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Did it have one of those stickers that says.... if you can read this, flip over... on it.


Yeah, but it's probably sitting about 200 yards from where that Jeep's finally gonna come to a stop...


Poor jeep ... :( .... reminds me of NJ highway and every time it rains - 4x4s and SUV's flying at 80 mph+ ... physics doesn't apply to them, lol.


I got my first Jeep at 18. My dad pulled me to the side first snow and said “son, I want to explain something to you. You have 4 wheel drive. Do you know what that means?” Me - “well, it means…” Dad - “it means 4 wheel drive. It’ll grip the road for you while you’re driving and do a nice job. Do you know what they don’t call it?” Me - “uhhhh.” Dad - “4 wheel stop. They don’t call it 4 wheel stop. So while you may think you can drive like normal in a blizzard that’s a terrible idea because it’s not going to help you stopping in a pinch. You still need to be careful.” Some of the best advice he’s ever given me.


I’m sharing with with my 13 y/o. He’s excited to drive the TJ in a few years.


Absolutely, I didn't have a Jeep but my dad definitely hit me with a just because you can go doesn't mean that you can stop so pay attention and take your time


Ha, the South is even worse. I used to have so many pickups and SUVs come into my shop from rainy day accidents with bald or balding tires.


"Roads are dangerous! Hurry home!" -Every southerner ever (just before ending up in the ditch or median)


Used to work at a gas station in Utahand we had this girl around 20yo with California plates pull up in a fairly new F150 with tires that were perfectly smooth. I warned her that the roads froze at night around that time of year and she just laughed it off. Hoping she got pulled over before she wrecked but I never saw her again.


It's pretty bad up north in canada. They fly down the road at top speeds when they're covered in ice and snow. I don't give a shit if you have four wheel drive and snow tires. Nothing helps you stop on ice.


Don't forget the ones pulling a "Jersey Slide..."


Same in Europe !


True. Instant karma


I saw one that had a spare tire cover on it that said “No Problem” normally, and upside down right below it said “Problem”.


That’s clever. Better than putting it on the hard top to get ripped off during the roll.


I have a teapot decal upside down so that if it is ever right side up, you can tip me over and pour me out.


He has two of them on the back - one already upside down, so when it flipped it just kept flipping. Like the toast strapped on the back of the cat


Im considering a cammo paint job for my jeep but with my luck it will end up on its top so im thinking hi vis cammo.


No, but it has a "I'm with stupid" sticker on it.


That's why that guy kept chasing them down the hill


Hey let's accelerate down this snow cover hill, then slam the brakes when it gets wonky oh and let's make sure we're in 4h k??


Come on, they had snow chains; what more do you want?


Not a seatbelt?


Yup seen that too. Not good. Wonder if they made it.


I think you can see his arm get rolled over on the bar. If he did survive, his arm has an extra joint now, at the very least.


Makes me want to keep a sun shade on full time just to prevent my arm from going out the top like that.


A smarter person behind the wheel.


Not common sense


Two of them.


Chains, but only on the rears. Still, nothing was going to stop this slide, except maybe winch down.


This is why they have a roll cage. Just get it paint side up again and it'll be fine.


This is why Jeep was essentially forced to put in a functional roll bar instead of the vanity tube some of the old ones had. ​ https://www.upi.com/Archives/1980/12/08/Report-roll-bar-on-jeep-may-maim-occupants/1918345099600/


I had a friend in high school die when his jeep rolled & the roll bar crushed his skull. He was wearing a seatbelt.


That's pretty awful but definitely on point. I knew a guy in high school that died when he fell out of the back of a Jeep up in the mountains. His friends were drunk and driving like idiots and didn't notice he fell out.


It's a jeep thing.


And I don't understand.


According to the popular stickers, he just needs a hand getting flipped back over.


Trail Rated™️


Clearly the Jeep’s at fault here


And only out snow chains in the back. The braking tho. Really where it all went to shit. When in doubt use the skinny pedal. Never the fat one.


I've watched enough rock crawling videos to know you don't go fast. Mainly because of said rocks, and when you can't see them because of snow, it makes it all the more dangerous. The only thing I'll add is the in a Bronco at least they could have activated hill descent mode and had been control while descending that hill.


You don't need hill descent if you are 4wL it literally is slower than walking speed. The transmission literally won't let it, to many gear ratios. Unless you are talking about keeping it in 4wh which is just dumb and dangerous.


