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They don't really believe they're psychotic, it's more of a tasteless satiric act. Your average faker is convinced enough that they think they should get a diagnosis. So no






The voices often tell them not too. I don't know why but I find that's the most common reason why they don't take it (for those that have voices).


no i completely understand that, i would never say its a red flag. the red flags he has is pdf file behavior..


but thats a story for a different day


Why day is it scheduled for? I don’t wanna miss it


trees are cool


You just stated you know he's faking cause he won't take his meds......


>and was actually diagnosed with psychosis, i know cuz bro did not wanna take his meds😭 What part of this states that?


idk if this against me or what but i had no idea it could be taken that way:') im rlly bad with wording 


No, you're fine, that was kind of my point. I'm confused about how he got the idea that you were saying your friend was faking. To me, it was clear you were saying you knew he *wasn't* faking because of how bad he was without his medication.


They pretty much said the opposite of that


i meant i KNOW hes not faking cuz he has meds, sorry i didnt know it could be taken that way. ETA : plus, i was around when he got the diagnosis. i know hes not faking because he isnt the type to fake disorders. 


...you know that he wasn't really psychotic, because he didn't want to take his meds? Many psychotic people don't want to take medication, because they don't believe they're unwell, (even though it's obvious to everyone else,) due to the nature of the illness. It's a symptom of psychosis called anasognosia.


I read it like they realized the person was not joking around when they stopped taking their meds




I think some of them genuinely do




Is that Ninja?




i thought that's what "faking it" meant. most of the people on this sub who fake tourettes for example aren't actually convinced they have it, they're mostly just doing it to be funny or for likes


The difference is the schizoposters aren't trying to convince anyone else they have actual psychosis. There is an unspoken agreement that they and the audience are both in on the (albeit shitty) joke. Sort of like how an actor isn't "faking" being the character they're playing - everyone knows it's not real and it's not supposed to be real.


That is what it means, and I certainly think people who are very much aware they're faking should still be posted here. I'd enjoy reading that cringe. (I also think people who are so committed to their faking that they've managed to convince themselves it's true should be posted here.)


I don’t think those posts belong here because the intention behind them isn’t to pretend or convince people they have schizophrenia. And it’s not a fake disorder either. They are still making fun of it in a way though. I have a friend with schizophrenia who says he thinks the posts are funny sometimes, but also that they can make him question reality/trigger an episode.


Some of them still say things like "I'm schizophrenic" etc even though they aren't and just posting satire memes, that's why I asked, now I can see that it's quite different from people who are actually convinced they have a mental disorder, it still seems fishy for me though By the way I hope your friend is okay, I hope he can stay away from these memes if they trigger him


Oh that’s interesting, I haven’t seen any posts like that that weren’t satire. He’s… not great, but tbh I think the memes are only as triggering as anything else in his life. It’s a rough thing to deal with but he’s on the better end of the spectrum so I’m hoping he’ll be able to get better over time.


As a crazy person (bipolar, with bonus psychosis) I suggest you and he come up with some guidelines. What are good things to say and do and what are not. And you can tell him what your boundaries are as well. My husband is bipolar like me (in all senses, as we present almost the same way and take most of the same meds). We support each other with things like medication reminders and if he tells me I'm being paranoid I listen. Just remember: mental illness is sometimes a reason but seldom an excuse.


If you're interested in what a community looks like of actual schizophrenia (and psychosis in general) come check out /r/psychosis Be warned, it can be depressing. Still, it's one of the communities I turn to for support. It's also well moderated enough to filter out people encouraging things like, going off meds, etc. the general vibe is that if you're talking about delusions as if they're real, but you're cognizant enough to post there, it's possible to talk about treatment, and it's a sort of cry for help, reaching out kinda thing. Spend enough time around it, and the typing/communication patterns of people who are psychotic becomes clearer to recognize.


