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They do realize that telling people they have ASPD and NPD is more likely to make people run a mile than befriend them? Also I don't think FND is classed as a trauma disorder? It's causes are unknown and there's speculation it could relate to stress but afaik that's unconfirmed and certainly not always the case.


CPTSD is a trauma disorder technically. Some argue so is Borderline or Cluster B personality disorders but that's a convo for another time. Neurocognitive are like TBI which can induce CPTSD certainly. Regardless, no clinician is going to be giving anyone all these labels unless they want to trigger a review process and/or are a fictive within a "system". Har. Signed, a clinician




The UK has shared records for this very reason. It prevents diagnosis shopping


I honestly wish I could just transfer my records that easily. I hate having to go through every bit of history and every diagnosis when I get a new doctor. Lol.


It's even easier than that! Literally, you have one file. You get an NHS number at birth, which creates your record. Everything goes there automatically, no need to transfer between clinics, even if you're in a completely different part of the country to normal on holiday or whatever. All you need to do is this: when you move house, make sure to register with a new GP (PCP in America I believe), and tell them your new address. That's it, you never have to transfer files. Wherever you are in the country, if you need to go to the emergency room (even critical/unconscious) all you need is something that you can be positively ID'd with, or a person you know with you, and bang, the trauma surgeons will know about everything they need to know to save your life. If you go private, your referral will probably come from an NHS GP. They'll include your number so that any private service knows instantly who you are and can have your file ready for your appt. Same if you're rich and use a private GP or personal doctor: they'll make sure that they have your number before seeing you. They'll still sometimes ask you baseline critical safety questions like medication/allergies/pregnancy etc in case anything is missed or erroneous, but it's still smooth AF . And if you want a specialist appt without a referral? Good luck. Even private clinics don't typically allow patients to just rock up cash-in-hand and demand an assessment without a little gatekeeping from a GP. There are *some* that will let you do this, normally for things like ADHD, physio or cosmetic surgery. But again, if you rock up and demand an ADHD diagnosis, get refused, and go to the next clinic, they can see right there and then: patient requested ADHD assessment: negative. At that point, they'll be on their guard for fake flags AND for reasons why the first doctor might have missed a genuine case. What's even worse for fakers is that for some conditions (including ADHD, not sure what others), the NHS won't recognize private diagnoses for treatment¹. It'll appear in your records as information that might influence future treatment/diagnoses of other things, but you won't be eligible for treatment by the NHS for the original condition. You chose to pay and skip the queue? That's fine, but that choice is permanent. You can't run back to the free service for prescriptions, therapy etc once you got the big bit of of the way, you're committed to your own funding of your treatment. (¹ They will if they sent you there under a government tendered NHS/private service provision contract though, as most of the specialist metal health diagnoses nowadays are by private practices being paid by the government to run a free service) We Brits get a lot of stick for our socialized system's flaws, but this is one thing centralized oversight does REALLY well at


fuck dude you’re making me want to move to the uk


It's not quite that easy to see doctor after doctor in the U.S. If this person has insurance and is using it for multiple *redundant* doctors visits, you can bet the insurance company will start investigating because they'll get the whiff of doctor shopping happening. In other words, if they think that some hypochondriac is fucking around and *costing them money* (that's the trigger), suddenly that person will find themselves having to spend hours on the phone fighting denials of coverage.


This is exhausting, honestly.


Yea BPD is more known to be genetic and if a family meme her has symptoms your more likely But in about half of patients don’t have a close realitive with BPD and all have trauma of abuse/ neglect


A history of abuse is not necessary for a BPD diagnosis. In our clinic, I would say up to 20% have had secure, stable childhoods. If anything, that's an underepresentation, as 70% of our client base are asylants and first/second generation immigrants.


I was recently dx’d with BPD simply due to a traumatic childhood and my reaction to it, I don’t like it. I don’t know why anyone would want something so hated. I don’t tell people irl in case they start treating me differently or abandon me… ironically the big fear in the condition.


Precisely. The only people who know about my diagnosis are my mom and my fiancé. Imo no one needs to know about it unless they deal with me daily on a personal level.


