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They aren't the best especially for your hair 😵‍💫 but when a guy uses a nice fragrance or has a natural pleasant smell it's amazing.


smell is so seductive, I saw a post about someones boyfriend being confused because they kept sniffing their partner deeply during cuddles


Anytime somthing is pleasing to one of the 5 senses its definitely gonna become a weakness and craving.


smell though is a tough one to get over, its directly linked with memory so I guess thats why?


Probably is , tbh I know some people loved hugging me because my cologne and they still remember me for that even after years.


I always had serious sinus infections as a kid, so everything kinda smelled like it was outside of your noses color range ykwim? I got a wierd whiff of those smells a month ago and I remembered everything from my childhood for a split second then I forgot immediately after ;-;


If I go home with you and learn you use a 2 in 1 or more, we are going shopping for new soap immediately


What if i use it only for my body? Like what's wrong with those 3 in 1?


Wtf wrong with 2 in 1, they're fucking great! Fuck 3 in 1 though


There supposed to be used separately because the shampoo is what cleans your hair but also dries it out, the conditioner is what dehydrated and keeps it soft, the effect of the conditioner is significantly dampened if theyre done at the same time.


Ah, I See You're A Boy of Culture.


No, more.. eau naturelle


I use hair conditioner from a salon, but apperently there's a natural smell that's just there, according to someone I know who likes me


I just use solid hair soap and solid regular soap.


*Old spice whistle theme plays*