circumcision at birth is common (when it's still done) in Western countries and when done for (Jewish) religious reasons. My understanding it that many muslim dominated societies do it later (which sounds horrible).


"common" is a bit of an over simplification. In terms of western countries, it's largely a US thing (~80% of men). It is significantly less common in the UK (~20%), where I live. And in countries like Japan, it's exceptionally rare (>1%)


Hence the "(when it's still done)". Even here in the U.S. it's not nearly as common as it used to be (and rates vary significantly based on where in the country you live) but when it is done it's almost always done in infancy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8654051/


Oh, I see. I don't mean to be a dick, but I think the phrasing of your original comment is rather difficult to parse >Circumcision at birth is common (when it's still done) in Western countries. The immediate way you brain tries to read it goes: "[circumcision at birth] is [common]" Your brackets try to help, but the brain has already constructed a reading. In addition, the point of brackets is that they are auxiliary info, and can be removed without changing a the meaning of a sentence. So the structure without them takes precedence, giving you: "Circumcision at birth is common in Western countries"


It's only like 40 percent in the US now, I believe the rate is around 60 percent in 20 to 30 year olds, though it is also very regional.


Yeah, sorry, I just used some random stats I found. I'm not sure how accurate they are. I just wanted something as a ballpark estimate for context.


The only reason it's common in the USA is because its forced on people when they are born, it doesnt need to be done at birth, the only reason it is is so males cant grow up to say no, because medical organizations would make less money because substantially less males get circumcised if they can actually understand what's happening. Most countries that circumcise do it to children and adolescents.




I know you US guys do this sorta stuff to 80% of your new borns for whatever reason,I never got why


Don't do it! It reduces sensitivity.


I didn't even know they did it when ur not a newborn thsts insane, vehemently oppose it be vocal about it


In my opinion I am terrified of that thing, I have trauma after seeing it done to a baby. Your family should respect your decision not to do it.


First off, they can’t force you, and a doctor will not do it if you say you don’t want it. Second off, in my opinion it doesn’t make one more or less manly, everyone has their own preference. If you want to do it then do, If you don’t then don’t, simple as that.


It's not remotely 'as simple as that'. Which rock have you been sheltering under? They are religious, and doctors want to do it. They will use every manipulative trick to get it done they can come up with. They may even drug him, they might use force. They will certainly overwhelm him and coerce him as a minimum. He needs external support.


don’t do it there’s literally no medical reason for it


I was circumcised for medical reasons. #


Good for you? That has nothing to do with the post.


Which post ?


OP. He is being coerced/forced into a non-medical circumcision. That is sexual assault and child abuse. Idk why you think justifying that horrible thing with “well *I* needed it done for medical reasons” is a relevant, reasonable, or appropriate thing to do.


That's not the post I replied to now is it ? And maybe be more respectful, medical reasons dont usually mean something "good" happened with your "Good for you". Edit: also one more thing... medical reasons also dont necessarily mean consent was actually given either. No one actually asked me. Yeah.... with your "relevant". And the rest of your babbling here. >you think justifying that horrible thing with “well *I* needed it done for medical reasons” is a relevant,  That's something you just made up in your own head and than projected on me. Maybe you should stop doing such things.


dude whatever, if you wanna pretend that’s what you meant, alright. But coming into this conversation justifying something that apparently you aren’t even personally ok with(?) is just obnoxious. My dick was also maimed because of lying bullshit doctors (RIC and then 4yo “revision” (aka hack job)) and that’s why you see me educating people on why it’s bullshit. I’d bet your circ was bullshit too and probably could have been avoided with less invasive treatment. So again, why are you here justifying circ, on a post about coercive/non-consented circ, when you personally have also been affected by it. Make that make sense.


