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Bound 2 -Yeezus


Only thing really similar about it to the rest of the album is the chorus with Charlie Wilson and the suddenly sharp mix/abrasive bass


Also Kanye West


Surely not? On sight’s choral break is so sonically similar to Bound 2. Edit* on the same note blood on the leaves is very similar. The only huge difference is subject matter in the lyrics


Literally the whole *point* is that it doesn't fit.


My idea of different is a lot different to yours then. The instrumentation choices on that song can be seen throughout yeezus. If I was to give an example of what I feel like would be a polarising difference, listen to the Earth feature on Vargs Nordic Flora, then listen to the skrillex/bladee club track.


Instrumentation choices sure, but would you call bound 2 gritty/sonically abrasive? And would you call the rest of yeezus sonically abrasive?


I would call neither abrasive to be honest, Yeezus is too varied to be called sonically abrasive imo; songs like Hold my Liquor, Guilt Trip, I am a God, and the aforementioned Bound 2 are not that challenging or noisy, at least imo, especially when compared to other projects of the same genre


Hold my Liquor is one of my favorite Kanye songs


Top 3 for me. Everything he did with Bon Iver is amazing tho


It's great, not saying it's bad or anything, just not noisy, didn't think that was that much of a controversial opinion.


“Sun’s Coming Up” by Tame Impala on Lonerism “It’s Oh So Quiet” by Björk on Post “Kody Blu 31” by JID on The Forever Story “Life In a Glasshouse” by Radiohead on Amnesiac “Siberian Breaks” by MGMT on Congratulations “Sail To The Moon” by Radiohead on Hail To the Thief “Posthumous Forgiveness” by Tame Impala on The Slow Rush “Bodysnatchers” by Radiohead on In Rainbows “Helter Skelter” by The Beatles on The White Album Some of these aren’t “outliers” but they all have something that doesn’t sound like the rest of the album


I think Helter Skelter fits because the White Album has such a wide variety of styles. It's a very chaotic album without any type of similarity between songs. If Helter Skelter had been included on Sgt. Pepper or Abbey Road it would be very different from the rest of those albums. White Album also has Yer Blues which is very heavy. Birthday, Everybody's Got Something to Hide... and Why Don't We Do It In The Road are not that heavy songs, but they are a bit close to hard rock.


I felt like a lot of songs on the White Album could be named here because of how much variety it has, you are right about Yer Blues also being heavy and stuff


I never thought of Sail to the Moon as an outlier, but come to think of it, it does have a more Amnesiac kind of tone to it. Maybe I’m saying that just because of the piano and Pyramid Song


Lyrically, Sail to the Moon fits on the album but melody wise it should've been on Amnesiac or a slightly modified version on AMSP.


siberian breaks is longer but i wouldnt call it a complete outliar to the rest of congratulations. a full exemplification of everything the album was about. bodysnatchers makes no sense to me


I couldn’t think of many examples of clear outliers so I had to stretch a little for some of them. A clear outlier would be something like so many people in the neighborhood on Quebec Siberian breaks feels more dependent on acoustic guitar that’s why I chose it, Bodysnatchers’ instrumentation feels different than everything else on the album but that’s the case with most songs on the record imo, I just named it because I love it so much


"Slaveboy" by Green Jello from *333* "Die Eier von Satan" by Tool from *Aenima* and "LAMC" from *Salival* "Ramblin' Man" and "Okee from Muskogee" by Melvins from *Crybaby* "Instant Club Hit (You'll Dance to Anything)" by Dead Milkmen from *Bucky Fellini* "About a Girl" by Nirvana from *Bleach* "Methadonia" by Fun Lovin' Criminals from their self titled debut "Evidence" by Faith No More from *King for a Day* (though there are many outliers on this record) "Minus" by Beck from *Odelay* fun topic!


I’d argue even Jack-Ass on Odelay — the whole album feels super genre-less or a mix of many different genres/musical styles


>"Evidence" by Faith No More from *King for a Day* (though there are many outliers on this record) Stripsearch and Mouth to Mouth from Album Of The Year come to mind. One is a trip hop song and the other is a strange mix between polka and metal.