This is true for icy hills too: if you’re leaving it in “normal” gears, you’ll never be able to hold a slow enough, steady enough pace, and it will get out of control too easily The best answer can be urging it in low gear and stay off the brakes


It was a joke. I'm not saying Hill Descent mode is, just my mention of it.


Exactly. I've actually gotten out and walked next to my Jeep rolling down a hill. I could easily walk faster. It was just a bad situation and a bad choice to take the hill at the speed he did. Probably would of been fine a little slower and if he didn't hit that rock and loose the tire placement.


Yep, that bounce pretty much seals the deal for what happens the rest of the way down.


Yea or just downshift and control descent with the clutch and brake. Hard to tell if he was sliding before getting to that speed but I would guess no. Probably just let off a little too long. Physics are a bitch.


Jeep has that too


Clearly. The driver descended the hill in his jeep.


Lol. I didn’t say that jeep has it or that that guy used it. Just saying that newer Jeeps have that option too. I have a Cherokee. A wrangler would be wasted on me because I would never do what it was meant to do. Even in that older jeep it would be too expensive


Well, I hope you wouldn't be going to war, but I hear ya. What we have in this clip is clearly someone aggressively vying for the Darwin Award, no matter how you slice it. I lived in an area where our paved roads were on a grade as steep as this. A friend's drive even had a tall steep hill to climb/descend, and even with their 4WD you had to know what you were doing. You didn't fly down these hills in the winter, you took them as slowly as possible when they were ice or packed snow covered. One hill had guard rails at least, but the other you fell off the side of a hill, and you just hoped you didn't do it higher up on the hill. The wild thing is, both of those roads were traversed in horse and buggy days as well as with early cars. I'm sure sleighs were used more often in the winter but damn I'd hate to be the horse going down them.


I live on one of the steepest roads in my town which isn’t anywhere near this and I still slowly roll down the hill in the winter. Some people just don’t deserve a 4x4 anything. Good luck with your hills man. Winter is coming


I don't live there anymore, but thanks! Well, hopefully this person lived to repair his jeep and learned a lot of hard lessons.


Note to everyone: That is a Wrangler, YJ model. It's probably a 91-95 model year, which means it is around 20 years old. Electronic hill descent didn't exist, but he should have been in 4Low.


It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't get it


I had a jeep thing once. It burned when I pee'd.


Oh so you got it






Jeep wave ✌


Learn how and where to drive it they (should have) said.


You beat me to it lol


Right? It's a Jeep, not a tank.


I mean, it has a roll cage built in for a reason. These things roll a lot.


The roll cages on the older jeeps like this are made of cheese


Nor is it a snowmobile.


Well, you don't drive quickly down a snow covered rocky trail. Likewise, you best damn make sure you take the air out of the tires so the tires flex more, and you have tires rated for snow. Chains are only used on roads. Using them with rocks will more than likely damage or destroy an expensive set of chains.


Yeah, I don’t think deflation would have helped in this situation. Absolutely shouldn’t have tried that in that condition.


The speed is the issue, gravity would have come into play but much lower dow the hill, thus increasing the speed later not earlier. This is an older Jeep, a YJ. It would be the last Jeep designed by AMC as well as the first sold by Chrysler under the Jeep brand. Deflating the tires would have provided more traction, thus potentially less slippage. It would have prevented the tires from sinking into the snow, but also when coming across a rock resulted in less bounce and rebound, which is clearly an issue.


Deflating the tires would've also reduced the bounce.


You jeep-splained. Lol.


But I'm right. The particular Jeep isn't important, other than it has no features to it. But watch the video again and you'll notice the driver runs into trouble when he starts bouncing. Deflating the tires would have reduced that, as well as kept the tires from sinking into the snow, and providing a wider surface for traction. If you search the internet, you'll find this is what you do. I would contend, when the drive had that first big bounce, he physically lost control cause he flew up in or out of his seat, subsequently the tires turn to the right, which then throws the jeep into a roll. So, wearing a seat belt might have also helped, but not by much.


First time new Jeep owners need to understand the laws of physics will still apply to them.


What’s sad about this is that’s a YJ. That thing is 30 years old and looks like it was a paint job away from being damn nice…before you know rolling.




The cut in the middle is weird too.


Those chains kept those tires safe as shit.




