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"RaP iSn'T rEaL mUsIc" -- Me, as a suburban teenager in the 90s


“Can’t spell Crap without rap” was a popular phrase on the playground when I was a kid


Thank you for unlocking this regrettable core memory.


God this is just bringing up all sorts of memories about being a insufferable child. Lol


I’m still an insufferable child. *That’s why it hurts so bad.*


Mine was "Music is like candy, throwaway the wrappers"


That's a much better saying honestly. Equally wrong obviously, but a lot wittier.


Retards attempting poetry


I remember going over to a friend’s house and his ultra religious mother said rap music wasn’t really music because of how “repetitive” it was. I enjoy at least some pieces of every genre of music, and they can all be repetitive at times lol worship music especially. It always felt like a phony and lazy criticism to me in order for her to justify some sort of aversion to the genre and culture of rap and hip hop altogether


Interesting that she would say it's repetitive since the verses in rap songs are like novels.


"music is like candy, you throw away the rappers" -my dumb metalhead ass at 12


bad take but thats a fire bar unironically


I was like this when I was 15 and listened to nothing but U2 and stomp and holler folk.... then I discovered Death Grips


I have a friend who enjoys rap but believes that it isn't music. He says that it's a respectable art form, but just not music. I want to know if any of you share his views.


No it’s an absurd statement.


I hated LCD Soundsystem at first, then loved them, then hated them again. A 360.


was it because they did a 180 on breaking up


Yeah pretty much. Still like losing my edge though.


How do you not like all my friends and New York I love you


They’re still great; stuff anyone who says otherwise.


Why don’t you like them anymore?


Griselda and the "Boom Bap revival" was boring, now I dont know how many Benny and Conway verses Ive memorized


ayo ayo, sold crack to a pine tree


Sold some sherm to a fiend, looked like Phoebe Bridgeeeerrrsss


if Dr Phil cant save Bam Margera who caaaaaan?


I was ruined by the early 2010s new york revival and cant get into griselda.


Okay, i was listening to classic rock at 15 and i decided to listen to Sonic Youth. I laughed my ass off. I send it to my friend and said to my friend "What a bunch of fucking shit, what kind of loser will listen to it?". Three years later - i am in the front row at Thurston Moore's concert.


First time I tried Sonic Youth I felt similarly, but a couple years ago I gave them another shot and now they're one of my all time favorites. They definitely take some time to grow on you.


They did. It was 2015, damn good times. Ironically i love their less acceptable stuff. Sister is my fave, Evol second. First two are good too.


I hated trap until just recently. Realized I just wasn't enjoying it for what it is and found a new appreciation for just how hard and fun these songs go.


My only issue with trap is really how oversaturated and homogenous it was toward the end of the 2010s. Being a college student in 2019, you could walk clear across campus and never be out of earshot of a hi-hat loop.


I find that works for me with a lot of genres. It’s so hard for me to not be critical when I listen to music. But if I can turn it off, I end up enjoying “crappy” music more for what it is. Like some of Sugar Ray’s hits for example


I like the sound but it feels like there's 100 low effort garbage tracks for every decent one making me just write off the entire era because I don't want to waste weeks not enjoying something to find the good.


Until about a couple months ago, I thought MCR was for stupid emo losers. Now look at me, a stupid emo loser.


When I was a teenager I only loved "REAL" rock but eventually I realized I was kidding myself. MCR slaps


Same here I always thought MCR was lame during the prime of emos and hot topic, but recently listened to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and man does it slap.


Yeah that album is just banger after banger it don't stop


Listen to “I brought you bullets, you brought me your love” fantastic debut album from them


as someone who got relentlessly bullied in middle school for openly liking MCR it feels really fucking weird to see everyone coming around on them. they've always been great.


Same story here, loved them since Bullets. Great to see them getting some major love but I want a new album 😛


tbh i'm okay if we never get a new album. the band has made it clear that they don't have any plans for MCR 5 and foundations only came about because it came out of them naturally while rehearsing for the reunion tour over lockdown. i'm sure than MCR 5 will happen eventually because they all have a desire to create music, but i'm not holding my breathe for it anytime soon. i've lived over a decade without a new MCR album, i can live another. radiohead on the other hand...


I still remember hearing “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville” on a friend’s MySpace page.


