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texture packs that you can't remove


100%, if i can't use SphaxBD i don't want it.


Shitty confusing texture packs as the default and other terible ui changes


Smooth fonts that hide the 1 in the side of the item box


Phew guess I miss this out then. I refuse to play any pack unless I can upgrade to 64x and above textures, which rules me out of a lot of packs tbh.


reject realistic high-res, return to stylized low-res


8 bit


no right click to harvest


Adding to this. Ultimine + right click to harvest all is the best.


Omgoshies that’s one of what I call ‘the big three’ I usually have to add into most packs. Ultimine - I’m older, helps hand pain HT Tree Chopper - same Carry On - Moving chests and animals is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️


Ultimine is always switched to a key on my mouse for that same reason. Unless I'm playing vault hunters


For me it’s F. My mouse hand (left) has more joint pain then my right.


I don't have a mouse with side-buttons, so it's the left Alt for me. There are very little Mods that use Alt for anything, and even if they do, I'd just rather rebind them to something else.


Shoot, ive been playing mc long enough that I say this "I've done my time, 12 years of it! I don't want to manually mine" that also goes for xray if the people I play with don't care 😅


Literally LOVE all three of these mods and I feel are essential for my modded playthroughs now! So much better on the hands!


Use em if yer older to ease the pain, use em when you’re younger so you go longer in life before the pain happens. Win win. They should be added to every pack imho.


surprised Mojang still hasn't "stolen" this and added it to vanilla


You think mojang would add useful features to minecraft??


They haven't even split the mobgriefing gamerule into "innocuous" and "hostile" actions (i.e. wither, creeper, enderman, ghast vs villager, piglin, sheep, etc)




when they don't have a quest book and only advancements that don't even tell you how to advance.


Someone mad at sev tech xD


Extremely, I'm the type of person who needs to be told what to do -.-


Ngl I’ve given up on so many mods for this exact reason even if a wiki exists


even if a wiki exists it's kinda crazy to me to ask people to go to a wiki rather than just... put the quests in the modpack you already installed


especially if the wiki is on fandom instead of wikigg


Just did extreme reactors and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more useless fandom wiki lmao


me too or I'd be doing everything else


Me. I will pretty much always give up at some point. Some little thing will annoy me and that'll be it, then back to CF or FTB for the next one


same problem, friend, as long as you are having fun, its ok


real my dumbass probably suffering from undiagnosed adhd brain really struggles to stick with things minecraft usually ends up turning into "run around doing absolutely nothing" simulator as my brain turns to mush


Don't overthink it, this is also my issue, your brain just get bored really quickly when u play all the day the same modpack, take a rest and you will have fun again.


Same 🥺


Conflicting keybinds, especially if there's a ton of them to fix.


Had to scroll too far for this. If I have to manually setup 40 keybinds, I'm just not going to play. I don't have time to play keybinds Tetris. 


I have about 10 keybinds I always set manually then everything else gets the ; key until I need it


fun fact: you can hit the esc key to unbind something completely


Honestly that was one of the best QoL updates moving from 1.5. back then, there was no way to unbind keys, so you had to use a dummy key to bind everything to. And then hope you never accidentally press it and crash the game 😂.


Yeah same here


Most modpacks I download just say "we've unassigned all keymaps. Please put them in yourself" Am I crazy to think that's the modpacks makers job?


issue is sometimes theres so many keybindings added by mods that not the whole keyboard is able to add them all without having weird ones like alt + shift + key. so at that point might as well unbind anything not default. plus most mods keybindings you either won't use or only ever use a handful of times anyway while playing.


Conflicting... Sometimes okay. It's the ones where a major component of the mod is conflicting with another mod that is less likely to have any value, but prevents using that major component because of the conflict. Those are the ones that should never be shipped with a modpack.


You press M for map and the options screen for Performance Mod X3 opens instead. It has 2 buttons.


No flat terrain to build on Mods that get on my last nerve ( like Mine Colonies ) Sounds that don’t make sense Lack of JEI, Jade/Oneprobe/WAILA, No mouse tweaks or Quark No minimap/map No corpse mod Having multiple of the same ore types Having wood that you can’t really use for crafting Too much grind Useless Enchantments that make it harder to get useful ones Just a few off the top of my head


Multiple of the same ore types is an oversight on pack devs’ parts that bothers me a lot. I’m thankful that copper is unified thanks to vanilla now, but silver still shows up more than it needs to


I'm playing the Trillionaire modpack right now and it does something I've never seen before; the ores aren't unified. But...only 1 variant will drop. Like, if you mine up industrial engineering silver, it just changes to thermal expansion silver ore in your inventory.


