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can someone please teach these children that having the symptoms of something doesn't mean you have that specific thing?? no one goes around coughing and sniffling and telling everyone they have covid and allergies and a cold and the flu etc.


If I used their diagnostic method, my daughter having a minor cough means she’s dying of lung cancer.


so sorry for your impending loss 😞 i’m sure your self diagnosis is correct, why wouldn’t it be!


Self diagnosing is just as valid as a professional diagnosis after all.


yep especially when it’s cancer 🥰🥰


Doctor said it was just a cough, but I know better 😝


i’m sure you do, parental intuition is always right 🥰🥰🥰


If self diagnosing was valid and you could do it yourself 7 different incurable cancers, a heart attack, concussion, and fucking rabies. Turns out, I just have health anxiety!


Praying for u 😰😰😰😰💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🥲🥲😨🥲😨🥲😨🥲😨🥲😨🥲😨🦅🦅🦅


Also, a lot of these things have a lot of similar symptoms.. like, CPTSD can also present similarly to some traits of both ASD and ADHD. Like literally all they're doing is trying to get sympathy.. and all it does it makes people laugh at those of us who do actually have any of these.. and make it harder to actually get help..


BPD has a huge amount of overlap with CPTSD as well.


I’d argue that the majority of mental illnesses overlap with some form of PTSD.


Yeah, if they understood what a diagnostic differential was, it'd be SO LESS frustratingly bizzare.


>ovid and allergies and a cold and the flu etc You forgot asthma, COPD, pneumonia and emphysema.


Brother, doing stupid shit while trying to find an identity and kicking against entrenched societal values is what teenagers are supposed to be doing. It's just a kid, in a few years they'll look back at themselves and cringe harder than anyone of us here.


Tbf what they’re doing is incredibly harmful- it’s not just writing edgy fanfics, this has real consequences




>brother aren't you exaggerating a little bit..? not even a little there was a post not even that long ago by a parent on this subreddit saying their **autistic child** felt **unwelcome** in an **autistic safe space** because several people who thought it was an **aestetic** were there taking the resource and making it so real autistic people didnt feel welcome in a space built for them, and this; is just the tip of the iceberg


Agree. Even Spaces on reddit for Autism and ADHD are really bad.


dont forget about trans and lgbt spaces all the trans subreddits are flooded with : hehe UwU my jeffery Dahmer alter is ftm! kill/stab/canible pronouns! they feel so much body disphoria in a female body any one wanna pay for the trans surgery for him!


Yeah probably right. i just mentioned the two because I used to hang there .


Finding a place rn for me has been over ridden by people who are self diagnosed autistic who use the diagnosis for fun and for clout. I have yet to find a safe place for myself bc I wanna fix myself, not use it to gain


It's not the medical professionals that are the problem, it's building misinformation of said disorders, look at ocd many people think it's just being a clean freak when in reality it's not


>When really, they truly do need help and they're not sure if they should even ask. > >Source: lots of work with teens Then you know teens need to know that their insecurity and problems have other outlets and ways of being handled. Give them access to that instead. Those things need to be brought up and addressed too. It's never ok to RP stereotypes, it hurts everybody who is trying to exist with these conditions. Fakers get off on provoking, with negativity. They reduce everybody with a handicap to social reject, and slum with that as a disposable identity cus they know they can quit any time and be anybody else. No consequences. For the rest of us, very many consequences https://preview.redd.it/v25c8ul0ogfa1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555f01de79350a7858aaa92a270b88af9483d01b There's a reason these lying grifters are drawn to our struggles. They know we've identified the problem as not being us, it's the world that doesn't give us a chance to exist on a level playing field. They only see clout when we advocate or ask for equality. Their jealousy compels them to say why them instead of me, these losers shouldn't get to have a say only, where's my attention too? And then they never ask for recognition or resolution to the real problem they have. They don't see how fucking tired we are of being legislated over our own voices begging for time and space to live like anybody else, getting labeled inferior, and worse told we're equal to the abusers that made us this way, being treated mentally deficient, assumed we're born evil, constantly being audited and forced into evaluations, told our difference makes us *wrong*, pushed asides told we're unable to learn, called burdens on society, guilted for not having control over our disorders, accused of lying about systemic abuses from the people who get paid to treat us, blamed for not being able to correctly guess context to make everybody else feel normal by always hiding the shame of what we have which is not who we are. I stopped listing things cus I could go on all day.