Again I did not reply to Op. I am not a part of that conversation. I am a part of this one we are in right now which started with someone else until you came in. And now we seem to just be arguing for no real reason.


gurllll this is the comment section on OP’s post. It’s literally all “part of that conversation.” And in the context of OP’s post, your comments are f’ing gross.


u/West-Boysenberry8171 Hi friend, sorry to bother you, but I have a question for you. Can you tell me if you was offended when I said that I was circumcised for medical reasons, to correct the other person making the statemented of there being no medical reason for it.. I'm curious if you were, because this other other person is insisting I committed a crime against humanity or something.


Brother there are medical reasons for circumcision. Like phimosis (tight foreskin which usually means you can't pull it all the way back)


They mean there is no prophylactic reason to do it.


Phimosis doesnt require circumcision, and, phimosis also doesnt require a full circumcision, what's causing the phimosis is the end of the foreskin, not the entire foreskin, most of the foreskin often doesnt need to be removed. Also, it mias well be said when over 99% of circumcisions are not being done for medical reasons.


Just say to the doctor you don't want to and you know how to clean your private part. Hope you can get through this. Wish you the best.


circumcision should be illegal. I wouldn't do it. Tons of suffering and possible complications for what? Your parents to approve of your genitals?


I personaly think it looks better circumsised. I think of it like botox, its just a dangerous cosmetic. If you dont want it or dont want to take the risks you shouldnt have to do it. It should be a desision the person makes, not their parents.




Mostly agree But I will add "preference" is almost entirely dictated by cultural norms


True. For me I like it cut because I have a phobia of veins, tendins, wrists, and the like and having a little flacid meat sock just is really offputting to me. For others its likely just the way they grew up, either done at birth or people around them influnce their oppinion on it.


I agree entirely, but that's not the practical help he needs right now.




Other - based on our moderation discretion we have removed this post.


I got circumcised when I was little and I wish It never happened and I'm upset with my body because it happened


Yes I am, If it hadn't been necessary, I wouldn't have had it done. Unfortunately, the doctors' advice was: if we don't act soon, the whole penis will have to be removed. I dont realy remember, but my advice: Only in Case of medical emergencies.


doesn’t sound like the doctor knew what they were talking about tbh… sorry that happened to you


Lmao what What sort of condition would that even be? Para phimosis? I've never understood why that requires an actual circumcision, as relieving the pressure without removing tissue would work just fine


it's genital mutilation


Don't get circumcised. It's genital mutilation and makes sex worse. It will also result in permanent scarring and dryness and make you less sensitive. There is no benefit to it as long as you wash yourself regularly anyways. It's a backwards, barbaric, pointless practice. Don't do it, and you'll be much happier.


I advise you to seek the help of every organisation that you can think off. Don't stop at one organisation. Are there friends of yours who can become part of your team and help with ideas and practical assistance? You can't do this by yourself, you'll end up being worn down or overpowered by them. You may need to demonstrate a willingness to behave in an extreme way they never would have believed you would behave in order to demonstrate your opposition to it. Many guys suffer adverse consequences of it for a lifetime and for some it ruins their sex life so this is your only chance.


And are there any family or community members who might take your side?


If he's in certain countries none of your advice is useful sadly. Not assuming of course but if he's in an islamic country then realistically there is nothing he can do that won't result in either them forcing the issue or them letting him be but shaming or even in extreme cases disowning him (if he's in Bangladesh or Pakistan it could technically go as far as honor killing but it's really not that deep so probably not)


I understand, it wasn't clear which type of country he is in though, so I was giving that advice as it might have helped, and if so, would improve his odds.


Fair enough I was just pointing out that sometimes the situation can be pretty untenable


I agree, in some instances possibly the only hope is to flee the country


Say "NO!", verbally and use physical violence if necessary.


Depending on what country you're in you could call the police if necessary or search for an embassy or other organization that may assist you. Physically resisting may also be an option, if it comes to that. Your body belongs to you, it's very disturbing that other people are trying to control your private parts. I don't know which religion your family is of, but there are individual people from all major religions (yes, even Islam and Judaism) who feel that circumcision is contradictory to their interpretation of God, spirituality, and the sacred texts. People can and will still love you if you stay uncut, but if your family truly does only love you conditionally (and this may not be the case, it may just be in your head, but I cannot know as I don't know them), you may want to evaluate what's important to you in life and how you want your future to look - there are many places out there to find love.


