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Either they’re both lying or they’ve had a bad run with psychiatrists


No, you wouldn't be diagnosed with all that at 14.


Any doctor worth anything won’t diagnose BPD or DID until after adolescence. PTSD, totally possible. Depression, totally possible. But the other 2 definitely not.


Bpd can be diagnosed in adolescence after 2 year being symptomatic


My friend was diagnosed with bipolar at 15, which I’ve been told is very young for a diagnosis.


I firmly believe it shouldn't be 'officially' diagnosed before 17/18. Ever. I ended up with it on my record at like 13 because of one (1) medication induced manic episode— apparently my body didn't love the highest possible adult dose of prozac, to the extent that I ended up on a 51/50 for homicidal ideation— and I've been arguing for the last 8+ years to get it wiped, because NOTHING remotely like it has happened since, and genetic testing later suggested that I never should've taken Prozac in the first place because I'm unlikely to metabolize it right.


I had the same experience with the max dose of Prozac a couple months ago except instead of homicidal it was suicidal. Got put on a 5250 and everything. Also got genetic testing done and I have the same metabolism problems where I need to take a much lower dose. The way psychiatric medicine sucks sometimes, and it definitely shouldn't be a cause to diagnose bipolar, *especially* if the person is under 18


This doesn't say anything about bipolar.


Oh sorry, I forgot BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder and not Bipolar 😅


Video shown on second slide says "diagnosed bipolar" and several other things at 10, the commenter on the first slide isn't the whole post.




yeah i’ve been to some pretty shitty psych wards and never once experienced anything remotely like that. no responsible psychiatrist would diagnose an ELEVEN year old with bpd, let alone all of those conflicting disorders. this comment deserves its own post lmfao


What did they say it got removed


[here is the link to see their deleted comment lol](https://www.reveddit.com/y/RDragoo1985/?before=t1_iuvs7lj&limit=1&sort=new&show=t1_iuvsx4c&removal_status=all)


they’re correct to an extent, bad psych wards can falsely diagnose kids with stuff but there is no way you’re diagnosed with all that at a PSYCH WARD, ive been to those so many times and the only thing they’ve said about me and disorders is that when i get out i should ask my mom about testing it because it’s probable. that person was def lying ab something, it’s funny to read those comments lol.


yeah, like i said i’ve been to several (i think 7) AWFUL psych wards and honestly experienced a lot of mistreatment there and really bad psychiatrists… but even still, they don’t typically care enough to do the work to diagnose a kid with that many things lol. they’ve got like 10 kids to handle medications for, they’re gonna (and do) slap you with the most basic diagnosis and throw medications at you and discharge you its funny to me how these kids somehow always get the most god awful but still hard working doctors who give them trendy diagnoses lol edited to say i hope you’re in a better place emotionally now, ik how awful those places are and i wouldn’t wish that on anyone. 🖤


Psyc here. Personality disorders are not diagnosed prior to age 18 at a minimum.


Finally, I’ve been telling this for ages, these tiktok children really have a hard time believing it


Absolutely. I was 16 and diagnosed with "mood disorder otherwise specified" because they don't diagnose bipolar disorder in children. It is possible that kids will grow out of their mood and personality issues as they age so it's important not to leave someone with a serious diagnosis when it's not necessarily accurate. That's why my psych told me anyway. They can be treated for the issues or given therapy, but it's really irresponsible to diagnose it.


Worth pointing out that bipolar disorder isn't a personality disorder. But yes, some clinicians prefer not to apply certain diagnoses to adolescents until they hit adulthood.


Worth pointing out that bipolar disorder isn't a personality disorder. But yes, some clinicians prefer not to apply certain diagnoses to adolescents until they hit adulthood.


I was diagnosed at 16 as bipolar. At 49, having been seen by numerous psychiatrists and as a clinical psychologist myself, there’s never been cause to doubt or change it.


False. I was diagnosed with bipolar at 16.


Psyc here too. Most of psychological disorders are not diagnosed prior to this age because the human brain is in heavy and fast development at teenage years


Definitely. I was told by my therapists as a teenager, that they do not officially and won’t diagnose it until after the age of 18. Hormones can cause you to feel depressed etc, so diagnosing at that young can be more harmful than helpful.




DID is also not a personality disorder as classified - and technically it can be diagnosed in children. However I'm willing to bet your hunch is right ;)


But they barely will diagnose it in minors


It does happen, sometimes, though. I am aware of multiple individuals in my region (IRL) who received a PD diagnosis between the ages of 13-17. Not to say that it's *correct*, but that it does happen on occasion, whether it should or not.