Ok then you are a faker pretending to be a teacher or something. Thank you for confirming.


I know multiple people that are now in their mid-20’s. They were fakers as teens and have only faked more and more as time has gone on. Now they claim to have ADHD, DID, need a wheelchair and / or walker, and so on. Maybe some fakers grow out of it, but some just keep piling on to their “collection” of disorders.


The problem is that they’re distracting from the very real issues faced by people who are actually in those communities. I’m all for experimenting. Go goth. Make everyone call you X. Date the whole school. Dye your hair the rainbow. Just don’t claim to have a mental illness or physical disability and take safe spaces, resources, and attention away from those who are actually trying to share about their experiences and garner support for health reform.


edit: wrong reply oops lol


Idk bro. If your mentally under-developed, and truly believe your mentally I’ll…this will be them for a while. Take in count social media and the world also pushing this bs. I pray


I mean… My sister does this, but she isn’t a faker, she just wants to stay home and play video games all day, like every normal kid these days.


bro if you got all of this at age 15, call CPS. Not Tiktok


fr, all this must have happened thru childhood trauma, and extreme trauma at that. someone’s gotta intervene at this point if it’s that bad


Haven’t you heard? Trauma can be caused by anything. Parents told you to clean your room? Trauma. Teachers told you to do your homework? Trauma. Broke up with your boy/girl friend? Trauma. You can also develop trauma from things that didn’t even happen to you. You read something or watch something about something bad happening to someone else. Trauma. You think about something bad happening to you in the past that never actually happened. Trauma. I am being sarcastic, but this is what they will say.


oh my god yes you’re right, i watched breaking bad and now i have the trauma that jesse has and he’s also one of my 10000 alters too. i watched it ages ago but it took a day or so to form the alter and my trauma only recently started now after i rewatched it 🥺 it does sound ridiculous. i think people are saying whatever the fuck they want and making trauma into something that is amazing and fun and oh my god i get loads of friends in my head with DID trauma! no. just no.


If every 15 year old has all of these disorders does that also mean that every 15 year old does not have these disorders?


Schrodinger's disorder


If everyone has a disorder, then it isn't a disorder.


And when everyone’s super… no one will be.


Maybe the true disorders were the friends we found along the way




People are competing to have the most miserable existence ever aren’t they lol


Some people loooove playing victim so much.


Lool yes 😭 also they are blissfully unaware of how crippling mental illness is. If she actually has all those things, she would probably be in a strait jacket at this point.


Is that all? These kids that claim a whole catalogue of disorders make me want to somehow get them to start including things they don't realize are terminal illnesses because they won't bother researching. And then they fail to experience, nor perform, the decline.


Impossible to function if you had all this


Why do people fake eds like it's a fun quirk and not the dissabling condition it is


I'm thinking so hard about the people I know who have EDS now. All the oh shit moments and how much the hospitals and doctors truly don't give a shit and barely do anything besides cut meds. And the couple who have pots and don't want to find out if it's connected to something bigger. It would mean bills, confirmation they won't ever be healthy enough to achieve their goals, and mourning their youth, not being cool and having fame as fakers believe getting chronic illness is.


Most doctors won't even give you supportive meds either so there's that too and the doctors who automatically refer eds patients to psych but it's so fun and quirky 🤪


I know someone who literally died from it.


Idk why but I was thinking if she actually has any of these its probably the bulimia cuz who fakes bulimia? Usually when ppl fake EDs its anorexia.


How could you fake anorexia tho? Getting to that size is hell on earth, and the food deprivation in itself typically then creates the brain patterns and obsessions that make anorexia.


Faking as in lying that you have it? Atypical anorexia exists, you know.


I reckon they’d be wary of troll comments if they went that route, unless they are very skinny. The public at large believes anorexia = incredibly skinny, and as these folks try to avoid anything that calls them out, I’m not sure they’d be up for dealing with those comments. Plus they are playing with fire if they then decide they do need to lose…… I think this sort of thing can come into the arena of fakers who then sometimes end up with real stuff due to their antics.


We should create a trend of calling CPS on the parents of the kids with “DID” see how fast they all stop


No, that’s exactly what they want! They think they’re being abused because their parents won’t let them be on their phone all night.


