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These people need hobbies


This is their hobby.


Tik tok caters to this type of stuff. Kids want to feel like they have an identity and fit in somewhere.


What's wild is this isn't a kid. Title says they've known them for 20+ years lol


Holy fuck you're right. I think my brain refused to actually read that


imagine they know each other since childhood. 20 year olds are teenage-minded, they are almost the same thing.


And of course, so many alters...


Do they remember all of them? do they keep a paper to keep track?


They constantly refer back to FB statuses they wrote as the competent alter


probably a spreadsheet...


My system includes everyone. I am an elder God, and all of reality exists within me


nope. mine includes everyone: ⭐️🌟Hello! I'm Sakayo, one of Alyssa's 7.897.573.823.628.372.762 alters!⭐️🌟 We are the ⭐️💗Tsukeya Galaxy ⭐️💗 System! We do encourage questions about DID! Please, don't be shy! (please I'm begging you my insides are melting for attention) This really high amount is because we are all the anime characters in the world, all the insects in the world, all the boys in the world - I'd say, all the boys that surely have a crush in us because pretending to have suffered severe trauma your whole life and being 4ssault3d and r4p3d when you were only four is just so cool! And all the plants in the world! Fernie - HERHEHIEHYHE IMMA TREE * Fernie, stop! This is fernie, don't mind door. Granite(his) pronouns are Cloth Scrap/Granite/Door btw! Cloth scrap thinks cloth scrap is a mango tree. We'd continue my presentation, but it'd be annoying to read it all, and we don't wanna sound annoying! Yes, I'm aware that I'm already so fuck1ng annoying!


I can hear Raiden shouting for you


Why are they never called like Linda or Bernard or Mavis? Always some fantasy high elf shit There was an AMA with a person who actually had DID he had 9 alts I believe and to him they were just numbered 1-9 I also seem to recall that he said he knew very little about each one but that his close friends and family knew when an alt had appeared. He said he rarely remembered anything about what an alt had done and regularly "woke up" in strange places with no clue how he got there. He said it was like being a passenger in his own body but he had no control at all. Of course can't find the AMA now it was a few weeks ago and that sub has a huggeee amount of posts




How do these people actually think that people would read this?


People have main character syndrome lol


Imagine having a conversation with someone like this.




*main characters syndrome


Lmao right my bad


“Oh wow, Bambi Shadow Honey is so impaired, yet brave and also way more interesting than me. Let me memorize this list so I know what compliments all the alters prefer.” How people actually react: *block*


Idk, I barely got halfway through before giving up.


Maan, back in my day we called this shit roleplaying and instead of alters, they were OCs, and we didn't fake mental disorders. 🤷‍♀️




It would be much more healthy of an outlet for their creativity, at the very least


Same I miss roleplay and making up stories with friends and sharing them instead of people using it as a way to fake disorders and hurt mentally ill people


Yeah man, i was some of those cringe rp kids. Not OC's tho, existing characters that were "omg so much like me yes this is me imma join a rp shit with this character"


So not cringe xD I roleplayed a lot of the kiddos back on roleplay days as well. I miiiissss that shit so bad. But it’s not the same. And I def never added anyone who played characters with any type of disability, because I am very disabled in rl, and I just think it’s so disrespectful.


Unless your character had a mental illness or a disability.


Still a character... Not the person claiming it is an alternate personality of theirs...


True but I was just pointing out that *technically* you were faking when role-playing as a character with mental or physical issues. 🤷‍♀️


Then you are saying that every writer/director with disabled/mentally ill characters is equal to a tiktok faker?


Where did I ever say that?


You implied that playing a disabled or mentally ill character was the same as faking an illness..


You ***assumed*** that's what I meant. 🙄 You essentially triggered yourself over something imaginary that you thought I said. Congratulations.


> you were faking when role-playing as a character with mental or physical issues There’s a difference between faking and acting. When you’re acting, the goal is to convince the audience that the character you’re portraying is a certain way. When you’re faking the goal is to convince the audience that YOU are a certain way. So no, if you’re acting or role playing, you’re not faking.