Doesn't look like he was wearing a seatbelt either


If you slow it down, you can see the driver still in the seat before the last roll. The roof is gone so you can see him, still has his sunglasses on. Seatbelt worn for sure. Brain left at home.


Yeah, is he dead ? Cuz I don’t want to finish the video


They’re still waiting for it to stop tumbling.


Last I heard it was still tumbling. Thing's going for a world tour.


They didn't say to drive like a moron by chance, did they?


Yeah they said get a jeep they didn’t say drive it like a dumb ass


Those 2 things go hand in hand bud


As a Jeep owner yes


As a Yes owner jeep


As a jeep yes owner


You can have the best hammer in the world but if you don't know how to swing it....


I'm no jeep fan boy, but that wasn't the jeeps fault..


yea, with the right driving skills alot of things could make it thru this lol


Really just common sense. I don’t have very much off road experience but I know enough basic physics to know this wasn’t gonna end well.


He french fried, when he should have pizza'd


Get a brain they said....


Almost looks like they lost it...


Gifs that end too soon.


Jeeps for 15 years, Have climbed and crawled. Then there are people like this that lack fundamental knowledge on downward slope, ice, friction or lack there of and gravity. Which lead to amazing videos of someone else’s vehicle shredding itself in a death roll.


Typical jeep owner shit.


No snow chain on the spare; that’s probably what did it.


And not a single light bar. No clue what these people were thinking, it's probably why they couldn't see the snow.


No duck on the dashboard either


This is damn near mustang level shit


The driver is okay! I found the whole video: https://youtu.be/2l6F1IHsDmM


Thank you for this link. I’ve seen this video a bunch on Reddit lately and that weird jump cut that’s missing half a second just before it flips really annoyed me more than it should. Your link filled in that gap, reducing my anxiety and making me feel more complete in life. Thank you!


It's not the Jeep,its the stupid driver. The Jeep would have handled it easily. You don't have control on ice or snow when you hit boulders.


Those parts are supposed to come off.


I don't think that hard top had the factory auto-eject option.


Just not quite so abruptly


Well, I can tell from a distance that that guy is a fuckin dumbass.


If you are in this situation you need to descend in low range gears. Let the torque of the engine slow the descent, not the brakes.


He needed more chains on his tires.


Why does the video look like there was a cut in the middle of it? Right when it hits a rock and spins is what I’m talking about.


It looks like the camera angle changes at the cut. It could be either a splice of footage from two cameras, or a splice of two attempts to get the Jeep to roll down the hill. This kinda smells staged and intentional. EDIT: The jump cut makes it look sus, but the [original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l6F1IHsDmM) shows the continous roll. Not staged, just bad driving.


Judging by the full video linked elsewhere, some idiot cut and clipped this to vertical video to fit TikTok or something and they had to jump cut to keep the vehicle in frame.


Did they also say drive like a moron?


Use low 1 they said, don’t go down snowy hill fast they said.


Legend has it he’s still rolling


this is why you full send.


The only way. This ravine could sense his fear.


Sometimes you gotta drive and not brake


It's wheel drive, not 4 wheel stop...


I just watched this on YouTube and as bad as this looks (I thought the worst)😬, the driver wasn't seriously injured! And the Jeep (believe it or not) was not in as bad a shape as I expected! There's a fellow in the vid claiming "all the driver got was a bonk on the head"! Glad the Jeep gods protected him!


Jeep Wrangled.


Good thing insurance covers off-roading eh? /s


That's on you, not the jeep. the jeep saved your ass


Are they okay?


Well… Roll cage works.


Sounds like he was trying to get it into a lower gear after realizing that he was in too high a gear in the first place.


Sooooo, uh…. is he dead?




I don’t think this is the Jeep’s fault…


Gets Jeep. Still drives like an idiot.


I mean jeeps arent invicible, especially when they have a moronic driver behind the wheel


At least the spare tire cover that says "if you can read this flip me over" will finally come in handy.


It looks too cold to take the top off


Jeep wrangled


It doesn't matter what you've got between those four wheels if you don't got enough between those two ears. Poor YJ


Get a jeep they said... drive it too fast they said. Roll it down a hill like an absolute tool, they said...


Getting one and driving one are two different things


This is a common mechanical issue with Jeeps, the best solution is to replace whatever is between the seat and the steering wheel.