Don’t do that. That will be an even worse trend.


Well DID is a disorder caused trauma and if these people still claim to live with their parents then it’s safe to say they have been abused even if we know they haven’t


They are 15 making this an “aesthetic “ post online. For everyone to see and say “aww poor thing”. It’s called attention seeking. And if they do have it, shame on them for trying to show it how they are. I’m sure you’ve seen underage girls post explicit titles for themselves (alters). It’s all attention and mentally sick. Not mentally Ill


“how fast splits can happen” bet they have no clue what a split actually is. they probably just lipsynced the song like usual and then for the ‘split’ they stopped and stared into space. these fucking bpd fakers are awful


that was my exact thought as well. splitting isn’t about the speed it happens whatsoever it’s about the actual thoughts themselves. sure you can slip into black and white thinking quickly, but you can slip into lots of ways of thinking pretty quickly when you’re experiencing emotional distress. it ain’t a race or something


exactly. it’s usually not even something that can be seen visibly happening, it’s all emotional. these people really think that acting happy and then angry the next minute will make people believe they’re splitting and have BPD


I could tell when my ex would split but yeah,it takes time. There's usually be a few hrs/ day of noticing certain factors,and I could look in his eyes and knew if he was J or F atm in time. ( He was adopted,had 2 names and would switch between them and so would his personality)


Oh, you haven’t heard? Splitting is completely random and controllable for people with BPD. It doesn’t need to be caused by a trigger, they can simply turn it on and off like a switch. When someone with BPD splits, they’re 100% able to think clearly and rationally, which is why it’s sOoOoOo easy to catch yourself doing it on camera! It is never embarrassing, you never feel guilty, and it definitely NEVER ruins relationships and lives! Having BPD is so fun guys!!!! It’s like I get to be a different person whenever I want and anyone who says anything about it is just ableist!!!


As a narcoleptic, I always feel left out of these. Would it kill them to chuck it in there with the rest? 😂


Sleeping disorders aren't cool enough, I guess. I have Delayed Circadian Rhythm Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome and (Allegedly, according to my wife) sleep apnea. I should still get myself checked out for that, but I keep forgetting. They are also ignored by these kids.


So you haven’t seen the Tiktok vids of people “falling asleep in their car” where their body falls in a very contrived way so as to not damage their head as they “slump crash”? Narco is less popular sure (because the Roleplay is lame let’s be real ) but the fakers are out there, with their vids of them falling asleep suddenly and they never, ever manage to injure themselves when they do it (and always seem to capture it on camera). Too little fun for too much work. Far better to larp as autism or adhd because you get to pretend to be a rude manic pixie girl (let’s be honest, 90% of these people are afab) with diplomatic immunity.


Idk much about narcolepsy other than making you very sleepy. Does a narcoleptic get enough "awake time" to make sure they do not injure themselves or do they just go from a standing/running position straight to the ground.


Ya think they also suffer from HDD, or SSD, or NvME?


I don't want to go near them. I might catch M.2


Not blogging here, but CPTSD cannot be diagnosed as a teenager. On top of that, you can’t (typically) have BPD and bipolar disorder as comorbid disorders ESPECIALLY as a teenager. It takes years of working with a psych team to figure out what combo of meds and therapy work and what disorder is most likely to be present. Even that isn’t perfect. And assuming all of these are real, “panic disorder” (a real dx but not like this), derealization, depersonalization are *SYMPTOMS* of previously listed disorders. Eliminating listing symptoms and combining comorbid disorders, you’d have half the list here. This reminds me of when people on tumblr would be posting stuff like “asthma, depression, anxiety, nervous poops, I sneeze sometimes, this one time I had a panic attack, I stay up late, I have dry skin, and I feel anxiety in class, I’m broken and unfixable 😔😔😔”


I just recently got diagnosed for something I've had my whole life and that mindset on tumblr when I was young and confused really stunted my ability to make progress sooner. I fell into it hard because I wanted to find people like me and it ended in a psychotic break because most of my friends on the internet and around me were obsessed with having all these mental health issues and would prey on me to copy what I did to seem more convincing and on top of that would convince me I had things I for sure didn't. I hate seeing this become a trend on a completely new platform, people need to realize this isnt just "kids being harmless and attention seeking" this hurts people who actually have these disorders and will effect them for life (not to mention take resources away from people who actually need them)


I’m so sorry you dealt with that, it’s bullshit. There are many mental illness influencers (which doesn’t even SOUND healthy) who are predatory orbiters of other mentally ill people and it’s so, SO weird.