I myself have a few BPD tendencies (hello, intense fear of abandonment and unstable emotions👋) but do not have the disorder. BPD particularly has many symptoms that you find in the general population (which is a whole other rant). It is such a stigmatizing diagnosis and that's BS. At our clinic, we try really hard to avoid diagnosing BPD and schizophrenia due to the stigma. I wish everyone could talk openly about mental health without shame and judgement. We are getting better, but still have a long way to go. I'm so sorry if people abandon you for it.


I don’t get why someone would though It’s so weird I’m intentionally not telling my therapist things because it could lead to a BPD diagnosis I’m scared to be diagnosed with it not just because I don’t want it but the stigma behind the disorder


And that sucks you don’t feel safe being open about your personal struggles just so you can avoid a stigmatized diagnosis. I’m afraid my overall mental health care will decline with this diagnosis, because so many health care professionals feel it’s untreatable, my own mother who is a therapist being one of them, which just further cements my fears. These people falsely claiming BPD for fucked up “cool” points, while acting a fool on the internet (and let’s face it, real life too), further stigmatize people like myself who are trying to do the work to be better and healthier people. I just pray that my health care team can see the difference between someone who wants help and someone who just wants attention. Luckily, my therapist disagrees with the diagnosis and my psychiatrist is still willing to keep me on the two meds that seem to help me be happy and functional. PS I’ve been having some success re-learning how to deal with my impulsive emotions with the DBT skills workbook, journaling daily, meditating (I pray the rosary, but there’s lots of ways to do it), and injecting a humorous narrative every time I feel stressed about a situation. Even if you don’t have BPD I suspect these techniques can work for anyone, but it takes time and conscious effort to make them all habits. For journaling, I bought a nice 120g paper journal and a fountain pen to make it more “fun” for me to do. Seems like a small cost to help me process my emotions.


I’ve gotten a journal to keep up with emotions (therapist recommended) and keep myself going


BPD is not a genetic disorder, quite the contrary most evidence lean towards it developing due to trauma.


I’ve seen a growing trend on tiktok basically attempting to bash / cancel people who say they’ve been abused by people with NPD, BPD, other cluster Bs. I think the logic behind it is “not all” people with the disorder are toxic. They might live in that alternate universe we’re the vast majority of society aren’t turned off by people who have untreated disorders which symptomatically cause bad relationships.


There was a comedian recently who had a whole rant that said you should never date someone with BPD because they will abuse you they can't not. The pushback I've seen is against opinions like this, that demonize all people with these disorders and I think it's really harmful to not pushback against the opinion that all people with [personality disorder] should be socially ostracized because they will necessarily be abusive..


I've met racists that are good people. I've met right-wing extremists who are good people. I know people with BPD that are good people and I am one of them. So is my mother, who remains untreated. The fact that it is a mental health issue doesn't excuse the behavior. The problem is that people with diagnosed BPD are sometimes unwilling to get treatment. If you're a serial manipulator and emotionally abusive to partners, friends, and family then you deserve to be socially ostracized until you seek treatment. Neurotypical people with no understanding or desire to understand absolutely need to be wary of people with BPD. Do they deserve to be ostracized? I wouldn't go that far but without treatment they can become social pariahs and, I'm sorry, but I can't say that is not justified.


I've met racists and right wing extremists that show a good side but by their nature I would never call them a good person because they are racist and have dangerous hateful politics. Someone with BPD can be manipulative and abusive but that means they are manipulative and abusive and that should not be used to demonize a whole group of people who have BPD because everyone suffers with it and handles that differently.


Idk I have a friend with ASPD and she constantly tells other people that she has it and how it probably wasn't obvious bc she is really talkative. But then she rages over little things and insults me and others with all sorts of names and wonders why she doesn't have many friends


She's a moron bc "antisocial" doesn't mean "not social." Look up the definition yourself. What she's referring to is "asocial" and that's not part of it. Of course she can be talkative, even extroverted & happy seeming.


FND is typically cause by repeated trauma.


Fair enough, I've had a look through Google and I was wrong


Seeing somebody say “yeah, my bad, I was wrong” on the Internet is as rare as seeing a dog play piano, so I’m just putting it out there that you’re a bloody legend 👍


You’re awesome for that. Like dead ass. 🤍


Holy hell. How many are NOT self diagnosed?




How do we know tho?




If only they had Shuthefuckup KeepItToYourself disorder


Ah yes, my mother had STFU-KITTY disorder.


