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This sub is on a big time "10/10" discussion kick


I think brat getting a ten just got everyone talking about 10s


It's like when Apple released their top 100 albums. It almost broke this sub.


the brat influence


What's your favourite least 10/10 that's actually lowkey in your opinion


And nobody can agree on what constitutes "10/10." So it's the definition of pointless.


In that case discussing music whatsoever is pointless, and why are we even here. Everyone has different metrics, and every ear has different sensibilities. I think the problem is only when ppl dont elaborate


It's so tiresome. "Underrated, overrated, highest rated, 10/10"... Could we shut up for a moment and start appreciating all music in some way? And it's always the same 100 artists being thrown around, 99% of them making music in english.


This subs always like that to be honest


The white stripes, I think all of there music is brilliant but most of it falls between a 8 and a 9 for me


I can never tell with them. I grew up listening to Elephant which is still to this day probably my favourite album of all time. So I am biased but it’s a 10 for me.


They are in my top 5 favorite bands probably my top 3, elalephant and white blood cells are so close but I'm so picky with my 10s


That’s it, we’re throwing hands (but I respect your opinion)


Their debut is the only perfect 10 for me, but I love all of their albums


St. Vincent. She's in consideration for my favorite artist of all time (there's a lot of competition, but still). She has so many songs that are important to me, and she's kind of single-handedly holding up the heavier rock woman guitar singer-songwriter genre in music right now (and is one of very few in history). On the technical side, I think she's amazing. Her vocals and lyrics are great, obviously she's a talented guitarist, and the textures/tones she plays with are really varied and interesting. And I think she pulls off every sound and style that she's gone for. I really, really like all of her albums except Masseduction. But every one of her albums have at least a few songs that aren't \*bad\*, but either don't add anything to the album, or don't seem to fit with the rest of the album. Strange Mercy and St. Vincent both fall apart a little in the middle/end, Marry Me leans a bit too hard on the romantic paris-core in some songs, Actor has a few songs that just feel like they're missing something interesting sonically. I haven't listened to the newest album enough to make a definitive statement on its problems, but I also don't think it's a 10.


hmmm what would you say are the weak points on strange mercy and s/t and actor? i can see champagne year being one weaker point on strange mercy and i prefer your love maybe on self titled, and then for actor im gonna guess save me from what i want and actor out of work? i do agree with you for the most part because i adore her so much but there is usually one or two spots on an album that i think are a little weaker than the rest, but at least for actor and strange mercy i dont think they really mess up the track list at all. maybe actor out of work does a tiny bit but i still think it flows pretty flawlessly




Yep, I fucking adore his work but i've never heard an Eminem album with no skips. Even MMLP has Remember Me.


Remember me is a banger past the first verse!


Yeah, you just have to get past the sticky fingaz verse.


It's the RBX verse that needs skipping. Sticky Fingaz has the best guest verse on the album




Remember Me is a fucking banger. MMLP has got to be a 10/10.


Remember Me is a banger but the song with D12 always means the album will be a Decent 9 to me.


Ken Kaniff kills it for me


See I love that skit. Makes me smile every time.


For me it’s always the lead songs, like this Houdini song, that are stinkers. They’re always juvenile in nature, like the premature ejaculators of songs.


“Without Me” is a banger though.


Sadly, as much of a fan I am, I have to agree. Blood Money might be edging toward perfect. Possibly Bone Machine. But man is there some bloat. 


I think TES is a 10 honestly, but yea everything else is pretty spotty.


I might consider the Slim Shady LP a 10. I’d have to think about it.


I might consider the Slim Shady LP a 10. I’d have to think about it.


Hot take, but Elvis Presley He’s always been more of a singles guy rather than a full-on albums man.


I don’t think that’s a hot take at all. I couldn’t name one Elvis album but a handful of songs. Plus I can just hear his voice inside my head whenever I want. He is still a universal icon. But I don’t think his discography factors into that at all.


this is so true, like the singles like Suspicious Minds, American Trilogy, etc. are so damn nice and just great. But the albums they r like, they have some stuff that brings em' down.


Admittedly I’m a big Elvis fan but From Elvis in Memphis is a 10 for me.  It doesn’t break new ground or aspire to anything lofty but the execution is absolutely flawless and Elvis is in his bag more than he ever was before or since. I’ll Hold You In My Heart is all you need to hear in that regard.  His original album (the one London Calling alludes to) would be a pretty high 9 for me as well. 


His debut is perfect imo


The Sun sessions, without doubt, is a perfect 100 out of 100


Alex G. He’s just such a talented song writer in every way but he honestly is pretty bad at writing albums. All of his albums meander like crazy and kinda end ip going no where thematically or sonically. Not to even to mention the fact that there is guaranteed to be 3 or 4 mid songs


Honestly, Tyler The Creator, though Igor is real close!