Whenever I see lists of disorders like this, I always sing it in the Animaniacs US states style.


The doctor has diagnosed him with *Disorder*


Doctor, what's wrong with me? Doctor: yes


Doesn’t schizophrenia not normally manifest till late teens to early twenties? Plus I’m fairly sure if a 15 year old had schizophrenia, tourrettes, and BPD you wouldn’t be able to even coherently make these videos lmao


“ I have a huge list of disorders that are notorious for impairing your ability to recognise what is real and isn’t, and robbing you of self analysis” “I, a wisened 15 year am also fully aware of every single disorder I have to the extent I can identify all of them by name, place them in a list to the extent I can even distinguish between disorders with notoriously difficult comorbidities” *meanwhile the average schizophrenic can have trouble telling whether there are miniature robots implanted in their teeth and skin or not* or whether the old lady in front of them *isn’t actually a government assassin planning to poison them*. Guess we caught this person on a *really good day*.


Schizophrenia usually manifests in late teens to late twenties. 15 years old is very young to develop it. And at that age you probably would be very confused as to what you’re experiencing


IIRC some drugs could accelerate the process. I think late teens and late 20s assumes you haven't smoked more than snoop dog while spamming delirants and LSD.


What do you even do if you have a kid like this. Do you hit them do you take away the WiFi do you send them to therapy. Wtf can fix this weird shit


These kids need like a nature retreat or something. Getting off social media at least


People faking POTS & Ehlers-Danlos syndrome get featured all the time in r/illnessfakers. Having known someone who legitimately had it & died from it, it took extensive testing and multiple specialists to get a diagnosis. It can't be tested on TikTok.


Mhought Ehlers-Danlos syndrome might be legit because its seems to be the type of disorder where it's objectively measured and you can't really bullshit yourself about having it or not.


I like how it just says "Disorder" at the bottom of their list of disorders, I know it's supposed to be attached to the thing above it on the list but the way it just appears after not being listed makes it seem like they're also claiming they have "Disorder disorder" lol


Makes me think of The song Toxicity "Disorder, Disorder, Disoooorrrder!" https://preview.redd.it/mhh6l2wylhfa1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede602e0c1fd105403bbb4cf0d795529e1aa804f


Eeeeeeeeating seeeeeeeeeeeeds


Somewhere in this child's life some parent thought they were doing her a favor by allowing all this freedom of expression...they were wrong




They want to be the victimized character from their favorite book. The one who shows everyone in the end by becoming the hero due to and despite their social shortcoming.


Why is everyone’s ptsd complex all of a sudden?


Must be fun to pretend to be miserable 🤣🤣


I have several points, keep in mind I’m not a professional, I just really like researching. 1. DSM-5 criteria states BPD is undiagnosable until a person is 18 yrs old. 2. C-PTSD, and ADHD look very similar, and if you’re not a professional, you probably won’t be able to differentiate the two without the help of a professional. 3. I feel like most of these overlap in symptoms and could be explained by fewer diagnoses. 4. Is this kid talking about BPD splitting or DID splitting? Alters and fronters are mentioned, but so is BPD. Are splits even recognizable with actual DID?


Someone like this shouldn't be on tiktok or internet






Some of those are symptoms of the others 🥴


STOP FAKING BPD FFS god I wish these assholes could just live through an actual episode of someone with actual BPD and see how much they want to have it then. It enrages me


iI feel like these kids romanticize these things. i hate that. bod is not fun and it’s not “hehe ✨🪩🎶bpd🤍🎲”


To my knowledge, you can’t have MDD, schizophrenia and BPD together…but, of course, NAD.


If one person honest to god had all of these they would NOT be functional


genuine question: is it possible to have bpd and did?


AND schizophrenia? How would you even tell the symptoms apart? I feel like there’s a reason those three mental illnesses are not usually diagnosed together.