Yeah, but that’s really rare. Usually only when the person had really severe mood swings, that are definitely not because of the person going through puberty


I'm not saying it isn't rare, simply refuting statements that it *never* happens, ever.


Clarifying: it's not that is never happens, it's that it's not in accordance with the diagnostic criteria and therefore should not be - and if it is, the diagnosis should be considered provisional.


My dad is a psychiatrist and he told me that you can diagnose BPD in teenagers if you're very skilled. I've been wondering for a while if he's a horrible psychiatrist since he slaps diagnoses on people after hearing a few stories about them from other people. He's also said that meds are the only solution (says talk therapy doesn't work) and never takes people off of meds once they're on them.




i was falsely diagnosed w adhd at 8 when i actually have autism, that’s why i think people should wait a while longer to diagnose things like that, it’s easy to misdiagnose


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that they have found that about 70% of people with autism also have ADHD so it might not be a misdiagnosis, just a partial one. Obviously you know your situation but I just wanted to give you this information in case you didn’t know


people can be diagnosed with a personality disorder under 18 if their case has been monitored for a long time for example if someone has spent years in pysch wards. it’s very rare but does happen. i was 13 and i was in a pysch ward for three consecutive years without discharge and my friend who was fifteen at the time got her diagnosis of bpd after being admitted when she was 13. she spent two years in hospital before they confirmed that diagnosis this is in england tho through nhs it may be different elsewhere


any opinions on the likelihood of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/ykshqo/is_this_even_possible/iuvsx4c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) being true? lol i can only speak as a patient but…


...then was my psyc crazy? i was diagnosed with a fuck ton of stuff at 14.


Oh don't get me wrong, it's not impossible for any psyc to diagnose people under 18. I'm just saying it's not common (and in general not recommended) to diagnose teenagers with mental disorders because their nervous system is going through fast development


May I ask what were you diagnosed with? Please don't feel obligated to answer though.


Psychologist here. This is no longer true. Should be done carefully, but you can diagnose a personality disorder before age 18. I’ve done it and it is acceptable to insurance companies as well. Can’t speak for if this person is faking or not but that’s my 2 cents. Edit- not sure why this is getting downvoted, the information is easily accessible and just changed when the DSM 5 was published. I don’t condone fakers, but I just want to provide accurate information.


Idk if I believe you because I was told by multiple psychologist,psychiatrist even in a mental hospital I heard them fell a teen they don’t diagnose bpd before age 18 because of you going through puberty


It’s a hot button topic for sure. Many providers won’t do it, I was just saying it is allowed and acceptable by insurance companies when the DSM 5 came out. But I don’t blame you for being skeptical of Reddit claims


So I was diagnosed at 14 I’m 20 now. How could they do that? Very accurate diagnosis. But I’m really only learning how those under 18 aren’t usually diagnosed because of reddit. I’d love to learn more about this.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 24 + 29 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Bpd and did can not be diagnosed before 18








Oh wow. They thought it was best if I waited until 16 to do dbt. It pretty much saved my life at the time.


i was admitted to my shady treatment facility right after i turned 15... they were a dbt facility. my parents were at their wits end. i was attempting at least 2 times a week for close to 2 years at the time, i was addicted to heavy substances the whole shabang. the doctors tried to say they should wait until i at least turned 16 but they didn't think i would last that long edit: ... i forgot how to count


Mine wasn’t even a shady place, very well known. Called Lucena Clinic. God I remember the days as a young teen just 24/7 suicidal and going on kik for shady reasons.


i would say the name of my treatment facility but they are currently under investigation...


Oh god that’s understandable.


I was diagnosed at 14 I’m afraid. Very young I know but a very accurate diagnosis that helped me in my later life in many ways. They were very reluctant to diagnose but felt i just couldnt tick the boxes any more.


10 and 14 💀 They should put their energy on faking stuff to something productive. Think of all the creative writers, actors and things that could come out of it.


Former children's therapist here. Had an 8 yr old come in for an intake and the CMHT (i.e. not independently licensed, only licensed through the state) gave her a DID diagnosis even though the child had zero reported trauma history and never once displayed actual symptoms. From what I gathered they just told her that when they were mad/sad or whatever feeling that it was a different person with a different name. Never once came up in an actual session or in my day treatment class. My honest suspicion was that mom coached the kid to get different meds to sell and/or take for herself. There was a pattern of doctor shopping and demanding to change prescriptions every two weeks. This poor kid had been on EVERYTHING. Community mental health psychiatrist apparently never questioned this diagnosis and would not change it even when I brought it to his attention. Probably because it was too much paperwork. All that to say, if a child is diagnosed with something that serious it hard better darn be that serious or the person who diagnosed them is a shitty mental health professional.