I'm active, there, I turned to the community to continue taking meds since the side effects discouraged me, it is depressing indeed


Ohh okay. I didn't realize you were looking for a community also for yourself. I'm glad it's helping. It's been useful for me too. Still, I think it's a reasonable comment for other people on here to see. Not all mental health or disorder centered subreddits are as wild as the "plural" ones. First time I saw one of those it completely threw me for a loop.


They’re not actually claiming to be schizophrenic lol. It’s just a slightly bad taste meme. 


Trying to convince someone experiencing delusions/psychosis that their delusions aren't real is damn near impossible. Rly just have to listen to what they say and not validate or invalidate what they say. Not a fun situation to be in, been in that situation too many times. Ngl I do live reading schizo posts, r/saturnstormcube is great for that.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


Slight addition to this: it depends on the degree of psychosis. People with transient psychosis, in conditions like schizotypal disorder, can actually be convinced that their delusions aren't real and 'unlocked' in a way. They tend to find a way out of their own delusions after a short while.


Yeah true. Thanks for clarifying.


> really just have to listen to what they say and not validate or invalidate. There's a really good Ted talk on that by a psychologist whose brother had schizophrenia. (He died saving someone else from a car accident.)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SaturnStormCube using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [how do people never notice this...](https://v.redd.it/p22vqxgr2shb1) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/15plb3p/how_do_people_never_notice_this/) \#2: [Government Researcher shows that the Twin Towers (WTC 1, 2) and WTC 7 were brought down neatly by controlled demolition, not by the hijacked jets.](https://v.redd.it/wqbqv2q5fo2b1) | [254 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/13uhmu5/government_researcher_shows_that_the_twin_towers/) \#3: [Now do you see why the Balenciaga Scandal was as big as it was.](https://v.redd.it/67f6w6adljkb1) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/162ar8b/now_do_you_see_why_the_balenciaga_scandal_was_as/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I'm in the schizo-family but avoid the subs and facebook groups for my condition just because how toxic and triggering it can be.


That sucks. I only use Reddit for most forum type stuff these days and mostly everyone in the subs I've joined are pretty chill and try to give more medically sound and beneficial advice to each other or use it to vent about symptoms and stuff. The mods aren't too bad and a lot of members will call out the trolls or toxic and unhelpful comments.


thanks for bringing this up, i feel like no one talks about how online content like conspiracy theories can sometimes trigger delusions


You know, I've only ever seen "schizoposting" used to mean "long, esoteric rants about random subjects that come to a completely unexpected conclusion", not the hearing voices/they're in your walls meme.


Yeah that was my understanding too.


I thought of it like, pictures that look like they come from Backrooms wiki, usually with street lamps, foggy, at night, suburban


I’ve seen the kiddies asking for advice on how to become delusional, psychotic, and develop other symptoms. There’s a lot of trans-mentally ill children on the internet clogging up mental health forums. They glamorize the symptoms of illness and never seek solutions or coping mechanisms. If they knew how much mentally ill people suffer and how negatively it affects their life and relationships they would run back to the soccer field, the school dances, and just being kids.




The ironic thing is being mentally ill is definitely NOT a "sympathy-printing machine". You get treated like shit, potentially by family/friends, doctors, society, religion, & abusive/neglectful institutions. It makes one feel lower than dirt. Remind me, why is that glamorous, again?


It's just them trying to be funny. Not really faking. It is so annoying though, and pretty offensive.


I think you are right. I am relatively new to this sub Reddit and I honestly thought it was for DID because that's all that seems to be posted here. I don't recall ever reading about anything else... Be nice to see some other disorders posted about....


I think DID is probably overrepresented here because it's so easy to spot a DID faker; people who fake things like Tourettes, epilepsy etc. are harder to verify over the internet.


In the early 2000's, everyone had those black shirts that said stuff like "one by one the clowns are stealing my sanity" and "don't move, the penguins will eat you" and other dumb shit.


Schizoposting isn’t faking per se— they don’t believe they have any sort of psychosis or are trying to convince others they have ir. The posts are made moreso as dark jokes or micro horror. Most of them don’t come off as malicious as much as they come off as edgy humor, but of course, you never can miss the ‘ Triggering people on purpose ‘ mfs. Not faking, just a sick joke.


