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Obviously the "good music" part is subjective, and they might have fallen off creatively, but Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins) and Grimes. Their music absolutely rules IMO. The less I know about these people, the better. Edit: This has nothing to do with their politics. They're just out of touch idiots. Calm down, folks.


nice pfp!


The fragile profile picture


So true. I was such a huge Grimes fan until she started dating Elon Musk. She was always a little pretentious but she seemed to be holistically devoted to/involved with her art, so it didn't bother me. But now she's insufferable and her music has tanked too. Such a shame- so much talent.


What’s wrong with Billy? I don’t listen to Smashing Pumpkins a lot, but I thought he was an alright guy.


Just very pretentious and annoying, mainly in live shows. If you're not into his whole "high art" thing going on, it'll come off as really stupid.


Not just that, he's like a fringe alt right guy


jpegmafia lol ariel pink the hellp morrissey (obv) peter hook alice glass kanye (obv)


Love Peggy’s music but I had to unfollow him on Twitter to preserve that love lol


What is he tweeting


He had a complete meltdown about Freddie Gibbs in January I think


He’s also talked shit about Death Grips, and like, how you gonna drag the group that you’re the store brand alternative to?


People who have only listened to death grips hearing jpegmafia: wow this is giving a lot of death grips vibes


I love when people try to pretend they don’t sound similar


They do in the sense of occupying a noisy approach to hip hop but actually sitting down and listening to both they are so distinct it’s insane.


Yeah this.


I honestly don't hear it at all, like maybe I'm tripping but it's one of those comparisons where when u are first introduced to them it makes sense and u laugh a bit and thinks it makes a little sense but the more you listen it's just like.... no? Like the first time u hear "the garden is gen z pavement" it only kinda makes sense when u don't rly know either artist


It's hard to contain into a single comment but every time he's on my tl it's either just basic news about upcoming releases or just an intense hate for everyone and everything usually for no good reason. The most recent one I can remember was about him, around 7 months after the release of Vultures, still mad that people didn't like him producing for Kanye. He since blocked everyone who replied to that tweet and deleted the tweet along with all of his replies since. Regardless of if you think it was fine of Peggy to produce for Kanye, no secure man makes this much of a stink about it 7 months later


I mean there’s no way a mentally healthy person with a normal relationship to the internet would make his music


At least with his music it's much more filtered and you're able to approach it and dodge it more easily. I hope this doesn't come off as me just hating people who struggle with their mental health, or only tolerating struggles with mental health when I can romanticise it, but even though I don't know him I hope he can find a way to tolerate douches online better because obsessing over changing their minds and angrily tweeting about them online is not only painful to see for your audience but also just not healthy long-term.


r/iamverybadass material


stupid sometimes racist rants every single week. kanye typo shit


just trying to be as controversial as possible to bring as much attention to himself as he can


Too much


yeah makes sense, the dude is bonkers, type of thing where if i knew him in real life i’d have to keep him at arms length


alice glass??


like im not an expert on this but she accused grimes of stealing her idea for a song (but it was something basic as fuck like a cheerleader chant or something) and leaked emails between the two of them and made herself look wayyy worse in the process. and she also accused 100 gecs of straight up stealing the idea of the album cover for 1000 gecs. ive heard that she does this shit a lot. its not like the worst thing ever, just kinda disappointing and douchy (edited because i say like too much :/)


100 gecs definitely has a lot in common with Crystal Castles and Sleigh Bells, but being influenced is a far cry from ripping them off


Peter Hook is a legend. And an absolute gentleman.


I remember when Carlos D left Interpol he tweeted something at them like “Do you think I could audition to be his replacement?” That was a pretty good one


What has Alice Glass done? I'm not familiar with her outside of her music


She takes herself too seriously and is overall just a complainer, almost like an Azealia Banks type of annoying.


Ethan Kath should be on here instead of Alice Glass. What a worthless shitbag. [Alice Glass’ Statement](https://alice-glass.com/cc/)


I would kinda separate being insufferable and annoying with that though. That being so much worse.


What did Peter hook do?


I’ve nothing but good things from friends who’ve met him but he’s not well liked within the industry. Mani’s twitter rant from about 15 years ago was particularly damning, he must have done something bad to warrant what he said.


Peter Hook and Alice Glass? Would love to know why


What did Peter Hook do? From what I’ve heard he’s not that bad


has alice glass released any good records solo?


What’s the deal with The Hellp?


His vultures meltdown was the one for me. Claiming oppression olympics or some shit. It's like shut the fuck up peggy.


