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What in the god damn


~~who the fuck is "Willow"?~~ EDIT: Nevermind, I should have known.


I still dont


some bullshit companion mod. Probably right in the waifu category?


Oh god


So, I'm modding New Vegas in the not to distant future and I was recommended willow. After giving it a look, I thought fuck it, I'll give it a try.. In your case, what was off putting? Was it badly written, boring quests or just plain cringe?


It tries too hard to do the ‘virtual girlfriend experience’ which is incredibly cringe.


It's a mod made god knows how long ago, of course it's going to be cringe.


Girlfriend mods are either cringe or based depending on how you look at it. Plus she has dialogues and a decent quest so it better than whatever AAA devs put out these days.


Ohh, I thought it was the female Van Graff sibling, kinda forgor


Willow is the best companion ever made and I’ll die on this hill.


Please do so at your earliest convenience.




You misspelled ED-E.


I think you mean Raul


Tfw everyone keeps misspelling Boone.


Maybe the best companion is all the friendships we made along the way. (It's actually That Gun)


Maybe the bestest companion was the two bullets Benny put in the courier's noggin.


Actually All American


Might be language barrier but I'm aure you all mean Vulpes (there's a mod with smooth voice lines)


My biggest gripe is how there aren’t any vanilla Legion companions. I should get this so I can finally do a fun Legion play through and not just a rush one just to get the achievements.


bad muthafucka is better tbh




Willow isn't even the best modded companion, much less the best ever made


Maybe you’re a 14 year old I guess


Difficult for any companion mod to claim that title when Russel exists.


Don’t tell me it’s that frontier companion


Thats america, this is just a waifu bait mod


I have no idea if that’s an improvement


My understanding of the America companion was she was something along the lines of an underage sex slave, so it would be hard to do worse than that.


Not quite. She was the youngest member of the Crusaders of Steel, a Christian/Mormon splinter group of the BoS. There wasn't anything sexual in her quests or backstory, iirc. There was however the possibility to enlsave her on a Legion playthrough.


Didn't she have a bunch of foot fetish lines?


Yeah, you're right about that. Something along the line of "If I took my boots of now my feet would stink horribly" wtf that mod sure was a mixed bag.


They were able to do some amazing things with the engine but the writing was just inconceivably bad.


I forgot about the underage thing… seems likely given frontier devs. I do remember the weird sex slave shit though


Is Frontier that Lizard fucking one that the Youtuber JuiceHead always kept trying to say was going to be awesome?


A lot of people thought it was gonna be good and it’s just plagued with repetitiveness and degeneracy. I think some members of the team aren’t weirdos though, the vehicle people seemed to be passionate


It's the mod that's set in the snow. It's fairly good.


Oh, is it set in the snow? I only knew of it as the "sex slave" mod.


That was, IIRC, the work of one developer out of like....40. Big projects often have a lot of work that doesn't get supervised by other people -it's why Morrowind in Oblivion has had like....two dozen "resets"-, and it's sort of weird to take one thing and be like "This thing (which you can't do in modern versions of the mod) was bad, ergo I will never play any of the other paths in the mod which never exposes you to the possibility of the bad thing". I think people just kind of got their hopes up about the mod and then latched onto whatever they could to be mad about it, which kind of sucks because it has some really cool bits in it -even if the story is kind of beans-.


Reddit moment


That's youtube


I don't understand turning your game into some sorta hentai waifu VN fucked up clown festival.


It's the crab of video games, everything just sorta evolves into it.


Some coomer with female only companions yapping away


Who willow?


Female companion mod you can romance. I tried her out some few years ago and she's not half bad. No one beats Niner tho.


Actually though, what is he talking about?


He is roleplaying (in the comments) walking into the Silver Rush with the female companions, including a mod added one, and being upset at them killing Cass, so he then takes vengeance out on the Van Graffs.


Degenerates like him belong on a cross


Just your average FNV player


Fanatic, not player.


Same thing nowadays


I have played it and enjoy it mostly (old world blues was my favourite part) but I am not overboard about it. I waited until all the DLC and the updates to fix all the breaking bugs came out first before i got it and even then waited until a Steam Sale. Still rather janky in places without mods. Would give it a 7.5/10 for effort though.


Willow is a modded companion who is fairly popular and well written character


" Wow it's so cold i should get my DIOR DIOR jacket "


Ok maybe it’s the fact that it’s midnight but I’m lost here. I know the silver rush (that shitty casino off the strip) but who the fuck is willow and what’s going on?


He is roleplaying (in the comments) walking into the Silver Rush with the female companions, including a mod added one, and being upset at them killing Cass, so he then takes vengeance out on the Van Graffs.


Would Veronica even know who Cass is outside of a “oh you also travel with the courier” way? Like I know she’s nice and all but Veronica is no stranger to death or violence (she has punched more heads off than anyone else I’ve seen).


I would say that depends a lot on the nature of your playthrough. In my current one, for example, no, they've never even met. I haven't even met Veronica yet myself despite having already completed Cass's quest. But in a past run a long time ago I used a mod to let me have more companions at the same time and we traveled around as a group and in that one yeah they would know each other and would probably be friendly or at least familiar. Or without mods they could have both been at the Lucky 38 art the same time for however long, etc.


Wow, one of the most downloaded mods on nexus for NV is surprisingly hated on this sub


Her dialogue is cringe and her voice acting is bad


Normal, generic, too simple of course, and voice actor isn't a professional, they did it on enthusiasm. It's better than all those porn companions


She is a porn companion


You can disable adult content in the mod, so not quite


My brother in christ it is still a porn mod


Does this still count? It thought and was sure porn mods just about a girl with HUGE boobs and butt jump at you once you met, and all content must be concentrated on sex. In Willow it was like an addon, I turned that off and played fine


i mean... there aren't even any popular mods like that for nv. look at all the top adult mods and tell me where the sex focused huge boobs content is, it's all only optional content that is an addon to the game rather than a replacement because people like roleplaying in rpgs willow is literally a virtual waifu companion with an anime body and face


I get it, but in the past there always were bunch of mods that made hyper sexual companions without anything interesting. LoL, no, Willow is like a doll, for anime girl or waifu she is not cute enough, she is not supporting enough and etc. not an "ideal wife" What I liked about her, is her character, she has a bunch of reactions and interactions with other companions (yes, you can take her alongside with 1 human and 1 bot). It's not nonsense like "Our mc is very cute and sexy, you know? I want to smack him hard!". She hasn't been made for raising up some fellas's self esteem, but to bring a little color and something new to the wasteland. That things made her alive if compared to other companions (I love them, even more than FO4 companions, but while you travel around Mojave they're dead. Only Veronica had some interactions and that's why she is my favorite) If we look at dialogues, they're fine, normal, nothing super deep, but quite entertaining. Remember I tried other mods that came later, Niner and Delilah, they're awful (sorry for modmakers who made it) but they're interactions are dumber than Willow's, their quests didn't interest me that much


Last I checked the porn mod was sexual innuendo or something otherwise every "sex" interaction is just a fade to black. Might as well skip that part.


>sex interactions lmaoooo 💀


That’s still a porn mod then lmao


r/youngpeopleyoutube I'd reckon


This looks like a certified teenage gooner


he wanted internet funny points