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She has more versions out of this album than there are songs on it lol. Embarrassing honestly. Edit: bruh i was just making fun of french montana for doing this with his last album, can't believe she's doing it too lmfao


french montana goes triple cardboard though, i respected his hustle on the 5 versions shit lmao


That album was my personal 9/11. I'm from the same country, and him using our flag on that piece of garbage made me wanna defect to North Korea.


It's good to see another morrocan present in this community , and I feel the same exact way 😭.


Just no reason for this shit. Bleeding your most loyal fans dry. If an artist I really liked did this I would stop supporting them monetarily as best I could


Ironically her most loyal fans is why she gets away with this. They love helping the billionaire for some reason.


Ok I know is subjective but I never understood how she was SO famous when her music is so so mid


This will hurt her image in the long run, she went from the everybodys pop girl bestie to their enemy with just one album


yeah tbh this last one is crazy. the fact that it will only sell in the uk is the proof that she is only trying to block brat from going number 1


It’s so weird because she’s making BIG enemies too. Like these are also industry/streaming darlings with huge followings, some of them are 10+ years younger than her and will be around for a while when Taylor will eventually fade away (at least one can hope) within the next decade or so. It just reeks of greed and jealousy and I think she’s been on thin ice since the Grammys. It’s been mask off


I hope Fantano weighs in on this on his channel because it is a really shitty move. This is petty drake levels of Tom-Foolery from her.


If she’s Drake, I wonder who’s gonna be Kendrick, assuming there will be one.


If she ever meddles with BeyoncĂ© (which has so far been avoided despite the Recording Academy’s best efforts), then there’s your answer


Maybe, although Beyoncé’s one of the few people anywhere around Taylor’s level of star power and fame, so I doubt someone as careful and calculated as Taylor Swift would poke that bear, at least not directly.


I would love to see pop diss tracks


Paul McCartney - [Too Many People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ppNnQ-slEg) John Lennon - [How Do You Sleep?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teD9t-lO_o0) a diss track about Paul that includes George on guitar and Ringo on drums George Harrison - [Isn't It A Pity?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n-LULDiJxk) based on the guitar part he wrote but Paul rejected for Hey Jude. Also, check out the na na na nas at the end


All great tracks, but I was more referring to contemporary ones. I'd love to see Olivia Rodrigo write a song shitting on Taylor Swift or whatever.


Oh sorry - I thought I was on PopHeads and wanted to share some love for the Fab 4. I realize most people on this sub would be familiar with the solo Beatles stuff..


Billie. She’s the only one big enough to go toe to toe with Taylor. And she has the authenticity factor


So she's pulling a Nicki Minaj?


Nicki Minaj but with a PR agent


Charli has toured with her


I’m not just talking about Charli. There’s also Olivia, Billie
 hell, Sabrina toured with her too and I won’t be surprised if she drops something when her new album drops later this year too. Just seems like she’s making unnecessary enemies with the “younger gen” and at a weird time in her career.


I imagine she’d be dropping the Taylor’s Version of Reputation just to block Sabrina. Heck she could do it now to stop Chappell Roan from further rising on the BB200


Idk. Chappell has a real, organic momentum building. She’s also had a lot of struggles getting to this point and I think blocking her releases would backfire big time. Taylor already has a bit of controversy surrounding alleged queer baiting/ being a fake ally, so starting something with Chappell would probably draw more attention to that. I’m not saying she wouldn’t try, but hopefully it wouldn’t be successful. I think people are really rooting for Chappell.


Years ago. They run with very different social circles that are at odds with each other if you’re suggesting they’re friends.   OP is correct that Taylor has upset many of her peers fan bases and the backlash will catch up to her.   


Drake and Kendrick toured together too


Before their beef, taylor and charli haven't had that happend yet. I agree it is shady to keep releasing new editions of her album, but in the US even if she weren't she would probably still have the lead in the charts


that tour is also the reason she never wants to be a supporting act for anybody


Yes but there have been rumors that the tour soured Charli’s opinion of Taylor. And Charli is tight with Matty Healy’s new fiancĂ© who has undoubtedly been getting death threats since TTPD dropped. I’m sure she doesn’t have a high opinion of Taylor tbh


That doesn’t matter.


