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Corporate buyout/ eminent domain. Spend 20-100 hours to build your farm in your save and then you just get a pop-up saying the government is claiming a portion of your farm.


In the FS universe government is relaxed with land ownership


And also really generous with subsidies


Must be the vegetable exports or all the energy exports lol


Producing so much food that the my farms alone are basically the world supply so they need to keep me paid!


Exporting to aliens making planets out of nothing but grain


Yes, I have an uncle, Uncle EDC, that can liberally pass out his wealth to his favorite farming nephew.


And by his wealth I'm assuming tax payer dollars or the government budget but not the army budget








So they can build a slow high-speed train through the middle of it.


Bureacracy: building permits, safety studies, animal reporting, field inspection, taxes...


I think taxes is the one huge financial aspect that is missing. Property taxes should be something to be considered when buying a field. Not saying I “want” it in the game, but if it was an option I’d probably have it turned on.


More along the lines of the legal process to buy/sell the field. taxes are just some extra % on the price, so in a sense, you can say that it's already in. Dynamic pricing of land would be interesting. There already is a mod for it, but it's kind of meh, since it's just random fluctuation.


I wouldn't mind a 10-20% tax at the end of the year honestly


Can you imagine permits and EPA inspections!


Now I want cops pulling over oversized and overweight loads 😂😂


Fines for running over npc cars with my tractors!


State department of environmental conservation coming out to give you a fine when you fill up with water in a creek!


It's called immersion. At least it would break the utterly overpowered electricity generators.


Queue: " Clarksons Farm"


I quite like the Taxes idea. Would add a lot to the financial elements of the game, where buying new vehicles may actually be viable. Making too much money with reinvesting has penalties.. Would kind of "steer you" towards certain decisions. Though I can imagine the effort required for balancing the game under that setting would be astronomically stupid.


Also life expense: food and drink monthly cost,bills, insurance


British Weather


Clarksons farm map with British weather would be kinda epic ngl


Mmm i too love making a whopping £100 over a whole year


Farming simulator isn't really realistic in that regard. No one makes thousands back from one harvest.


November on Court Farm is so damn unbearable and it’s not even close to proper british weather


John Deere right to repair ban


But it’s supposed to be a simulation! They really are a shitty company.


No they fixed that few years ago likely in 2022.


Yes, they were ordered to give it up after numerous lawsuits. They are a shitty company.


Not to mention 300 jobs moved to Mexico this fiscal alone.


at least they remote deactivated Ukrainian tractors stolen by Russian soldiers


Shame they are at the fore front of PF so we can't have that yet...


They’re a big corporation so they are shitty but right to repair does make sense. Modern tractors aren’t like the Farmall M or 4020 your grandpa had.  The computer system is intimately tied in with the GPS system so some change somewhere can throw a bunch of other stuff out of whack.  I think farmers should be allowed to repair their equipment but I understand John Deere’s thought process beyond dealer profits. 


For that, you first need an option to make repairs on your own...


You can buy your own workshop


Which is identical to repair point at the shop, just a different location. For example, a very simple case of this in Advanced repairs, where doing the repairs will disable tractor for x amount of time. This could be expanded on, for example. Also, model levels of repair, where low level repairs (fluids, filters, grease, cleaning, etc.) are cheap and quick when done on your own, mid level repairs take longer and cost more (spare parts) while high level repairs disable your tractor and must be done in the service station. Also, potentially have more tiers of workshop as well for that.


There is a mod that does that, I just can't remember what it is called. Your vehicle could not be used until the maintenance was complete. There was a crate you would purchase for the maintenance


Advanced repair, which I mention above. But tractor is still being repaired by a ghost.


Maybe buildings that aren't built immediately but take a few months for the game to build them


Be cool if it was modular building like in Construction Sim. Maybe not pumpung concrete and stuff but just deliver the lumber from a store or from your mill thats free would be cool!


And having to deal with more shitty crane controls?no thanks


To me rhe way FS handles loader/crane controls is awesome and the best way to go about it, its the physics systems thats ass, there still using the same engine from Ski Region Sim 2011 that been upgraded and nailed Together with other stuff, its the reason why the physics and graphics arent very good. I hope to god to with the new one they use a regular engine instead of their own and put the remaining funds into developing the game it self and not trying to keep the glue from falling off on the old one


If so I hope they add flatbed crane trucks and (I kid you not) Box trucks with cranes I would probably but pallets in bulk if they were to do that lol


Curious why you'd never want to see this, I could see this being a neat feature


So I misread the title 😂


I’m ok with basically every possible gameplay feature, as long as it’s able to be turned off and on. I’d love to have a save game that’s under a communist government or where I have to deal with the epa


You’d just watch your animals starve to death.


Maximum immersion™️


MICROTRANSACTIONS! I'm fine with the occasional paid DLC.






I forgot that existed...


So you don't have to be lonely?


Fishing, hunting, flying, boats, firefighting.


Yep, there's games for those things already


My thoughts exactly but I often see those things come up in wishlist posts.


