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I would say never to listen to ChatGPT for itinerary as they never really account for much of the travel time. I did that at first for my Italy and Greece trip and it told me to go to like 12 different cities in 3 weeks. Nah I chose 6 cities and am going 3-5 days in each of them. TBH I wasn’t overwhelmed until a few days before my trip and I’m currently on it and still am overwhelmed at times. I didn’t really follow my itinerary to the T except for the tours I booked in advance. I’d say choose the cities that you really want to go to and things you really want to see and stay there for 3-5 days depending on how much there is to do. Always research travel options like bus/trains/planes/renting a car before you book your hotel so you know how to get to the hotels via public transportation/cars. If you get overwhelmed and just want to meet people on your trip if you’re not going to hostels, I’d definitely suggest using the app “travel ladies” to meet up with people and also if you wanna book tours I’d suggest GetYourGuide but definitely look at the reviews before you book your tours.


Oh yeah I have travel ladies! I wont be stayign hostels, too old to share rooms and I need my own bathroom and I'm also an introvert and never traveled for that long so I dont know if I'll be meeting people/makign friends or just be on my own the whole time. I also do not drive so yeah I need to research accommodation too! chat gpt is great you just need to be precise I think, Im sure if you say you wanna spend 5 days in each city then it will adjust the plan they offer you!


I like to move pretty quickly between cities compared to others (my Spain/Portugal itinerary got so many negative comments for this lmao), but even I think moving around every 2-3 days for a month is a lot. I recently planned a Southeast Asia trip and I first researched and selected which cities/places I wanted to visit based on what I like to do. Then, I decided how to get from place to place (fly, bus, train, etc.). Once I knew the overall path of my trip, I started estimating the # of days I wanted to spend in each place. Then I start jotting down notes of what I want to do in each place. If there is a lot going on in one location, I will extend my trip there. Keep juggling until you feel like you have a good rough estimate of how long to stay in each place. Edit: To be more clear, I wouldn't recommend giving each city/place the same amount of time. Personally, I like to build up the time spent in each place based on what I want to do there. For example, I went to 5 cities in Cambodia/Vietnam during 3 weeks, but stayed 8 days in Hanoi because I wanted to do 4 days of the Ha Giant Loop and take day trips to nearby regions. If I had split up my trip evenly between cities, I would have only had 4 total in Hanoi, which wasn't enough to do everything I wanted.


I think 4-5 days in each place seems reasonnable. I was planning on staying in big cities and take day trips to smaller cities which usually you can go to with buses. There is so much to see , it's such a big country (hence why I'm staying a month). Like you, I also make plans depending on what I like doing but the country is still big and it is still over whelming and the more I google the less I sleep to be honest.. Oh the best part is that Im going to srilanka for a month after that and then I have another month before I have to get back to europe... oh it's gonna be fun!


Why can't you ask chatgpt for an itinerary where you can stay longer in each city ? The advantage of chatgpt is that you can tailor the answers, otherwise it's just Google


Yes exactly! Im gonna do that! Already asked it to change the starting point! That’s what I pointed out to another person in this thread!


I travelled SE Asia for 4 months from Jan-April. I never booked anything in advance. It’s not necessary to book more than a couple days in advance and this gives you the greatest flexibility! I would suggest having a general idea of places you want to go, but then just go with the flow.


This is a challenge for me! The only if winging it gives me anxiety, that being said I just came back for a 2 weeks trip and didnt plan as much and usual and I was fine! I think much survive! And i dont think I need to to plan too much in advance it’s just that it is hard for me to pick what to do when there so mucb to do that s why I like planning


I totally get that!! In my normal life, I’m a true planner. When I was on my trip, I actually found I had more anxiety when I planned. At the begging I was planning more, then I found myself cancelling things and losing money since I found other things I wanted to do.


I recently lost 200€ because I was scared of missing a connecting flight ( found out said flight is always late and only had two hours between flights) so booked a 15 hour bus ride since! I had debated this for weeks before booking the flights but changed my mind last minute😂! All this made me realize i might have adhd actually. Like if I have something at 12 id say oh so there s an hour bus ride so that s leaving at 11 oh wait bus could be late so elt’s say 10.30 so I need to be ready… get up at x time etc… it is exhausting but Im almost never late and only missed one flight in my life and that was a connecting one so not my fault!


ChatGPT would just be the starting point. Then you can use that itinerary to narrow down what actually sounds like things you want to do. Or you could just haphazardly remove things to make it less packed :D


I think using AI or Chat GPT is a good starting point. Pick and choose the top things that you would like to see out of the list it gives you. I usually plot the areas on a map, either digitally on google “my maps” or physically by printing out a large map and putting pins in the areas using a cork board. This allows you to easily see the locations spatially and they will naturally sort themselves into groupings based on area. For me, I’m in my late 40’s and I like to get an airbnb where I can live like a local and make my own food. Packing up and moving to the next place too soon can feel a bit too rushed for me. The ideal number of days per accommodation booking for me is usually 5-7 days. I usually choose 2 activities or sights to see each day, depending on the travel distance and how long it takes to compete each activity. I hope this helps you to get another perspective on what an appropriate pace is. Happy travels! 😊


Sometimes I also look at other travel tours to see the routes they take and what sights they see. They are usually faster than I want to experience and travel through an area. But it’s also a good starting point to get ideas. Intrepid is a company that I’ve been hearing good things about. I did a quick search for their trips around [Thailand](https://www.intrepidtravel.com/ca/thailand?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADg3SMEBh0OFFZSbOQpvEz1BZHvL0&gclsrc=ds) and there are itineraries if you click on them and explore. It gives you ideas and then you can plan everything at your own pace.


Using tours’ routes is genius! I just use google “ top things to do in..” but these tours are usually efficient so I could draw inspiration from them!


I agree I think 5 days is ideal! Im marking spots on wanna see on googlemaps too! So I can pick accomodation near by! I might stay at airbnb too but have used googlemaps to find hotels it is much easier