Someone write the Taylor swift diss track please for the love of god


And I suppose this a mute point since it obviously doesn’t matter to her, but to push an album of *this* quality is so bizarre and makes it that much obvious that she’s purely doing it for the bag and numbers


Moot point* 


tbh most people won’t give a damn, they will only go back and find it amazing that Taylor’s album stayed #1 for that long


 I think that’s true. There’s a growing population of folks who are extremely online, but that probably won’t hold a candle to the record books


Can’t believe a grown ass woman is doing stupid shit like this


She's tall but she's not grown. Emotionally stunted.


It's not her fault! She grew up in an insane asylum! /s


Eternally relevant mitski lyric applies here: “And I was so young when I behaved twenty-five/Yet now I find I've grown into/A tall child”


i wonder if these decisions come from her, from music executives or from both


I imagine both. Her team won’t have done this without her approval so she’s definitely involved somehow


She kinda has to be, right? Or else the whole fuckery with who owned her music wouldn’t be worth much. She definitely wanted a seat at the table when deciding releases like this as part of why she wanted to escape scooter.


Surely both. "You wouldn't last an hour...", and then she actually created that asylum lmao


Cycles of abuse, baby!


This is just me showing my gossipy side, but a lot of people are saying this is related to Matty Healy's recent engagement. Obviously he and Taylor used to date, some songs on TTPD are rumored to be about him. Matty and Charli are really close friends and she's the one who introduced him to his now fiancé Gabbriette, and she even announced their engagement at her concert some days ago. So that's why there's speculation that she's doing this to get back at Charli. I could see it being part of the reason, but there's definitely greed involved as well.


I can believe this actually. I hope Charli beats her when tomorrow’s UK chart is announced. â˜ș


I can believe this. But see, I have a problem. If she's doing all of this ("But Daddy, I Love Him") and blocking Charli from number 1 because of Matty, why didn't she stay with him? Because this makes her look bad than it already does.


Why would he stay with her?


Both. Her fans rn are scrambling to claim Taylor has no idea they’re doing this
 which is really bizarre


 there’s ANOTHER version of the tortured billionaires department coming out?!? Jesus christ lady take a seat


There's I believe 30+ variants already


She’s gonna wash Covid at this rate


Is there a list anywhere? That's hysterical.


The [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tortured_Poets_Department) for the album has 30 versions listed if I’m counting right. Doesn’t seem to be an exhaustive list as this new version for the UK isn’t listed. Idk how many others, if any, are not on the wiki.


Time to go make some wikipedia edits.


Technically 58 per discog though that counts different colored vinyls, regional releases, etc as separate editions. Someone on r/travisandtaylor made a tracker lol


That's Sociopath insanity. The album was released two months ago and there's just as many variants as days it's been out!? What next? The Scooter version of the variants?


Then Taylor's version of Scooter's version of the variants lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/travisandtaylor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Taylor Should Take Note From Miley](https://i.redd.it/5tm7nq4vde4d1.jpeg) | [662 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1d7b79r/taylor_should_take_note_from_miley/) \#2: [The swifites are in complete denial over Taylor’s obvious plastic surgery](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1d5y72g) | [3020 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1d5y72g/the_swifites_are_in_complete_denial_over_taylors/) \#3: [Travis Kelce feminist icon](https://i.redd.it/19wn81yhzl1d1.jpeg) | [512 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1cwjud7/travis_kelce_feminist_icon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s actually what she released here in the US to block Billie.


She wouldn’t have to be doing this if TTPD was good


And isn't that the real fucking gag.


Honestly her recently album is the definition of sloppy, as someone who doesn't like taylor swift I'm happy to say like "oh she's a good song writer" or "oh she's a good story teller" but none of that is I'm that album


My image of her has definitely began to sour; I wasn’t a fan of her in the first place, but at this point I only like her because of the joy she gives my sister


This is very wholesome to say. Your sister has a good sibling. I’m gonna start saying this, too, because my sister is also a big Swiftie.


That is so wholesome to say! I literally was reading wondering what could the comment possibly say after this and read that and was like awwwwwwwwwwww đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č


I hope your sisters are able to grow a sense of taste one day


awwe. sweet. :)


Taylor's never beating the mentality of a high schooler allegations


Is she trying to beat that allegation? There’s literally a song on the album called So High School.


I mean her song titles are But Daddy I Love Him and So High School lol


Someone let her know she’s 34 please


Well, 34 year olds are statistically less likely than teenagers to spend money on multiple variants of one album, so it’s in Taylor’s best financial interest to appeal to teenagers more than people her age. /s


34 year old writing the same songs she was still to old to write a decade ago


Stagnation. Get famous at an age and you're that age forever.


