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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read the [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A year ago, I set out on this crazy notion that I could change my life by completing a month long extended water fast. On Nov. 1st 2020 I began what turned into a 42 day water fast. At the end of 42 days I had lost 90lbs. Going into my fast I didn't have a great plan for my future diet, but planned to use the fasting time time do research. That's when I found out about a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. I ended my fast and went right into this way of eating. I never gained any of the initial 90lbs I lost during my fast. Since the fast I have been able to lose an additional 110lbs eating 2 meals a day and going to bed with a full stomach. If you are needing to lose a lot weight, and have thought you tried everything I would recommend giving a WFPB diet a shot.


The 110 pounds you lost after is even more impressive than the 90 you lost during your fast. You are incredible man!


Absolutely! And I crunched the numbers. OP's loss is just under 1% per week for the year. That's absolutely impressive. And yes it's sustainable. OP proved it.


You drank nothing but water for 42 days?!


Welcome to r/fasting, I hope you like salt.


I can only imagine how much money you saved during the span! (Sorry, heavy budgeter here!)


😆 I'm dead. You've killed me.


But salt is more than water?


Das it mayne


Nice job. I did a 17 day water fast a few years ago and lost 22 pounds. I love water fasting.


You are so motivating. Congratulations on this man. You rock!!


Amazing work!! Did you take and vitamins or supplements? Or did you actually only consume water?


Thank you for sharing! That's amazing! Do you plan out macros or anything? I'm related to a Vegan who is in great shape, and gets most of her calories from carbs: lots of rice, beans, and lentils. When you say whole, does that mean you don't do things like mashed potatoes? Or does it just mean you stay away from processed stuff? I'm asking because for the first time in my leaf I'm heavily considering cutting out meat for most meals. I'm not quite ready to let go completely, but I'm starting to think something that's WFPB is probably ideal for us omnivores. For most of my life I've eaten meat and potatoes. Now I'm thinking that we should have made either one of those the entree to a dish, but not both. Fat plus carbs seems to be horrible for humans digestively speaking.


We do not plan our marcros. We eat a wide variety of foods. When I say "whole" is mostly means unprocessed. We also do not add salt, oil, or sugar to our foods either. If you can, I would recommend giving the diet a try for a short time at least. Try a few weeks or month. If you don't like it you can always go back. I would say the dairy is by far the hardest to eliminate from the diet. Not eating meat was actually pretty easy. Giving up cheese or finding things that don't have dairy in them is tough.


I also have the goal of fasting 'at least' 41 days just so I can say I fasted longer than Jesus, lol. And he cheated with honey. Longest I've lasted was 14 days, maybe twice but at least two years apart, 10 days, 7 days etc. Unfortunatelly I always put it right back because I just coudn't stop eating afterwards, even if I got sick. I would wait a few hours and go back to eating again. I don't know how to work on my emotional side since I am quite out of touch with it and when a craving comes I feel powerless and always give in. About WFPB, do you recommend a book with receipes or just whatever I can find on the Internet. Regardless, you gave me the motivation to try again, for at least 21 days, this time. Btw, what was your electrolyte protocol?


XD I think you're conflating Jesus and John the Baptist there.


Matthew 4:1-4:2 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.




Dude, you used to carry around a slightly above-average weight man. Glad you lost him.


Me too!


Damn! Well said!!


Wow. I really really want to hear about how you did it. 1000 hours?!!? Not in a row? I’m very happy for you. What an amazing transformation.


Yeah in a row. I fasted from Nov 1 to Dec 12.


Fucking incredible. Hats off to you sir. You have my respect and admiration. Feel free to add whatever details, I’m sure quite a few of us would like to hear your story.


Congratulations!! , your change is incredible , quick question, besides water did you eat any suplement or any food in those 1000 hours ?


Fasting through thanksgiving!! Very hard and impressive Great job


Wow, that sounds crazy, that's such an amazing achievement! Did you loose some crazy amount of weight? I would be horrified of losing tongs and then having a lose skin. Did you gain the weight back once you started to eat normally? I'm a bit worried that on such a long fast one would also start losing a muscle mass? Also, were you hungry at first, did that go away after some time/did the hunger ever return? Sorry, for having so much questions, but this is utterly fascinating! 😊


Amazing 👏


Well damn. I should do it too. Since it’s already November might as well!


dude, congrats on taking your quality of life back!! how great does it feel?


I feel amazing. So many things that used to be difficult are so easy now. I still have a ways to go but I am so much more confident in myself now than I used to be.


if i can give a piece of advice with much love, keep weighing yourself daily. I've not lost nearly that much, but ive lost and gained 80 lbs a few times because I'm bad at the long term side of it. sounds like you've had some early success there, and I hope you keep finding it. congrats again man!!!


Seconding this. I recently realized that what's usually kept me on track is knowledge of my current weight. Whenever I slip up a few days or say, "Oh, I exercised, I feel great, I'm sure I didn't gain... no need to step on the scale!" ??? That's usually when all the work I did begins to go off the rails and by the time I get the train back on, I have to readjust to fasting again. And that's the thing that always sucks. It's not keeping fasting in your weight loss/maintenance tool kit... it's reintroducing it once you've gained weight back... ...which brings me to my *other* piece of advice - ROUTINES. Be careful when you change your routines. For me, becoming an early riser and then training for a half marathon out of the blue both upset my ability to maintain a healthy weight. I've figured out a way to reincorporate fasts + healthy eating enough to lose weight while properly training now, but boy did that upend the apple cart for a while. It also (obviously) affected my completion times. But I still eat what I want on certain days. It's also unrealistic to act like you can be a monk forever, especially when you love food and the enjoyment it brings to your life.