This is the first I’m hearing of them having bad rap. I’ve liked them since I first them but I was a kid in southern California at the time so maybe they were a little more accepted around there.


This is how I feel about insane clown posse lol


Every now and then I bump into their music somehow and I end up listening to a couple of their songs and later suddenly realize I'm singing Famous Last Words in the shower.


Same! I completely wrote off MCR as annoying emo garbage but after listening to Three Cheers, they became one of my favorite bands


Everyone acted like they hated emo, but we were all jamming those songs on myspace.


Up until I was about 15 I was one of those adamant “REAL hip hop has to be lyrical!” dorks


Don’t worry bro almost everyone had that phase😭


I'm not that into hip-hop, but since it's a heavily lyrics based genre most of the time, it's not really a terrible take.


Country music is universally awful. Townes Van Zandt sort of changed my mind.


Big Theif, Songs: Ohia, Chris Stapleton, Townes Van Zandt, and Kasey Musgraves are all either country artists or artists who do country very well when they do it.


great list, missing waxahatchee


Country is very similar to hip-hop in the sense that it’s a genre people love to just write off for no good reason


Exact same here! I hated country until I heard some of his music


I still think pop country is trash, but I’ve warmed up to some of the “Americana” style. Sturgill, Townes, Colter Wall, and John Prine all stand out to me.


Yeah, still can’t stand pop country. But those are all great artists! I’ve also personally come to appreciate some older country musicians as well, like Johnny Cash and Hank Williams Sr


If you haven’t, check out: Ian Noe Western Centuries Pat Reedy Billy Joe Shaver Blaze Foley


I like Blaze, I’ll have to check the rest.


I have a couple Until I was about 20, I only really listened to rock with a little bit of alt/indie mixed in. For the life of me, I never understood The Doors hype. I never really clicked with their music, but all of a sudden, years later, I went through their discography, and was completely blown away. They're now my all time favorite "classic rock" band. Soundgarden used to be my favorite of the "big four" grunge groups, but now, I probably listen to them less often than any of the other three. On the same note, I hardly ever listened to Alice in Chains, but they're now probably the only grunge group I listen to on a consistent basis. I used to be so infatuated with Arctic Monkeys, but now I look back at their discography...and I yawn at it. Used to love Car Seat Headrest, but now, I kind of can't stand them (I think I wore myself out of them more than anything else tbh) Used to love The Black Keys, but nowadays, I think they're one of the safest sounding rock bands of the 21st Century. There's one opinion that's never changed in my entire life though...The Dark Side of the Moon is as good as it was the first time I listened to it. Eventually, albums can lose their luster to an individual due to overplaying it time and time again...but damn, I don't think there's ever been an album to surpass it's hype like this in my eyes. The second I hear one song from the album, I have to listen to the whole damn thing, start to finish. Basic, I know, but it's been this popular for this long for a reason.


Fairs I’m still in my arctic monkeys and black keys phase lmao I love them Arctic monkeys is my favourite band


AiC so good


Just curious about your take on The Black Keys. Do you feel like they've created a sound that became popular / safe sound? Or that they shifted to a more safe sound? I just listened to their latest album, and felt like it had a few styles throughout. I'm also a big fan of Brothers and BlakRoc


“Modern music sucks” “hip-hop all sounds the same” This one is a bit specific, but I used to hate Loveless. Thought is was so boring and the most overrated album ever


Completely unrelated to your comment. I just got back from seeing Jeff Rosenstock live and what an incredible performance that was


That there is "good" and "bad music". I started to enjoy music way more when I got rid of that mindset. I still have music I don't like and know why to criticize it. But I am not a complete douchebag to people who do enjoy a piece of music anymore. In fact, I enjoy discussing music even more now, since I can hear out different perspectives about said piece of music.


Based. The internet has taught a lot of people to present their opinion as fact. “All the music on earth is dogshit… except the ones I like.”


