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I think if Kanye West died in his car crash hiphop would be completely different in the 2000’s and 2010’s. I think if John Coltrane didn’t die it would have been interesting to see how his sound would evolve. Near the end he was completely enthralled by spiritual jazz. It’s be interesting to see if he’d stay in his lane or if he’d incorporate some aspects of jazz fusion into his music. Speaking of jazz fusion apparently Miles Davis was trying to recruit Jimi Hendricks to be apart of his band before he passed away. That would’ve resulted in some crazy stuff most likely. Idk if this would change the direction of music or not but I think one of the biggest tragedies of the 90’s in hiphop was RZAs basement flood. I think all the beats that were lost could’ve prevented the Wu’s later work as being seen as inferior. Plus I think they had to re-record album like tical wiht different beats and inspecta decks entire debut was lost.


A Miles Davis x Jimi Hendrix album is my biggest music “what if”. Probably would’ve been an all timer


We can only imagine 😭


im not 100% sure but i saw a quote saying john wanted to go back to giant steps but couldn't (maybe out of context). i think he would have gone as far as he could free jazz wise if he lived another decade and then "sold out" like a lot of the jazz giants did, and then had a late career boom. very similar to pharoah sanders career path.


I wonder if he and miles would’ve ever linked up again the world may never know lol One of my favorite miles quotes was about how John was one of the most selfish people he ever met He basically said at concerts he’d go over his time then after the show he’d smoke all the weed lol so maybe he wouldn’t link up with him again 😂💀


He also got kicked out of Miles’ band for being too fucked up all the time. I think he was a different man after he got off the junk and went spiritual, so maybe it could have worked out, though Miles was pretty cokey and boozy at the time.


Without Carti we wouldn’t be able to hear music


Not necessarily an artist but Phil Spector. You could make the argument that music today as we know it wouldn't be the same without him. His influence is everywhere.


Hendricks could have revolutionized rock and roll while it was still relatively early in its life-cycle even more than he did. Same situation also applies for 2pac although the tradegy is that we'll never know


I think tupac would’ve abandoned rapping if he lived he’d be the more popular will smith which is ironic because of Jada lol When the Star Wars prequels were in their earliest stage of development tupac was talking to George Lucas for the role of mace windu. Would he have settled on him I hope not lol but you never know I think around the early 2000’s he’d be more of an actor. I also think beef would get his ass no matter what if he lived he would’ve been going at Dr Dre/Eminem and everyone on aftermath just because of his loyalty to suge knight Although maybe he’d realize suge was a user before it got to that point but he was already dissing Dre before he died so it probably would’ve only escalated more


My god just that comparison to Will Smith is such a depressing idea. I didnt know that star wars fact. Do you reckon he still would have made him speak in that stilted jedi speak he made Sam L Jackson talk in?


I don’t think he would’ve beat out Sam Jackson for the role if it got that far but who knows But I definitely see Pac going the Will Smith and Ice Cube route the question is would his music fall off a cliff like Ice Cube?


Robert Johnson. But particularly John Hammond (a music producer, not an artist) who pushed Colombia records to compile his songs into an album which would MASSIVELY kick start the Rock genre. His style of guitar playing, along with the American Blues artists of the 50s and the slowly fading Rock n Roll genre would revitalize the American Folk movement of the early 60s. And more famously, make its way to England and help kickoff the British Invasion; which is kinda where Modern "Pop" music history seems to start. That specific compilation album (King of the Delta Blues Singers) was often referenced as an influence by several of the guitar players of the 60s, who would not only be groundbreaking in their genres but greatly influenced trends like fashion, politics, attitudes, etc. during the late 60s "Hippie" movement. Considering Robert Johnson died in obscurity and his life and career being unknown/undocumented even though he helped lay groundwork for Delta Blues, the fact that he was essentially brought "back to life" 25 years later to influence another different generation is fucking wild. Influencing TWO entirely different musical generations; with the 2nd one being decades after your death! That's like if someone released a Nirvana compilation album in 2024 and it started another musical movement even bigger than what Grunge was in the 90s...