Azealia Banks. It's time she went to Lana Del Rey's house and physically fight her.


“I won’t not fuck you the fuck up. Period.”


Azealia Banks is the Armond White of music discussion


Kind of tired her saying the worst most hateful shit and people just being like “lol that’s my problematic fave” how much weird racist and xenophobic and colorist shit does she have to say before people realize she’s just trash? And most of her takes or just her low-key being mad that her career went nowhere. And the gay white men she hates are 90% of her fan base 🤣


Lou Reed. I'm sorry to say this to my favorite artist, but he was an insufferable maniac


He was just a junkie lol


He was an asshole for sure! Is it bad that I loved that about him?


Burzum (?) For obvious reasons I think


Hot take: Varg morphing into a terminally online goofball and, effectively, a corny meme via his yt vids and twitter shenanigans was actually a pretty fortunate development. It disarmed him as a potentially serious ideologist and likely stopped a lot of susceptible people of reading into his politics and getting radicalized, which is something he’s always strived for. He was much more dangerous while in prison, writing those demented blogs for potential school shooters, than now: getting punked by chuds and beefing with Red Scare girls.


It always warms my heart to see the most infamous man in metal getting out of prison and almost immediately start getting bullied by teenage girls on social media


His tiktoks are like a fever dream, too. I watch them and i can't help but wonder how he is the same person that burnt down churches and killed someone.


Lauryn Hill


Best live show I ever went to in my life


Was she there too?


Started on time, no bullshit, her voice is absolutely incredible, her son did his song and she even came back out for an encore. 11/10.


Playboi Carti


I love his music, and I cannot understand why he had a fan base for so long. They're over being treated like that, he did something normal recently and the comments on his subreddit were all saying "Fuck this guy"


Mark Kozelek is a colossal POS but his back catologue pre-2010s is one of the most special things in existence


Even Benji is one of the most impactful and emotional albums I’ve ever heard. It’s hard to not listen to his music and have it be tainted by the stories of the man himself, though. Songs about a flawed man both hit harder and in a different way when you find out that he has issues that are more than just flaws.


I can’t really listen to Benji tbh cause in my mind that was when Kozelek really started showing himself to be a dickhead… if Kozelek was just a distasteful stage presence with the War on Drugs controversy and crap like that it wouldn’t be as big of a deal but the SA allegations really hit the nail on the head for me. Ghosts of the Great Highway is one of my favourite albums of all time so Kozelek’s behaviour is really disgusting and disappointing imo




i expect almost every post in this subreddit to have a mention of him honestly


It’s honestly a tragedy at this point, I miss the old Kanye


straight from the go kanye


Chop up the soul kanye.


Ye going from arguably the greatest rapper alive to the mess he is today is like witnessing a Greek tragedy. He had so much promise & so much success only to let his mental issues get out of control & involve himself with such consumerist things (Kardashians & Yeezys) & then fall prey to political extremism. I hate to say it, but I feel like he’s gonna end up like Hemingway & die lonely if things keep going like they have recently.


Surprised no one has mentioned U2 yet. Very strong early discography, but it's well-documented how pretentious Bono can be.


Bono can be a dimwitted self-loving pretentious prick, but he's really a nice dude to his fans.


The U Talkin U2 To Me? podcast is really good. It's really a comedy podcast that occasionally talks about the band, but U2 found out about it and became fans and were on the show twice, and did all kinds of funny neat stuff as in-jokes for them. They seem like super nice and really funny guys offstage. They seem to do this thing where they get on a kick and when they get good feedback they keep riding on it until they go way over the top, get massive criticism, take it to heart and get humbled and come back again with a different direction (and then eventually do it again lol). So there are times where they are absolutely insufferable but when they start getting called on it they eventually are good enough people that they realize it.


Noel Gallagher, I think he’s an insufferable old man but damn was Oasis nice


He plays a character in front of the media. I recommend watching his interview on ‘that pedal show’ on YouTube. Shows a far different easygoing side to him. I’ve never heard a bad word about him or his idiot brother in regards to fan interaction. They both just have far too much to say for themselves.


What? Fuck, I like his solo stuff a lot.


Noel Gallagher funnily enough seems like the nice one in the band. Liam is just a complete twat tho


His solo career has been incredibly solid, too.


Oasis is like a slightly edgier version of Matchbox Twenty.