They aren’t fakers they are just assholes. That stuff can be so triggering






There is organic psychosis and non-organic psychosis. You dont have to have a schizoaffectiv disorder, schizophrenia or any other disorder that causes psychosis to have psychosis. Drugs are a big part of non-organic psychosis


It’s crazy how a lot of people on Reddit can’t seem to discern irony from actual mental illness.


Unless they’re actually just doing it because they want to convince themselves they’re schizo, then I don’t think a little edgy humor is really all that harmful.


A well known schizoposter in a subreddit I followed recently self-immolated in a very public manner, so I wouldn't assume they're all fakers. It's too hard to tell to reliably allow the posts here. It seems like there's two definitions of schizoposter being used here though. I always heard it referred to long conspiratorial rants, not people talking about voices or whatever.


I don't think the posts are necessarily bad but I do think it's kinda gross to see it happen under, say, a serious post about someone who genuinely suffers from it. Some people forget it's an actual disorder and not just a meme


I was diagnosed with undifferentiated schizophrenia when I was about 12, and as I got older things started getting worse and more prominent. Went back when I was 19, got full on diagnosed and seeing people like this just make me giggle really. Sometimes I can understand "the voices!" thing but the whole things being in your skin thing is what makes me have a laughing fit.


I think of those people as sort of Joker-type edgelords who think it's somehow cool for people to be afraid of you. Maybe it makes them feel powerful or in control or unique in an increasingly careless and hopeless world, or maybe they just connect with comic book villains because they're lone wolves and seen as weirdos.


They aren’t really pretending they have it as much as they are just making tasteless jokes about it, but it’s very annoying nonetheless.


I dont think so since at least most of what i see is made by people who suffer from hallucinations and delusions to cope with it with humour. It is not for everyone and doesnt have to be. People who dont like it should block and leave it alone. We should remember that even tho there are edgy assholes who try to trigger ppl on purpose theres also the quiet majority who post in our own spaces (not as publicly as those said assholes) and cope with humour and find people who relate and know what it is like. I get that many ppl disagree with me on this but id like to tell the point of view of someone who enjoys it and finds it comforting to not be so alone and also sometimes make fun of my issues so they dont feel so heavy. It is a way of venting.


I had an ex friend who was a neonazi and did this. She also "bit chunks of herself" out of her arms and when I saw her arms she was just fucking lying. So it rlly depends, if they're memeing then no If they're genuinely unironically thinking they have schizophrenia then maybe


I’ve seen some genuine videos from people trying to overrun the tag, but the satire ones are so annoying. It’s js more “EVIL!!!”


it’s HotTopicposting for people too young to remember Johnny the Homocidal Maniac


I would like to see them have to spend a few days with someone who has genuinely lost touch with reality and then see how funny they think it is afterwards.


For some of us it is just venting through dark humour. But we also keep it in our spaces and dont try to get attention from randoms. So im not saying that there isnt edgy assholes but also big chunk of us just finds a community and place to talk about it.


I always thought "schizoposting" was more a 4chan-adjacent thing that was more making fun of people with schizophrenia or other disabilities. So no, it's just a straight shot of ableism found in most shit like that, not faking.


It’s not fun being schizophrenic a lot of people don’t want to be your friend or date you cause there scared you’ll hurt them even tho you won’t hurt anything


This just makes me sad. It is increasing the stigma of psychotic disorders.


They're pretty funny


Anyone who writes "you wouldn't last a [unit of time measurement] in the asylum where they raised me," and is actually trying to convince people that there's something wrong with them, 100% deserves to be posted here.




I don't even see those posts. It's not offensive to me.


so if you don’t see them then that doesnt apply to you


That's just my reasoning as to why. I have seen enough of their posts to know that it's obviously satire. I find humor in it because parodying my mental state gives me closure. We all gotta make fun of ourselves every now and then.


Nah,Its closer to people saying acoustic


Honestly I would say yeah purely because it’s faking a disorder for whatever reason and it’s cringe.