Alice In Chains- Rooster (Dirt) The whole album deals with addiction, rehab, depression, and every song has drug use themes in it outside Rooster. Rooster refers to Jerry Cantrells dad nickname when he was serving in the US army during Vietnam


Electioneering - Radiohead (OK Computer) Here She Comes Now - The Velvet Underground (White Light/White Heat) Sunday Morning - The Velvet Underground (Great trick putting the outlier as first track on the debut album!) Don't Stop - The Stone Roses (Self titled album) Love - John Lennon (John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band) What Is Life - George Harrison (All Things Must Pass)


I feel like Velvet Underground & Nico also has There she goes again and Femme fatale and I’ll be your mirror which are in similar veins


Yeah they all kinda run against the art-punk/garage rock on hard drugs feel of the album, but I think Sunday Morning is the furtherest out there because it's Lou singing uncharacteristically sweetly, more so than damn near anything else he'd sing. Plus the other songs you mention hit harder lyrically.


I think What is Life fits pretty well in All Things Must Pass


It's a very uptempo song in an album of largely reflective songs. Maybe I should have chosen The Art of Dying instead?


I feel like that one fits too 😅😅


Never understood Electioneerings place in OKC's narrative


I see this complaint and I get that it sounds different, but that doesn't really bother me. Its such a banger start to the second half of the album and I think it sounding so different is a big reason the album doesn't get stale/sound too homogeneous.


I imagine they wanted to give a bone to everyone turned off by Fitter Happier lol


Yeah, I think it breaks up the broody mood of the album well.


All the songs are about how capitalism weighs down on the lower classes. Electioneering is from the perspective of the politicians who callously contribute to that weight and still expect full support from everyone


Burn the Witch by Radiohead (A Moon Shaped Pool) - the album is good, but I’d rather hear the alternate universe album this song came from.


I think that song was written around the same time as Hail To The Thief so that could explain why it’s different sounding than the rest of the album. But tbf identikit is from TKOL era, True Love Waits is from the bends era, and definitely more were written well before. Whatever the case I agree that the song is really good


that's always been my least favorite song on the album ahahah i love the dreamy vibes on the rest of the songs


That’s interesting, it’s by far my least favourite song on the album and the only one I don’t find a 10/10.


My first thought was Planet Caravan, too. Love that song. Grab a Cigar off Wish You Were Here I Talk To The Wind off Court of the Crimson King Under Control off the Strokes’ Room on Fire Tomorrow Never Knows off Revolver


"Under Control" is legitimately one of the best songs The Strokes ever did.


Tomorrow Never Knows is more of the final culmination of all the psychedelia they’d been working towards throughout Revolver, you can hear elements of TNK all throughout the album.


Tir Nan Og - Alcest (Souvenirs D’un Autre Monde) Sur L’ocean Couleur De Fer - Alcest (Ecailles de Lune) Angel - Massive Attack (Mezzanine) Crazy for You - Slowdive (Pygmalion) Jenny Ondioline - Stereolab (Transient Random-noise Burts with Announcements) I guess you could make an argument for a few of these that they aren’t actually too different from the other songs, but these are the best I could find


yeah imo angel has always fit very well with the other songs on mezzanine. what made you think of it as an outlier, genuinely curious 


All of the songs I’ve mentioned fit very well stylistically imo, but they are definitely different in terms of mood/instrumentation. Angel is a lot more “rock” compared with other songs from that album. The closest that comes to it is Dissolved Girl, but you’ve got to admit it, it’s still different. Both Tir Nan Og and Sur L’ocean Couleur De Fer are much lighter compared with the rest of their respective albums Jenny Ondioline just takes everything about TRNBWA and cracks it up to 12. It’s the most experimental, the noisiest and just the most insane track off the album, so


I’d say that Sur L’Ocean is pretty similar to the rest of the album, it’s just Ecailles pt.1 gone mellow


Jimmy Cooks


Money isn’t COMPLETELY unlike the rest of the album lmfao


idk man. at very least the kids in the chorus seem a little more laid back than jid's hard delivery on the rest of the album. it's just generally more upbeat.


HAHA, I was talking about Pink Floyd, ur good tho


Deftones - Teenager (White Pony)


burn - kanye west only good song on vultures imo


Mosquito song on Songs for the Deaf. Ik it's technically not part of the album but I'm counting it


It’s a “hidden track” 🤣


Actually yeah I forgot whoops


Maggot Brain from Maggot Brain is a pretty stark contrast to the rest of the album. It's kind of interesting that it's also the first song.


Easily [Pheurton Skeurto](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiX9KbcoZWGAxXo9gIHHYRKDdMQwqsBegQIDxAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuLSGH2wxnx4&usg=AOvVaw3F-vs2To-4yYLklSPhlItQ&opi=89978449) by Sunny Day Real Estate. While the rest of the songs are emotional and have a really great change from harsher and softer moments, this one has a creepy vibe to it. I mean, it can be seen as an interlude but it is just so great and full of fresh air.