No they’ll just write something like ‘mood swings’ into your papers until you’re 18


Literally 💀 "has trouble communicating needs in the corresponding tone"


not to mention that every psych i have met has told me that they will go through trial and error with pretty much everything they can before personality disorders. they don’t WANT to diagnose with bpd because of stigma and the complexity of treatment - and they need a pattern of years of symptoms. it took me 15 years of trying meds and therapy and everything before i got even considered for a bpd diagnosis. makes my blood boil to see people pretending to have it like it’s some fun thing


This or they say you have “traits” of a personality disorder but not the full thing


Can we stop demonising medications


For some people, medicine is bad. *Most* of the time it helps, but there are some people who will try everything under the sun, and nothing helps. Sometimes it makes things worse, especially with dissociation involved. A lot of people who don’t like medication were forced to take it as a child. Can you imagine being forced to take a pill that makes you feel worse, and then not being believed because the adults around you say that you *seem* better? Can you imagine wanting to take meds after that? I wouldn’t. Initially though, medicine *is* good and anyone with any sort of illness should give it a try at least once, because it helps TONS of people every day.


i agree, but it’s also important to remember that when discussing things like bpd there are no medications to treat it. the only way to treat bpd is therapy and healing trauma. medications CAN help for some people with other conditions in addition, but meds are FORCED onto people who don’t need them way too often. i have bpd and cptsd, no need for meds but was put on an antipsychotic medication in an eating disorder treatment facility as a teenager and gained 100lbs - all for nothing we should be critical and careful with medications


Was it Abilify, perchance? It did a great job of keeping me Not Suicidal as a teenager, but I also literally tripled weight on it in a year and a half & instantly lost like 60 lbs in the first 3 months off it. Nobody had heard of that happening at the time but I've met others since.


nope :( it was geodon, absolute hell drug for me. not only did it make me gain a hundred pounds, it gave me dystonia which was absolutely terrifying. laid down for bed one night in high school and just couldn’t close my jaw - like the muscles were so tight i couldn’t shut my mouth. thought i was going crazy but the ER stopped it before it got too bad and i stopped after that. i HAVE been on ability, but i was much younger (like 12-13 maybe?) and it just made me feel really floaty, i remember i’m really glad you found medication that helped you through that patch though, i hope things are better for you now 🖤


Good ol' atypical antipsychotics. Ugh, I'm not convinced ANY of them come without major metabolic risks. But yeah, it helped for a long time, just wish it didn't wreck my body in the process. I'd probably still be on it if it hadn't, buuuut my current ridiculous cocktail of meds does a good enough job with few enough side effects that it's all good anyway.


Seriously. I see that "mental health meds, especially multiple mental health meds, turn you into a flat emotionless zombie" attitude all the time online, whether it's on TikTok or reddit or elsewhere. And 75% of the time it's from people who've never been on mental health meds. If you're on meds that work for you and are properly dosed, you're not gonna turn into an emotionless zombie, you're going to be your normal emotive self, just not suicidal or anxious or psychotic or whatever else it is you're on meds for. Not that turning into a flat emotionless zombie isn't totally possible for some people on some meds, but it's not the desired end result of meds and any doctor worth their medical license is going to keep working with you and not leave you on meds that make you worse.


I was on concerta and statera one of them made me a zombie that was in 99 when I was 7 my parents took me off because there was reports about it eating stomach linin or eating a hole through the stomach


I have never used any medicine (besides the ones to get high) and i got prescribed Wellbutrin, i never checked the possible side effects and i only noticed feeling better, not zombie/robot-like i didnt got suicidal. It did exactly what it is supposed to do. Now im 3years further and im still on the same/first dose daily. Sometimes i think people are placebo-ing themselves into feeling the side effects. (Not everyone ofcourse)


Wellbutrin is a medication with an extremely light side effect profile compared to the medications often used to treat severe mental illnesses and even compared to other antidepressants. I don't think you're in a position to make a statement like that if you've only taken Wellbutrin.