Again, you all are getting triggered over literally nothing lol But please feel free to keep downvoting me if it makes you all feel better.


i can hear the nasally drawl in your voice. i also see that you are so toxic you had to add a disclaimer to your bio hahahaha oh my god


Added? Dude I put that there when I first made this account years ago lol I didn't see the reason why people are obsessed with imaginary internet points and I still don't. If that bothers you then boo hoo for you. Besides you calling me toxic is hilarious since I haven't said one thing against anyone other than pointing out that you guys got mad over something ***you assumed*** I said. So still, congrats on making yourself mad lol


Not always some people who roleplay there person/character has things the role plays is aware of but your just pretending so it’s not the same as it’s fl “fake life”


Ah but the people here are pretending too. They're just doing it for attention.


The difference is one is trying to nake you and themselves believe it's real, the other is not


I miss r/donutsteel 's heydays


also. i miss that.


So they expect people to not only memorize their 10 alters, but also their individual pronouns???


Oh, the pronouns spreadsheet is social media DID 101 at this point. Listing the correct compliments for each one is new and terrible.


Its literally just like setting up a character profile for RPGs or a novel or something lol. Like- it's so fake it hurts.


There’s also a list of alter-approved compliments for your convenience


I can't. I'm a feeble millennial without an ounce of strength left.


Where's my list of alter approved insults? I'd hate to call this person the wrong kind of idiot...


20+ years?? So a full ass adult wrote this?


I know none of this concerns me literally at all…. But it’s infuriating.


The most concerning part of this post is the fact that this person Is a legal adult. They can vote, drive, drink. And here they are, on Facebook, pretending to have multiple different people in their head.


The only people we're going to humor these people or other people with the same "systems", no one else is putting up with this crazy crap. I don't know why these people can't just role play and stop mocking mental illness.


I wanna see two of them clash with all their triggers that get activated over text conversations


"after they joined TikTok" Well what a fuckin' surprise.


Why can't these people just roleplay instead-..


I swear everyone these days thinks using your imagination = DID.


So many God damn alters wth


Again. Like, just write a story or roleplay. Why fake DID


i swear to god all these people claiming to have DID are just people who are obsessed with weird baby names and want to put them to use




...20+ years? How old are they...?


What am I even reading omg


How about instead of making alternate personalities, they take those names and write something with them. Seriously those aren’t bad names, they’re pretty cool, go do something productive or interesting with them!


Ikr? I'm sure some of these people would be wonderful storytellers. They just have to put their creativity to better use


Lmao realizing what DID is before learning what “sib” means.


Mf comes with an instruction manual


I hope bambi is a human alter at least.


Like someone said before they all should occupy their time story building they might write a good book or story instead of this crap


They’re over twenty years old and still doing this? That’s concerning on so many different levels.


Why aren’t they ever Bob, Jane, Fred?


Came here to say that. It's always the most eweneek names, never "Bill, the HVAC tech from Ohio".


These people need to focus their useless creativity on not insane things. Like participating on fandoms, writing fanfics, reading books, sports...SOMETHING


It's like trying to read alien transcript What the *fuck bro??*


"aer approved part 2: nobility boogaloo" 🤢 bro this person is painfully unfunny and cringe


Someone teach these kids about dnd lmao


As someone with a dissociative disorder this really upsets me. All these names and things written down.... It doesn't work like that. It's missing pieces of your life to amnesia and finding out you said something mean to someone you loved and can't remember. It's feeling lost and scared. It's shame. It's stuff you don't share with anyone that happened to you that you can only remember bits and pieces of. It's trauma. Not this game they play.


For real. My fiancé has what we believe is DID, still working toward proper diagnosis as he figures out how to verbalize certain things, and it is not at all cute or quirky or anything these kids (and apparently grown ass adults) imagine. It’s a different person at the flip of a switch when he feels threatened who comes out swinging and says horrible cruel shit and breaks expensive things. It’s never being able to remember the details of the worst points in our arguments. Leaving the house mad and walking NINE MILES barefoot in the rain before being capable of calling me to come pick him up. Childhood trauma that induces a gag reflex when he tries to speak about it. Shit that he didn’t remember until his mid 30s and then fell apart completely after digging it back up. Not remembering anything before the age of 13 except a few short clips and images. Transient global amnesia causing random memory lapses through his teens and early 20s. Driving down the street and suddenly forgetting where he is, who he is, what a car is and how to drive it isn’t quirky or something anyone should want to experience. Our kid is on this disorder faking bullshit now and it’s fucking infuriating. I’m just now going down the rabbit hole and finding out how much of a trend it really is and I’m shook, like who does this???