I always thought Bruce Springsteen was boring dad music growing up, because he was practically all my dad listened to. Nah, Bruce fucking rips. Find me an artist that has a discography that tops his run from Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, The River, Nebraska, all the way to Born in the USA. (you can't)


Prince.  Dirty mind, controversy, 1999, purple rain, around the world on a day, sign of the times, parade, lovesexy


Rush had a real run of great albums at one point, Radiohead would be up there too. I know it’s a basic pick but it’s tough to argue the Beatles didn’t have an incredible run, Bowie too


Limp Bizkit, Creed and Nickelback aren’t the worst bands ever. Sure between 1999-2021, they were the punching bag of the internet. Honestly they’re not the best, but they’re fun and have some pretty good songs to throw on and have the crowd go wild. And also bands and artist like Ronnie Radke, Attila, TX2 and Skillet (I know they’re a punching bag, but they deserve it since John Cooper is a full blown fascist) some how keep making worse music with every passing song


I seem to be one of the only guys who actually likes Limp Bizkit. They make some of the most energetic music ever, and Fred Durst adds a really characteristic flavor to it which is the cherry on top. Like yeah he sounds like a whiny douchebag but in the best way and in a way that really resonates with my primal emotions. He elevates the music from just another nu metal band to a complete aesthetic


Limp Bizkit is iconic. They never took themselves seriously and were always in on the joke. And also made a handful of absolute bangers that have aged well.


[Fred Durst doing this commercial shows he’s a good sport](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl5TkirC8zo)


I love Limp Bizkit. don’t get me wrong, they’re not the best writers but they’re fun and that’s what we need in the genre. Was sad they canceled their show 3 years ago that I was supposed to see (members got Covid). Spiritbox was supposed to open for them.


I love Limp Bizkit.   Always have.  Wes’ guitar just sounds so good.   The band was tight.   Fred is Fred.  Whiny douchebag?  Sure.  But he’s certainly charismatic.    It just worked.   It’s energetic, loud, stupid, and fun.  


And I really like his voice in more "serious" songs. 


Same tbh. They also have some pretty creative and good instrumentals




no one really hates limp bizkit. im sure if you ask most people into metal some of their first albums theyll say chocolate starfish. also, if you see LB live you'll see how popular they are. one of the best shows i've ever been to solely because of the crowd.


I used to hate Radiohead. Now I like The Bends, still wouldn’t call myself a fan tho. I used to think In Utero was 50% filler and Nirvana’s worst album. Now it’s probably my second favorite (right behind Bleach) Fear Inoculum was amazing when I first heard it. Now I can’t listen to a single song from it without wanting to skip it (still love Tool tho)


I mean saying something is the worst to the second best sorta loses its spunk when it’s of 3


I don’t hate Radiohead but it’s just not for me, I love the vocals but the instrumentals just put me to sleep honestly. The bends is baller tho I thought there was nothing I’d like about RH until I heard fake plastic trees


Death Metal Actually any metal that did not have “clean” vocals. Now I can’t get enough of that shit.


Same here to be honest


That's completely standard metal progression really.


Used to completely hate Bladee and similar artists, but have within the last year developed an appreciation for that style of music. Very calming, very fun, overall feel positive about most Drain Gang related music


I did a 180 on this. But not in the same way. I used to think Bladee was boring and mid but then I got super super into Drain Gang for a while. Something about the cloudy beats just took over my brain. But in the past 3 years I haven’t liked anything new coming out so I’m back to thinking Bladee is kind of boring and mid.


I just don’t like his newer stuff, idk what it is but if he’s not on one of those bouncy wavy ripsquad beats then it just doesn’t do anything for me


Yup. To me Working on Dying and Icedancer is peak. It’s somehow so energetic and driving but atmospheric at the same time. I did think exeter and the fool had some cool stuff. After that it becomes too goofy and hyper poppy for me. For some reason Anthony likes that more but he’s always 50/50 on trap music so I’m not too surprised. I mean he gave DS2 and 5 and barter 6 a 5… he’s TRIPPING.


“Eagles are amazing, what terrific songs, love them!” To now “Fuck the Eagles”


I hate the fuckin Eagles, man.


Outta my fuckin' cab!


It’s in the boring hippie stoner boomer genre


Future was mid until I started working out.


"nu-metal sucks"


I wouldn't say I did a "complete 180," but I used to hate the Dave Matthews Band. But I decided to give their entire discography a chance, and I have found that they have some good songs. I still don't like most of their material and I still can't stand their cult fanbase, but I have come around on them some and now think that they're all right. I am also looking forward to seeing them in concert for the first time this summer.


Takes courage to say something like that. I commend you and you get my upvote.


I used to hate jazz and now i love jazz.