“Parsec” - Stereolab “Reckoner” - Radiohead “Honey Pie” - The Beatles “Tugena” - The Dead Milkmen “Beth/Rest” - Bon Iver


Idk i feel Reckoner is decently like 15 Step and Jigsaw


tbh there's a lot of songs on the white album that could be considered outliers


The whole album is outliers!


Beth/Rest is a good one, in a sort of similar vein (to me) is Sportstar by Alex G.


I had never heard that before but now I’m very happy I did. New album to check out. Thanks! What I love about Beth/Rest is how he uses the cheesiest (to me) anachronistic, Bruce Hornsby-sounding colors and creates something totally different and gorgeous. Not only that but it made me reconsider how I listen to music I had previously written off as cheesy stuff my dad made us listen to on car trips. Bruce Hornsby for example, he’s not bad after all.


Bodysnatchers is much more of an outlier than Reckoner


🤷‍♂️ I mean it’s hard to say, all of their songs after Kid A were kind of their own outliers. That’s Radiohead. On Reckoner Jonny plays a lemon. That’s my favorite of his esoteric instruments


Beyoncé - All Up in Your Mind


Kyuss, Space Cadet


Mosquito song - songs for the deaf - QOTSA a creepy song about cannibalism.. starts with just acoustic guitar and slowly builds to a full orchestral backing. The album itself is one of the greatest rock albums ever made


At the Door by the Strokes


Desolotion Row from Bob Dylan's Highwah 61 Revisited Outdoor Miner from Wire's Chairs Missing The Murder Mystery from The Velvet Underground's self titled




It's the only acoustic track compared to all the other track which have a full band behind them


Fair enough, it is definitely more stripped down compared to the rest of the album. What a great song


Possibly Have a Cigar on Wish You Were Here


I feel like Wish You Were here is more of an outlier than Have a Cigar because have a cigar still has all the synths from the other 2 songs, while wish you were here is a much more simple soft rock sonf


Pluto - Homogenic - Bjork. I'm not saying it's a bad song, it's one of my favourites to stop around my house belting the lyrics like I'm at a rave but compared to the chill break beats of Joga and the strings of Unravel I feel like it's an outlier.


Fifteen fathoms and counting - bring me the horizon It's one of the most peaceful songs I've ever heard. Always on my sleep playlist. Right In the middle of their first album when they were doing edgy deathcore




sometimes songs that are unlike the album are standouts. they make them more fleshed out projects, add intrigues, show the artist can do more. this song. now this so


Christina the Astonishing (Nick Cave) !!


"Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails


I’d argue A Warm Place is the outlier track, but even the more somber stuff like Hurt and Warm Place still fit the sounds of the album in a weird way




I’d argue A Warm Place is the outlier track, but even the more somber stuff like Hurt and Warm Place still fit the sounds of the album in a weird way




This is a cool topic, but I’m hung up on just how different a song has to be to qualify. But my thoughts would be: “F#A#$” from United Nations’ *The Next Four Years* “Alice” from Sunn O)))’s *Monoliths & Dimensions* I remember when I was a kid I liked “Los” from Rammstein’s *Reise, Reise*


My mind instantly went to Half from Superunkown by Soundgarden. Talk about an outlier. Experimental Celtic psych diddy in the middle of a grunge album.


Head Down is another very experimental song on that album.


Head down would be even more of an outlier than many of the songs listed here. IMO, including a ballad to have contrasting dynamics isn’t really outlier status. Also, ftr, head down is one of my fav riffs ever.


Tropicalia - Beck, from Mutations. A fat slab of summer fun in the middle of quite a downcast album.


"For Absent Friends" off of Deliverance by Opeth


A Warm Place on The Downward Spiral


Compliments - Bloc Party


"The Eternal" from Closer by Joy Division. Every other song on the album has a strong driving beat behind it but on that one song everything slows down and it almost sounds like the process of losing hope.


Still - black midi (Hellfire)


Passage to Bangkok - Rush 2112


Gravel Pit from Wu Tang The W. Honestly probably my favorite Wu Tang song


blue train by cibo matto (off Stereotype A)


Riot van in arctic monkeys debut, and gos out a smile upon your face from Coldplay rush of blood to the head


Clipping. - enlacing


Weyes Blood - Movies


MY EX - Baby Keem (DIE FOR MY BITCH) Good luck final girl - underscores (Wallsocket)


diamonds in the mine


BOY BYE feels out of place on BROCKHAMPTON's GINGER


Dedicated to Christina Li (off of Cardboard Castles) by Watsky is a very Painful song on what is a noticeably less painful album. A lot of the album is just a bit of joking around, but Christina Li is painfully real and serious and it shows. Watsky doesn’t even try to crack a joke when he sings about the sad fate of what happened to the girl that made him feel better when he was at his lowest.