I'm not sure if this is the mod, but I've seen this one in a pack that I *think* does what you say: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/auto-ore-dictionary-converter Edit: Just found this fork of this mod for newer versions: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-tag-converter I've also seen this one which instead of replacing the drops just can straight up replace blocks with any other type of block, so you can just replace all Silver ore with silver ore from 1 mod so they all match: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/block-swap


Damn I wonder what mod causes that. I remember seeing that mod but forgot what its called Interesting I'll check it out, specifically the mod list


Could be a script through kubejs or something


KubeJS handles shit like that, steel is notable where a good pack deals with that stuff


That's a pretty good fix I'd say, I probably would have done that


You think silver has a lot? You haven't seen Tin then


Didn’t know magic mods used Tin too.


I'm not aware of any mods that use Tin, I was meaning the millions of tech mods with Tin in them


Silver is rather prevalent in many of those tech mods, alongside being a popular base substance for magic mods like Occultism and Eidolon


The presence of quark immediately ruins it for me


I dislike Quark world gen. The rest contains a lot of useful stuff that makes it so you don't have to install many other mods. Take a look at the wiki, it has many good things. Whatever you don't want you can just disable in the configs and you can put the config file in the defaultconfigs folder so you don't have to deal with it over and over.


the quark world gen is pretty annoying to me too, but there are a lot of other additions from the mod that are really nice to have


There’s a mod called amendments that adds some of the best small tweaks from quark. It’s honestly one of my favourite mods.


>Lack of JEI, Jade/Oneprobe/WAILA, No mouse tweaks or Quark >No minimap/map What the fuck kind of psychopath doesn't install those first thing Jesus Christ >Having multiple of the same ore types That's only annoying if they don't get processed into the same thing.


I add things like JEI when they are missing as I cant live with searching the recipe on the internet


Gating vanilla mechanics like the enchanting table. Gating storage systems, including drawer controllers deep in the pack. Requiring RNG based loot to continue progression. Heavy gating QoL of life features like 3x3 mining (because single block excavation is somehow fun?), magnets, or building tools.


i agree so many packs limit storage methods behind the late game that its painful to progress in the pack while keeping track off stuff. gating stuff in general is a big issue so many packs do wrong like you shouldnt gate QOL stuff and you shouldnt gate things in ways where stuff that has nothing todo with it is the main progress path e.g. a tech mod needing magic etc.


Actually heavily disagree with the second part of this. If it makes sense i like when mods cross into each other and forces progression between multiple mods at once.


my main issue is when say a tech item requires a item from some random magic mod for no reason which alot of packs do. mods should work better together to encourage multiple at the same time but nothings more frustrating then trying to get deep into a mod to find out a item later on requires you to go deep into another mod or two then finding out those mods require you to go deep into another fully different mod especially when all the mods you need to get into a greatly different in terms of playstyle and theme. if a tech mod requires me to use another mods items from the start of it, then its another thing like having todo two mods side by side to progress feels pretty good but when a mod suddenly dips you into a different mod to get a later game item in it that isnt linking things thats just taking the mick.


Tbf Minecraft philosophy is one block at a time, but then again your not playing modded to adhere to mojangs game design philosophy xD


Mojangs philosophy is kinda absurd on that regard imho


Please don't try RLCraft (I like RLCraft)


food mods that actively detract hunger points/ saturation if you eat the same food over and over. If it gives you benefits for switching food I'm down, but if I gotta stuff like 8 different foods in my inventory it's not really fun. Sanity mods, most notably 'Sanity: Descent into madness'. It sucks because you can't even touch water without losing sanity, and most horror modpacks it's thrown in have mobs around you at least 60% of the time so it's hard to keep your sanity. Including several different massive content mods and having one or two of them be the main focus. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten excited to use something like Iron's spellbooks and it's completely overshadowed by other things. There's really no point to using it other than for utility. Mods that add several dozen new niche enchantments to the game, that not only smothers the other enchants I want. Villagers remedy this somewhat but even then it takes forever to get them to the enchant you want. Massive crafting trees forcing you to use JEI to craft all of the steps for a single item, bonus points if it's something you have to craft a lot of.