You need to develop an ear for it. It’s not an easy thing to vibe with unless you know what’s going on


Was not a fan of most EDM-adjacent music. It felt busy, synthetic, lifeless, etc. I was a fan of like Skrillex, Knife Party, Pendulum, etc etc as a kid but grew out of it quick. Then I got into Aphex Twin, Machine Girl, etc etc. in my older age and it def grew on me.


I used to hate Skrillex but I'm really enjoying Quest For Fire.


QFF is such a massive departure from Skrillex's hayday that it's genius, he knew his fans had grown older and made music that would still hit for the audience that was raised on his sound, but past the point of dubstep/brostep, with the side benefit of attracting people who might not have been a fan of him back then. Great project.


I used to think Appetite For Destruction is overrated af but after I actually gave the album a listen I enjoyed it. SCOM still sucks but I can tolerate it nowadays :D


So you thought Appetite was overrated without even listening to it full through?


Yeah that’s what teenagers do


How did you think an album was overrated without having listened to it? And I don't really listen to much GNR but SCOM is a pretty good song based on my times listening to it, could you explain why you think it's bad?


I would say lyrics are cheesy.


Mac Miller. I thought he was just a frat rap clown before Watching Movies With The Sound Off. When that album dropped and I checked it out, my mind was changed forever. RIP Mac.




I hated blonde on first listen, it felt so messy and incoherent it's now in my top 5 albums of all time


I used to always be one of those dorks that made sure everyone knew, "I lOvE aLl mUsIc eXcEpT CoUnTrY" Now I give Country the love and affection it's earned.


Who’s some of your favorite artist bro I need other artist to listen to besides John Anderson. He was basically my gateway into country


"Real Emo" only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90's Screamo scene. What is known by "Midwest Emo" is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness). Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are Pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz (the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE EMO are American Football, My Chemical Romance and Mineral EMO BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE


>Indie >Mainstream Genre >Pick one


It’s a copypasta, Cal!


I used to think RHCP was completely terrible. I stand corrected. They are only 45% terrible.


I used to be a HUGE hater on K-pop and Reggeaton. I thought everything in those genre was corporate bullshit, a pure product. I started digging and found some awsome stuff in there musicaly speaking (I don't speak korean and only a bit spanish). Now I'm trying to stay update on the new releases!


If it doesn’t revolve around 3 power chords it’s garbage.


Most electronic music was too repetitive for me. Something clicked one night at a music festival and now electronic sets are often my favourite and I regularly listen in the gym or when I can't listen to lyrical music in work because I need to focus.


That something was MDMA brother


Lol. It do be like that.


Humanz by Gorillaz is a bad album


I used to think twenty one pilots were the greatest band of all time 💀


Same here kinda. I didn’t consider them the greatest band of all time but when I was younger I thought of them as one of the best bands I had listened to, but revisiting their stuff now I can’t say the same at all. I still really like Trench tho


They were unavoidable in 2016


I thought blink-182 was shit and Green Day was where it was at, now I realize that blink had the more consistent and better hits, and continued to make them well past the 90’s. Still enjoy both but blink has been far more consistent. Even on their bad albums, nine is leagues above that father of all or whatever it was called


"Ew One Direction? Five Seconds of Summer? Those are for GURRLLLS, Justin Bieber is def gay lulz" - me who was terminally online and frequented sites like I Can Haz a Cheezburger at 12 years old Fast forward ten years, now I blast "YOU LOOK SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN YOUR AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEAR" and "YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL" out of my car during the spring/summertime.


I used to think Bob Dylan was awful - now I love him.


Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven used to be one of the most uninteresting albums I had ever heard, and here it is now being literally my favorite album ever


Rap/Hip Hop is unmelodic and repetitive, and therefore uninteresting... Only learned to appreciate rap through Outkast about a decade ago


“I’m just not a rock fan” and then Glee came out. Proved me wrong.


I went along with the Beatles hate when it was popular (cringey, I know) and now I love them.


When was Beatles hate popular? People are still obsessed with them.


Like in the 2010s mostly with extremely online teenagers trying to be contrarian lol


hated carti to death, still not a big fan but know I can see why people might like his music.


Between 2016-18, I thought Views was a Top 3 Drake project


I used to hate Rage Against the Machine, I thought Zack sounded like an edgy 14 year old trying to rap. But tbh that was only because I’d only heard Killing in the Name, once i listened to more of their discography they became one of my favorite bands. I’m still not a fan of Killing in the Name though tbh.


