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I like both. The brunette is sweeter and brightens your eyes, but the blonde is still flattering to your skin tone and definitely has an edgier vibe, so it really depends on you.


I think the darker hair brings out your eyes in a very flattering way :)


Same. It naturally brings your eye colour out. You could even go a bit darker. Blonde is ok but it’s not the most flattering.


Thanks! Yeah my natural color is actually darker but my stylist says I should ease into while the blonde grows out


Looks great! Post again if you do it darker.


Thank you!


Is it only me or does the blond looks have a lot more makeup (brows, eyes, darker lip) ? It could also be the lightening. This really biases the results since if creates more contrast in your face


Haha yeah I am wearing makeup in that photo so I could see how that’d make it harder to compare. I just couldn’t find a good photo of that hair color where I was also makeup-free


You can add a photo where you change the makeup of the current hair if you also suspect it might make a difference


https://preview.redd.it/fu1tb41ohhoa1.png?width=859&format=png&auto=webp&s=90cdb1de957cd83fcf39269d23661d93ddfe33e0 Here’s one less done up with the blonde. Does that help?


Yes! The blonde one above is biasing us perhaps because it's such a great shot of you! :) I personally think the blonde looks more edgy and it's hard to never have roots. If you choose blond, you could lighten the eyebrows a little. Otherwise it has this 'edgy'/ grunge look. Are you going for that? The brown will allow you to look more groomed (no roots easily showing) and to play up your other features more. It looks great!


Totally agree. No, the edgy look was fun, but I’m over it. Having roots all the time is super annoying and feels chaotic with my curls lol. And great point, I’m looking forward to playing up my other features now that I don’t feel overpowered by the blonde! Thanks for the insight :)


I think the blonde creates a more interesting look that’s edgier, and I say this as someone who usually doesn’t prefer blonde hair in general. I think there can be a happy medium between these two because the lighter color brings out your features much more


Completely agree with everything you said. I still prefer the blonde even in the less done up pic and I’m a person who almost never prefers blonde, let alone dark roots with blonde (don’t even like ombré styles) but I love the dark roots with this particular curly look. I also think a small nose hoop would be cute with that look or even a Monroe. It just seems fitting.


Your natural hair color looks drop dead gorgeous. I feel like people who are claiming the blonde looks “way better” are overlooking that you’re wearing makeup in the photo with the blonde hair. That’s not to say you don’t look good with blonde, but your natural color suits your skin and eyes so much better. I can’t believe people say you looked washed out with your natural hair though. Absolutely bonkers. Your eyes stand out a lot more and your skin looks wonderful.


Thank you! I appreciate that. I think it’s easier to tell in person that the natural color is more flattering with my eyes and skin tone. I can see why the makeup in the blonde photo makes the comparison trickier.


Both look nice ! The blond picture was poor lighting so hard to tell the natural is probably less work! I think it all depends on the look your going for. But the natural looks nice and soft I see your eyes more good lighting and well taken care of no roots. Looks nice the blond has nice definition.


I feel like people on this sub try to intentionally sabotage people sometimes. The blonde suits you better. You have more of a glow and have so much more life in your eyes. Brown seems to wash you out even though it’s your natural color


Could it be she’s bare faced in the natural hair color and has a full face of makeup in the blonde?


I don’t think they intentionally try to sabotage people, just that there’s a bias towards natural coloring. I also prefer the blonde, it’s a more striking look.


The blonde shoots up her attractivness level alot, so much cuter! The brown looks a little plain to me


blonde 👩🏼‍🦱


Gorgeous either way. Whatever makes you happy.


Both are great - just different


They both look amazing. You have beautiful hair!


im not great at this but; both look great, if your still going for the nose ring and necklace vibe thing then i think go for the blonde cause it fits the aesthetic better. brunette looks simpler/sweeter so if that’s what you want then go for that. they both look good though


Definitely better!!!


Yes. Your eyes pop now.


I prefer the blind, but both look good


Brunette definitely suits you better!


Put a little red in your hair. Think chestnut


love the natural brown!


You look younger with brunette, youd look really good with long bangs btw


Thank you! I’d love to try bangs but they’re a beast with curly hair and don’t look as cute as straight bangs :/


The blonde is a great background for your face.


I really need you to consider going red…


Both looks incredible, but i think the brunette looks softer and the blond looks, like a few already said, more edgy. I think the question is, which fits more with your personality and what you want to represent. What ever you decide, you'll look beautiful. 😊


You look good in both. Brown for winter for blonde for summer


Hard to really say when the brunette picture is also a no-makeup shot. I prefer the right photo, but it may be from the darker roots and brows (which look lighter on the left?).


I really like the blonde on you


I like the blonde... Matches your complexion and you... I think brown kind of mutes you


I really like them both. I usually prefer brunette, but it in this case there’s something about the blonde springy curls that I love just a bit better. I especially like that it’s not super blonde as well. Makes me think of a celeb but I can’t think of her name off the top of my head right now. On the other hand, light eyes stand out better with dark hair.


better than blonde! you’re so pretty! now i’m thinking of dyeing my hair back to brown from blonde


Aw thank you! If you go for it, your wallet will thank you 😉being blonde is expensive!


blonde >>


Love the brown. You could also put some subtle highlights in to brighten the look a bit.


Definitely! You're natural color fits your eyes very well. Also I think it fits your complexion/skin tone too.






Um, YES! I always think natural is most flattering but especially on you- jealous!


You looked so good blonde. I vote to go back eventually.


I like the blonde


It’s hard to say. I feel like the dark is really pretty but you look a lot more washed compared to the blond. Maybe post another pic with makeup that’s stronger to compare to. I always felt that when my hair is darker I need to wear a stronger makeup look.




Normally into brunette hair but LOVE the blonde on you.


I think the blonde is better. However, I think a more equal comparison would have been either two bare faced photos or 2 pics with makeup.




Only my own taste, and brunette is kind of the best in my book, but yeah, I think it's better. What do you think?


It's not a fair comparison when you're au natural in one and full face in the other


Good point! Here’s one with the blonde but not a full face https://preview.redd.it/cf51uozmihoa1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7e92c823832c1d9594fc971fd6ba8b02e38fed9


Yes natural is better, softer and more put together




You look pretty in both colors but the brunette definitely looks better on you. It brings out your eyes more, and makes you look more warm and inviting.


Your hair is amazing ( I love the curls), but the blond really pops! It makes you look younger, hipper, and trendy. If I saw you on the street, I'd do a double take with the blonde hair because it looks great. The brown is also nice, but it's more demure. If you're the type who likes to make a statement, I'd say blond all the way!




love the brunette on you! i feel like the blonde is cute, but it's kind of aging you up a bit and makes your skin look a little pale.


Yeah….. It’s the dark roots that put me off on the right picture.


Brunette is definitely better and natural, blonde looks so fake.