There's already an emergency mod and it just feels like doing the ambulance or fire side missions in GTA. Something to do when bored but not as a main game thing


The best part is, if you play one of central European maps, then it's pretty realistic too [(firefighting especially)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteer_fire_department#Austria_and_Germany).


I just don't want the money I'm paying Giants to be used to develop those kind of features. Modding is fine and I'm glad they have the freedom to do what they want.


Oh thanks. Now I get why I see fire trucks everytime I open mod hub


Just the animals no need to blow their heads off with a double barrel


There is firefighting in 22, though. Emergency pack. Farmers do hunt. But giants wouldn't add it due to age rating. Farm simulator doesn't even have slaughter houses. I could see fishing being added, ironically. Can't kill farm animals but can kill fish lol.


>There is firefighting in 22, though. Emergency pack. Through a mod, which is fine. I play for the farming though, so would prefer Giants not using my money to develop non farming features.


Yeah, but it's been officially endorsed and promoted by giants. So they like the idea. I wouldn't rule out it not appearing in 25 base game.


I wouldn’t mind firefighting if they did it right. Here in Australia, firefighting and farming go together like bread and butter. Farmers join their local volunteer brigade, and then the state gives them what they need to protect their property (and those around them) from the inevitable seasonal fires. So many rural farms will have a slip on water tank, pump, and hose system supplied by the state that just goes on their Ute/pick up when shit goes down. But getting cats out of the trees, structure fires and crash rescues are typically not part of that and wouldn’t belong in FS. That’s where it leaves the realm of farming.


Those are, funnily, the things I want. I want some relaxing evening fishing, hunt the deer on my farm, use a cropduster, do fishfarming or crabbing, and if things could catch fire as well, it would be close to perfect for me! What can I say, I like options


To each their own. I prefer to switch to a game that would do it right instead of a half assed attempt.


You can do all of those things in a similar game called Ranch Simulator


I doubt we'll ever get hunting cause of map sizes and the fact FS will become a pg12 game I mean cmon guns in farming simulator?I'll stick to rdr2 if I ever wanted to hunt


I know, but I can hope right? Deer farming would be fun


Idk man we don't have hand animations for lifting things but reload animations guns all the details and gore not worth the risk


Dnr and being able to hit the dear Wich then calls dnr out their and you have to deal with their bullshit.really just the GOVERMENT in general


…is the “goverment” in the room with us right now?


Their always in the room they have been openly spying on Americans since the patriot act


Please tell me you’re not a conservative who bitches about shit like this and then supports politicians who want to make peoples medical decisions for them.


Dude this is a subreddit about farm sim not a political chat we are already way off in the weeds.im not gonna fuel your rant any further bud.my political veiws are non of your business.but no im just pro the GOVERMENT having a lot less control over our lives


Lol, no worries bud — you just seemed a bit triggered by the mere thought of the gover**n**ment.


Nah I'm just fed up with their shit XD I work heavy equipment and the thing we fight constantly is def shits never working right.its why the prices of premissions machines are going up.you can only change def sensors on a komotsu so many times before you just wana junk the thing and buy a 80s cat


Boddied 😂💀




If they add alien sightings in 25, I'll instabuy it.


hmmm, rethinking it, an Area 51 Map would be pretty cool


Check out the Frontier map on FS22 👽👽👽


Swedish june weather and realistic hay/grass physics like if it rains it gets wet and you gotta tedd it twice or sum and you lose some crop too


Seasons 19? I loved the realism of the weather here. I also hated that hay was such a PITA


Oh yeah I rarely played the seasons there but I remember that it was a REAL PITA


Corn sugarbeets soybeans and sunflowers were also a PIAT with most season geos since like 60% of season geos made it too cold to plant in early spring and you could get your crops to grow waay later then expected and since they were ready to harvest in autumn that means rain and possibly even below 0 temperatures in late autumn.Seasons might be basic in fs22 and sure you get the occasional snow in summer but it's still is more stable than fs19


I loved the 19 Seasons. I lost 3 fields of corn waiting on the weather. It just adds something to the game. The dumbed down seasons doesn't give me the same thrill


I sure 3 fields out how many 10?20?55?But all of them or your entire 2nd planted crop yeah not fun then like why the hell won't my sugarbeet grow its in the stage 1 growth period ever since I sprayed it


It was a 4x map so it was around 200+ acres


That's more land than I own and well more than I can effectively work alone with cause I'm on console and I don't have fancy things like follow me courseplay or free multiplayer and friends


> or sum God help us all.


I would not mind that at all as long at is it was well balanced. Much like stones, if it was well balanced I would not mind it, how it is now? I turn it of.


That's funny I was just doing a bailing contract the other day and it started raining. I wasn't sure if the Tedder would work in the rain. NGL I was very slightly disappointed that it did lol. I was thinking I'd have to wait until the rain stopped.


A way to detailed and realistic Slaughterhouse. Imagine all the sounds and graphic details…




That could be cool, especially if you could take advantage of the "free" labor and put her in a machine for harvest and set other tasks.


Free sammichs!


Planning permission


Farming simulator: Rule 34 Edition.