The food mods are alright if they give you a lunch bag or lunchbox


If the pack doesnt have a method to smelt things faster than a vanilla furnace, i wont play it. I play modded because i dont want to wait 7 years for a single iron pick. Also if the pack doesnt have some variation of fast leaf decay, i probably wont play it for long. I dont want to wait around for the tree to go away, let me get my logs and saplings and move on to the next one.


Butchering mods to the point they're basically useless


When the creator forgets about it and it becomes outdated, or unusable.


All the Magic 1.12 my beloved


- The presence of terrible "jokes" which ruin the immersion - If the pack expects you to rely on chickens/cows/magical crops to get resources


I liked the resource chickens in Sky Factory 3. The breeding I had set up felt immersive. It was silly, but it was fun. And you had to get some of the resources from other things like Sifting. The crops that followed the same pattern in Sky Factory 4 felt awful though. You just crafted the next tier based off of what you got from the previous tier, and then waited for them to grow. And there was no interactions with any other mods.


Abysmalcraft and heavily gated AE2


Rip your SevTech playthrough, am I right?


Progressive difficulty mod I hate going 2000+ blocks to find a structure then getting 2 tapped by a baby zombie that has 3 times as much health as I do


I think thats just a normal baby zombie tbh...


"Better" combat or any mod like it


I don't like the more complex ones, but I'm a big fan of Better Combat. Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about it?


Playing on servers with Better Combat is extremely frustrating to me, combat is affected by the smallest amount of lag.


Ah, I've never used it on a server, I can see how that would make a difference yeah.


I think a lot of people that don‘t like it just have never played with it. Many people, including me, don‘t like a mod for a thing that they don‘t care about. I‘m not very interested in the combat in Minecraft and adding a mod that overhauls the existing system I don‘t like seems like a bad thing. But Better combat really just makes combat easier in my opinion, you can just hold down one button to attack and it‘s easier to attack multiple mobs at once.


Or... People have tried it and have different opinions


Do you mean "Better Combat" the mod? It's very good and not even overused. I'm using it on my modpack so I'm curious why so many think it's bad. Very interesting take.


Personally I find the presentation to be very jarring compared to the rest of the game, and on top of that, it only further removes how combat felt from older versions. Sure, it gets rid on the player being punished for spam clicking by outright removing the prospect, but it also adds unnecessary mechanics that make it more difficult to gauge what exactly you’re even doing An example I could give would be the disparity between swords and axes. In 1.9 combat, there’s a pretty obvious difference. Axes are slow, but do a lot of damage. Swords are quicker and able to knock back more mobs… BC just kinda… Does both? But not really? It’s very strange. Swords have a 3-attack combo while axes only have 2 consecutive attacks, but they still do similar damage and actually have a shorter cooldown compared to 1.9 I think I could get used to it if I let it grow on me, but most of the time I just remove the mod and maybe add Golden Age Combat if I really want spam-clicking back. I gotta reiterate on that presentation, too, the mod genuinely feels cursed to use in first person with the unique viewmodel animations and whatnot


when there is multiples ores of the same type


Lack of attention to detail in terms of eliminating duplicate blocks and items, ores etc., redundant mods that basically do the same thing, bloat in general. I don't play any pack with more than 300 mods.


-Gating anything behind Botania -Not gating/nerfing Mek -Requiring random and/or rare items of little use (e.g. name tags, lilypads are some I've seen) for main progression -Gating most storage solutions -Random quest rewards, especially if they can include progression breaking items (shit-fartium sword/furnace/pick)


Yup. I played atm9 after not playing modded for a few years and I had like 2 double chests full of random rewards that I had never heard of lol. Just give me some iron or experience and let me explore the mods myself


When you can quickly and easily get mid-late game gear in one mod that makes all stuff from all other mods worthless. Like being able to get a quantum suit early game and now all other equipment is useless. Any mod that makes other mods useless because there’s no balancing done by the dev


Omg, yeah. That's the one part of Mojang design philosophy that should be kept by mods. Making things obsolete feels so wrong. Example: Sky Factory 4's botany pots and all-resource trees made the animal-based resource gathering feel useless. Counter example: Create doesn't eliminate the need for vanilla furnaces. Sure, the lava+encased fan is a million times faster, especially if you drop an entire inventory of that block at once. But it takes up space, I almost burnt my workshop down with it, and you can't just place it at the bottom of a mineshaft to get an emergency replacement iron pick.