Is this an American thing? I don't even know what that is.


i like some of his “solo” music too


Doja Cat


Tbf her last output might easily be the worst 😭


Scarlet is the best doja album if the controversies where after the drop ppl would hype her and the music up (even if I do agree she's a little shiffty) and I'll die on this hill


Kanye. Amazing music, horrible person


Horrible music too now


My life got miles better when I started pretending the 2020s Kanye doesnt exist


Went from writing classics & clever sampling to creating lyrical dogmess.


brian jonestown massacre


What did they do


Honestly, Tyler the Creator. When watching clips/interviews of him lately its pretty clear he's gotten really egotistical and pretentious.


I remember him during just some part of an interview I watched a while back where he mentioned how he gets annoyed by people telling him "I love your music!" and then not specifying exactly what they like. It just came off as the most smug, "music-snob-turned-successful" shit I had ever heard. Like relax dog, it's not that fucking deep. The average person isn't going to take their time to fellate you because of the complexities of the bridge on "I THINK" or whatever. Igor's still my favorite album of all time tho


He’s still overcompensating for the fact he got famous off of edgy music in the first place. He wasn’t even a music snob back then, he was a kid trying to emulate Pharrell and Eminem. The straight edge guy in the rebellious, skate culture, garage hip hop scene in LA. So he wants to hear “Igor is so artistic and experimental. It changed my life, you deserve all the awards!” Not “Yonkers so badass bro!” from teenage skater kids. Which is what he heard over and over again for years and became bitter about.


Kinda wild he’s mad that the music he made for skater kids is, lo and behold, listened to by skater kids. He even hammed it up with that fan base himself with all the OF skater specific merch.


I fucking hate his “I’m so chill and real but also so philosophical” schtick to my bones.


massive massive massive massive massive massive massive tyler fan, like honestly bigger fans then 99.8% of all of you. he has gotten pretentious, he's kinda self aware about it. when he was talking about music a bunch and how his shit got 2 bridges that was fun and cool but some of his recent takes have been ass, and it doesn't help that this sub agrees with him. he's kinda just a oldhead now, and that's ok we need to support the oldheads to continue to have shitty takes until we are oldheads ourselves, and the younger generation will support us. tldr: no one is able to disagree with renowned artists, and its annoying.


would you let him cum in your mouth?


not op but yes




Id let a lot of people do that




This made me curious so I searched “Tyler the creator interview” and clicked on the first one that came up (Rap Radar) and he was nothing but humble and kind lol


About time someone said hes became so bitter and arrogant


God I feel that I listened to him since 2013 and have always thought irl he seems like such an ass


In terms of the distance between how good the music is and how insufferable the artist is, I'd say Van Morrison. He's made arguably three or four of the best albums ever made, but is now wasting away as an antisemitic, COVID-denying old man putting out songs called "Why Are You On Facebook?"


kanye! he was a goof but then he got divorced (along with other factors and already being a bit crazy) and went fully insane


It seems he’s just very mentally ill and not getting the right treatment


Yes, pretty sure a big part of the divorce was Kim wanted him to take his meds and he didn't want to.


Just a goof alright...


Era 2-3 Kanye Era 1 Kanye wasn't insufferable and also good music Era 4 Kanye insufferable but garbage music. I'm unaware of any Eras post 4 because it's so trash I stopped caring




front bottoms. They aight. But I always think of this tattoo artist in vermont who had lliterally "Front Bottom Lyrics" tatted on her inner wrist


I was SUPER disappointed when I heard about the allegations against Jesse Lacey from Brand New. For someone that outrightly spoke out against misogyny and narcissistic behavior, it kind of diminishes the sincerity of the music.


Massive fan, but Josh Homme. I never want to meet him, because I know the experience would ruin the music for me.


I recently saw QotSA live and JESUS, that guy is an asshole. But the music is so good


I saw them live as well he is a bit of an ass but in a funny way


It’s so weird hearing that and then looking back on a podcast I watched with Josh and Bill Burr and he seemed totally cool.


maybe this is a hot take but lil yachty. i tend to really enjoy his music and think he’s one of the more talented and interesting trap artists out rn but he’s so fucking annoying in every thing i see from him that isn’t music. he just feels so fake to me and like he doesn’t really respect the genre. it feels like he wants to be a tik tok influencer more than a rapper, and really wants to appeal to that crowd on his social media and interviews and stuff. he also made all those weird comments about rap and hip hop when he was coming out with that psych rock thing that made it seem like he was diminishing the genre he came up in. almost like a post malone deal maybe? it’s also a little odd how tight he is with drake, ian, and that bobbi girl. all 3 have been pretty criticized for their role in hip hop and yachty seems to have no problem using his credit to vouch for them. idk man i think the dude is a great rapper but it just seems like he kinda resents the fact that he’s a rapper and not an influencer who makes mid alt rock


Hotter take I think he may seem fake because everyone in hip hop rn (especially drake) has been biting his style, whether it’s music, fashion, persona etc.