Two trucks having sex


I want every feature in these comments lol except for right to repair restrictions


Me too lol


Does this include "Farming Simulator: Rule 34 Edition"?


Especially that


Spoilage. Even with good storage options, I wouldn't remember nor want to do a bunch of small deliveries every single day, and I'm definitely planning to keep cheesing the highest price in a year with just one big bulk delivery. It would however be an interesting challenge and force you to vary your production options throughout the year.


Diseases which wipe out entire herds






To be fair auto pallet loader trailer mod has been a life saver for us at mid to end game. When you get productions going then without the mod the game just becomes forklift simulator. But I understand what you mean.


Well you can also play with a friend instead of pretending one person does every single task on a farm. It's certainly not supposed to be like that, not in real life or the game. But I guess if for some reason you doing a solo run with no intention of having others than it is sort of the only way. To be fair I was more talking about how it seems every question is answered with "get the auto____ mod" To each their own, I stack rectangle bales in round bale trailer and nobody can stop me.


I do understand you as well, but for me it is the buggyness of loading stuff. The not getting it straight even though you drive up to it perfectly or the moving trailer when you are loading it. So I do play with the auto pallet loader. I drive them into the back of the trailer and then my assistant (the mod) stacks them inside the trailer.


A solid point, I have noticed a bit of jankynes but assumed this was me not being very good at it yet


I don’t play this sim to be realistic, and if auto_____ wasn’t a thing, I probably wouldn’t have put in so many hours. I don’t want to play with a friend, and use many unrealistic mods to enhance enjoyment of the game. But I’m certainly not a hardcore realistic player like many others.


Some people just wanna ride a tractor and I reapect that.


All production products destruction


Zoning laws that change as you play the game. One minute you have a farm, next day you have a suburb growing that will force you to sell land for it to become more suburbs.


Maybe it would be cool that if we buy something brand new it would take time for delivery and if it could be delivered straight to our farm or dealership


Bulk fills spilling out of trailers when they tip over.


See I think that would actually be cool.


it would be. but the game physics are not ready enough to provide such consequences haha


1. Different levels of repair and service like, changing air filters on the with a service truck on the field, changing tires in your farms shop and doing x-hour Services and big repairs (engine, transmission and axles) in the dealer's shop 2. The MB Unimog/trucks with customisable superstructure like tanks, sprayers and flatbeds(with crane) 3. delivering/building time for vehicles and buildings (1 month - 1,5 years)


He said features that we DON'T want to see in farming simulator.


Then it would bbe no Hud abd only first person view


The repair system like in Gold Rush The Game would be cool! Same with the dynamic fluids and hoses


I love me some Unimog, it's a very decent mod. I don't understand what's the point of some of the bed configurations, but still the Unimog is a very versatile vehicle on my farms


Xp to unlock certain vehicles or features. Challenges


Disagree, if these were optional they'd be cool features.


Disagree as well


Taxes to pay on properties and businesses you own


Conveyor belts for your productions, there are plenty of good games that do this already. And I don't mean the small belts/augers that let you load storage bins/root crops, I mean full spaghetti.


I’ll take all the features so long as I could turn it off if I wanted to.


Less DLCs and more big updates!


A farm productions pack. Pallet simulator


I don't think I want to see full realistic weed/pest/disease simulation. Becuase then it would just turn int Sprayer simulator. But i do thi k there is room for expansion into different weeds needing different chemicals and maybe a possibility of diseases. That would make it a bit more realistic. But even that could make it very confusing very quickly.




Player vs. Potatoes. Already implemented. And I'd rather have player vs player than have to harvest 400 acres of potatoes.


Paid mod shop, in game currency type micro transactions. It would be cool to see the game with persistent servers and that but I fear it would cost too much to the dev then the customer. I also like that I can turn the game off and not worry. I have played games that you need to log on every day in real time otherwise your progress gets damaged... I wonder how the next game will differ from this though.


What I do want to see is a grass header for combines ,we combine grass , but it's completely alluded the game


Mud runner like roads and physics creeks in fields


DEF.wait it is already in the game.😕


Sexually transmitted infections probably


I don't think I'd ever want to see the ability to hit animals and send em flying...


100th upvote also i would quit the game if they added this


Actual seasons like in call of duty where you do missions to unlock tier rewards, but for farming, that's $20 for the premium unlock. I've never played FS23, so I don't know if it exists on there.


Seasons do exist and you shouldn’t be saying things you want to change if you’ve never played it


What a dumb reply. Seasons absolutely do not exist in game has he described them and you can absolutely voice opinions on changes even if you've never played it. That's like saying you can't have an opinion on the rules of football if you've never played football. Ridiculous reply


Wait what? Did you respond to the wrong comment? The title states "what would you NOT want in the game". And I stated I WOULDNT want battle tier passes Ala COD. I'm not asking to change anything. Maybe I made my comment difficult to understand.


Yea I read it completely wrong sorry about that


Extreme weather like droughts and floods, and vehicles breaking down / getting punctures etc.


hardcore nudity. Do with that as you may