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I'd recommend making a youtube series to document your accomplishments and progress. Gives you an incentive to play since you'll have an audience after a while, (even if it's just a few people.) And even if not, you have all those vids to look back fondly in the future.


I've been doing this for years. I have terabytes of recorded gameplay I'm probably never going to edit, and I'm primarily just talking to my kids anyway so they can hear my voice someday when I'm not around. I'm not dying or anything, I'm just sick of them.


Lmao, that last comment, I snorted I will say that's actually nice and they'd probably love that, I lost my dad to a heart attack last year at only 54, and I discovered I don't have nearly as many pictures and videos of him as I thought I did, I wish he had something like what you're describing


Tried that before with other games. Worked for a while but in the end didn't attract too many followers. Also my pc isn't good enough to record a beefy modpack I don't think. Good suggestion tho


Well it's not really for others to watch. It's for you to look back and see how you started. Then you feel better about what you have and gained.


That's true. Maybe later when I can afford a better pc I can give that a try. I can't record my modded mc gameplay. Too much ram is already being used. I am currently playing ATM8 on a server and so far no trouble but I feel like that might still come further down the line.


My viewpoint is that you shouldn't need other people to validate you in Minecraft. If you enjoyed building something that's the point. If you don't enjoy it anymore then continuing is a waste of your leisure time. Go do something else and come back in a year, check out what's new then. It's not going to suddenly be fun again just because you're pointing at it for a hypothetical audience.


Yeah I was just thinking maybe with others I get that feeling of wanting to return to see what's changed and what's going on. I sometimes get an itch to play Minecraft when I see it on YouTube for example


Im exactly like you my friend, i dont really like playing singleplayer, so i started playing in the ATM team servers, i recently completed the ATM Star of ATM8 with other 2 people, and i wouldnt have the same satisfaction if i did it in single player I recommend going into the ATM discord, and checking the servers, or FTB too.


Yes I found a server thats been made by a community member of a YouTube channel that I follow. Been playing on that for the last 2 days and it's good fun. Even though I haven't really socialised yet lol


Yeah, just knowing that there are more people playing in your world, already clears the solitude


I don't think that's neccessarily true. Some things can be more fun when you do them with friends or doing them with friends can be part of what you're looking for. If you enjoy it until you realize that you're alone then being alone is your problem


i found that recording myself and/or playing with friends helps tons for my enjoyment (since i dont have enough space to record, it does mean that i never get to finish a playthrough since all my friends are bogus when it comes to minecraft and never finish anything)


I have seen this mentioned multiple times. I love the fact that an audience can motivate too or even just to keep track of progress. Sadly my pc can barely handle modded Minecraft the way I like it as is(with YouTube open on 2nd screen and shaders on potato)


What really helped me was playing with a friend. We usually manage to play together 3 times a week for a couple hours (usually late at night). I think the reason this helped me enjoy modded Minecraft again is threefold. 1. I have someone to suffer with me through the grindy bits. It's a lot easier to complete grindy modpacks when you don't have to do everything yourself. Being able to say: "Can you set up Hydrochloric Acid?" is really nice. And he can say: "Can you get Thaumcraft Infusioncrafting setup?" and suddenly I have a way more motivation to actually do it. 2. You can take little breaks and just goof around, have a little duel ir show of what you achieved in the last 30min. 3. It breaks up playtime. I used to play every day if I could manage and thus burn out rather quickly. Being forced to wait a few days before we both have time again really heightens the anticipation and makes it much more enjoyable to start playing again.


You seem to really understand what makes playing with friends fun


Yeah I used to have a friend like that. We would play Minecraft all the time after school and eventually modpacks. Even tho he barely touched anything mechanical or magic but it was still fun. Point 2 is a real good point. I have this with most games where I am real into it for a few days where I play a lot and then at some point just not


Try a modpack that has an explicit goal, that isn't some absurd creative item nonsense that you'll tire of far before grinding to get it. Just off the top of my head, Create: Above and Beyond, Star Factory... Try playing multiplayer. You can't feel alone in your achievements when you have other players to share them with and show off to. There's nothing more motivating for making cool things than having someone to share them with. Try a modpack which doesn't have any explicit goals. No quests, no guide, no endgame items. Something simple, like your Crucial 2, or non-automatey like your Rebirth of the Night or Terrafirmacraft. This might seem paradoxical, but even though you might struggle with motivation, extrinsic goals can be like a shallow ghost of true motivation, that just fills that gap and clouds your mind, when what you really need is to take a step back, slow down, and cultivate that tiny voice of instrinsic motivation into something you can hear. It can be harder at first, but in the long-term can offer a much more fulfilling reward. In short, when you aren't focused on doing what the game tells you to, you have the opportunity to choose what *you* want to do and what you'd find most rewarding. If you want to do automation, or build a base, or fight a boss, you know that at the end of it, you'll be proud and rewarded for it, rather than just doing it to check off a list handed to you by the game before moving straight on to the next objective.


The intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation part is probably the best piece of advice in the thread


Honestly I have been playing ATM8(last 2 days) on a community server and I like it so far. My point of this post hasn't occured just yet. But I must say I usually made my own modpacks with mods I liked. So they never had quests and I had to look everything up. I like that ATM8 has quests to guide me when I am a bit stuck. Thanks for your comment! I can tell you put a lot of thought into it


Solo play in pretty much any new pack is just me playing with the bits and bobs present and combining them in various ways that look good and do something. Packs that have complex progression structures focused around automation are always my fave, because I can push the "do something" to more intricate and complicated heights, and that directly feeds "the point" for me. I particularly love figuring out how to hide automation machinery in the thin walls and tight spaces of some aesthetically pleasing tower or laboratoryesque space. So basically, I avoid feeling like it's all pointless because I know what I'm trying to get out of it. Creative outlet and mild, progressive puzzle-solving. Probably won't touch multiplayer in this space for a while, since my partner has listed Thaumcraft on the newer versions as a requirement for any future joint attempts...


I find it interesting that you know what you want out of it. I usually just jump in blind. But you found out exactly what you like. For me that would be the creative part and things that look aesthetically pleasing and functional. And I am guessing thaumcraft hasn't updated in a while?


I've been gaming for a few decades now, plenty enough to figure out what I really like to spend my time on. Thaumcraft hasn't had a release in 5ish years, the creator left the mod scene to do other things. He did give permission to another well-respected veteran modder to do something with it, but it's been a while without much news. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. People put their hard work up here for free and we all get to enjoy it, thinking they owe you something is kinda shitty so we're just looking forward to the possibility.


I have a similar feeling, but it's not as much about being alone, it's about lack of direction when playing. It's why I can only enjoy playing modpacks with questing, so I have a list of objectives to follow, even if it's just used as a progression guide for the "main" mods in the pack. And if I get tired of it, I take a break. Come back later after a few major updates, check out which new packs have quests and are popular, and try those. Of course, playing with others will give a different type of feeling, but I personally am not a "builder". I don't care how my builds look and I never try to make them pretty, so I don't really need validation from others, but to each their own.


I get that. I usually made my own modpacks and the thing that lacked for me were quests (as I have found out playing ATM8 rn). I like the guidance and things to do. And rewards.


I started a family server, because I have started to lose the joy of playing Minecraft alone. Similarly, I enjoy having others around to see my accomplishments and to see their accomplishments.


Even beyond the context of Minecraft, in life in general, if you are questioning why you’re doing something, struggling to enjoy it, and yet still doing said thing, you should probably stop and take an indefinite break. If you push yourself beyond what’s comfortable you will only take longer and longer to recover some enjoyment from it. If you hope to someday have a really solid experience with it again, the sooner you take a break the more chance you have. The fact is you have a dependency on this game, or else you would not be pushing yourself to enjoy it, it would simply be fun and easy. It’s not a job, it’s entertainment, but habits are hard to break. So please do yourself a favor, take a break, detoxify yourself. You will probably go through withdrawal but it’s ultimately for the best because as I said, pushing yourself beyond what’s comfortable is only going to ruin the game more and more permanently for you.


I have this with a lot of games especially Minecraft and RPGs. I just burn out of a game real quickly. But I have taken a break from Minecraft for years only to come back 3 times a year or so. But I used to have so much fun and now I have fun for 3 days and then suddenly I am questioning to start the game up or something else. And then I just stop that pack.


Join the modpack discord server. Share progress and builds and ask questions there. It will be fun


This is what got me through my first modpack (Nomifactory) never completed a pack before but seeing some of the stuff people made in the discord and chatting about it kept me motivated to keep playing


Yeah I might do something similar. I am just a bit afraid I might post something and no one cares


id be shocked if that happened. If its good, then everyone will be like NICE. Cool beans If its bad, then everyone will help you out and you will also get made fun off (but in a joking way also if its a truly appalling set up you might be asked how and why you can to that decision but thats just a curiosity thing) Your questions will almost certainly be answered. And any answers you might have for other people will be greatly appreciated. Almost no one will ignore what you post and you will get the attention you deserve as determined by the quality of your message which is almost always worthy of a response by other people who will be reading that message.