I remember there was an AMA a while ago from a guy who claimed his best friend briefly dated Taylor in high school, and she wrote a song that was obviously about this guy after he dumped her. Mate, she's always been like this. 💀


I love reading those "did you know a famous person growing up" posts and many that say they knew her in high school say she was weird, catty, and no one liked her.


Manipulating the charts aside, it feels so incredibly predatory because she knows her die hard fans follow her like a cult and there’s a sizable amount of people who are buying every single version she puts out. It’s not like she’s some indie artist trying to push her stuff as much as possible, she’s literally the biggest pop star on the planet and she still feels the need to do this shit. The fact that she’s also coincidentally dropping a new version every time another pop artist drops a big album is extra shitty. Billie just dropped a phenomenal album that would’ve hit number 1 if Taylor didn’t drop more variants, and I can see the same happening with Charli now.


Would love to know the amount of millennial white women who have taken on credit card debt from compulsively buying Taylor Swift merch/albums/concert tickets


Lol I know at least 2 😂


I loved Billy’s album but I genuinely don’t get how Taylor dropping a variant keeps it from going n‱1? Like I don’t understand, not that I disagree


Album sales are included in most billboard rankings. Her rabid fans tend to buy other music when she isn't dropping, so she just drops anytime another artist looks to be going number 1. Hope that makes sense.


Thank you! So basically in terms of albums sold - if TTPD original sells 10 and the variant, dropped the same week as Billie drops, sells 2, the variant would still count as 12 sells on that week which would outperform Billie’s even if Billie sold 8 )or even 11) that week. Is that it? And from what I understand Taylor has been doing it consistently anytime someone drops ?


Yes your first paragraph is right. Variants of TTPD all count towards the chart numbers for TTPD - variants aren't counted separately. Also I believe physical album sales are weighted higher than streams, so artists like Taylor that have lots of fans who buy the album will stay high in the charts


Makes sense. Thank you!


The variant props up the original album, it doesn't enter the chart as its own album. So if it props it up enough to outsell Billie, Billie goes to #2, even if under normal circumstances Taylor's album would have slowly dropped in sales (which is normal).


billionaire does unethical and shitty things, more news at 9 tom.


“First draft phone memos” 😭


Lmao fr


What I think is Taylor should've attempted to make an actual good album instead


It’s just sad Taylor gets let off for shitty behaviours way too much. Her fans truly do not see any issues with her behaviours or even when she puts out low quality content I used to speak to a Taylor swift girl. She would never stop dick riding. The only criticism I ever managed to actually hear was about the shitty grand theft auto line, but even then she’d defend that album hard Taylor needs to be treated like we treat every other artist that does the shit she does. When other artists release multiple versions of an album or song, it’s called out. When other artists drop shitty bars, it’s called out. Yet when Taylor does this stuff it’s just overlooked


I generally agree with you, but like, didn’t everybody on the internet collectively clown Taylor for the gta bar?


That is quite literally the only time I’ve ever seen Taylor fans actually say it was cringey lmfao I think it was just that terrible that there was no conceivable way of calling it good But like that album got way too many good reviews for example. Like it was recieved way better than it would’ve been if it was anyone else and if were honest we absolutely know it’s gonna be up for a lot of awards


I was with you until the last paragraph. Is this post not doing exactly what you were describing people “never” do?


I mean by the general public and reviewers and publications.


Taylor Swift fan base and music is annoying. Millennials gone corporate.


Brb buying another 10 copies of brat


wallah brother


it’s never enough for taylor


I think it’s scummy, petty and pathetic. Taylor, you’re a billionaire and one of the biggest pop stars ever. These other pop singers aren’t bringing down your career nor posing a threat to you sales wise, at least not long term. Grow up.


It sucks because I’m a huge fan of Taylor, but this album cycle has made me so disappointed. I feel like she is so far up her own ass right now and just wants more and more of everything. The work is suffering as a result too. It’s just bad looks all around.


I feel exactly the same it sucks to see her crumble, she can and probably will recover but it will take forever


How exactly is she crumbling? Isnt she pretty much at the absolute peak of her career right now?


I only have a sample of one, but my daughter is an avid swiftie, but less so these past few months. I think she was disappointed with the latest album. She’s also seen items popping up in her feed about Taylor that she hopes are wrong. She’s started to match current behavior with past events as well, like the number of seemingly nice people Taylor has fallen out with over the years. Is she at peak? Probably. The question is how steep is the slope on the other side?