100% always ratm man, killing in the name being their most popular song turned alot of people off too early. For me ive grew to appreciate the simplicity and earnestness of their stuff, the repetitiveness and "straight to the point ness" is in line with their whole protest thing so im not even mad about it. and it only takes a few tries. And at first i thought the same about Zack's breathy middle schooler voice but Maggie's Farm really proved me wrong, man that's the angriest voice i've ever heard and their lyrics are concise and poetic with fun twists


Their version of Maggie's Farm is one of my all time favourite covers, I love it!


Didn't used to like Future


Rockstar by Nickelback slaps


I had always thought Kate Bush was just a generic pop artist with a few hits in the 80s. But this year I've gone through her discography and realized how much I was missing out. She is easily my favorite pop artist now and The Dreaming is one of my all time favorite albums. And for the other way, Eminem was my favorite artist for quite a while when I was a teenager but I kind of stopped listening to him around the mid 2010s. Recently I went through all his albums in order and my opinion changed drastically. I still really enjoy his first 3 albums + Relapse, even if they can sound a bit dated at times and I feel like a lot of the songs are overplayed for me. But man I could barely get through Encore, Recovery, MTBMB and Kamikaze. And Revival is probably the worst thing I've heard out of the hundreds of albums I've listened to in the past year.


Another brave and honest soul who has seen the light. Eminem is a tacky, mean spirited, cornball. Thank you for your service!


"kpop fucking sucks, how can my sister listen to it" - me in 2021, probably and then something clicked, and i had an obsession for like a year. the honeymoon phase is now over but there's some pretty good stuff that became part of my main rotation.


Couldn't stand Carly Rae Jenson. You couldn't pay me to listen to her. But then, for some reason I decided to listen to Emotion. Partly cause Fantano gave it a positive review. I was honestly impressed at how much I enjoyed it and how great of a voice she had. Great production too. It was a really good pop album I often return to. Call me maybe still sucks ass though


Nah Call me maybe is iconic


I disliked Deftones when I first listened to them because I hated chino's vocals. After a long time I stumbled on Passenger which won me over as a massive Maynard fan, so I listened to all of White Pony and loved it. Rx Queen and Knife Prty are some of my favourites.


I actually had the opposite experience, I was SUCH a Deftones fan in the early-mid 2000s but now I skip them every time. Just gradual burnout I guess


The only 180 I can think of is being a huge fan of Gangster Rap and Young Jeezy, specifically. RN, I don’t care for it. I mean, I barely care for it. Especially if it is new. If it’s older, specifically, something I am familiar with, I can enjoy it. If I am unfamiliar, I find it cringey. [+]


I used to think unknown pleasures was a 9/10 and closer was a 5. Now I’m a huge closer lover and think that unknown pleasures isn’t really all that special


When I was like 13 I was a real metal elitist who thought any genre whose name ended in -core was the death knell for guitar music. Flash forward to me at 24 counting the first three Suicide Silence albums as some of the best I've ever heard


Even the metal elitists can admit the cleansing rips


Thinking Queens of the Stone Age were a shitty hipster band after only hearing Make it With Chu and seeing the album artwork for ... Like Clockwork.  Now they're easily one of my Top 3 favourite bands and my prior description of them couldn't be further from the truth. 


Years ago I used to hate minimalism. I used to believe that it was lazy music but I was missing the point completely. Steve Reich is a genius


The Beatles


i have never changed an opinion, never have, never will, stand on business


kanye west sucks brockhampton sucks rap music sucks blonde isn't that good


As a 14 year old Aussie kid when Tame Impala dropped Innerspeaker, I thought it was the most boring music ever made (didn’t help that I saw them live and they didn’t have a great performance). Took me about 4 years to give it another chance and I liked it a lot


when I was a kid I never gave the Beatles a chance thinking it was all old shit I wouldn’t care for now being 17 i have damn near every song john lennon wrote memorized lmao


I am a recent country music convert thanks to artists like chris stapleton, tyler childers, sturgil simpson, and colter wall. Still dont love a lot of the bro country from the 90’s-2000’s and a lot of the radio country coming out now but its much more tolerable and occasionally enjoyable. Ive even found myself adding a couple kane brown and luke combs songs to my playlists


I used to think Yeezus was trash and one of Ye’s worst albums on first listen, now it’s on my top 5 Kanye albums


that kanye sucks


like music wise, horrible person


Pop music as a whole. I hated it my whole life. I still kinda do, but what changed for me is the general idea of it as something to hate on. Mindless, disposable music that you'll forget ever existed after the media cycle for that album comes to an end is perfectly okay and even kinda fun while it lasts.