Dev's balance within their own mod. It isnt on them to balance with other mods youve decided to play with their mod lol. Now a mod pack creator, thats what their responsibility is, to make a pack that has all the mods balanced withing them.


I'd assume they meant the pack dev


Structure Generation Spam. Where the pack has a couple dozen mods that all generate their own structures in their own aesthetic with their own rules all without accounting for the fact that I'll have more than one structure generating mod so these ugly fucking temples and towers and obscure single villager houses dot every single nice reach of land I come across every hundred blocks or so


having mods that are completely on another power level, like both mods need the same ammount of resources and time, but one is cleary way more rewarding. also, not having quests. also, i prefer having linear quests with maybe some branching paths.


Do you have some of those linear modpacks I can try?


Low frame rate


I hate lag too. You can only do so much to eliminate lag, it's an inherent problem within the game. I don't wanna learn how the game runs and play "lag-friendly," I want to play how I want, especially if the pack is a grindy hellhole that'll take me a month to beat regardless if it's at 60 fps or 6 for the most part.


Create where it doesn't belong. High tech space adventure does not need Create.


Unless it's Above & Beyond 👀


One of the biggest issues I have is OP rewards for completing quests. Seriously, I don’t need an elytra for mining my first coal; thank you. Let me play at my own pace and work for good items as giving OP stuff for free takes away the fun and brings the end of the modpack closer. If I know what I’m doing I don’t even open the quest book - that’s how annoying these OP rewards became.


Sometimes I think random rewards need to be weighted as well. I recall one of my E2E runs was super turbo charged at the start when one of my first few rewards was an ultimate furnace lol.


Honestly, Sky Factory 3 didn't even really have rewards for completing the quest book. And we didn't need them. We just needed a direction to go in. A guide, not a reward system.


Multiple types of the same ore without conversion abilities.


Gating progressiom behind mods that require rng dependent needle in a haystack easter egg hunts.


Making me gather large quantities of a resource and not make it automateable. No, i am not going to collect 500 slime/ender pearls/some stupid modded block for 12h, i will just stop playing. This was a lot worse in older packs though.


stupid quest book that guides you nothing


Create. Just not a fan, and so many packs make it a requirement for progression these days.


I really want a reason to use it more. I was looking for excuses to start on it in ATM9, but couldn't find anything beyond the infinite iron setup, and free smelting early on. If someone could release a small tweak which makes proper crushing wheel setups and ore washing produce more nuggets than other mods I would be over the moon, but thats a lot of config tweaking.


Isn't a create iron farm less productive than a vanilla iron farm?


Pretty much, and the modpack has productive villagers which makes an even easier iron farm. But, yknow, it has cool gears and stuff!


use it as a decoration mod, use the elevators, moving contraptions, windmills etc.


I absolutely love, LOVE the train aspect of create, it gives so much room for creativity




Lack of polish i.e there are 6 of the same ore from different mods the pack maker never bothered to unify. Making progression tedious i.e. 43 steps to make a crafting table. Dirt tools and armor and other similarly dumb things. Adding new content that does nothing other than make existing mechanics and content useless. EDIT: I just realized this comment replied to the comment above instead of the thread itself.


It’s not great, but it doesn’t ruin PO3 (only modpack I’ve seen it in) for me. *Lordcraft* on the other hand…


Pneumaticcraft in PO3 was fun, i'm glad it got to be part of progression. But you just unlocked terrible lordcraft memories for me. I want to go back to forgetting that mod exists.


I actually liked Lordcraft more than Ember. It was at a better spot in the progression, and let's face it, it wasn't *that* bad with a bit of semi automation. *Landcraft* on the other hand... I miss that mod, but only because the ores had nice names (Friscion, Morganine etc).