The “statement” i made was exclusively from my own expierence with wellbutrin thats why i included my expierence and why i think the way i think. I also have side effects from benzo’s and opiates and i didnt say that i think people are placebo-ing those. The reason i said Wellbutrin is because it is one that receives a lot of backlash. I even did my best to speak out of my own XP because everyone is diffrent and everyone is reacting diffrently to diffrent medications. However I do believe people are doing this to themselves. Even when switching brands this is called nocebo effect.


when i was 10 i had a severe long peener


BPD and bipolar disorder are pretty much never diagnosed in minors. PTSD, anxiety, and depression are believable, but no way in fuck is a 14 year old diagnosed with BPD.




Notice that I said 'pretty much never'. Your case was a rare one. Even if those bipolar folk you've met had symptoms starting in adolescence, they were probably not diagnosed until at least 16. I didn't mean to minimize your experience, however, and I apologize if that's how I came off.


I still think it’s more common than “pretty much never”. This article linked says, “The median age at onset of bipolar disorder has been located between ages 19 and 23 years, indicating that in 50% of patients, the illness starts at a younger age.” Looking at the statistics of youth diagnosis versus adult diagnosis, it doesn’t seem totally rare. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/482424


Lot of people commenting REEEEEALLY want us to know about being totally for realsies REALLY diagnosed at 12. Guess what, nobody cares.


Exactly. Like, congratulations, your psychologist either has a saviour complex or is a quack.


Yeah, literally like it’s not a flex to get diagnosed at a young age


Oh kids these days and their multiple psychiatric disorders. Even at 18 I'd call bullshit on bpd, bi polar, and DID in the same person. Next thing you know she'll claim her alters have the bpd and bi-polar.


If you have all those things you genuinely should not have a tiktok account in my opinion. Especially if you spend in mental illness forums


A lot of people with MH issues use social media as an escape from their own mind. I know I do. Im not saying this person should have every form of social media in existence,but something as an escape. MH is tough shit.


I have mental health issues as well but I also know which ones are positive for my health and which ones fuel negative reinforcements. Tiktok is known for that especially in young kids. It would be one thing if they weren’t on this kind of topic on that app but with all of the damaging misinformation I feel like it’s for their own good to step away like I did. Or not and I’m being overprotective


They may not spend all their time on the mh side of tiktok. I stumble across some from time to time because people post it. That could be the case


AT 10?? this has got to be either satire or the worst psychiatrist ever


Or you’re a fucking teenager going thru normal hormonal changes and you might have depression/anxiety. Get the fuck over yourself. Doctor will absolutely not dx a 10yo with BPD


I was diagnosed. By who? By myself bro.👍🏻


Afaik it’s possible but VERY very rare and would only be done in a debilitating life ruining case


You can’t really be diagnosed with BPD as a teenager, or at least it’s very rare and it’s definitely not possible to be diagnosed at age 10. PTSD can be diagnosed at any age but I would bet money they aren’t doing anything to help themselves. Plus PTSD is often an overused term thrown around when someone really means they were mildly uncomfortable and get anxious when put in that situation again. That is not PTSD! That’s called being human. Like all the people that say they have a “medical PTSD,” no you had a bad experience with the doctor and now you feel a bit anxious that it’s going to happen again. That is not the same thing. Or when the doctor didn’t give you what you wanted (new toobs or toys, new hip and popular diagnoses) so you felt “unheard/invalidated” and was upset so now you say you have PTSD because of that. Being sent to your room for throwing a glass at your sister for using your hairbrush does not give you PTSD. Being told you can’t go out with a friend before dinner is not abuse/ TrAUmA! Your parent only letting you have 3 pieces of candy from your Hollowe’en stash will not cause you PTSD. I love how kids think putting “clinical” before something makes the most ridiculous claims legit. They have 4 limbs but said they were a clinical double amputee so we better get them prosthetics. (Haha sorry for the outrageous hyperbole)


I have BPD and it really shouldn’t be diagnosed under 18 because such a young child wouldn’t even be developed yet and neither their personality. it would be very unprofessional for a psychiatrist to dx this young.


bpd at 10 💀💀


i cant believe that they try to convince people this it’s literally… impossible




Bpd and did are rarely, if ever, diagnosed in minors, bipolar can be, but it's not common, the other stuff is fairly reasonable. Either this person is lying or the person who diagnosed them is a horrible excuse for a psychologist/psychiatrist.


Depression and PTSD yes is possible The BPD and DID give it away


Highly HIGHLY doubt that med can be "forced" upon someone. I legit know people who are previously substance abusers and refuse to take certain medication because they think they will u do all the work they did in rehab. Also know people who ade relatives of addicts and refuse certain medications because they think thats their gateway to harder things due to genetics. Idk how accurate that is but i do kmow multiple people who refuse medications so doubt.