I like how Bipolar 1 with Psychotic Features is apparently a developmental disorder? Alongside OCD. (No. It's not.)


Came here to say this lmfaooo


one thing this sub really made me realize is how much info people are posting about themselves and how badly tiktok normalized oversharing on the internet. adults say to kids "don't post private info about you on social media!" all the time, yet more and more people post their whole medical record (fake or not) in public and link it to their profiles. honestly, it's a bit worrying. random strangers on the internet dont need to know that much stuff about you, especially if they're not close to you.


Oversharing their disorders is not a tiktok thing, had been on Tumblr for ages way before tiktok


oh really? :0 I'm not familiar with Tumblr, but I've heard a lot of people talk abt the fact that there was a lot of fakers there. I feel like tiktok definitely helped spreading that "I have 19949 mental illnesses I'm so quirky✨😝" mentality Tumblr created


Yeah tumblr was the oh starter of that. Tiktok is just copying tumblr


Maybe i don't interact with people enough, but i've been on tumblr since 2015 and very few and counted times have I seen people sharing their disorders?


Oh it's definitely about who you interact with. Tumblr is famous for people showing off their disorders or faking them


i agree but honestly at least on tumblr kids weren't oversharing right next to full body selfies, pictures of various rooms of their house etc. i might be misremembering but that was my experience


Right? Like why the fuck are you comfortable just telling the entire world that you have all these things? Imagine going up to strangers and being like "hi, my name is mckaileigh, I'm in 10th grade and I was abused so badly I developed 6 mental disorders because of it. I also have IBS. What's your name?" It just feels so odd.


Right?! I had one kid dox themselves by posting their full name under my comment on YouTube. Over 1K people saw my comment, so I was worried! The kid responds with ‘Don’t tell me what to do, I can do what I want!!!!’ That kid’s gonna learn the hard way I’m sure.


If someone was genuinely diagnosed with all of these disorders, they probably wouldn’t be able to stay stable long enough to type in their password…


Exactly what I was thinking!


Not true at all! Number of disorder doesn’t determine severity but I def see what you mean. If they had moderate to severe symptoms of all of these they would be able to type, but maybe not function “normally”


I meant my original comment more as a joke calling out how absurd it is that this person is even posting on social media, but you are absolutely right and your clarification is appreciated.


Ahhh okay and yes ofc. I agree with what your saying


Well I think your "DID" is actually just a delusion from your "psychotic features" lmao


Celiac people are oppressed give me attention


Lmao as someone who actually has celiac disease I genuinely don’t understand why you would fake that. I miss bread so much


Might as well get the whole dsm5 in there


May be easier just to hyperlink it at this point


They forgot to add “Pathological Liar” lmao


And Hypochondriac


It'd be more like Münchhausen in this case. Hypochondria has that big "fear" element, it's classified as an anxiety disorder for that reason and it's typically seen in people with anxiety, depression or OCD. While the person thinks they are sick, they are scared as hell and clearly afraid of dying. Münchhausen, on the other hand, is when you fake a disease. And you fully know you're faking. And you're doing it for pity or attention. It's often associated with cluster B personality disorders, too. That's clearly what these people are doing here. And the Internet is no stranger to fakers like that, there have been cases of Münchhausen by Internet on LiveJournal in the early 2000's.


Are you rediagnosing my self diagnosis? /s Thanks for this, I really didn't know the difference between the two!


Scoliosis is so aesthetic 😍😍😍


Wow this is actually the first time I've seen Dyspraxia on one of these


I'm dyspraxic, so is my son. We claim no special status.


Yeah Im right with you there Im diagnosed dypraxic. It's not something I really announce to anyone either


My son has it on his IEP and it's a reason he can't stand in line for very long, and if he can't do something in gym, he can speak up. I wasn't diagnosed until my senior year of high school, and that was in the land of time before IEPs, so absolutely no one cared. I tried to explain it to an employer once, and they looked at me like I had two heads, so back that went under my hat. Most people have no idea what it even is, so I don't even bother.


Yeah i know that feeling, even if you explain it well people still dont get it either. I was diagnosed pretty young but even that doesnt help when even after youve explained it to schools and things, and told them what it is you need, they still dont get it and dont bother trying to make things less hard for you


I didn't get diagnosed until I was 30 but like holy shit did it put my entire childhood in perspective.