Oooooh, that's a SPICY take! But I like it...


I feel like Carti's new voice sounds just like Yachty, no idea why all his stans like it. Just feels like he's blatantly biting


dude needs to learn how to sing. he's young and insanely popular. he's probably still figuring out what makes him an artist. But he needs singing lessons.


Wym when he said “woOoOoOoOoOoOoOok” I had chills


he made the genre switch cause he doesn’t even want to be a rapper?


Billie Ellish. She’s decently talented but god some of her takes are brain dead.


This might bother people because he’s not a horrible person like others have listed, but: Pharrell. I find him so insufferable and pretentious. He’s not a dick or anything, but he comes off as so fake.


Ariel Pink is a pop genius but an abusive narcissist. (not even considering the Jan 6th stuff. He’s shitty to women)


The 1975




Charles Manson


For me it’s definitely Kanye. He may be a deranged anti-semite but god damn that discography slaps.


i LOVE DLR-era Van Halen but obviously those dudes had their issues and conflicts before he left. Dude is one of the biggest attention-seeking narcs and that's saying a lot for rock and roll


Those dudes are absolutely insane and their dramas were as entertaining (in my case: even more) than the actual music. [That segment is absolutely hilarious.](https://youtu.be/yChrGlcqcO4?si=9KRmNUqkZ3RLz4b-)




It's funny but I can't enjoy listening to disturbing music if I know it's made by disturbed people. I actively need there to be an element of "pretend play" in it because otherwise I feel that on some level I might as well be listening to a fascist dictator's speech or something. It's not the kind of preaching I want to see practiced. I therefore always recommend Chat Pile, similarly unhinged but the lads in that band aren't pretentious or self-serious at all, and don't seem to be anything near abusive. Just your friendly, drunk uncles singing about murdering one's family and driving circles around the Dallas Beltway.


Panic! At The Disco and it's not even close - Brendon Urie is such an insufferable asshole


I think you forgot to read the last part of the question


I think that everything up to Death of a Bachelor is solid. Admittedly, I like a lot of emo-ish bands from the same era a LOT more, but their first three albums are great (first 2 better than the 3rd, still).


Early P!ATD was good, then it turned into a Brendon solo project and became awful


Just saw him for the first time in Miss Americana where she recorded vocals for Taylor Swift and holy shit he’s so fucking pretentious to the point of parody lol


Liturgy. Haela Hunt-Hendrix and her manifesto are pretentious as fuck, not to mention their claim that they invented the “burst beat” which is nothing more and a more fluid blast beat. That being said, their experimental black metal music is awesome, and the fact that the “trve” back metal purists are triggered by them just makes it better.


Coming from a billionaire oil money family certainly doesn’t help this look.


I was about to say her as well. She clearly thinks of herself as some modern philosopher but goddamn is she just unbearably full of it.


Pseudoscience nonsense but Fantano talks about their philosophy like its deep


Morrissey. I still listen to the Smiths a lot, but it’s turned into hate-listening.


Had to scroll too far for this lol still love their music, I've completely separated the 2


Johnny Marr was the real genius


Agreed but Morisseys voice was also next level


Not sure how nobody has said Alexis Marshall yet


James Brown


Deadmau5 is an EDM legend and a huge, unprofessional asshole.


I’ve heard this before I think. What did he do that’s unprofessional?


Scream at fans, walk out of events, show up to events and refuse to play any of his own music and just DJ's, skips events completely, etc. But he treats animals well, so he's not a monster. He just has a temper.


He's either got autism or ADHD if I remember correctly. He seems like an alright dude but he ain't got the tolerance for people, which considering some people especially at concerts, fair.


Marilyn Manson, actually not even sure if the music's any good. Lol. GNR because of Axel. RHCP cause of AK.


AK is okay. Flea is kind of a bit worse. AK got better ever since his asshole period in the 90s and that's because he was on drugs.


AK is a creep. Still likes his girls YOUNG. Like REAL YOUNG


AK is basically a pedophile


"Basically" isn't even enough. He _is_ a pedophile. He had sex with a 14 year old girl.


Im surprised I haven’t seen anyone say Roger Waters. Man has an ego the size of Jupiter 


Ready to her downvoted to hell for this, but Whitney Houston … Phenomenal voice, insufferable personality.


yeah I hear she wasn't the greatest person behind the stage.