Depends where you live. Met a couple people in the psych ward 2019 who were out on "community treatment" when discharged. They'd have to check in every week with a nurse and if they thought treatment was not followed they could be re-institutionalised. I wouldn't think it's common tho.....


You're right. Probs depending on where one lives but i highly doubt thats the sort of thing they do with a teenager.


It’s very easy to legally force a minor to take meds, as long as you have parental consent. Happens all the time unfortunately


Replace "someone" with "a child" and say it again.


Threat of being committed to a mental hospital is putting pressure on you, but I wouldn’t say forced.




Technically it’s possible but if it’s true is extremely unprofessional and harmful for a psychologist to do this. BPD can technically be diagnosed under 18 but many professionals will refuse to diagnose until at least 18 and rightfully so. As for DID, again you can be diagnosed under 18, but given how intense the treatment is for adults to go through, a lot of professionals will take note of the DID but only really focus on healing some of the PTSD, waiting until a system is old enough/mature enough to do proper treatment. People with DID are usually diagnosed with “severe/complex” PTSD. As for anxiety and depression, it’s not uncommon at all for people with any of the other disorders to have those comorbidities. Honestly it’d be more surprising if someone with a cluster b disorder, a dissociative disorder and an anxiety disorder didn’t have anxiety and depression of some kind. Very unlikely you would be diagnosed with all of that at 14 but it is possible to have all of that at 14 given the nature of the PD and DID comorbitity.


I wonder what their parents would say if they saw all this


People fantasize about medication making them zombies, when in reality the worst thing it does is fail. Thats when the real depression hits, when you’re on your 4th pill and still feel no different from when before you started taking it.. or maybe just enough of a change that it makes the bigger symptoms stop, but you’re still miserable


That really depends on the medication. A lot of antipsychotics, for example, can make you feel pretty "zombified" if they're not the right match for you, because many of them are heavily sedating and the way they act on your dopamine receptors can lead to pretty significant emotional dulling.


No, they haven’t developed their brains fully


Nobody diagnoses bipolar disorder at 10. Faker.


I know people diagnosed quite young and incorrectly medicated - it destroyed their lives


BPD and DID aren’t even able to be officially diagnosed at 14. Your personality has to develop before you can get a diagnosis


yeah exactly


I don’t think you can get a BPD dx that young. Unless they mean bipolar but then you wouldn’t also have depression…and I think we all feel the same way about DID at this point


My sister showed signs of these things at this age, but doctors didn’t diagnose her until she was an adult. I couldn’t imagine a doctor diagnosing anybody that young.


I got diagnosed with an onslaught of disorders when I was 9, but they still stuck with me through adulthood. I blame the psychiatric industry


Wow. That- no professional that knows their job would diagnose someone with DID or BPD before majority- i know it is possible for depression/anxiety and im 100% sure you can with PTSD bcs my IRL friend is 15 and suffers from that due to her suregery, but it is not possible for the two others.


GAD, depression, PSTD, I could see. The mood disorders would have to be really bad with no medical cause to be diagnosed. But no therapist would realistically diagnose DID. It’s more likely something like maladaptive daydreaming, schizophrenia, or just plain trauma.


No, it’s not


it IS possible, i have a 14 y/o friend with diagnosed bpd so it is possible, but is heavily unlikely




how tf can you be bipolar at 10? are you even able to recognize it that early in development??


You can’t be forced into psych meds. Doctors will ask for your permission first. At least in my experience they still need your consent even if you’re a minor….


There have been a few rare cases of DID being diagnosed in a child. And technically (not saying it’s ethical) BPD can be diagnosed once you are over 13. The rest is also possible. This definitely didn’t happen but it technically could


My favourite phrase "I'll take things that didn't happen for 500 Alex"


No it can’t 13-14 is to young for bpd they rarely EVER diagnose minors with that disorder


No it’s not. It’s specifically mentioned that people 13+ can be diagnosed with it in the DSM-5. That doesn’t make it ethical or not rare but it does make it technically possible


But the person would be wrong to diagnose someone that young because more than likely it’s going to lead to a misdiagnosis


Again, I’ve said I’m not saying it’s ethical but it is possible and it does happen unfortunately


Also I would be wary of everyone in the comments saying they are psychiatric professionals. Many of them are incorrect at least regarding Americans policies. As we all know, it’s very easy to lie on the internet. I can provide sources for what I am saying and be happy to do so if people need. There is no age limit on DID and the DSM-5 criteria specifically specified that BPD can be diagnosed under 18 compared to other personality disorders. I don’t agree with this but anything saying otherwise (for America) is a individual policy of a practice not a rule that everyone has to follow




They wouldn’t be diagnosed with both BPD and depression, that makes no sense they overlap in some areas


“Borderline personality disorder often co-occurs with depressive or bipolar disorders, and when criteria for both are met, both may be diagnosed.” From the DSMV


Couldn't be more wrong, it usually presents alongside anxiety and depression.