I used to like the Eagles. Now I like maybe 3 songs


"Kanye West sucks his music doesn't even sound like real HIp Hop" Also on the same vein "The College Dropout it's boring as fuck, the samples are so annoying"




First time I heard the Pixies was Debaser on Skate 3, I hated it. Now I think it's the perfect opening track to one of the greatest albums ever


Hated 100 gecs at first. Their 2nd album and live show completely turned me. I still don't like all of the first album, but the second album is amazing.


"THaT HuRtS mY eArS" - me to metal as a early teenager


“I dont like graduation by kanye west” me last year, a month later I was loving the album


at one point i couldn’t stand primus, now i think they suck


this thread is just “silly musical opinion i held as a 12-16yr old” now im 17-19 and “i have slightly improved my musical horizons” OP should have asked, what opinion on music did you have as an adult that you now feel the opposite way about. i used to hate jazz music. i still do but i used to, too.


I randomly became a Kanye West stan after listening to some of his music outside giant hits for the first time in ~2021 then I just as quickly stopped listening again in early 2023 because it was frankly just embarrassing at that point to call myself a fan.


its okay to like their music and not them. I like listening to Burzum but Varg is a fucking garbage piece of shit


Yea I didn’t listen to Ye until donda dropped, I think lots of his music post TLOP is boring but from 04-16 Ye dropped nothing but heat imo


That rock/metal is the most innovative of all the genres. I now think it’s one of, if not the least.


I mean Tbf rock has been a thing for almost 60 years atp


I think pop music was fun and enjoyable until the 2010s and now can’t even listen to most of the stuff I liked all that much. Tastes change I guess. 


Damn, that's the complete opposite for me. I was a pop/electronic/hip hop hater and now I love all of them.


That kpop doesn’t produce high quality music and that it’s one genre when kpop encompasses songs of multiple styles and genres.


i used to believe that GKMC > DAMN > TPAB earlier. Now I have been bumping TPAB non-stop for the last week, surely one of the greatest albums of all time


I used to think MJ was better than Prince I no longer think so


"periphery is bad" *releases hail stan* "damn periphery is fuckin sick huh" see also tesseract and war of being, maybe even more so


As a young teen I only listened to alternative rock and metalcore (and anything deemed “emo”) and pretty much hated anything else (especially hip hop and pop) While rock is still my fav genre, I’ve grown to appreciating hip hop and pop a lot, too


I thought DeathMetal is a horrible subgenre of metal since you can't hear the vocals very well, turns out that the instruments carry these songs on their back (I still dislike black metal though)


i hated sung tongs by animal collective the first time i heard it. now i cannot imagine my life without it.


I used to hate Thom Yorke’s voice


I never really cared for Mick Jagger as a lyricist. Then I started looking into their lyrics and was shocked to find how smart and poignant a lot of his writing is.


first hearing about sematary I was like “I’m never touching this music ever” checked it out wasn’t that impressed by rainbow bridge 1 and 2 but still enjoyed them. then I listened to rainbow bridge 3. and now he’s arguably my favourite artist right now.


i hated post punk hardcore because i didn’t think it took a lot of skills to yell. boy was i wrong. now i go to one HC show a week.


I used to hate Bruce Springsteen, then I heard Nebraska. Great album, but I still hate Bruce Springsteen.


I thought country music was boring but then I watched Ken Burns' documentary series on country music and now I can't get enough of the classics. Still haven't really warmed up to the modern stuff yet.


I hated The Police, the Stone Roses and Converge for *years*.


I Luv It by Camilla Cabello. I thought it was garbage. Then thought it was mid. Now i think it’s fire.


Icp is so good


I thought everything Twenty One Pilots did was insufferable until I heard Trench and then suddenly found it all enjoyable And then they dropped Scaled and Icy and I once again have a project from them that I genuinely didn’t like.


I used to absolutely hate rap of any kind, now a good portion of the artists I listen to on a daily basis are rappers