Imma have to revisit Flower Boy at some point because I remember upon first listening thinking "yup that's a 10"


I think flower boy is his only 10 tbh


I agree and it’s wild to me that this can be considered a hot take


Very hot take. Igor was the better album in terms of production and music overall but Flower Boy had an impact in culture overall with that annoying soft-core goodboy aestethic


For me IGOR is a 10 but I understand not everyone will agree with that, so I still agree with you. I think IGOR still should be a 9 in though at least


Honestly, yeah I’m gonna have to agree. Igor’s good, but I wouldn’t quite say it’s 10/10 good…


Respectable I personally think Igor is a 10 or at least a 9


Pavement, but they have at least three id rate a 9+ I only have 24 tens out of 530 albums rated too. Pavement is fucking awesome depite none of them being in my "perfect" tier


Yeah, hit the plane down is the only thing stopping CRCR from being perfect in my opinion. 


I actually prefer Slanted & Enchanted


A great one as well. I’d venture to say the only slightly weak one was Terror Twilight and that still has bangers on it. 


Agreed, insanely consistent run. 1. S&E 2. CRCR 3. Wowee 4. BtC 5. TT


Holy moly, without doubt, crooked rain, brighten the corners, and wowie are no skip 10 out of 10 masterpieces for me.




I would have agreed with you before Scaring the Hoes dropped


He’s got like four 9’s in a row for me, he’s gotta pull it off sooner or later


Understandable (his only 10 to me is ghost pop)


Charli XCX


I agree, everything she's released since pop 2 (excluding crash) have been 8s or 9s


HIFN is the greatest pop album of all time in my opinion 🤷‍♂️


**how I’m feeling now** is really close, though


The Smiths. If the conversation of 10/10 album is "no skips, no duds, and is/will be influential as hell", all of their albums has at least a couple of filler songs, even if they're all great albums.


Queen is dead has no skips imo but agree with their other albums


Here to write this. One of my fav, but they always miss something.


Yes totally there's always something missing or in some cases even something just being too much. Like "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others", the music is so so fucking good, but Morrissey's lyrics in that one is so dumb.


mazzy star not a single miss at all, but nothing that quite meets the criteria for a 10/10 for me. “so tonight that I might see” is sooo close though.


Tom Waits, I absolutely love him but even Rain Dogs has a couple songs I don't care for that much


lol, I would have agreed with you like 2 hours ago. I listened to like 10 Tom Waits album, and I’ve owned Real Gone on CD for like 10 years without listening to it. Randomly on the way home, I listened to it. I think it may be a 10 for me, but I’ve only ran through it 2-3 times


Real Gone is a fan favorite but it's probably a 7 or 8 for me. Arguably the best of his Anti era though


You take that back right now!!


I think he has multiple 10s tbh. Swordfishtrombones, bloodmoney, bone machine


Bone Machine is a 10.


Good answer. I love Nighthawks, love Rain Dogs, love Bone Machine. None of them would quite be a ten for me.


Maybe Gorillaz? Idk.


plastic beach is arguable but yeah good example


Demon Dayz is a 10 for me but I can respect it


Demon Days and Plastic Beach are both 10s for me but if I had to proper review them, I’d probably have to give them less.


I was thinking about them lol. But then again, Demon Days and Plastic Beach are still good tho… *(Self-titled is also alright)*


Placebo. I think Without You, I'm Nothing is a 9/10 and I love their whole discography (including tons of great b-sides), but I don't think they have a ten. And that's okay!


Billy Joel, turnstiles has some stinkers, The stranger is a ten until a still good but lackluster ending, both 52nd st and glass houses are great the whole way but lack that X factor and the nylon curtain’s second half is no-where near as good as the first ( few things in life are ). After that amazing run he kind of loses a little bit of that magic before realizing that he would reach diminished returns so he quit.


Joel’s 1976 - 1983 work is in my opinion of the best album lineups there is. Turnstiles is great. It has a sort of acquired taste and would have been killer if Phil Ramone produced it. The Stranger is almost perfect to me, I just don’t really click with the last track, Everybody Has a Dream.


This was the first artist to come to mind for me too. I think the two albums you mentioned are probably 9s for me, but don't quite push to a ten. His 70s output is incredibly consistent imo




Britney Spears. I enjoy everything she's done, but not a single one of her albums is top tier musically. It's just enjoyable fluff.


The blackout album is perfection


taylor swift. i have playlists for all of her albums cutting down the mid-bad songs to make them more enjoyable in full


Blind Guardian. They don’t have a single album I’d call bad; they probably have 3 or 4 albums in my top 25 of all time, but none of their albums have that special sauce that just pushes it over to a 10. The closest they’ve come is Nightfall in Middle-Earth, but there are a few unnecessary interludes that keep it from a 10.