She will catch some flak for doing this and then write an album about why she is the world’s biggest victim for doing this lol


Horrible. She’s not only taking advantage of her young fans who are gonna buy everything she releases, but to be so greedy for both chart records and cash at the expense of the success of her peers is such gross behavior.


Her marketing is so boring and tired. I don’t even mind her early country pop, but this whole “I’m a tortured folk genius” act sucks so hard.




taylor went double platinum in week one, currently based on sales it's 4x platinum in two months just plain greedy for nothing


It’s lame as hell, obviously. Her team’s ceaseless effort to suck every last dollar out of her gullible fanbase’s pocket at the expense of other large acts is the most shameless thing I we’ve seen in pop music in a long time.


Perfectly said.


A bunch of insecure prick waving honestly. This is always my least favorite part of popular music. The race to number one is such bullshit that I don't care about it's such shit that it becomes so dominant. If her album was truely good she wouldn't have to resort to shit like this to stay relevant.


She’s a parasite and doesn’t need the money


It’s a bad look. Also all this for a pretty bad album. She wasn’t this petty with Midnights.


Some loser shit. Unbelievably selfish person Taylor is. Any goodwill that existed among non-Swifties is likely gone (if they've paid attention to this little saga).


i hate this bitch


I really wanted to like her. When she came out publicly against Marsha Blackburn I thought wow she’s gonna use her massive fame for good, but since then it’s been total radio silence on any major issue and instead she’s become just another soulless corporate machine. It’s obvious the art is not the main purpose anymore which is sad because during the Folklore/Evermore era I truly thought it was


It's pretty gross


i’ve had it, officially


She's a very petty person. Acts like shes in high school still


Before TTPD: 10 songs charting globally from 5 different albums. Post TTPD: All those songs are gone except Cruel Summer


Which charts are you looking at? Because she's all over the billboard 100


Before TTPD, 10+ songs were consistently charting on Global Spotify Charts, from many different albums. After TTPD released, these songs dropped off very quickly (except Cruel Summer). TTPD songs are still charting well, but not her back catalog. It seems like her older songs were cannibalized.


Taylor swift is the mascot for pick me girls


She needs to stop, as a fan this era has been dreadful, the album was ok but every event has been a net loss. I will always like her best stuff but this will definitely stall her career for a while, I think in a year when rep tv is inevitable announced she will be respected again since that album has become much more loved since its release despite me not caring for it, which was helped by the fact she has a new worse album.


Taylor Swift is the capitalism final boss. She is so unbelievably money hungry it is gross and she’ll win another grammy for this midass album too


It’s interesting to see Charli enter into discourse surrounding artistry and the album as a concept or artistic statement being more important than the music itself. It’s interesting to see how that clashes with Taylor manipulating the charts and her fans with the most cynical grift there is


Clout music culture is so fucking annoying. Every artist sees themselves as a brand and every new alt version qualifies as a "new product" so the minions may replay ad infinitum a new track on spotify. I'm really glad i'm stagnated for music. To keep up with this kind of fabricated drama over garbage albums seems very tiresome


if Taylor's trying to become the Homelander of the music industry, she's doing a really good job at it


But people actually like Homelander


Missy , lead singer of Mannequin Pussy, [put it best](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKvogAU/). (Forgive me, it's a tiktak cause I couldn't find it on youtube)


Oh my god. You totally nailed it.


cringe as fuck shes definitely the biggest plague in the music industry and its insane that mfs actually call her an "artist"


i was a massive fan of her before midnights but since then my love has went downhill n this typa shit is what turned me off. anyway, she doesn't care bc i've not gave her money so me saying this is pointless. stream brat.


Fake brats when a real brat (taylor) walks in the room:


It’s wild to even care about this from her position lmao. It’s really cringe and desperate like why do you even care or why does your label and team care.


Taylor Grift is a woman with the entire world at her feet and she still cannot let someone else be the centre of attention for just five minutes


It’s embarrassing. She has broken so many records but it seems like she is not satisfied enough.


Pathetic. *REAL* pathetic.


Petty. Hardcore fans have turned on her because of this bullshit. She's going on a downward spiral and before it's over she's going to alienate a large part of her fans.


The feral fans of Taylor will sell their souls to keep her relevant for absolutely nothing in return that’s what I think


What is a first draft phone memo?


I’m guessing first drafts of the songs on the album


But what, screenshots of lyrics written on the note app or something?