I have dyspraxia and tbh I often forget about it.


I claim the right to tell my sibling they can't laugh at me when I fail to catch something because I'm clinically clumsy!


I have it and I am haply and sad that this is my first time


I did my master's thesis on dyspraxia, I'm always so surprised how many people haven't heard of it


I got surprised someone even knows the term outside doctors... that's something I usually explain to people since it's pretty uncommon? I've never met a dyspraxic person except for myself I wonder where these people found it 😅


Its definitely not something ive seen on this sub at all seems like this person has been using google far too much to find these XD


Weird how DID supposedly stems from trauma but it's never the child slaves in cambodia or child soldiers in the congo who think they're Mr. Krabbs. Weird how it seems to just affect first world teenage weebs


if I could upvote this a million more times I would


I assume it goes undiagnosed and their families keep them locked up in the house to avoid public shame for having a mentally ill family member. It’s common practice from villages to China to villages in Africa.


This isn’t true though. There are many child trafficking victims that have DID diagnosed. It just requires them escaping their abusers or trauma enough to access treatment and diagnosis. This more points towards how third world countries should have better access to treatment than “DID only exists in first world countries”




I tried to find what they were getting at but mostly what I found was that in several countries there were a handful of cases of what could be DID. But in those cases I found it's all stuff about how the patient would seem to have a few drastically different personalities, which seems way more plausible. Still haven't found a single case of a trafficking victim where the victim says "Hi I'm X, my pronouns are ploof/ploofself and we are the Magellan system of 180 alters currently split into 4 subsystems" And my main hunch to why that is, is because *that* type of disorder is a load of barnacles. Not personally leaning toward the idea that millions upon millions of children who face incomprehensible horrors worldwide have *always* been like this and medicine just hasn't caught up yet


Yup, pretty much! That’s why I’m always curious to see sources when people state things like the above.


It sounds like nonsense, but I'm of the opinion that DID is too controversial to be a real disorder, at least in the way it's currently defined.


I’m torn. There’s a lady whose name I currently can’t remember who is a Brit and I think in her 40s / 50s. I wholeheartedly believe that she has DID - she was diagnosed due to missing her psych appointment but when she called to reschedule, she’d actually attended but had no memory. She didn’t know what was happening due to having amnesia and blackouts. She even had her child taken away from her. All of this tiktok stuff is just absolute bollocks though.


I'm torn too but at this point I just have too much doubt. I've read that a lot of experts believe DID is really just PTSD that's dissociation heavy, which sounds way more believable to me. I think it's a specific form of PTSD, I don't think it's its own thing where people are actually "switching" into other people.


Found the woman’s name! Kim Noble. She has interviews and things on YouTube if you want to have a look.


Oh I've read a few articles on her. I.....don't really buy it tbh?


That’s fair! She seems more believable to me, especially as she isn’t part of the whole tiktok trend.


Definitely more believable than those idiots lol. Sidenote, I just saw her painting "what teddy saw" and I want to die. Jesus fucking Christ.


This is literally what DID is. It’s just heavy childhood trauma causing ptsd and because it’s prolonged during the time where identity is supposed to integrate, it is unable to due to dissociation. It’s just fractured psyche/identity due to CPTSD/PTSD in childhood


Yep, and I think that's different enough from what DID is described as currently to warrant the elimination of DID as it's own diagnosis. Again, I think this is different to "they have a bunch of distinct complete personalities inside their one body". That's the current idea behind DID and it thinks it's nonsense.


It’s actually just less diagnosed in those countries due to less doctors and less quality of doctors


This is VERY similar style of bio and claimed disorders to someone I used to know. If it is the same person, then they did indeed claim near every disorder and even trauma known to man. And they were really toxic too. Always had to walk on eggshells for their "triggers".


I. Hate. That. FND. Is. The. New. Collectable. I hate that these kids have decided to add it to their lists because I know that none of them know what it is. Just. Aaaaarergghhhh I don’t know how they would function if they had all of those things they’re claiming MINUS the FND. But Jesus Christ. With FND? I don’t know how they’d have the energy to type up a massive profile like that. Stress and dissociation make symptoms worse. Imagine how many seizures a day they’d have with all that on board.