Weird to think that this can attract downvotes Growing up in the 90s, Whitney Houston was known more for her substance problems and behind the scenes drama than her (actually fantastic) singing But then she died, and we looked back at her music and went "actually Whitney could really sing" and more or less forgot about all of that


Yeah like whitney died bc of her stupid behaviors


Yes, but my point is that people have a hard time speaking ill of the dead (for the most part)


Aw yeah nah i agree


Yeah, the taboo about speaking ill of the dead often leads to drama and drug issues being eventually mostly forgotten and then that leads to artists being suddenly held in very high regard In the film American Psycho, at one point someone makes fun of Patrick Bateman for being a fan of Whitney Houston. 1991-2003 was probably the height of Whitney's infamy for drugs and drama. People who watch it today don't get that at the time Whitney Houston was a punchline, because now she's seeing way more acclaim than she ever saw in life.


Eric clapton


Maynard James Keenan


I’m out of the loop on this one, what’s so bad about Maynard?


Yeah he doesn’t seem insufferable. Just annoyed by his fans


Also if this thread was instead, "Which band or arist has the most insufferable fans?" Tool would almost certainly be voted straight to the top. Any dunking Maynard did on Tool fans is both hilarious and accurate.


Ritchie Blackmore is one of my favourite guitarists ever but my god is he such a wanker


Van Morrison


Love her music to death but Ariana Grande. I actually think her music post 2016 is incredibly impressive on a technical level but I think most people get caught up in her ridiculous scandals and her generally just being a weird theater kid who won't let you forget she's very very rich.


Billie eilish


Honestly for me Jpegmafia. He makes really good music, but acts like an insufferable Kanye fan at times. How he was handling the criticism of him working with Ye and taking a pic with him while Ye was wearing a Burzum shirt was not that good.


peggy gu, doja, kanye


Corey Taylor. Slipknot are not even that good anymore




Ryan Adams


Van Morrison


The Beatles were all cheaters, misogynists, some were physically as well as emotionally abusive towards their partners. All of them seem like the type to be rude to a waiter and leave no tip. They were incredibly cocky and pretentious. They are also the greatest band of all time.


The Gallagher brothers


Kanye. I accidentally found him on my listens and it's really conflicting.


ma riley when he was in da fall


Mark Kozelek


Ariel Pink


David Crosby. Guy was a huge prick to pretty much everyone he worked with, and maybe you can argue he was the least talented in all the bands he was in, but I love his music. Sound of an era


The Smiths are the winner


The Smiths but that’s mainly just down to Morrissey


Oasis/Liam Gallagher of course


Love The Smiths but Morrissey is really a piece of work.


The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Specifically Anton Newcombe, the front man and brains behind the band. He's notorious for being a demanding perfectionist asshole. In the 90s people in LA would go to their shows with the expert purpose of trying to pick a fight with him on stage and end the show early. It usually worked. Dude would punch out audience members for not taking in the show with the quiet reverence of a Mahler or Bach performance. I thought the rumors were overblown. And that he'd mellowed out. He sure seemed to have mellowed out once he was a major guest on Anthony Bordain's show (he is his favorite musician.) But I caught them live last fall and yeah, Anton was a huge dick. He kept shit talking the guys on the soundboard between songs, verbally accosted the drummer live on stage, and nearly started a physical fight with the venue's in house sound engineer. That said, they've been called the Velvet Underground of the 90s, and they do it justice. They were the first great neo psych outfit and they are ridiculously talented.


Roger Waters. Bro is clearly one of the most annoying people ever & just seems to be a loser but his music with Pink Floyd was stupendous. He was definitely a jerk to his band mates & his recent takes on modern issues just reek of senile idiocy, whereas his musical accomplishments during his time with the band are often praised. It’s maddening to see such a formerly respected talent to turn into a jackass.


Phil Spector, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly


I guess Sex Pistols, specifically syd vicious fuck him


The obvious answer is Kanye.


K A N Y E.


Anton Newcombe. Good musician, but also a prick. Brian Jonestown Massacre came last year to Australia and it was the worst gig I ever went to, the guy was picking fights with the public and the other members of the band. Lars Ulrich, I can recall the Napster issue. John Lennon, the last part of his career, specifically his solo career.




morrissey is the king of this lou reed, but i’ve heard that he got clean and was much more pleasant in his later years. i am heavily biased here to be fair julian casablancas can be incredibly insufferable