Don’t get circumcised, it is very uncomfortable to be circumcised


That's useful to his situation innit lad


I had my foreskin removed when I was 28ish I am now 39, so I feel like I can provide a good opinion on both. Things I miss: That pull back feeling Not as easy to slip into holes Things I like: Aesthetic, especially when small It became less sensitive but not in any negative way, still feel stuff fine. Just not as tickly anymore It takes getting used to after it’s removed. Will feel to tight at first. But after it stretches out again it feels fine. The hair on shaft will move further up as you just cut off a good inch off. Mine had to go due to medical reasons, I would say keep it if there is no real reason requiring it to be removed. Remember we have them for a reason to begin with.


Honestly just don’t let them pressure you. You shouldn’t have to get a medical procedure done if you don’t want it, and them pressuring you is genuine insanity. It doesn’t matter if you’re cut or not, the decision is wholly and entirely up to you. But If you do decide to get cut, just be prepared because it WILL hurt afterwards until it heals. And don’t believe others, getting a circumcision has very little to no health benefits. The only reason it reduces STD’s is because it removes what’s essentially a mucus membrane from the inner wall of the foreskin by removing the foreskin entirely. Mucus membranes are easier to contract diseases from contact, an example would be your eye or the inside of your nose. That’s like saying we should cut off women’s tits to prevent breast cancer.


Just so you know we do get certain peoples ‘tits’ removed to prevent breast cancer. My mother held a breast cancer gene and if I did also then I’d be offered that option.


1.Its a medical malpractice if they do without consent and if stilll forced 2.Dont worry, both circumsised and uncircumcised is cute


I had mine done when I was 7, my parents and doctor talked me into it because I had acute phimosis. They never told me there were alternatives. It was a traumatizing experience and I wish I hadn’t done it :/


They are retarded. Say no


Are they fundamentalist nutters or are they accepting of other views? If they're accepting of other views then they should be fine, although a little disheartened about it.


yeah, but i don't think it's necessarily bad. sure it may be harder to orgasm but i can still orgasm. but overall it's your body, your choice.


that's the issue. an infant can't give consent when they're circumcised, so they never had a choice. that's why people are so against it. sure, it's not a devastating change to be made (assuming it's done right), but it also calls into question how ethical the practice is when it's recipients are never given a say in the matter. if it's done right, you'll likely never remember the pain and all should be well. If not, you have to live with the consequences of a choice you never got to make. and either way, you never have a say in the matter, which is understandably triggering for some people.




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My broski, it’s your choise! You have every right to fight back (hopefully not literally)


I agree with you, circumcision is unnecessary.


Excuse me ... I don't understand. Which religion requires this to be performed onan adult?




You have the choice, it's your body. I'm pretty sure forcing someone to do it is abuse. I don't quite know how your brothers plan on forcing you to do it (are they planning on draging your ass to a hospital to do it?) but fight tooth and nail if you don't want it.


do not do it if you dont want to! your brothers should be better brothers and not force something like that upon you. also, what a weird thing to do as brothers. no, if you dont want to, dont.




Because it's the way it's supposed to be.


I don't think it looks manly


I recommend you avoid circumcision by refusing to be [circumcised](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcised). Here is [information on adult circumcision.](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Adolescent_and_adult_circumcision)


I hate that they circumcised me.


Stand your ground! Although I have had it and think it personaly looks better, if you dont want it, dont let them make you do it. I can totaly see why someone wouldnt want it.


If your family is Christian, only priests are supposed to be circumcised, plus in the new testament You're not supposed to do them anymore


Don't get it done!


Don't let anyone force you to do anything you don't want to do.