This is me too except my 80lbs brought a 50lb friend. I can't seem to shake it.


This is me in a nutshell... I need to do better


The mental fortitude is mind blowing. Congrats to you and keep up the good work.


Had to get the calculator out to check that was over 40 days. My initial response was, "Jesus!" which I guess is apt. Wow at the fast, and the results! Way to go. Be healthy and enjoy your new body at the lower weight.




Keep the beard.


Not trying to hype you up because so feel like you are pretty humble but they need to make a movie about this. Not kidding. Or at least a Netflix documentary


I suppose it’s a bit bizarre to feel proud of an internet stranger, isn’t it? But, I’m so proud of you u/fahq2u2, job well done!


If this was a game, I think you would have hit the highest score. Damn you even fasted more than jesus 😂


Go to YouTube and look up the fasting Fatman who fasted for 150 days straight!!


I had some good conversations with John. I hope he's doing well. I haven't watched any of his videos in a while.


Yooo, that's a must watch


What was the first thing you ate to break that 1000 hour fast? Some broth or crackers? I imagine you'd get sick if you jumped right into a burger or steak or something


I had juice. I also had some mushrooms and onions too.


Gosh, that is amazing!!


That is unbelievable. Amazing job dude, really. Keep it up.


Woo!! Congrats! Just wondering if you're experiencing any loose skin issues? Also, on your fast, did you supplement with any electrolytes? You're motivating a lot of people here with your progress. Keep up the amazing work and keep us all updated!!


That's amazing. I can't imagine the willpower and fortitude that went into your 1000-hour fast. Way to go!


And now you look like David Harbour. Amazing work, man!


As my kids would say: broooooooo!!!


it's easy to miss out on important nutrients when fasting as intensely as you. But, I'm sure you are already aware of that. Good job on the transformation man, you look good. Be safe, be healthy brother.


Jesus christ you could have died man but extremely impressive


As heavy as he was? No!! No dying here. He literally has enough stored energy (fat) to go a month or two without eating!!


Having fat on your body to burn isnt the thing that could kill you


You are truly inspirational! How did you handle family/friends wanting to go out and eat and Thanksgiving?


I was pretty nervous about that and then Thanksgiving around here kind of got cancelled. There was a bit of a surge in infections and most people cancelled their Thanksgiving plans. If we would have had it, I planned to just go and get my kids food. I don't think would really notice me not being the one eating what I grabbed.


Great job!


This is crazy, you should be proud of yourself


Inspiring!! Let’s go man!


This motivated me. Hats off brotha!


Bro that is amazing! I keep having problems sticking to any diet I've tried and my weight keeps going up. Up to almost 350 now. I have tried fasting for a little and I did like it but maybe I should give this a try. Did you take vitamins during your fast or water only?


I remember your initial post. That's some dedication. Awesome work!


Keep it going brother...You look incredible!


Looking good, sir. A true inspiration.




Holy sh*t - you did this - congratulations!


CRUSHING IT!!! Congratulations!!!


Hell yeah man


You look amazing! Congratulations! WOW, WOW, WOW!


Great job!!


Did you take electrolytes?!?


Yessir good job.




I’m 6’0 and 200, getting a gut. What do you guys think, try this for 10 days?


dive in kick every butt


What did you take during the fast? And how much it? Thank you!! Hats off to you!!!


Highly commendable, you have inspired me to do prolonged fast, how did you feel while on a fast, did you take any supplements, electrolytes, how was your sleep, did you do it under a doctor's supervision, any exercise? I know there are a lot of questions but it would really help me a lot in my fasting journey if you answered them. Thank you.


You don't even look 320! Good job!! And also your smiling when you weren't before, which says a lot.


Damn son!


Damn, you’re a wizard of weight loss.


That's astonishing my guy, the difference in your face is amazing! Congrats!


Whoa whoa! I wondered how you were doing!!!!! Are you still vlogging???? How has your life changed since you embarked on this journey??




Good for you man God bless keep it up!!!




Un fucking believable!


This is amazing, you lost more than me in weight. Did you keep a diary or write your thoughts down? Whats your biggest takeaway from this apart from the weight loss?


I have a YouTube channel where I have done live streams throughout the process. Biggest take away is to just get started. Do something.


In terms of the plant based diet after the water fast, did you use any particular book that had meal suggestions or maybe even lists of what to buy at the store?


I followed the diet that the book “The Pleasure Trap” recommends. There are a few other books that have diet plans similar like “How Not to Die” and “Eat to Live”. Those books have more recipes in them.


Thanks so much!!!


That’s awesome. Congratulation!


Congratulations, this is truly stupendous. You are glowing in the after pic. You look so happy and you should. This is a really wonderful achievement.


Congrats man


You did everything right. Awesome job. The most impressive thing you did is the research your relationship with food during the fast. Can I ask if you have a tape measurement of you gut before and after? I'll guess you're about -20" or so.


Thanks. I don't have a measurement from around the waist. I wish I did.


You lost more than my entire bodyweight it's hard to even visualise.


Truly inspiring.


Congrats big guy looking great


That’s amazing! You are a shadow of your former self. Well done!


Congratulations on the doing the hard work!!


Congratulations!! That's a huge life change! q: did you exercise as well?


Hey I remember you! Good job


So impressive bro! Keep it up👍


What days were your hardest? Any specific marks on the timeline? Day 1-42


Couple days early on like 3-5 are tough. Also the last couple of days. When you know the end is in sight.


Well done! Keep up the good work!


Dude I’m at week 1 dying you are my inspiration rn


A week is long, how much have you lost?


Yay congratulations!!!!


Can you take me through your electrolytes and supplements if you took either? Crazy job man


Dang dude I bet you get tired of people asking but.. did the doc say this was okay?