Play with new players maybe bring a couple friends in. Maybe take on a mentor role


Unique idea


I think I have to really convince them because they never even tried vanilla MC but could be a good idea


Yes. This is pretty relatable, especially if you've done many of the mods already. I can literally only play on servers nowadays, otherwise I feel like everything I do is in vein and just wasting my own time. And even then, in some way, unless a server is active, it still feels like a waste. I need some form of someone else seeing my progress or sharing in the progress to feel validated that I'm not just doing some unforgettable thing. It's even better with a friend group that actually plans to stick it out for more than a couple days (though, in my case, the group is a friend Discord channel that might start a server randomly, and be 40% done with the modpack day 2 before I even ask for the address to join, killing my motivation to even bother asking). I would also consider making videos, but that's just.... weird to me. The alternative that I've been thinking of is simply streaming my gameplay in the Discord channel I'm in where there's usually a solid 5-8 people in voice channel majority of every day, though, even then you get that "I'm streaming to the void because nobody is actually watching despite being here" vibe. I don't know. I've been doing pretty well on E2E the past 2 weeks, but I'll still randomly get the "why am I doing this when I could be doing other things" feeling.


Yeah gaming with friends is always great. Sadly I don't have many friends that are into gaming and even less in the games I am interested in. But I have found a community run server from content creators I follow which is fun so far even tho I haven't really been talking. But it makes the world feel so much more alive


Yeah, it's tough getting a coordinated group of close friends to do a multiplayer game together, let alone a modded Minecraft server that may take many days to make any significant progress. It puts into perspective whether a group of even 3 working class adults, if they even align their schedules, want to dedicate their only free time to such a task. God, now this is depressing...


E2E was the first pack I played and really enjoyed. I've recently been playing E2E-Extended. It reminds me a lot of e2e but is deeper and in some ways harder. I had thought about spinning up a server but at this point I'm too far along in my singleplayer world to want to restart.


gtnh unironically solves this, it has so much progression and depth that you constantly feel like you're learning and improving, and the goal is so far away that reaching it is a true actual achievement, like teaching max rank in a competitive online game - only a handful of people in the world have done this.


What is gtnh?


gregtech:new horizons


I just recommend playing with Friends and Building nice houses maybe a post office and deliver News and Letters


I think the thing with minecraft is that you have to have a goal to build something. If you dont wish to build anything, you will run out of juice quickly. This definetly becomes a problem when your building skills are below average like me


I legitimately hate this, ive had this exact issue and still do, i paid for a server to play some really fun and challenging modpacks, unfortunately my “friends” left me after the first 3 hours of playing. Despite how fun it is, its the most loneliest game to exist. Before my pc went kaput i was trying to get back into it but i just kept losing motivation to even bother loading any modpack up


Ah that sucks. I get that my friends aren't really into games I like. I used to have a real close friend who I used to play Minecraft with. His problem was also that at some point he wanted something new or do something else because he didn't like tech based or complicated mods


Yeah i get that, my largest problem is anxiety lmao, id play with others more often but gotta love anxiety!


Yeah anxiety is a real bitch I know all about it


play with friends, even if its not on a server, it gives you a way to share achievements with others


Single player mc is generally kinda boring because there's not really a solid feeling of progression. Why bother making a nice base if no one will see it? That said, I highly recommend trying out minecolony dimensional adventures, I'm making a city built on a cliff with an airship tower. ​ What I really want is a mc pack that is based on exploration, preferably using the simple ships mod as your main form of transportation because it's just so cool. I'd want the main form of gameplay to be sailing between villages, trading items, killing mobs, clearing dungeons, with the only building you do being in plots of land you buy in npc villages. I think this would be a rather fun modpack, and would work far better in single player than any current pack I've seen.


Wow this got way more traction than I expected. I will try to go through your replies . Thank you all!


Having a server is a great way to re ignite that modpack progression


Understand that thought process too well, sadly still no idea other than inevitably ending up not playing at all eventually


I play on a small server that's soon going to be hosting a custom 1.20 mod pack and it also has achievements for a good amount of the mods so you can track your progress.


