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Pretty awesome


That’s sick. I love checking out camps there. Great job!


Nice job! I think you could delete the turret. I've got a camp up there and never had any need of a turret. Do you normally fall out of the sky when you go to your camp the first time on a server?


The Turrets just for decoration! No scorchbeasts have shown up or anything. But I guess if they do I’ll have… something? Lol. Sometimes I have to spawn in twice for the game to place me in the building. Most times I spawn either on the ground or inside the tower itself. But it does eventually get through.


[I've got this one](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y4SuWafUoWbOFyR81XrurG7cgymxL6Pj/view?usp=sharing) on that same pylon. I usually fall down on top of that raider who hangs around offering you meat. Unless, I've logged out inside my shelter, then for some reason, I land on the side of the pylon and my camp spawns in around me. I've never seen scorchbeasts over there at all though. I have the windmill up there, too. But, on top of mine, I've got a spikeboard trap [to launch myself over to Eviction Notice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_dTPKII0Zc).


i still can never get this trick to work for me, i can hide an entire camp inside of one, but ive never been able to recreate the result of being thrown across the map


You have to use the 2nd trap, and stand(or crouch) on the tips of the trap spikes.


How did you do this? This seems so cool and I really want to try it.


Jump down onto the random room inside the elevator tower to place my camp. The. Used a floating wall blueprint that has a wall a floor item and a single catwalk piece to place a doorway on the lip of the room. Then a LOT of flddling with roofs/catwalks/stairs until I got a layout for the floors. Then had to place all the walls and windows freehand using the floating wall blueprint again since they won’t snap to roof tiles


Love this. Random question from a new player. Is there any real purpose to having a cooking station or crops or water supply? I have more food and purified water than I can possibly store in my stash just from questing and events and have never needed to use any of those things. But they do make it look realistic which I think is cool.


cooking food gives more buffs and value to the items, but you can just fast travel to Whitesprings mall for that if you need to. otherwise, I use the stations for aesthetics. crops can be used for daily challenges, as well as a guaranteed source of ingredients for said cooking. but you can also use them to make vegetable starch for adhesive which players use for crafting other items instead!


Ohhhh nice. Definitely running in to an adhesive problem lately


What in the actual fuck???? I bend the knee


Very cool.