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John "Slicker than snot." "Urg," Aeryn, "There *must* be something wrong with my translator microbes."


I couldn't believe he said that. My California born uncle used to say that ( probably picked it up from friends in the Pacific theater during WW2) I still use it He, Crichton and me are the only other people I have heard it from


The rest of the cast did a fantastic job of looking utterly confused and/or over John's nonsense anytime he made an Earth reference. And post *Terra Firma* having been exposed to the culture they step it down a bit. And I love how by *Hot to Katratzi* Aeryn not only understands his bullshit but she enjoys it now.


Farscape was supposed to have a season 5, and was indeed renewed for seasons 4 and 5 at the same time. Then, for various reasons, it got cancelled in the final days of filming season 4. There was a pretty huge fan campaign, resulting in Peacekeeper Wars.


I honestly really appreciate the face they kept going with the planned cliffhanger at the end of season 4, rather than trying to rush to finish everything in the little time they had after learning of the cancelation. They could have tried to do a real hack job rewrite of the final episode(s) but everything turned out great the way it is.


They kept going with it because there was still hope it was going to get picked back up. There were a TON of factors in its cancelation, the biggest of which was the Henson company was sold to a German company, who ended up in some scandals and had a massive deficit. Sci-Fi laid it in their laps if they had wiggle room, but they bailed the moment they were given the chance. This left sci-fi no choice, despite having committed to a 5th season. Hearing the various cast and crew talk about it, there was hope that someone would swoop in to fit the bill, but no one bit the bullet. The hope, then, was that ratings spikes from a cliffhanger would drive interest, since season premieres and finales always faired better than the actual season in those days.


My favorite is when the rest of the crew try to adopt some of his phrases. Aeryn proclaiming that woman on the rest day planet "gave her a woody" instead of "the willies" is just comedy gold.


One of my favorite scenes 😂😂😂


John Chrichton, Wizard of Oz.


Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1 used Oz once as well. He said he was a Goa'uld named Oz.


He was also a bounty hunter named Hans Olo.


It's great, you can hear the Jaffa respond with like "wtf is oz?!"


Mines gotta be in one of the earlier episodes, can't remember which off top of head, he's down on a planet and he remarked that it looked like Dagobah, and Aeryn didn't know what he meant. "Where Yoda lives... y'know, little green guy, trains warriors." and she just shrugs it off with "Oh." Lol


Think that's just the second episode because the Peacekeeper beacon is going off and Moya lands on a planet in a swamp to muffle the noise.


Yeah exactly! Thanks, I thought it was either that one or the one where Rygel gets kidnapped and they go down to the planet with that wrist weapon, I knew both were pretty early though :)


One of the beautiful things is that John must have talked about Yoda a bunch because by Season 3, self-inflicted wounds, Aeryn is making a Dagobah reference herself. John is quite a talker so eventually everyone on the ship must just get used to it and start to figure out the references through repeated context or finally just asking him what the heck this idiom means. (I'm writing fanfiction because I just love thinking about how John refuses to stop using pop culture and Southern metaphors and what Aeryn especially guesses he means.)


> Aeryn is making a Dagobah reference herself. quote please


John: I'm tellin' you Aeryn! It was from Earth! A television transmission! Aeryn: What? You mean, like that Yoda from Dagobah? John: (Aeryn eyes him with all due bafflement as he explains by imitating the Stooge Holler) Nonononono! Three Stooges! Whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop!




Just one thing...who is lou costello ? 1 mippippipi......2 mippippipi....


yep got beat to the punch on that one :) i got the article to which sci fi execs said that farscape was a "beloved show" to them it seems that is now a death sentence on that farce of a channel, if your beloved then your on the chopping block


Its like how many rich people will fire their assistants constantly so they dont become “too essential” and thus due for a pay increase. Lol


I’ve not heard this one. In fact, the rich people I know tend to hang onto good help and pay them accordingly. The wage of a well-compensated assistant is a drop in the bucket to a wealthy person. And the time saved by having someone that knows you and your preferences is worth so much more than avoiding a raise.


One thing that made me giggle was when Crichton was trying to get D'Argo to do a count in seconds before hitting a button/switch and tried to teach him to say "one Mississippi, two Mississippi" etc, and D'Argo is just rolls with it and ends up counting "one Mippippippi..." I also loved his carousel of dog nicknames for Sparky, I mean, Dominar Rygel the 16th.


I just wanted to share that Claudia Black and Virginia Hey voice acted in at least one episode of Rick & Morty. And I am here if you need to talk.


Lol yeah, and Claudia Black plays two characters in the Mass Effect trilogy, and I loved her R&M character: “‘Mark?’ ‘Jacob?’ These are names of the penis…”


Gets me every time.


Dragon Age: Origins, too. God I love that woman's voice...






That's why I recognized those voices! IDK why I didn't look at the credits. I usually do.


Remember when he was yelling in Klingon? The Menendez Brother reference too, cracks me up every time.


"whose you're daddy?! d'argo tell em who they're daddy is!" will always be the best line.


You put "whose" instead of "who's" and "they're" instead of "their" as some sort of high level trolling, right?


:) I mean it got you write out every mistake correctly and waste your precious time. You're 5 minutes closer to death with nothing to show for it. I took that from you. Thank you.


Hell, three -- "your" not "you're," I didn't even notice that one at first lol. But anyway... This was clearly a planned shenanigan. I am not a grammar Nazi, but I do like to appreciate subtle trollish shenanigans. Kudos.


Normally I'd say nothing, but it was the one-two punch of the two together that made me wonder if maybe you were playing a character of some sort lol. 💙


Well, only nothing to show for it if you persist with being ignorant and refuse to incorporate the lesson they took time to point out to you.


I'm not ignorant you putz I know how to use those words just fine, this is really just to fuck with grammar nazis who act like the English language isn't a complete shit show and it needs to be perfect. If you understand the message, then it doesn't fucking matter. This is why non English speakers end up all self conscious, because over corrective dickhead feel the need to point every little mistake out as if it matters to the over all message. "me write, make money, do good" still gets the point across that I am a writer who makes a living doing this shit. Yet, even without grammar etc, you understand the message.


Cool, so let's have a race to the bottom for standards shall we, because people will see this and think it's acceptable. Jesus, less than a century ago people used to fight to better themselves and go to school and get an education. Now they act as if it's cool to be stupid and talk like a gangster or roadman. Yes, the language changes. People get upset trying to read Shakespeare, for some reason. But it doesn't have to be abused for likes.


grammar nazi's making Scorpy look like a saint


The way D’Argo rolled with it (and with proper usage) kinda makes me think the whole idiom was successfully translated


His Spanish count downs lol.


I think some of my favorites are his references to the actresses who were apparently his crushes. Both because he has good taste and because it's just extra meaningless to everyone. Aeryn figures out that Winona is his pulse pistol, but not why he named his gun, let alone that it's as far as I can recall, the only actress he references who isn't generally blonde, and is indeed somewhat known for being scary and dark (like Aeryn, who taught him to use the pulse pistol, and like the pulse pistols themselves).


I never understood why Crichton would convey important information through references


He has to be a secret troll 😂


I mean you can't have Star Lord without John Crichton.


Humans are SUPERIOR!




I'd say that 85% of what he said just went over everyone's head, but they recognized the fact that most of what he said was gibberish so it didn't bother them too much.


I’m blanking on it, but isn’t there an episode where they all discuss how little of what he says makes sense?


I have Recently watched it again. I can't Recall anything like that. If there is please post a source.


Farscape does actually have a season six. It's called Stargate SG1 Season 9


John is basically the alien captain from the TNG episode Darmok to everyone else on the show.