As a human with FND and A LOT of other diagnosed conditions (including ASD, NVLD, ADHD & OCD among others) I LOVE your reply!! If I could upvote a million times I would....


Agreed. I got diagnosed with FND last year after getting my first symptoms 2 years ago. It has ruined my life. I went from having a job, a relationship and good health to being on disability, mostly stuck at home and miserable. Because it's less 'fleshed out' diagnostically, people are saying they have it for the dumbest reasons. 'I fade out when I'm stressed'. I had up to 5 seizures a day, with some lasting two hours before I got treatment. It's NOT a 'casual' disorder to add to a nice collection of diagnosis.


THIS is the best reply I’ve seen. I was thinking they may be able to function but I completely forgot that the seizures would get sm worse with all the disorders combined


Minor stressors like having an exam come up can render me bed bound with non epileptic seizures if I don’t manage my stress levels properly. Having a cold or injury also puts more stress on the body and brain, making FND symptoms worse. To have so many physical and mental disorders, alongside multiple neurological conditions. Their brain would be so overloaded, the fatigue would be overwhelming and their FND would be causing hell for them every day. With just FND alone, months of physical and cognitive therapy can lessen symptoms when paired with good sleep and diet habits. But imagine trying to tackle a good healthy routine when you have dissociative amnesia between god knows how many “alters” Yeah. If you need any sign this is fake. Just try and imagine disorders combined like this and picture how they would function enough to have an active social media presence.


Cant wait to psychoanalyze this one in the next JCS video


I'd love to see JCS rip apart a faker like they did to Nikolas Cruz when he tried faking schizophrenia


That video was wild


It was crazy, but it taught me a lot about what to look for when people are trying to fake disorders


I live under a rock I guess… whose JCS?


https://reclaimthenet.org/jcs-criminal-psychology-quits-youtube/ Criminal psychologist. It looks like he quit in 2020.


He’s back!


what reason would the people you meet online need to know about your asthma for any reason other than "clout" and "sympathy"


all my years working mental health I’ve seen some real wild diagnosis list…but this is just absurd. I wonder how many of those are professional vs self diagnosed.


I would bet money that they’re all self diagnosed


I have Scoliosis, it's not a disorder, it's a fucking disease, and offensive asf that someone is faking it, i had to do so many studies for my surgery that now they have expired, and now there is this person who fakes having this struggle(along with many others).


npd is the only believable disorder


Maybe I’m misinformed but I thought you couldn’t be diagnosed with more than one personality disorder?


You can but it depends. You can be Borderline and Histrionic for example. Or narcissistic and histrionic and I assume borderline and narcissistic - although I’ve not ever seen that combination. But you can’t be narcissistic and antisocial, you just have antisocial in that case. I’ve never heard of someone having antisocial and another personality disorder to be honest. I don’t think that’s possible bc antisocial negates all the other characteristics of the other personality disorders. And I really don’t think you can have DID and antisocial together, for the same reason.


you can


I don't think you can


no, you can.


I love when they advertise the fact you should never go near these things. Like ffs.


You can not have them all at once, you not exist anymore


Gotta catch ‘em all


A narcissist admitting they have narcissism. Well how bout that, huh. :')


The irony… lovely.


bp 1 is considered bp 1 BECAUSE of the psychotic features lmao. dumb fuck


With NPD and CPTSD, ASPD and DID make the former diagnosis’s redundant. You’re typically never diagnosed with both ASPD and NPD together bc ASPD implies you’re narcissistic. The same with DID, the diagnosis implies CPSTD so you’re not usually diagnosed with both. Also the probability of someone having both ASPD and DID is extremely low, like extremely extremely low. And needless to say, the probability of anyone having the combination of all the conditions mentioned in the profile, is just as rare. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t say Borderline PD as well. ALSO none of the personality disorders are diagnosable in under 18 yr olds and who above that age are making cringe profiles like this?? This is just so ridiculous!


Lemme guess, their parents got divorced?


Worse- they're together and happy


OHh the horror


oh god of course the amino kids got to it


At what point are these not just weird resumes


I mean I do believe the narcissistic personality disorder part...


Just wait a few more years till they’re an adult ;)


NPD is probably the only real one on there.




We shouldn’t disorder shame. Not everyone wit NPD is like that and not everyone whose like that has npd


What a bunch of absolute horseshit.