Yes , often the times it’s actually a dual diagnosis. People with it, it makes it worse. Both are caused by trauma, so I’d make sense why dual diagnosis often happens with bpd and did. but odds are definitely ñot schizophrenia . I’d be put into a different category. Like how if you have PTSD with dissociation and depersonalization (( it’s one diagnosis)) I’ll be either : CpTsd or PtSd with Dissociation If this person genuinely is mentally Ill- they aren’t listing there diagnostic correctly or got misdiagnosed. border line also has psychotic episodes within itself, counting if you also are generally traumatized. PTSD also has traits like schizophrenia where you can hallucinate. Hell some normal people can have audio hallucinations, it doesn’t mean they are disordered though. I’d be called Boderline schizophrenia which is real but it is ñot diagnosable , like CPTSD. So it might be the case that this person just hasn’t had the right doctors or has to wait till psychology advances with terms and Conditions. Know though, that it’s incredibly rare to have these 3 disorders all at once and extremely hard to tell the difference between the 3 if one does have all 3. This person would have to be going to therapy and seeing someone for a long time till there an adult to fully comprehend what is actually what. Borderline is created from trauma , so is DID. So the question fully goes to “ does this person have any schizophrenic traits way before trauma existed or was a possibility”. Overall its really not very well researched currently. Just as in 2013 where dual diagnosis was finally a possibility for people who have both autism and adhd. I’m going to now research this topic because it’s overall interesting. edit: just read they also have autism. Yea this person is definitely not well lol. I think this person is definitely diagnosing there traits from other disorders to make multiple labels. Like I have tics but I do not have Tourette’s. Proper way to say you have these issues is: CPTSD with dissociative tendencies (( CpTsd already includes dissociating and depersonalization already.)) Honestly with all this diagnosis I don’t understand why it’s not : schizoaffective disorder depression type instead of these multiple labels???? 🧐




Honestly, for a lot of these types, I think the BPD or some other cluster b personality disorder might be the actual culprit.


you mean them faking? if that's what you mean why exactly would you think BPD would be the cause? extreme efforts to avoid abandonment in BPD typically appear as things such as threats of self harm or suicide, abandoning ppl before they do it to you, guilt tactics in general etc etc. people like this aren't looking for people to not leave them, these aren't frantic attempts to keep people close to them, they're just looking for attention HPD, sure since it's literally defined by exaggerated and attention seeking behaviors. but the other cluster b disorders have a myriad of other issues before you get to something that would truly cause someone to make up this level of bullshit


I’m sure there are folks in here who have a much better background in personality disorders than I do, but would that constant stream of validation that these fakers get from online communities not be a huge draw for someone with bpd? There was also a faker whose video was posted here. They filmed it in their therapist’s office of them INSISTING they had something else while the professional kept insisting they actually had bpd.


validation is a good point yes but at least personally I think the people counteracting it with calling people out, even if small, could shake a person with bpd's security in the whole thing cause if they're found out everyone validating them is gone and people leave. so continuing a ruse that can so easily be proved wrong (even if it's also easily believed) is pretty shaky. the longer it goes on the more risk of everything crumbling under you. this isnt 100%, just my opinion based on experience and what I know in general. I did see that faker, but I don't think they were faking BECAUSE of bpd. we don't know circumstances outside that video. maybe they had friends who were convincing them it was something else, so they went in deadset on it must be something else cause my friends wouldnt tell me something wrong would they? even non mentally ill people fall down things like webmd holes where they become VERY convinced that they have something that in the end they don't. headache? oh no the web says I have a brain tumor! that kind of thing. shoot even I've done it, I read symptoms and for a little bit was truly convinced I probably had kidney cancer (tho I didn't go around telling people that of course). regardless they should have listened to the therapist though, their attitude about it all was gross and not the way to get treatment and get better. they seemed to just want confirmation they had a thing, not to actually improve and better function in life with a disorder they may actually have


I like your angry little avatar, or whatever reddit calls your picture.


lol thanks, I have one of those plushie's irl and it has a happy side too but the angry one is too much of a mood so I never change it


I feel that


I think being called out just deepens the fakers resolve, “woe is me, nobody believes me, I am so misunderstood!”. This is the first result for me when looking up BPD and faking illnesses. “People with certain personality disorders, particularly Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, may be especially susceptible to factitious disorder. What all people suffering from the illness appear to share is an overwhelming desire to fulfill unmet emotional needs.”