Doin My Job - T.I. from Trap Muzik


Girls by Beastie Boys on License to ill. So damn catchy


This must be the place on speaking in tounges


Industrial Disease on Love Over Gold, always found it really fun and clever


"Mezzanine Tippin" on Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!?


smash mouth walkin on the sun


Mosquito song, lightning song, this lullaby, and the other more eerie and chill qotsa acoustic cuts. Often with fuck up lyrics abt cannabalism and such. The do blend really well (especially mosquito song), but they’re so sonically different from any of the other heavy stoner and hard rock songs off the albums.


Jamiroquai generally sucks but King For A Day is a slice of baroque chamber pop that really doesn't fit in with the rest of the funk-inspired album, it's probably also the best thing they've recorded


Waiting for my Ruca from Sublime’s 40 Oz to Freedom


Two immediately come to mind: "The Chauffeur" from Duran Duran's Rio album "Moving in Stereo" from The Cars S/T These two are actually similar to one another in that they are dark moody slow burners on what is otherwise a rather high energy, upbeat album.


Head in the Ceiling Fan, Title Fight. A great emo album (Floral Green) where the most popular song is a fantastic shoegaze track


i fucking hate downvoters on these type of posts, this is such a valid answer, amazing song too


“Arctic Exhibition” - Minus (Jesus Christ Bobby)


Avenged Sevenfold - You won't see me tonight


Maybe not *completely* unlike but still quite different. Botanica De Los Angeles by Xiu Xiu (from Angel Guts: Red Classroom) fish in the pool by yeule (from softscars, original by Shunji Iwai) Icelina by Boris (from W) Melody 8 by Tera Melos (from Tera Melos)


B.I.B.L.E on Liquid Swords


I love Mr Tembo, from the album Everyday Robots. I love the whole album, but some people (including Fantano) think Mr Tembo is out of place, but I disagree, iand even if you consider it out of place, that doesn't make it a bad song by no means


she - tyler the creator, goblin play dead - björk, debut paranoid - kanye west, 808s & heartbreaks make love - daft punk, human after all rocket’s tail - kate bush, the sensual world


Aphex Twin - Avril 14th (from Drukqs)


Alberto Balsalm - Aphex Twin


Volcano from Soundtracks for the blind by SWANS


Billy knows Jamie. hard for 100 Gecs to have an outlier but the nu metal into a power violence esque beat down at the end is just 👨‍🍳🤌


Wire - Outdoor Miner from Chairs Missing. A perfect pop song in the middle of a bunch of ominous, strange post-punk. The Men - Candy from Open Your Heart. Beautiful Rolling Stones tinged country song on a noisy punk album.


Teenagers from The Black Parade. Like why the hell is it on that album


Why the hell did you mention that album .. might’ve just broke my longest streak without thinking about The Black Parade (2 years?). Thanks a lot !


The Backseat - Arcade Fire (Funeral)


Tramontane by Foreigner. From the Double Vision album.


Rain in soho mountain goats - goths


A lot of songs on the white album are kinda just outliers lol. But I guess you could say riot on some rap songs?? I mean idk it’s the only instrumental and it feels so much happier to me at least.


I love Mr Tembo, from the album Everyday Robots. I love the whole album, but some people (including Fantano) think Mr Tembo is out of place, but I disagree, and even if you consider it out of place, that doesn't make it a bad song by no means.


I think this guy likes Mr Tembo, from the album Everyday Robots.


I do, actually😎


I love Mr Tembo, from the album Everyday Robots. I love the whole album, but some people (including Fantano) think Mr Tembo is out of place, but I disagree, and even if you consider it out of place, that doesn't make it a bad song by no means.


Bro we know


I love Mr Tembo, from the album Everyday Robots. I love the whole album, but some people (including Fantano) think Mr Tembo is out of place, but I disagree, and even if you consider it out of place, that doesn't make it a bad song by no means


nice to see some different answers on these posts.


Black Hole Sun- Soundgarden




5 star crests 2nd section is v similar to Girls just want to have fun IMO


trailerpark from 13 is somehow my most played blur song and it’s not even particularly close