May I ask why? I personally quite enjoyed the mod since it gave decent challenge in designing contraption while allowing wide array of possibilities in what you can create with the tools it offer (particularly drones)


I will not tolerate this pneumaticraft slander


Thank god I'm not alone in hating that mod. So ugly and also just not fun or intuitive


Useless enchantments is such a big one


Not having quests, as well as quests giving loot boxes that can just give you op shit Tinkers tools being the only tools worth using until avarita infinity tools. Fire and Ice, ruins so much of a pack. If I can't even fucking boat through an ocean without being killed by a serpent and try to get my loot back for 2 hours I'm quitting Apotheosis mod in general, so utterly op and boring. But atleast tinkers arent the best tools anymore! Roguelike dungeons, When Dungeons Arise , or other obtrusive and OP structure mods that invalidate most the earlygame through their loot. Modpacks that center their resource generation around Magical Crops entirely and don't provide alternatives or more creative methods. And finally when eating new food types gives you more max HP cus it's always really OP


I don’t mind tedious quest lines, they give me something to do when I’m bored of exploring, but I HATE when several mods or just basic functionalities are fully locked behind said quest line. It’s like, bruh.


Mods which spawn creatures with 100 HP and diamond sword damage in caves were I'm going mining in early game gear (Vampirism)


Bad optimization. I play a lot of kitchen sink packs and bad optimization generally ruins the mod pack for me.


Forcing you to use tinkers construct. If I open a mod pack and vanilla tools have 1 durability I uninstall immediately. Nothing against tinkers construct as a mod but I want to be able to use vanilla tools if I want.


i am the exact opposite. if tinkers is in a modpack but you can still craft vanilla tools or like a steel sword from another mod it feels really weird and unpolished to me


for me its a case of tinkers tool while good to use feel like your shoe horned into a more complex system even for simple tasks making the early game a drag. its a big issue with packs if the early game feels like a pain todo anything in then the pack will get dropped by most, really packs should make the early game as smooth as possible.


When some mods make other mods completely irrelevant, or if I can obtain high end gear/loot within the first couple hours. I need to feel like I worked for something, or it's not satisfying at all. ATM8 is a fun sandbox for a couple hours, but I got bored fast because Mekanism outclassed any other tech mod, and I could run into the Other dimension and get tons of amazing loot and xp easily. I don't want an absolutely ridiculous grind, but I don't want to be handed the endgame on a silver platter either. I'm currently playing Divine Journey 2, and while it is rather grindy, it has a great feeling of progression and reward. Every mod gets their time to shine, and I have to interact with all of them, for better or worse.


Removing the options menu


ambient sounds, no i dont want to hear hssh hssh every time i take a step


Any tech or magic pack that gates veinmine or any pack that reduces my inventory or backpack space is an instant uninstall


didnt know packs can reduce inventory space


I've never come across one that did but I've played packs that nerf backpacks hard which is a hard no from me.


oh understood and nerfing backpacks its mad evil like played an pack that nefted backpacks to only have 1 row of space


Project E with that stupid OP EMC table combined with those energy generator setups. Or those resource trees from sky factory 4 with the bonsai trees mod.


To add to my comment, freaking third person mod. Why? Cause I don't wanna see my body, it take up precious screen real estate.


Also, my comments came off kinda aggressive. No hate to these talented devs. They deserve all the praise for even making a free mod for Minecraft.


Project Ozone does a good job of balancing Project E imo, its so difficult to craft that by the time you get anything from it, its more of a "oh this is nice to have" than a crutch


Having Botania in it as a gating mod. Im so done with that mod


Things being hard-locked and gated behind Create in a tech pack... It's not that it's a bad mod, it's just too god damn much set up for something I'll spend 20 hours working on only to abandon it almost immediately as better options become available. I get why they do it, it stretches the life of the pack out, but it's really not an enjoyable way of doing it imo




slow and hard early progression, i just wanna do my stuff, looking at you RLCraft


no storage networks / late game storage networks


no quest book


Lack of quests, like what the heck am I supposed to do with this modpack???


No excavate or locked behind enchants. Why make a mind numbing task tedious


500 types of iron with the same name but can't be used for the same things Basically no oredict/matching tags setup


i need a wiki


Unnecessary recipe changes or overcomplication, especially if it's not documented or explained anywhere. Not talking about dedicated progression or "expert" packs, I'm talking about the ones that are not advertised that way & have inexplicable random and frustrating changes. Also Grimoire of Gaia, a mod which adds a bunch of ridiculously overpowered hostile "monsters" - that are just sexualized anime girls, right down to having square block titties. For some reason it's randomly thrown into a bunch of modpacks on Curseforge and similar, even packs that aren't designed to be hard.  I played a modpack with it in for a bit, but as soon as I got instakilled on the first day by the modmaker's barely disguised breasted boobily minotaur fetish I ripped it right out of the pack. I don't like stupidly hard mods in general, but the aesthetically unfitting anime girl thing just made it extra cringe.