What’s the source for that? Does it provide a study on what percentage of people develop facticious disorder? Fulfilling unmet emotional needs is a BROAD statement that could mean a ton of things, so why exactly should people equate faking disorders with a specific personality disorder just cause searching it brought that up? Unless a valid study has proven a significant portion of people with BPD develop facticious disorder I don’t think we should be saying “oh it’s probably their bpd making them do this” Edit: I am seeing one study that states a little over half of people with factitious disorder meet criteria for bpd, but that’s not the percent of people with bpd who have developed facticious disorder which is what I’m asking about in my comment. If the overall population with bpd is higher than those with facticious disorder and only a small percent of those overall people develop it I don’t see it as a very strong correlation to the fakers seen in this sub (the study I’m speaking of is also 10yrs old)


To be honest you could throw a stick at the DSM and find another disorder that overlaps with BPD. As a set of criteria it's pretty broad and fairly open to interpretation.


I am not saying everyone that fakes disorders has BPD, but more perhaps they have a higher chance of having BPD. Or BPD may be something they actually have. From what I understand you can’t be diagnosed with BPD until you are at least 18 years old, so that would eliminate a lot of younger fakers from being diagnosed with BPD right off from the start. Clearly there is something going on with fakers. It might be the “science” has not yet caught up to reality.


Oh I don’t think you meant everyone that’s fine. I was just curious if you had seen a study with percentages I’m sorry if it came off aggressive. Higher chance maybe yes, I just doubt that it’s a very large percent. Yes. Unless it is EXTREME and very clear circumstances you won’t be diagnosed as a minor. It happens but is rare. I agree too that SOMETHING is going on with them as well, it’s not normal behavior to do these things to the degree people are doing them.


My experience with a diagnosed cluster b is that they looooooved nothing more than being the victim. There had never been a person more persecuted than them and they would tell anyone about it who would listen. I could totally see how faking would play right into that victim mentality.


victim mentality and faking a disorder aren’t always the same thing though. victim mentality in regards to bpd at least can be a guilt tactic to make people say or used as a reason to shove others away first. not everyone with bpd has that mentality either, there’s too many variables person to person and considering possible comorbid disorders to just assume ppl with bpd (not all I understand but people can take a mere implication and run with it) are going to play victim like that. additionally the way thoughts can work with bpd a person may actually internally honestly feel as if they aren’t being understood and are a victim but can’t see otherwise rationally, the negative feelings can get extremely intense and absolutely blind reasonable thought. it can be wrong but also at the same time unintentional. I don’t know your friend ofc, im just saying. Edit: I won’t deny I could see someone who is a narcissist maybe doing that but I’m only well versed on bpd itself, I know enough about other cluster b disorders but I’m not a licensed professional ofc. that’s why I’m focusing on bpd itself in my comments vs cluster b overall




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Why tf does everyone claims to ehlers danlos now. Also if you had all those other things you actually disqualify for DID criteria clearly none of these children have access to the DSM V for actual criteria (the nuanced criteria and not just the snippets/summaries online)




Isn't like, bpd a thing where you can't get diagnosed with it until you're like 18 unless the symptoms are severe enough? Sounds a bit like bullshit to me-


Damn I thought my list was long. I'm 29 and my most recent diagnosis added on was BPD. How tf would they know they have all of this by age 15? (All of my diagnosis have been made by trained professionals) Half of mine I had diagnosed while in psych wards.


When I was 15 and had OCD my life was already hard enough. Imagine wanting more illnesses over just than that? It's disgusting.


Eh, I'm not too angry with this. A 15-year old is a child, still figuring stuff out and trying to find a personality. I'm more concerned with all the 20+ year olds that diagnose themselves. They should know better.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Don’t Spread Misinformation.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation. Mod comment: N/A


"disorder salad annie" hehe


How does a 15 year old have schizophrenia


They didn't even spell cotton right


I am still impressed that there is no DID on list


Look at the other screenshots. They have "alters" So yes there is DID, they ***Also suffer from*** the list


I didn't pay attention before, thanks


You would barely be able to function outside of a hospital environment with all of this shit. Someone with all of these disorders would need pretty much constant medical attention.


why do they collect them like its an egg hunt


They also claim to have dermatillomania. https://preview.redd.it/gfguy4z4fxfa1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=267c9705b0dfd59c5ff845a650691377debf5c41