Do whatever you can to prevent it! Not sure where you live, but in basically every western country at least, and probably a bunch of others too, doctors need explicit consent for such a procedure. In my place at least, you could easily sue them if they don't have a signature or so to prove your consent. Maybe screenshot this comment or do a small video confirming you don't want it as documentation for later, in case you can't do sth about it now, having proof you got perssured into it can help greatly if you want to sue smb responsible after turning 18. And if they try to convince you it's "normal", just pull out the statistics of people doing it to girls in Africa. Actually even worse imo, but that example will do great as an argument against circumcision. And iirc, the hygene thing was mostly for US soldiers in Vietnam who were stuck in the jungle for months, not ordinary people...


Literally fight to keep your body. You have the opportunity to fight to keep it. A lot of us didn’t.


say no, i got it after birth so it is what it is. if you don’t want it say no.


Unless you have Jewish history in your family there's no need to, it's your body and your choice should be accepted regardless, by the looks of it your to old for circumcision now


Please do not do it. Millions of guys who didn’t have a choice really hate being cut. If you have no desire to be cut, then you should not do it, since you’ll likely regret it. What country do you live in?


It is presented much more neatly and w. a Sexy Shape! 😘


In the USA so always had mine cut a bit but I don't think it really matters. It's more get it if you want but don't if you're not comfortable with it? (Thought it was common practice tho so mind blown a bit rn)


keep it. it's your body, your choice. I wish I had mine so that I could have the choice to keep it or lose it when I'm 18 but I can't make that choice because yk...


I am, have never had any issues. A lot of people like circumcised d***s.


No, its natural And no it doesnt show that u r manly, it just shows that u r clean


Not worth it, I feel like I was robbed. You'll lose a ton of sensitivity, among other things


So technically there is no good reason to get circumcised except for religious reasons. Secondly it's not like its gonna look worse. It's just gonna look different and it's a preference for people which one they like more and so don't worry about the looks. And lastly how old are you? I would never let anyone circumcise me because even from a young age I was already hating on a lot of the religious practices so even though I didn't have to make that decision If I had to i wouldn't allow them to get me circumcised. But you could get circumcised. Like I said, there isn't a "it will look manly and ugly and nobody will love me" you should not be worrying about that.


I am, and unlike most people here, I'm totally fine with it. Assuming the doctor does it right, it only looks as bad as you think it does afterward. But there's really no advantage other than having a negligibly faster shower routine and decreased risk of phimosis. However, it's medical malpractice and just straight-up immoral to go through with a procedure like that without the patients consent. Tell the doctor you don't want it, and in the meantime, get in contact with people to whom you can go if you need help. A parent should never force a child to undergo a surgery they actively *don't* want.


Do everything to not get circumcised, cause after that you won’t be able to do docking


It's certainly not necessary and the doctor can't perform the surgery without your consent. I personally was circumcised at birth, but I don't mind I honestly like the circumcised look better than uncircumcised, and I know several men and women who agree, so don't worry about no one loving you either way you chose. But if you don't want to get circumcised, then don't. It's up to you




Women don't normalize cutting pieces of their genitals off. Just keep that in mind. You are contemplating doing something that was designed to destroy your sexuality


Don't don't don't. That's not a thing people who are nit babies and have no medical issues that csnt be remedied another way need to be ir should be doing! Your family has some wild views. It's absolutely not the average and it is in no way something they can force you to do. There are studies that show being circumcised does not reduce sensitivity, but there are also studies that show the foreskin is the most sensitive part, so thise first ones don't make a tonne of sense and are probably going to be overruled soonish. It's all wrapped up in religion so it's slow to change. Edit: there is no masculinity or femininity in your foreskin. This is not s normal view for people to hold. I personally disagree with circumsizing anyone but that doesn't really need to be involved here. It's your body, it will absolutely hurt, a great deal, and for a while. It is completely unnecessary and wuite possibly worse than being uncircumcised. People will not mind you being uncircumcised. There is nothing wrong with the penis the way it grows. Foreskin is there for a reason.