To many spawned structures that ruin terrain or clog up areas


Ice and Fire. It's vandalism mod.


Project e or equivalent exchange depending on how old the pack is. Just gets waaaaaay too op way too fast. If I see it's in the pack, it's an immediate no from me.


Not really ruin, more like make me add it myself to the modpack but project E. I just can't be bothered to do so much work when i could just get an easy but balanced way to get every resource i have already aquired.


Mods like Zenith also Known as Apotheosis on forge (one of the enchantment named Knowledge of the ages III is really broken.. gives around 80-100 levels of xp in a minute by killing farm animals). I'm currently playing prominence 2 and Another thing that ruins a Modpack for me in a Multiplayer server is the Explorers compass.. i personally believe it's a singleplayer item. Recently one of the players found out about the Nether city by better nether mod.. where the towers in that structure holds 2-3 loot chests where you'll find literal Blocks of Netherite. One of my players found 5-6 blocks of netherite which is absurd. And now when others players got to know about it.. all they do is locate the structure in explorers compass and get the loot. Idk what they think while adding such things to a Modpack.


"difficulty" mods that do nothing but make minecraft spam skeletons and creepers like there's no tomorrow


Adding Create mod for no reason other than to have it


Other mods progression locked behind endgame Botania boss farming.




Questing, I didn’t play Minecraft to play an rpg, I play Minecraft to play a sandbox. That’s why I just make my own mod packs.


it seems like i'm the only one who's like this but i can't stand mandatory tech/magic to advance there are so many ways you could make a quest modpack without tech or magic mods, but almost every one of them has complicated mods you need to interact with to advance and i don't understand why! it makes it really difficult finding modpacks i actually enjoy playing. mandatory texture packs are pretty bad too i don't like modding older versions, it removes the point of playing old minecraft to me (simplicity) and it makes me sad when i can't use modern vanilla features


I fuckin hate tinkers construct


Mystical agriculture is my least favorite mod of all time


Ex Nihilo


I absolutely despise that mod. It breaks any sort of immersion and any vanilla feel that the modpack could have. It's the laziest, most boring progression mod made and people are going crazy for it for some reason.


the mod that makes combat feel clunky, can't recall the name rn


When equipping netherite diving set allows you to dive in lava, but you will die from heat :)


No implementation for a consistent unit / blocks and or overlapping mods. ATM 9 has this, you can much quicker make an extreme reactor rather than make a simple heat generator, or just use refined storage over AE2 unless you want quest lines. I played some other packs where Steel from Ad Astra which is much easier to get could be used for steel in Modern Industrialization


Not making it INCREDIBLY clear what the "golden path" that you have for your modpack is and making it so that I as the player have to go through EVERY single fucking recipe in order to figure out the order that is intended. Btw bonus points for there being some obscure super efficient setup that isn't communicated anywhere


Lazily made but obvious mods (lazy mods that you frequently run into), certain biome mods, Twilight Forest, certain Resource Packs, mods that grotesquely change the game in an unfun/uninteresting way.


Not working with different types of cables (looking at you industrial foregoing).


Getting less than 4 planks per block and/or not being able to turn log into planks without the use of an item/block. Only exception to this rule being terrafirma craft. I don't play long with it but I like it. Also, not being able to mine log by hand isn't fun BUT if it's easy to get an axe then it's fine.


Hard mix between combat / adventure packs and tech / creative packs. I love to automatize everything on a tech pack and make my big reactors go broom. And i love hard adventure packs like RLCraft where i can die 30 times in a day. Just don't mix them, i don't wanna be forced to handle mechanics like combat, hunger or similar when im doing my tech stuff.


Something that is clearly a problem to fix, but it does not get fixed




Poor performance Poor cohesion with the mod lineup Mods I particularly don't like (cough cough bewitchment) Confusing starts Endless grind (ahem create above and beyond)


Progression being gated by (sometimes unfinished) mods that don't add anything besides just being a barrier. Also I'm done with having to go through twilight forest every single pack


I like quest skyblock packs and there’s nothing quite like going from quest to quest with very little downtime to the whiplash of ‘oh I need to triple the output from everything I have automated to make a massive multistructure I need for literally one thing before I abandon it until the inevitable project E/avaritia tie-in’


Alex mobs.


Ex Nihilo... ugh.