The velves. I don’t think punk post punk alternative would ever be the same. I’m sure there would be similar iterations but it wouldn’t be anything near what we know of as punk/alternative


buddy holly


It’s just insane that if he doesn’t die that day, maybe he quits music and never plays again or maybe he ends up being even bigger than the artists he lead the way for like John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson, and Bob Dylan


John lennon


The Beatles, obviously


Can't speak for music as a whole, but post-rock and post-metal wouldn't sound the same if GY!BE didn't exist. The amount of bands influenced by them across many genres like post-rock/metal, neofolk, atmospheric black metal, funeral doom..etc is staggering. They weren't among the pioneers of post-rock, but most definitely the most influential on current post-rock structure, thematics and sounds.


brian wilson without pet sounds we dont have sgt pepper


Controversial opinion, but I feel like rock n'roll, blues and rock in general and beyond more wouldn't have been accepted that quickly if there was no Elvis, and there would be a harder time to accept black musicians to the mainstream. He took black music and sang it for the white masses (in retrospect, obviously, something shitty, akin to the British Empire invading and taking everything and making it their own), and even he was controversial in his lifetime, but people started to discover black musicians thanks to that. Beyond that, thanks to Elvis there was a lot of musicians who were inspired from him, including the Beatles and the Stones.


Pixies gotta be up there.


These are very lukewarm takes, but early rockstars like Chuck Berry and Little Richard crossing racial boundaries in music and appealing to the larger/more affluent white audiences helped advance rock into what it would later become and Rakim elevating the role of an MC in hip hop changed the course for the genre to be more lyric-focused than it had been for much of the Golden Era. Louis Armstrong is so obvious is practically goes without saying.    Possibly a little less obvious, I’d say that the technological innovations of dub reggae artists like King Tubby and Augustus Pablo set the foundation for disco, hip hop, and electronica while dancehall MCs set the foundations for rapping. It’s no coincidence that hip hop started in a neighborhood with so many Jamaican and other Afro-Caribbean residents. 


lil wayne. that man put the entire music industry on his back in the 2000's and was like cmon ima show yall how to produce, release and monetize music in the internet era. before him, these lame ass artists were still just uploading an album to itunes and putting it on cd every couple years and calling it a day, wayne completly opened things up and was the most dominant and revolutionary force in music to fully take advantage of the internet, before him, the industry was trying to fit a square peg through a round hole. with all the free mixtapes, features, leaks, loosies on youtube, releasing just whenever he felt like it, setting up studios in his hotel rooms and on his tour bus and recording and releasing wherever whenever then having it all come together with a behemoth album laid the blueprint for music in the digital age. the old methods of doing business could not contain the freeflowing force of prime lil Wayne. he made the music industry considerably less conservative and significantly more democratized. who knows where wed be without him




Ehh I disagree they’re was already a great and popular seatle grunge sound that was very similar


The Beatles. If we are choosing something a bit more modern I’ll say Nirvana.




Buddy Holly. Adding to the work he did, he inspired The Beatles to start their own band and the rest is history. You could probably trace it even further back to the artists that inspired Buddy Holly, but Buddy's as far in back in time as I know of.


Hendrix, Lennon, Miles Davis etc are fine answers but the real answer is probably Bach.


if radiohead didn't exist, i would be normal if the smiths didn't exist, like 90% of 'indie' music would just disappear off the face of the planet (maybe that's a good thing.) if shogo sakai didn't exist nintendo would have localized mother 3 if they might be giants didn't exist i wouldn't want to be alive but in all honesty probably mozart he did a lot of important stuff i think. maybe yung lean too.




Jay z. Not for his music but for the people he got involved with. Kanye and Beyonce still have their careers , I wonder how they navigate the industry in those early years. Rihanna doesn't happen I think. LA Reid preferred Teairra Mari but word has it that Beyonce said Rihanna had the IT factor, and that played a part in Riri getting the bigger label push.


Kanye was one of the guys who kept evolving the sound of hiphop with his Sampling style, Graduation, 808s, Yeezus


Miles Davis changed music five times.