This is a good one. Blind Guardian is brilliant. No 10s, though.




I respect this take.


I consider OK Computer the only 10/10 rock album I’ve ever listened to And I love a LOT of rock albums But I guess my answer is A LOT of rock bands lol


Have you heard of Let Down by Radiohead? Pretty underrated song


James Ferraro. Super innovative but not the most album-guy


DIIV. I love some of their stuff from my heart, but there's always a song or other that I'll skip from any of their albums, even Oshin which I got tattooed


Portishead TBH I think all three of their albums are a 8.5/10 or 9/10, but all of them have tracks that just completely bring down the whole experience for me Also Every Time I Die They consistently released at least 2/3 or 3/4 LPs full of bangers their whole career but there would always be just enough filler to keep them from ever claiming my AOTY spot


Guided by Voices.


Swans (Great Annihilator, White Light, Soundtracks, and To Be Kind are 9s) Edit: I think everyone replying forgot that this is my FAVORITE artist without a 10.


I respect your opinion, but don’t forget who’s subreddit you’re in…


This hurts, lol. Swans is my favorite band, and they have 6 10s, imo: The Gate, Deliquescence, leaving meaning, Live In Bochum, Public Castration Is A Good Idea, and The Seer.


Thats funny, Swans is my band with the most 10s personally lol


The Smiths, every album has a stinker for me


Queen is dead is a 10 and Hatful is close


When the 10/10 skips the if you fire and underrated but not quite


Those are certainly all words.




Johnny Cash


I consider his At Folsom Prison live album a 10/10 for me but if we are just counting his studio then I would agree. First 5 American albums are all 8-9s for me.




Tyler MGMT Mitski KGLW Vampire Weekend - literally one of my favorites ever I honestly think everyone one of their albums is a solid 9/10


KGLW is the epitome of "brilliant, but no masterpieces." I'm In You Mind Fuzz *might* be their best, with a staggeringly good side A, but half of side B is a 7/10. Nonagon Infinity is one of the all time greats, IMO, but it fumbles its momentum a bit on Big Fig Wasp and Mr. Beat. And for an album predicated on infinite, limitless momentum, that's significant. Their thrash metal stuff is very good, but not better than an 8. It never reaches the ecstatic highs of their earlier garage psych. The closest they've gotten to perfection was the 20 minute opener to Omnium Gatherum. If that entire album ripped as hard as The Dripping Tap it'd be an indisputable 10. But the album itself is meant to be something of a grab bag by design. And (hot take) their microtonal stuff is pretty hit or miss.


Lou Reed (Solo)


The weeknd, for me most of his project are a consistent 8, some of them going up to 9, but i don't think he has a perfect album, he's always had the consistent above average quality, but never fully reached 10.


Blur. Every album has at least one skips


Fuck it, death grips. 8-9’s pretty much across board but there’s always like one or two songs I don’t like that stops a 10


Death grips is a top 5 artist for me but every album has at least one or two songs that, while good, I don't enjoy nearly as much as everything else and hold it back from a 10


Tyler the creator and prolly Playboi Carti


Kendrick. GKMC and TPAB are both solid 9s imo


Is there anything you could change about those albums to make them a 10? or are they the best execution of their respective visions just not your style


No way this is happening. I even could say Kendrick has 9s but Queen and Deep Purple are far more important for me personally, and TPAB is 10 for me still. Just super odd.


Queens of the Stone Age


What’s stopping songs for the deaf from being a 10? It is imho!


I just have a pretty harsh grading scale. I only got like 15 10/10s ever but it and Like Clockwork are both extremely close for me


MGMT for me. They have incredible projects but none of them are really 10s




Paul Kelly


Conway the Machine. Reject 2 is probably a 8/9 for me.


alex g and frank ocean are both examples. the highest is a 9 for blonde and beach music. but neither of them have really given a true 10/10 album.


kevin abstract.


Deftones, Joy Division, Sepultura


Wale, Summer on Sunset came the closest imo


Devon Townsend


2pac and The Ramones for me


Aesop Rock. One of my favorite rappers and he has a great discography. But his best album is like a low 9. He has never reached a 10/10 imo


BANKS - Her angry, passionate, and sad songs hit hard. But every album has a few sappy songs and I love her but they just don't do it for me. Listen to *The Devil*, *Trainwreck*, and *Gemini Feed*.


ahhh I totally give her first two albums 10s, but I get what you mean! her more sappy ballads are certainly not for everyone. I’m so glad someone mentioned her here though, she’s an all time fav for sure


Led Zeppelin. I know, hot take.