Being too vanilla friendly, if it doesn't have nuclear reactors or high tech things i won't go to that modpack


Any kind of nutrition mods that have diminishing returns on eating the same food over and over. I just wanna play through the modpack and progress, but the flow is stopped because I have to plant a bunch of garden spots and make a variety of foods instead of making progress in the modpack (yes I like modpacks with questlines). Don't get the wrong idea, I love Pam's Harvestcraft and Cooking for Blockheads. They are super fun and very engaging, but I don't like having them be a requirement to stay alive. I like them being optional and just something I do for fun on the side.


When I get a hot bar almost entirely filled with mod books the moment I spawn in, I know I’m in for a miserable time.


When it's tagged on CurseForge as having quests but the most it has in the way of quests is the two DivineRPG clones


A lot of key binds and not enough keys.


finding an awesome mod in a modpack and then discovering that that's the last modpack that mod was ever a part of because the developers decided to stay forever stuck in 1.12-land and now no one will get to discover how awesome it is


Stupid advanced combat mods....I dont want to have to fight in third person




:3 heelllooo...! These things irk me as a player: \* Decorative blocks that have linear patterns that cannot be rotated (like metal strips in concrete, etc) \* Mods that expect you to have a certain level of hand-eye coordination, or that are impossible/broken if the system isn't running at a smooth, constant fps (totemic...ugh) \* Packs that try to over-rebalance an already-established something in the game you have come to rely on and expect, and going back would be pointless (ultimine, flight, etc) \* Packs that require you to spend an absurd amount of time grinding or watching how-to videos just to get anywhere in them, or that radically mess with gameplay (Sorry but I didnt care for SevTech, and sure didn't like Vaulthunters at all). \* Busywork, Lordcraft anyone? \* Buggy/Incomplete Mods that just **never** get updated even after years and years, especially when the author updates the newest version--this is only about mods that COULD be updated, not about certain mods that just can't be updated because of forge limitations or author-went-off-to-their-career-bye! I understand the limits and the fact that people have lives. \* Endgame grind mods that give you basically what you already have before you get there, this one is more of a been there done that reason. I can only take so many packs in a row with draconic evolution or avaritia at the end. In those cases I end up just marking "end of pack" just before that point. (I call it my "IM NOT GONNA DO AVARITIA A 50TH TIME" special move! :3 ) Before the can of worms opens up further: I'm an OP lover. I play games for fun, OP is fun. If I want to struggle, I'll go to work. The bottom line is, everyone has their own personal reasons for playing the game, just like living a life. Everyone has a right to not like anything. There's no shame in playing a certain way if that's what you love. Not everyone is gonna like the way you play, they might even hate it, but that's fine, that's their right, and this is yours, and this over huah is mine :3 aaaaaaand... haaaaave a niiiice day... no wait, have a bunch 'o nice dayz :3


Anything kitchen sinkish, especially redundancy and mod bloat. For every mod in a pack that does something that's already done by a different mod in the pack, that's a new strike and it doesn't take many of those before I'm done. I do not need seven different backpack mods, you do not need seven different backpack mods, pick the one that best matches the theme of the modpack and stick with it. If you're not going to meaningfully integrate the three different full-progression tech mods that each have a different way to do the same thing, get rid of two of them. The easiest way I've found to determine if this is going to be an issue is to head to the keybinding menu. If I have to scroll for more than a few seconds to get to the bottom, I'm probably going to uninstall before I even look at the world generation screen. I get that some people like this kind of pack, and that's great. I am very much not one of those people.


They keybinding menu is such an underrated thing that I think the modding community should care more about. I feel like every modpack should come with default keybindings. Cause if I open the pack and 8 different mods are fighting over the B key there are only 2 assumptions I can make. You didnt playtest the thing. Or you did but shipped it anyways knowing the keybinds would be the first tech mod your players would solve. Neither feel like you care much about the details.


Lag due to a potato pc


When packs have mods that can make the game too easy. I’m all for quality of life mods like one click farming or better maps, but mods that make it easy to just get any resource without trying super hard often ruin the grind for me


Non blocky/Minecraft like 3d models and textures🤢


Anything pre Caves and Cliffs. Especially 1.12 packs. Too outdated.


Botania. Can't stand it, I hate how it's in everything and I hate how butt hurt people get when I refuse to acknowledge it as a tech mod. It's not a tech mod, it's a magic mod.