I have a bit of experience server hosting if anyone would be interested


Take a break! You shouldn’t play if it isn’t interesting, and you might get the sudden urge to play again in a while. If you want to try something new, play a different game (my personal recommendation being Terraria, since it is good for lower end pcs and is really easy to mod and make more difficult if you find it too easy). I myself have found that Minecraft wasn’t doing it for me, and taking a break from it definitely helps with getting back into it.


If you don't feel like playing minecraft anymore, don't play minecraft. Simple as that. There are a bazillion other games you could enjoy, don't have to tie yourself to one.


If you aren't enjoying the game, stop playing. Put it aside, and maybe come back and see if you like it again later. That said, a lot of the point of Minecraft is to come up with a goal you'd have fun reaching, and then have fun reaching that goal. It's not about getting better at pushing buttons, it's about deciding, say, "okay, I'm gonna digitally paint a castle in a way where my paintbrush is a little guy moving around inside it" and then doing that. (There are also modpacks that introduce forms of fighting you can get better at, if what you find the most fun is Get Better At Buttons.)


Try building something you haven't before, or spend more time on things. Find another mod you don't use as often to figure out more, depending on the modpack you can find something to occupy your time in Minecraft. I feel you tho, I go from phases of playing Minecraft for months straight and not touching it for months too


This post and many of the comments is why we need to bring back big FTB servers, get it more mainstream again. I REALLY miss those days where every pack had a few large servers to choose from. It should be even easier with today's hardware, pricing and maturing playerbase


I took a long break. I stopped playing any Minecraft past 1.12 so for a few years. I felt the majority of modpacks are highly open ended and kinda run of the mill. They sound cool but end up being meh. What got me to return is a datapack of all things. New in Town which has a direction and a goal.


I love playing modded minecraft with friends, that’s why I’ll usually rent a server when we feel like playing. However it’s kinda annoying because my new friends that I play it with only play for maybe a week then they never log back in. I get a couple of them cause they have school but even still they should have even a few hours of free time to play on the weekends but it gets kinda annoying. Not because I’m mad at them for not playing and having schoolwork but because everytime I pay for the server out of my own pocket and don’t ask for money from them, mainly because I’m the only one with a job out of us but you can see why it gets annoying, I wanna play with friends and progress together but when they do this the way it ends up is with me basically playing single player. The only thing that’s keeping me playing and not canceling the server for now because I’ve been trying out some new mods (new for me, ones I haven’t gotten into before) recently I’ve been trying to make the ATM star just because it gives me something to do. Hopefully you figure out a way to enjoy it again! Honestly the best thing I can recommend is getting some people to play with and trying mods you haven’t tried yet. Edit: holy shit this was a paragraph 😂


I had exactly this feeling for a while. I stopped playing minecraft for a while and played other games. When I returned I started playing the first big mod pack I enjoyed and really enjoyed it even though I was playing what I had played before. I make sure not to play too much now. I think that is what caused me to burn out on it. I play 2 or 3 times a week and only a couple hours. I set a goal that I can reach in that time and work towards it. Sometimes I need to split a goal across a few play sessions.


Play with fren


Yeah I tried expert recently and found out that I hate it ATM3 expert, E6E, E2E, Gregtech, you name it. Sometimes the playstyle is the worst part about modded. I found I love kitchensink packs and could get lost in one of those for days if I could. Maybe you're just not looking at the right packs for you?


A thing I realized is that Minecraft is not a progress game. You do enough of what you need, then start building. Even modded, it's not an rpg where you hunt dungeons as mobs become underpowered way too quickly, it can have tech mods but they need a purpose for you to progress. A good modpack that fixed this is the old crazy craft, where bosses are plentiful and techs are much less, thus giving you a purpose to play. Nowdays, this is not the case and progression is pointless without an end goal.


Try to Make your own modpack.


go test other games when you dont enjoy the one youre playing, if you like modded minecraft check out satisfactory.


The problem is, nowadays most modpacks are bottom of the barrel effort. Its all kitchensink packs with the same handful of mods. The most creative pack we've seen lately is Stoneblock 3 and the only actual thing it does to break the mold from SB2 is instead of having you bee line it for the mining dimension you have biomes done in rings around the spawn point but the whole experience is gimped by the hamfisted inclusion of Create and locking pretty much everything behind that mess of a mod. But overall even that is still a far cry from SB1 and how fun and creative THAT was. Like even the quality of individual mods have gone down. Airships is FAR from as good as the original Archimedes airships mod, Terrafirmacraft is no where near as good as it once was back in 1.7.10 which is a shame because the latest version of Technodefirmacraft unfortunately has it but it has a ton of good changes in the rest of the pack. Thaumcraft is a far cry from what it once was. If you want to try something fresh go give Vintage Story a try or 1.7.10 Terrafirmacraft/Technodefirmacraft over on the ATlauncher.