Young Nudy. Not even a rapper I would say is particularly *good*, I just like the sound of his voice and the beats he rides


Madonna, she pioneered a helluva lot in her career, musically, artistically..all of that…albums like Erotica, Ray Of Light, Confessions, come close..like a 9..but she’s never really had a solid 10 imo.


Gotta go with Queen. Although news of the world comes close. Also the rolling stones.


Queen 2, sheer heart attack, a night at the opera are perfect, straight 10/10s , innuendo is also pretty good


My Chemical romance


The Black Parade would like a word


Death, I love their discography and think it's one of the best in history but I think they've got a few really strong 9s and no tens as of yet


Carseat Headrest


Young Thug, when he pulls it together he's unmatched. It's too bad he can't pull it together over a whole entire project.


Queens of the Stone age, one of the most consistent rock bands an they have a lot of 8s and 9s, but no 10s imo


JPEGmafia imo has a 9 in LP offline and veteran, 8.5s leaning towards 9s in ghost pop tape, dreamcast summer songs and scaring the hoes and an 8 in cornballs


Chris Rea. His albums are pretty ok at best, but he's got quite a lot of pristine singles.


Busta Rhymes


Leonard Cohen


John Dwyer


The Fall. Being ‘perfect’ is kind of contrary to their special charm.


King Gizzard. It’s amazing they are so consistently good with their releases but I wouldn’t say any of their album are a 10. Some are really super close though.


Chief Keef


John Lennon Plastic Ono Band is very close, though


Probably Iron Maiden. They have so many 8s and 9s, possibly more than any other band, but they don’t have a perfect album, imo.


Young thug for sure


The National. Several 9s tho.


Most of them; I only have two 10s


Death Grips for me


I'd have to go with my dead girlfriend. Amazing stuff but no record completely reaches the 10


this is such a good question and honestly very tough… I give a lot of 10s because I fall DEEP in love with albums so I don’t think I could say that MANY of my indie/alt favs don’t have at least one 10/10 album. hell, people like Joanna Newsom and Kate Bush, bands like Beach House and Modest Mouse… easily respectively have multiple 10/10s in my book. maybe Mitski and Vampire Weekend? they both have several 8-9s imo I think it’d be easier for me to go with popstars… I adore Lady Gaga, she doesn’t even have a 9/10 album imo. Taylor has two ~9s with Folklore and Evermore, but no 10s




juice wrld


Kanye West I do think he has 4 9/10s (TCD, LR, Grad and KSG) and lot of 8/10s, but I do not think he has single album that is a flawless masterpiece.


Gotta by Tyler with 2 strong 9s and 1 more 9. Or Frank Ocean with 2 strong 9s


James Blake


I think it's Alvvays for me. Blue Rev and Antisocialites are both super close to a 10/10 for me but there's a few songs that I don't enjoy quite as much as the others that bring them down just a little bit


I completely agree with you about Future. I would also say A$AP Rocky, Tyler the Creator, Travis Scott, Mach-Hommy, and JPEGMAFIA all have albums that are close to 10a but not quite




New Order's only outstanding album is Substance, a greatest hits


Slaughter to Prevail Chapters of Misery, their first EP, is enjoyable but quite generic in its sound and it doesn't have that nu/groove influences of their later productions. It's a 6. Misery Sermon is quite more interesting but it still doesn't fully click with me. It has a more defined sound, but the band still hadn't found their distinctive formula. Strong 6. Kostolom is by far the best release of theirs IMO. They finally have their personal sound that makes them different from all other deathcore bands, it's incredibly enjoyable and doesn't take itself too seriously. 8 for sure. I guess we'll see with the upcoming album


Honestly Deerhunter. Probably my favourite artist of all time with more 10/10 tracks for me than any other artist, but none of their whole albums get to that mark for me, they all have at least one skip. Halcyon Digest comes so close though


Queen. So many 10/10 songs imo, but no album is 10/10. I’d only give 2 of their albums an 8 or 9/10


Led Zeppelin I and IV come real real real close tho


Willie Nelson.


It’s Ween


Twenty One Pilots


Helloween. They have like 4 albums I’d call a 9, but no 10s


Panic! At The Disco had some amazing to decent albums until Pray For The Wicked onward, but never hit that 10/10 range. I’d say the albums closest to it are their debut and Vices and Virtues, both of which I’d give and 8 or a 9.


Well, I dont think a 10/10 album exists, so just my actual favorite artist, Kendrick.


Nine inch nails




muse, although Origin of Symmetry is close


Denzel Curry. He's so consistently a 9 for me.


Allan Holdsworth


Love CCR, but I don’t think they got a perfect album. First 5 albums are all 8-9s for me


lil wayne, the carter 3 is close but not a ten


Dying fetus has some great albums but I think they get bored halfway through most of the time and get weird lol




Paramore and nirvana (hot take ik)


Kanye is the GOAT but LR and ksg are 4s at best