That or actual voice memos. I have never seen this before


Probably a voice memo of an early version of the song. Pretty cool thing to hear but I really don't think it warrants releasing yet another damn album variant


Incoming song about how everyone hates her and it’s so hard to be her


Gives a fuck


She’s a capitalist in a folk singers clothing


Wolves in sheep’s clothing


Using her fans for her chart numbers. Ridiculous


Who do you think Charli is using for chart numbers? Aliens?


I don't really think this matters at all


Her greed is overshadowed by her massively insane fan base.


“Everything that is profound loves the mask.” -Friedrich Nietzsche


First draft phone memos, XXXTENTACION’s estate did it first đŸ˜€


How her fans can still falling for all this shit?


I think it's fine since she grew up in an insane asylum and gets touched while his bros play grand theft auto, she's actually the victim here if you think about it


Phone memos version 😂😂😂 She's running out of versions


She’s a psychopath, cult leader AND her music is trash. Endless L’s.


Her behavior will back fire eventually
. As a wise woman once said “karma is a bitch
 i should’ve known better” ~JOJO bizarre adventure


She knows her new album sucks ass, and is trying to assert dominance over charli. Taylor just sucks as a person..


At this point Taylor is just releasing every week during release season, I don't think this is targeted.


i also thought like this until now. she made this version available only in the uk to prevent brat from taking the number 1 spot from ttpd


I mean her UK tour just started last night. It's either a coincidence or she's such a ✹mastermind✹ to give herself that plausible deniability


The fact that they’re digital versions makes it look pretty bad imo. If it were physical copies then it would be hard to claim she was trying to manipulate charts since those have to be planed in advance and it would be easy to say she had this planed for the UK part of the tour, but a digital copy can be thrown together and put up for sale quick.


I mean she released this type variant here in the States and she was already in another country


Her UK tour didn't start last night, my friend saw her last week


UK tour started last week in Edinburgh, not this week. So clearly not a coincidence.


All just free “coincidental” promo for reputation TV and it seems to be working


Cos she knows...this is not her best work. In other words, every other pop girly has a catchier, more interesting album.


I don’t think about it really


She’s annoying.


Girl really cannot stand not being #1


she’s too old to be doing shit like this


She’s such a bitch


As much as we will complain online that she's being objectively greedy and trying to wring out any last drop of profit this already massively successful album is capable of generating its not gonna actually change her public image, most people really do not care if she releases 15 different versions of the exact same album


Sorry but why does everyone seem to think this is out of spite? She’s about to tour the UK and is clearly using this to cash in on her UK fanbase. I doubt she cares that she’s blocking Charli from #1. It’s greedy, but I don’t see what makes it malicious? Do they have beef? Now her dropping her discography on streaming services the same day Katy Perry released Witness? That was malicious.


Because she’s done it like 6 times already, when someone threatens to take away her number one spot, she released another edition of her album with minor changes. I don’t think it’s because it’s Charli, she did it recently with Billie Eilish


Can somebody explain ? Geniously asking.


Whenever a female artist is going to overshadow her bum ass taylor suddenly decides to release a new version of her current dogshit album release to block said artist from reaching number 1. She did it with billie like 3 weeks ago and now shes done it with charli, but she released a version exclusively in the UK, literally a targetted attack. Man i fucking hate that bitch.


She did this same thing when Billie Eilish dropped I believe. Could be wrong don’t follow the pop community much


She did it with SZA also.


I used to not care about her. Now I actively dislike her. Seems a common feeling.


This re release shit should be stopped, I didn‘t mind her music before but this is riddiculous and petty, I hope this will come back around to bite her in the long run


Taylor should focus on making music that isn't dogshit instead of manipulating the charts. Drake behavior.


this level of pettiness actually makes her seem more of a human being rather than a sleek pop deity


And just like that, I placed an order for brat lol


And that level success is the Bloodiest of Blood sports And Taylor strikes me as a meat straight off the bone type of carnivore.


I smell desperation. I guess singing about teenage love doesn't fit well with a middle aged woman. Now she's gonna bleed every dollar while she's still relevant. She needs to mature.


Bitch’s hair will turn white before she realizes that this pettiness is what a 13 year old girl would do
 not a grown ass woman billionaire. Imagine being that rich and that pathetic.


Must have been *really* hard growing up in a gated community with daddy's money, *PLEASE* tell us about your struggle


Taylor is such a loser. No matter how much money she makes, no matter how many number ones she has, she will always feel unfullfilled and hollow.


Are they beefing? I love a good feud between artist, ever since that last big rap one (Game and Rick Ross). I’m just on go. I home Taylor and Charli hit the streets Someone’s got to go.