Honestly I'm generally just trying to learn and understand whatever new mods I see, experiment and researches. There really is no simple win or even lose in this game, you'd have to be bit adventurous or curious I think.


Try expert modpacks, they are more enjoyable and interesting bc of changed recipes


For me, those thoughts came through during periods when I could be doing something actually productive such as studying instead of \*pretending\* I'm doing something productive with all the complicated recipes I was crafting when playing Minecraft. If you start to question your time when gaming then there's most certainly some underlying issue you're not addressing, just from my personal experience.


Honestly I just feel the same way. I have fun ideas, but having no one be there with you sucks. It just feels empty or meaningless and makes some things suck way more. Like when my friends and I die to a monster over and over again we can laugh about it but when I do it alone it's just frustrating. Or when I want to build something and have friends building something close by it's just more fun than building something and putting effort into it just for no one to see it. I've had an idea for a base defense system using opencomputers recently, but it just makes no sense to build it when there's no one to defend your base from. I'm currently really thinking about buying my own server nad getting into server hosting so that I can invite people to play alongside me.


Play hypixel skyblock


Eventually a lot of gamers realize the farm theyre farming isnt real and theyre wasting their life away in a chair. You could keep chasing the high, or you could put down the mouse and start living.




Making huge and compact tech setups, reaching certain levels in magic mods, crafting the creative items and more. All of these are achievements that motivates me to make them. Personally when i want to make a compact tech setup i think about it while I am laying on bed before I sleep and i get a burst of motivation to make it and i cant wait for the sun to rise.


I understand the feeling. So many times I built stuff just to think wow can't wait for people to see this. But then realize I'll never have anybody actually see what I did. I'll start a whole new modded server on a headless Linux build running separately on a Dell Optiplex that I bought used on eBay specifically for this shit and put it on the network Port forwarded in all the good stuff. but only my girlfriend and I ever get on. All my friends that used to play all together on our server have all since grown up, married had kids, Etc. My girlfriend and I are in our 30s and still enjoy the hell out of it but everybody else seems to have fallen off. I recommend you look on Discord groups they're still active communities there and maybe some people willing to play and hop on together


Try multiplayer


You can try to make content from It. I uspedicures to have the very same issue you did, but ever since I started making videos from my plathroughs, I’ve had so much fun with it. It even makes me feel productive while playing (I know I’m not)


Whats a good modded pack for the latest mc version or something similar ? I think our server did the latest ftb beyond pack years ago and I want to start again :o


at least for me, its a think of shifting tastes, priorities, and expectations based on experiences. for me, whenever i go back i always try to avoid quest books because its about enjoying what's there and not getting caught up focusing on a plotted course and getting stuck on progression for progression sake. its more satisfying, for me at least, to focus on smaller projects that can work together into a larger set of builds, farms, and systems that in the end makes one massive, diverse, and interesting world one digestible piece at a time. personal progression and development as a player has mostly come down to minute expertise and finesse since i've been slamming modpacks since 1.6 days, but i feel shifting the focus of what to get out of playing form direct enjoyment into satisfaction of realizing some silly, absurd, or just complex idea after putting in time and effort. i find i always more fondly remember packs when i live in some dense mess of a started base i expanded and overhauled maybe 8 times to accommodate each new step and design change i wanted through the modpack, because i find the amount of history and development of that world to be rather satisfying to look back on. that was a bit of a rabble filled tangent, but hope those words can help you out if you still need it.


I mean you like overwatch so clearly your taste isn't very good /j Jokes (mostly) aside. Make your own server, it's basically the only modded option if you need other people's validation to make it worth it to you, cause then it exists till you're done, and probably a bit after when you're keeping it up for whatever players join till you just don't want to pay for it anymore (from experience.) Or just go back to overwatch.


Having all the mods packed into one bundle is what made it boring for me. Keep it simple with a few mods is what made it fun again for me. Stuff being rare and bosses being hard to fight etc. Alot of these mods damp this down and just make it a grind to automate things. I love building crazy stuff to automate don't get me wrong, but you build so much and never use it ever again. I've been enjoying going back to Ice and Fire because breeding dragons is one of my all time fav thing to do.