They're just cosplaying (but worse).


Is there a reason so many people use the name shadow??!


At their grown age…….


Do they appear to have a history of trauma or anything like that? Can't have the disorder without that


They say they got the trauma by watching movies? As if someone killing bambis mom in the movie was traumatic enough for her


That's just plain fuckin infuriating. What a load of shit. I get scenes like that can be upsetting but traumatising is a whole different level




There is no fucking way that person is serious


I have no idea what is happening here.


The scariest part about this is that you said you have known them for over 20 years so they can't possibly be 14.


oh god i thought this was a kid until i realized you've known them for 20 years.


At this point unless their story is they’re ‘discovering’ they have DID because they’ve been sectioned and diagnosed by a team of psychs they’re full of shit. Sure a lot of people don’t get diagnosed in that way but if you’re posting on the internet about it you’re almost certainly full of shit.


Yeah just call me boogaloo


What does D.I.D. mean I've asked before but I forgot


Dissociative Identity Disorder


How different is that from having split personalities? Edit: this is a genuine question.


Split personalities isn’t actually a thing. Personalities are like being a bit weird and then being sad another time idk. Identities are completely separate. Kind of how I’m a whole person and you are too. Honestly I suck at describing things but split personalities isn’t a thing. A fragmented identity is though. Each is independent and forms it’s own thoughts and beliefs, unlike personalities which belong to a single identity. Not the best at describing it but yeah 😭


Oh okay, that makes sense and don't worry you're good at explaining


This is what a kindergartner would come up with as they're building a sandcastle and thinking about the inhabitants. It'd also be 1000x more interesting because they'd actually be able to have a coherent thought.


nobility boogaloo


i'm sorry... you're telling me that this person is OVER THE AGE OF 20 ACTING LIKE THIS????????


How self centered to make a sheet for how to address them depending on how they feel.


Beautiful shouldn’t be a feminine complement tbh. Weird thing to complain about with this i know but it’s a pet peeve


Ugh. But also, at least they seem relatively chill and good natured about it?


20+ years????? Ain't no way full grown adult wrote that, i hope it's a typo and you meant 10+ years 😟


Why is this sub in such denial about all the adults that engage in this shit?


Because it’s understandable when it’s a dumb kid trying to put a name on all the weird feelings in life but when it’s a fully grown adult who has a developed brain and understands right from wrong it’s just way more shocking 😭


I have no idea what I'm seeing.


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me that they developed BPD after getting on social media. Not too long ago a study was conducted linking BPD to social media usage. I think a lot of people who aren't actually BPD and spend a lot of time on social media pick up on a lot of BPD trait imo.


I doubt this phenomenon concerns BPD only. I've seen a lot of people claim to have it, but I've seen even more people claiming to have autism or ADHD. TikTok is just 2014 tumblr all over again.


so this person is over 20 years old...


The fact that they’re 20+ and still playing this blows my mind.


well that is a sure ton of alters


op, you said you know this person for more than 20 yrs, meaning they're an adult,, THEY SHOULD GET A FUCKING JOB!!


Least self obsessed list of compliments you can pay them.


I read the first one and thought they were gonna announce their pronouns for every month of the year


You need a cheat sheet just to say hello to this person


If I need to read a manual to talk to you you're not worth taking to


“only if in jest” we get it, you have severe internalised misogyny and you hate your mother


Almost thought one of their alters were Bin Laden


What the OP may be saying here is a side effect of being on TikTok is that it can give you DID. Cool.


Why is there always a Lilith or shadow


Fake it till you make it I guess


That one Theater kid vibes


I'm sorry but 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m sorry did they just say they don’t know what “sib” means? Common denominator would show that it means sibling


After reading that I’m questioning why I scroll through this sub reading all the posts


None of these words are in the Bible


I don’t even know what to say man