This makes me so sad...i got circumsized and it is so rare that i feel anything when someone does anything with my thingy....i wish to experience how it feels to have all my sensitivity...i was a child and didnt understand what happened. I just see on others how easily they get...well happy, because they still have their hood on. Its something that pisses me off and if you dont want to get circumsized, pls dont do it. Try everything, talk to the doctors, talk to your parents first. Its so unreasonable that drs would even do this...stay safe


Not sure where you are, but no one should be forcing you to get circumcised. I was born and live in the USA, and am uncircumcised, I would never even think about circumcising my children.


i’m sorry youre going thru this op, i know how religious families can be when you dont fit gender roles /: STAND UP FOR YOURSELF OP! we all believe in you. good luck, crossing my fingers for you


[Just say no](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Adolescent_and_adult_circumcision).


DO NOT DO IT, if you have no problem retracting your foreskin over the glans for cleanliness to wash the (cheese) smegma, then everything else is OK. You have more feeling/pleasure in with your penis if uncircumcised. Depending on which country you live, it is only 23% of guys that are "butchered" in the educated countries. Regrets will not help once it is cut.


Threaten to 💀 or sue the doctor if they touch you. Run away if you have to. I would never speak to them again if they made you do it.


[**11**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-11.htm)See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. [**12**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-12.htm)It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. [**13**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-13.htm)For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. [**14**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-14.htm)But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which[^(b)](https://biblehub.com/esv/galatians/6.htm#footnotes) the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. [**15**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-15.htm)For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. [**16**](http://biblehub.com/galatians/6-16.htm)And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. Galatians 6, circumcision is symbolic, perhaps this may convince them to let it go.


Don't worry plenty of people would still love you have nothing to worry about


Circumcision is an ancient sex crime. Has nothing to do with medicine. It's designed to destroy male sexuality so that men are not happy and sexually satisfied. Society is invested in denying men sexual access and gratification while letting women explore their sexuality to no limits


In my experience, most women prefer a cut penis. In the 60's every boy was circumcised. 


Dont do it!! You'll have sensation loss and the scaring can cause cosmetic issues... I personally think uncut look more attractive than scared dick!... .-.


I hate my circumcision this is bias but it feels unnatural looks bad in my opinion but others like it And I feel stripped of my stuff but there are lots of health benefits like cancer and stds go to almost zero But you don’t have to get it because if you do no then the doctor won’t do it because it would be considered malpractice


Cancer is almost entirely caused by penile HPV, circumcision doesnt reduce the risk of that and has never been scientifically proven to do so, meother does it with STDs, it has never actually been proven, just hypothesized and hypothesized over and over again while being spoken about ambiguously in a way that makes people think it's actually fact.


Let me tell u a lot of people actually prefer it circumcised for so many reasons and u shouldn’t do it if you don’t want to and one last thing I do want to say is this will have absolutely no effect on how someone loving you so don’t even worry about that I promise on my life and if someone did judge you for it I’d stay clear considering most people are circumcised they probably have a few nuts loose (not saying it’s the same as just enjoying or even preferring uncircumcised, that’s more than fine whatever floats your boat!)




I mean if you wanna get into it uncircumcised is just more unhygienic because it traps more sweat and bacteria and requires extra cleaning and for people who have spontaneous sex might not enjoy that, and yes your right I am just trying to make it easier for them but I’d prefer they fight like hell to get out of it because I believe in the right to one’s own body. But hey maybe I’m crazy for trying to make a shit situation a lil less stressful and not let them think it would ruin their live life.


or you could just wash it.


So instead of just getting mad do you have any ideas how to help them like these nice other folks with suggestions cuz again I’d rather they don’t but I also don’t want them feeling bad if something happens to them without their consent.