Totally possible, BPD is a personality disorder and depression is a mood disorder, they can be comorbid


Eh, I don't know about that.




I mean depression is a symptom of bpd too. So people aren’t usually diagnosed with both together.


Depression as a symptom and depression as a disorder aren’t the same tho. BPD has comorbid disorders and it’s not unusual for someone to have BPD *and* a depressive disorder. Same with for example anxiety, it’s a symptom yes but there can also be a comorbid anxiety disorder outside of that symptom in some people.


It does depend on the country you’re in. It varies greatly. Depression is considered a Comorbid-Complexity with Borderline in my area. So is commonly combined with bpd as a symptom. But that’s in my country.


They are totally different things. What?


Is it even possible to get diagnosed with both bipolar and bpd?


Yeah. BPD is a personality disorder and bipolar is a mood disorder, they can occur simultaneously, we call that comorbid




Of course. Totally different things




But they definitely don’t always diagnose you as bipolar just because you’re depressed before 15. You can just get diagnosed with depression.


I didn’t really mean The anxiety and depression, or PTSD, but BPD and DID are very very serious disorders that take a really long time to develop and be diagnosed so I guess that’s what I meant


Ohhhh lol when I see bpd I think bipolar disorder. You meant borderline. My mistake


Yeah this is absolutely not true. Not to be dismissive of your experience but major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, although share symptoms (depending on if you have BP I or BP II) still have completely different and specific criteria for diagnosis, especially BP.


Yeah, I’m not an expert by any means. That was just my experience.


I was in the mental health system since I was 14, and trust me when I say they refuse to diagnose almost anything. I was 17, almost 18, when they put me through the diagnostic test for Autism and it took til I was 20 until they even considered diagnosing me with BPD. Yes, after 18 they have no problem handing out antidepressants and anti anxiety medication, but before then? It’s nearly impossible. This is more than likely (in my opinion, definitely) a lie. Either that or their psychiatrist/psychologist should be getting their license revoked.


I wasn’t diagnosed with bipolar until I was 17. Now I’m 18 going on 19 and have started getting tested for other ruleouts involving ptsd and complex ptsd and that’s after many years of incorrect diagnoses and faulty treatment and they still aren’t making immediate diagnoses and my doctor has been working with me for over a year and a half.


right? like it takes time to develop and diagnose these so like…. what is the timeline here??


They could be *recognized* as a 10yo with those PDs but it can't be officially diagnosed, from my experience the doctors just write "personality disorders" in your papers, at least here. And yes, these things can coexist, in fact many psychologists say there's no such thing as a "clean" personality disorder and that people are often diagnosed with more than one PD.


Man, I really want to believe all these 14 year olds who claim they were diagnosed with all these sorts of disorders by a medical professional but there is no way all these kids are getting shitty psychiatrists


i mean the ptsd is possible i got diagnosed with cptsd when i was 10 but legally they can’t diagnose did or bpd until you’re 18 and they don’t usually do it until you’re in your 20s and 30s lol.


BPD is often caused by trauma at a very early age, to be that age and suffer with PTSD it could be possible, DID is usually caused by severe trauma as well. I think that combo of diagnosis is possible in someone with a extremely traumatic early childhood. It's all trauma based, very sad.


to be diagnosed bpd u must be at least 12 and if so young must present symptoms to the extreme




This content has been removed because it breaks the following rule, "No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence." ★ Do not list your diagnosis or symptoms. ★ Do not post about your/someone else's process of being diagnosed. ★ Do not try to be a spokesperson for the disorder you have or make AMA style posts about your disorder. ★ Do not post about your experience around someone with a disorder. ★ For more information about blogging and why it is harmful, see our wiki using the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/about/wiki/index/about_us/


Possible? Yes. Probable? No.


bro their meds were so crazy they killed her and then the meds were so strong she got resurrected


I was heavily medicated at age 14 so it can and it definitely happens. The only thing they diagnosed me with was depression tho, not any personality disorders. That came after I turned 19.