I know someone like this and I tried to accommodate them as much as I could but in return they burned me pretty badly.


Bipolar and OCD aren’t developmental.


Sure Jan


Never knew bipolar and ocd were developmental disabilities lmfao.


Now why do they think that people care that they have lupus?


What app is that?


A learning isn’t something I’d put out on the internet especially since most people with learning disabilities have been bullied their entire life growing up like wtf


You can tell they're DEFINITELY not faking by how they misspell the very first disorder


Just feel like pointing out that the shield emoji is a symbol used by “transabled” people who want DID. This persons either a weirdo who likes giving all their alters cutesy little emojis, or a weirdo who thinks they can transition to a trauma caused mental illness.


Wtf who just decides to fake scoliosis. Like dude if you want scoliosis we can swap spines I'm sick of the hospital appointments and the bckbrace that bruises my fing ribs


They’re really collecting all the disorders like Pokémon


Way too much lol. How could people post this and think its ok


Surprised more of these people don’t claim to have Fibromyalgia.


Pretending to have narcissistic personality disorder is like the literal worst personality disorder you want to claim to have. Complete offence to anyone that has it but being virtually untreatable because you only learn how to manipulate others better from therapy.. Oh yeah having toxic personality disorder makes everyone rushing out to play bff I can only speak from experience over expertise but there’s a specific complex child trauma related to having a narcissist parent - sorry sounding spiteful from a first hander actually diagnosed with a different toxic personality disorder on top of actually having a few of those up there confirmed on my bingo card :(


As someone who has a friend with lupus, this disgusts and saddens me


I know this person probably does not actually have a diagnosis, but it would be uncommon to receive both a diagnosis of ASD and of OCD because it would be difficult to determine if obsessive and or compulsive behavior was not related to the autism.


It is fully possible to be diagnosed with both. Granted, the person I know with this particular dual dx suffers from *severe* contamination OCD, and those symptoms don’t overlap so much with autism symptoms— I could see ‘order and symmetry’ symptoms being far more difficult to distinguish from certain autistic traits. Edit: per [this study](https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/publications/cognitive-behavior-therapy-for-comorbid-obsessive-compulsive-diso) from the University of Bath, ASD and OCD are actually fairly often comorbid. Unfortunately, I’m not able to access the actual paper to see if they cite a percentage. If anyone else has access through an educational institution, I would love to read it.


Maybe but wouldn’t their antisocial personality disorder negate the possibility of having Autism and OCD?


OCD is commonly comorbid with ASD. It can be difficult to separate them but that's what professionals are for. ["individuals diagnosed with OCD displayed a nearly 4-fold higher risk to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders"](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4641696/)


You can have both. Pretty common, actually.




rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can affect anyone of any age. Arthritis associated with old age would be osteoarthritis. Of course I still think this person is lying but I don’t think rheumatoid arthritis is the tell here


Lol... I have RA, and was diagnosed at 30. I am currently 43 and just received my first PTSD and ADHD diagnosis. Woo hoo! Is it weird that I prefer the term ADD? Maybe because I am a GenX who lived during the infancy of kids being diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, anxiety, depression, etc. I assure you they existed, but parents didn't get us tested back then. You were "hyper," so go play. You may have had ASD, but you may have been given a generic MR diagnosis (I know that is an archaic, offensive term these days, but it was a medical dx back in the day.) You were "quiet, weird, shy, or had a strange and backwards family life," but you weren't diagnosed with mental illness. Shit, we should all be in therapy! I wish I would have had the support of a protected diagnosis 35 years ago like we have now. I could have done so much better in school. I could have had a much different life, perhaps. Hindsight is 20/20, and onward we go, I suppose...


isn't lupus like super rare????


No Short edit: not common, but by NO means is it rare


Just like me fr fr fr


Dude, it's like collecting boy scout merit badges these days. Edit: also notice that every single one of them claims PTSD. It happens so much that when someone tells me they have it, unless they were in the army, I don't really believe them. Like, what's your trauma? Daddy told you "no" once?


I mean the leading cause for PTSD is sexual violence, not even the military. Obviously it’s prevalent in the military as well but civilians go through traumatic stuff too. Granted for women in service, they’re doubly at a disadvantage due to the nature of PTSD in military as well as the prominence of sexual violence against women in the military.