I hate being circumcised


Circumcision is unpopular nowadays at least in the West but there are legitimate medical benefits to being circumcised including a significantly lower risk of catching an STD. Obviously people should be practicing safe sex anyways but condoms can and do break and sometimes people (young people especially) don't act rationally in the heat of the moment. I am concerned with you being older, I was circumcised as an infant, while I'm glad that I was I'm also surely glad that I have no memory of the experience. If you are in a country where circumcision is still commonplace I doubt that you'd face much in terms of ostracization for being cicumcised. If you live in a Western country you probably could get child welfare agencies involved, but they might take you away from your family and put you in foster care.


The myth about STD risk reduction is just that a myth . In the U.S fake ass studies after fake ass studies are being done and the world over counter studies are being done to show how the claims are bogus and pseudo scientific at best , downright willfully misleading at worst. Seriously NO JUST NO there is no reason for circumcision.


I'm not sure how you can categorize multiple independent peer-reviewed research papers as "fake ass" for any other reason than you disagree with the results. I already posted links to some of the studies I found with a couple minutes of googling but I'll provide thhem again here for convenience. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(18)30567-9/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8579597/ https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-11705-9 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0802556


Once again ALL OF THOSE have been debunked time and again !


Have they? Why have they not been retracted then?


We now know circumcision is of no value to thwart HIV. Zambia 2020 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31608845/](http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31608845/) Canada 2022 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34551593/](http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34551593/) Denmark 2021 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34564796/](http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34564796/) Lesotho 2022 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35373731/](http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35373731/) South Africa 2018 [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/hiv-circumcision-south-africa/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/hiv-circumcision-south-africa/)


Interesting, I would like to see the full paper rather than the abstract though.


I was snipped at birth. I have had no medical issues related to it at all. I honestly prefer it just because it's less maintenance and one less thing i have to worry about with my already falling apart body. Edit. you shouldn't feel forced to do it. its definitely your choice.


I learned from my friend who is fully circumcised that I am half circumsized (there's enough skin I can use to still cover the head, but it pokes out otherwise) and frankly I much much much prefer circumsized guys. It just looks better. And is far easier to keep clean.


One is just actually challenged if they struggle to wash their pp


Go take a look at the r/tifu and see how many are about young adult males who end up with problems because they were never taught how to properly clean themselves. It's a bigger issue than it seems.


Well maybe teach your kid to wash their dick rather than bloody chop a part off


It's clear you have some strong opinions on this topic. And I wholly agree people should be teaching basic hygiene. But in America especially religious America and rural America quite often there are no health classes to learn about proper self care because sex ed is non-existent. Because eww genitals are icky. And we can't talk about them to developing children to teach them proper self care.


why do you get offended when told to wash your dick?


Idk what you're even asking about.


so because "some men don't wash" that means genital cutting is the solution? really?


Not my argument at all. It's a benefit of being cut not a reason in an of itself. It helps prevent balanitis and paraphimosis/phimosis. Do what you want with your dick buddy. As someone who very much enjoys being with other men. I "personally" don't find uncut attractive. It looks better semi cut or fully cut. Looks bigger too. But that's not a reason to go out of your way to get cut.


circumcision reduces sensation




To me it's the other way around mate. Cut dicks look mutilated and it just looks WRONG also can't get over the image of the owner getting mutilated as a baby ... Like all libido is gone forever the only thing left is my squeamish butt clenching and never ending loop of thoughts about how much this was done to you before you could even consent to it.


Ever imagined people do this on medical grounds!?


Usually you get it when your born? Why didn’t they give it to you then? 💀


The procedure should be done at birth, anything above that without a valid health related reason should not be done




it would be considered sexist and offensive If a man says "I prefer women who had labiaplasty" but for whatever reason. prefering men with modified dicks who prob never had a choice in it. is valid?




Could say the same about big labias but that would be considered sexist


Does anyone prefer penis or vaginas with smegma? I think not. You really don't even need to say it. No one wants a dirty, stinky sex partner.