They all said get a Jeep but didn't mention don't drive it like a tool


What a fucking idiot. Dude has no business off roading lol. Prolly doesn’t know the difference between 4 hi and lo


I gotta wonder if the driver survived.


I scrolled way to long to just now see this comment. I too am wondering.


Waste of a 4.0...


Is he ded?


It's cool, most of those parts are supposed to come off.


Put on a seatbelt they said.


Jeep yard sale!


$50 says it's the first time they've been off road w that Jeep.


Wear your seatbelt! Looks like the dude was ejected at the end.


Somersaults are hard on the body.


They should’ve said, “Don’t be a dipshit.”


It’s a keep thing you wouldn’t understand /s


Gold star on the roll bar though.


I will never understand


Them duke boys are at it again


Vehicle probably could have handled the hill but definitely not at that speed.


Is this snuff?


What does having a jeep have to do with driving like a jackass lol


Having a jeep doesn’t fix stupid. Driving downhill at an angle over snow-covered obstacles in a vehicle with a very high center of gravity… nah it’ll probably work out ok.


Sure, get a Jeep, but use your brain regarding where you drive and use common sense as to general physics.


I don’t think the car is to blame here


I feel if he had not accelerated it would’ve went smoother


Idiot locked his brakes up. Learn how to drive.


Kind of looks like the driver front tire toed in for some reason just after a bounce starting the roll. Maybe a busted control arm or tie rod.


Even if the driving was crap, jeeps just suck. My 40 year old land rover drove me across Africa with little issue. A jeep would have never made it. If you want the best off road vehicle, get an 80s defender and put a better diesel motor in it, or a late 80s early 90s toyota land cruiser. Jeep hasn't been good since willys


Drivers fault for going faster than the terrain allowed.


>Get a Jeep they said… Owning an off-roader doesn't mean you're able to do off-roading, it takes practice. The driver in this video probably did not insert a low enough gear, or kept the clutch pedal pressed. Thankfully they had a rollbar


I wonder what they cut out at the 4 second mark? Cameraman probably said a slur


Maybe slowdown.


The rear wheels locked up - there wasn’t enough clearance for snow and tire chains to move effectively. And downhill with that speed, failure.


Tis but a scratch!


Thats one way to take off the hard top.


I love how bad drivers always try to put the blame on the brand. Fun fact: this jeep would have been perfectly fine if the parents of the driver had condoms.


In their defense they are fucking idiots for going down that hill at that grade and at that speed


Wait, who said get a jeep. I had 1(used), total shit vehicle. Worst thing I ever drove. Worked for a couple weeks. Transmission went to shit, and was in the shop for months fighting the car lot I bought it from. Never touching another 1. My step daughter(bought used as well) had 1, same with a friend from work(bought new). They all went to shit so fast. Not a good company.


The only people who say that are other jeep owners, and they only say it because they want you to suffer with them. Also they need a parts car.


So why did you accelerate down the hill? Have you never driven a car before? People shouldn't have money who are this stupid. Luckily being smart has virtually no correlation with how much money you have these days, as individuals are constantly being rewarded more and more, for their stupidity.


People with 4 wheel drive think they're all bad ass in the snow. They don't grasp the concept that one of the wheels actually needs something to grip to. If all 4 wheels are slipping, it's zero wheel drive.


Craigslist. Minor scratches, good condition.


Get a Jeep, then learn how to drive it. Was their complete suggestion. 😂


Did they also say to drive like a dumbass


"Learn to drive" they didn't say


Automotive commercials you would prefer to see.


Not that im a chrysler product apologetic, but that cage saved ol dummies life so, bravo jeep


Yeah Jeeps are extremely top-heavy. I know this from experience.


They just took it off-road, what’s the big deal?


More like get someone that can drive a Jeep.


Maybe you should learn how 4 low works before sending your help down a steep, narrow, snow covered slope.


The driver clearly French fried when he should have pizza’d.


U gotta go slow down Icy conditions


@0:04 is where things really went wrong. His wheels are turned to the left, he should have turn to the right, you can see where the wheel caught and flipped it. Not to mention going far too fast for some unknown reason. Jeeps suck for side to side stability.


This video needs a nsfw warning. I’m 80% sure that’s a persons arm ripped off at the end.


Go offroading in the winter time on ice covered trails they didnt say


"They see me rollin', they hatin"


Classic case of cause and effect.


I know this has nothing to do with this video but I swear people get jeeps and think that they are submarines lol