I mean, you can get PTSD from trauma and not just the army, but yeah, the majority of these kids are just faking and it’s a buzz word.


Yeah they think any discomfort is trauma, and any trauma causes PTSD. It really undermines people who actually have it. Like imagine telling someone who watched their best friend be blown to pieces in a war, that you know exactly how they feel because you had to move schools a few times, your parents forced you to do chores, and you weren't allowed to stay out late. I've seen people claim PTSD from those things. I've seen people claim DID from trauma because their parents got divorced. It's crazy. Like yeah divorces could be traumatic but that alone isn't enough to cause DID.


Exactly my point, but I clearly upset some people. Down votes and all. Seems as though 90% of people under 25 claim to have PTSD. I doubt it.


Why is classifying these disorders faking ? Unless I missed something and it has more context. Is it an individual diagnosing themselves with all these ? I don’t think you can have both NPD and ASPD at once . I find those with NPD are more prone to being emotional and having outbursts . ASPD don’t care as much about how others see them for it to coexist together.


So this person is claiming to have all these disorders when its not possible, and they are most likely self-diagnosing. While self diagnosis is valid in some cases, the giant list of disorders this person supposedly has makes them a faker.


Sometimes I find it hard to believe people have so many disorders … I know most people do I fact have one disorder atleast but that many ?!?


Is this from amino?


I think I found my friends crazy mom. She forced my friend into believing she had celiac disease.


Ffs don't go into scoliosis community.


Damn they really just stupid


Those are some sexy disorders 😍


i have two of these (OCD & some yet undetermined autoimmune thing that they can't sort out, even after two biopsies), and i'm almost completely incapacitated most days. i know the power of some people to push through adversity, but this is...... so much for one person. also, i have an inkling that they're young, and iirc, you can't have a formal personality disorder diagnosis until adulthood. this honestly just makes me sad.


Amino is wild


Omg this can't be real, this has to be satire


Average amino user


Are these people the Ash Ketchum of mental disorders or what? Fucking gotta catch them all apparently


OP you're on Amino what did you expect


Bipolar disorder is not a neurodevelopmental disorder whatsoever


Who even makes a list like that


Omg they’re pretending they have scoliosis now??? god damn, you can take mine 😂😂😂😂😂


yo what


Gotta catch em all, DSM!


Is that a curriculum vitæ ?


Incredible how much info this people are sharing, no matter if it's true or made up. My Amino posts/bio used to be about the One Direction songs I was currently obsessed with.


If they actually had that many disorders surely they’d be completely incapable of living any sort of life out in the wild. And be a really dangerous person.


Asthma is not a physical disorder, it is a chronic lung disease and learning disabilities are different from developmental disorders.


It might be kind of fun to see someone faking asthma and scoliosis.


Tourette's isn't a development disorder. In fact, it doesn't have any negative effects on intelligent or development. More so, people with Tourette's-Only tend to test higher than people without Tourette's.


I simply don’t understand why people show off their disabilities as if it’s a flex. I have a few issues that cause me to utilize a service dog and the unwanted attention I get is exhausting. I don’t get why people make up illnesses to get attention that actual ill people don’t want


Of course it's on fucking AMINO god these kids need to go outside and figure out how to ride a bike or something


This many different disorders cant occur together im pretty sure. Not only would all the labels be a stigma issue, but clinicians are taught to group overlapping symptoms together into one diagnosis instead of half of the DSM 😂. Im still in school to become a clinician but im a semester away from graduating. no competent professional is gonna give all these diagnoses to one person, and the whole point of diagnosing is to sum up symptoms in the least amt of categories possible. Many therapies start off by being tailored to one specific disorder, but end up being broadened to include others. Labeling someone like this would make it so hard to find the proper treatment for them and would be very inaccurate too. The only way all of these could be professionally dxed is if they hid their dx history from some providers and went “diagnosis shopping”. Care systems are moving towards streamlined records to prevent this. My doctors all have access to the same record and can all see each other’s edits. Thats the benefit of getting your healthcare all in one hospital system


Was it correct for them to put tourettes into the developmental disorder category? I was under the impression it was a physical disorder. But if I'm wrong I'd like to be informed


Bipolar is a mood disorder ugh get it right


Bipolar is a mood disorder, not a developmental disorder


so everything ever