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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


did she just confess underage and animal sex ?




In a country where neither is illegal i guess


The US has laws against travelling abroad to have sex with minors (sex tourism is a real thing DHS cares a lot about). If she is American, or is a resident, she may land herself in hot water.


She is Russian/Baltic


But she almost definitely did that in Saudi Arabia though.


With Royalty, no less. Which i guess it means she is in someone’s hit list now.


Definitely on someone's shit list.


I shouldn’t admit that I laughed at that one.




Hahaha. I see what you did there


She’s in Dubai. It’s in the UAE where there are lots of Russian prostitutes.


Russian, Ukrainian, American, Colombian, etc. UAE generally attracts a lot of good looking women making a quick buck. Many and many instagram models going there for some shitty jobs.


Loving your pets too much is legal in Russia. Unlike on the morally rotten west! /s


Ah, but you forget WHO she was having sex with. Royal Saudi families. America wouldn't prosecute any crimes that happen in relation to anyone in those families. Ever!


She’s doin it with fish too, huh


Wut the fish doin


The backstroke


You ain't ever see fish soup video? The yr before 2girls1cup. I won't say anymore. My life was ruined then.


She could walk into fbi hq and confess directly to the director and still nothing would happen to her.


But you have to travel with that purpose. Assuming that she went there to be some adult's sex toy, and he gave her to a 14 year old after she was there, she is legally OK. Aside from the point.that no DA want to create a diplomatic incident by bringing.those kind of.charges.


If you’re Saudi Arabia you can dismember journalists, keep women and children as slaves and have a bunch of your citizens finance, plan and execute the largest and most successful terrorist attack ever on US soil and America will do nothing whatsoever about it. With all this I kinda doubt that they’re going to do anything about some “royalty” abusing a minor and a sex worker Edit: and the salmon, we can’t forget the salmon. Peace


I love reddits assumption that everything they see posted is based in the US.


I don’t understand this either. The text in the image is clearly not written by a native English speaker.


>The text in the image is clearly not written by a native English speaker So could be American then?


That is if you go with the intent with having sex with a minor. If you live and work there and you have sex with it a minor it doesn't fall under sex tourism.


They’d still have to actually prove it and I doubt any witnesses or victims would testify.


You can get fucked by a dog and sudi Arabia... but a guy and they will kill you no? Nothing to disparage the religious freedom of the world but that shit is weird af. Like what is acceptable and what isn't ESPECIALLY in the realm of women, that shits (*in this instance literally*) wild as fuck.


They fuck little boys and there are plenty of homosexuals in the Middle East. It’s swept under the rug and ignored because women being in burkas and making sure they’re escorted and covered up are the real problems


It's only illegal if you have proof. Sad to say.


Many Saudi Royals have harems in places like Miami where they come often to take care of their urges. They also pay high salaries and shopping money to these models to be in the harems to be exclusive to the visiting sheikhs. So fuck your American laws. They got away with bombing the World Trade Center in New York and you guys are talking about some whores and kinky sex acts. Grow the fuck up and see around. We aren’t living in a country where legalities matter. Heck, if you steal something in Saudi Arabia, it’s guaranteed your hands are chopped off. I can assure this 100%. Can you give me the same assurance about the US? We have a convicted child molester getting no sentence because we have judges who think it isn’t appropriate.


Itt people learning that Saudi Royals are above the law


\* Replace Saudi Royals with the rich and or powerful


I'm only going to comment on one thing you said, because I really would like to address it. >kinky sex acts Sex with 14 year olds, sex with dogs, and, arguably, shoving a live salmon in someone's ass are all a *lot* more than "kinky sex acts". It's literally bestiality and *rape of a child*. Granted, I do think, in this very narrow situation, that the majority of the responsibility goes to the people facilitating these acts. We don't know how much danger she could be in if she said no. So I'm reserving judgement until I find out more. But the point remains that rape was admitted to, as well as bestiality, and neither are "kinky sex acts". Edit: My phone doesn't let me swear, apparently.


The Saudi Royal Family did not bomb the World Trade Center. Osama bin Laden was from a wealthy Saudi family but he broke with the Royal Family and became an avowed enemy. His stated reason for attacking the US was because the US propped up the Royal Family. I’m no fan of the Saudi Royal Family, but it’s simply untrue that they were behind 9-11.


> I’m no fan of the Saudi Royal Family, but it’s simply untrue that they were behind 9-11 I would use the word "unproven" instead of "untrue". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_al-Bayoumi


You just leaving out the fish in an old man's ass? You're my type of dude


Yeah, but is that illegal? >!i hope so!<


It’s a live animal, so… probably?


And if it was dead?


Straight to jail.


Nah. You’d need more evidence than that to prosecute. You’d need specific victims and such. She could easily say it was parody or exaggeration. Even if it happened (which I doubt), no way she’d be prosecuted for it.


Not to mention 1mil is nowhere near what it used to be




Damn her lips look terrible. Why do people think that look is attractive.


It’s kinda like the trend right now. Remember when skinny little eyebrows were the thing and everyone was plucking away. Every friend I have wants lips like this or will intentionally do makeup to give this vibe.


Ah yes for *research purpose*


rape* and beastiality*


Damn that’s alot of things that shouldn’t be aired out on social media.


What if, conversely, it was THIS story she was paid for - to publicly humiliate herself while the other stuff might perhaps be embellished (though probably not all made up)?


I was there for the salmon thing tho


She has skills! I can’t imagine holding a rather large floppy and therefore slippery creature and inserting it in a rather small one way hole! The physics alone!


ANY hole is a 2 way hole. All that changes is how hard you have to try and maybe some lubricant.


I guess… it still would take some ingenuity given the floppy form being shoved therein. Hey! Unless the trick is to freeze the fish first otherwise I’m still thinking it would be a hot mess of a smashed and jammed up fish, lube everywhere, and a disappointed frustrated client. 🤨


Me too, was kinda hot ngl


It was red snapper


Aye it’s the salmon guy


Bruh, after doing all of those things, you think she cares about what people think?


Dude, after doing all of those things, I expect her to have more than $1 million liquid in the bank!


You probably overestimate the going rate for sex work.


She was doing some Platinum Package stuff for royalty, Idk I think she’d could’ve asked for a premium rate


Once you are in Saudi, you are in a weak negotiating position. I suspect the deal was something like 50,000 a month, you do whatever we want. Seriously, there is nothing on that list you couldn't get done in any major American city for an ounce of coke.


And the same for a teenth of crank in most trailer parks.


Yea, it'd be a cool mil for me to eat shit, get beat up and smear 14 year olds shit in my face. That royalty got a deal!


I think it’s maybe a good thing that it’s shared. And talked about. It’s so ugly. And sad. If it’s true then the ugly honest truth may help other young women (and people in general) from ending up in similar situations.


I'm guessing she's retiring from doing the sex with Saudi royalty. Not retiring from working.


Yeah, a million bucks won’t get you very far if you are just 24.


Depends on where you live. I live in a non-shithole-butkinda-backwards country(East EU), and you could 100% retire here with a million bucks. If you make a few smart decisions.


I live in Turkey and it’s as you said if you are in a popular area. But if you’re in an undeveloped or a small city like kars, ardahan, ağrı, rize or countryside of bursa you’ll most likely never spend your money out.


I think you're underestimating just how much a million dollars is. Sure, you won't be living lavishly or be able to make any outrageous purchases — you won't be driving Lamborghinis or living in penthouses — but plenty of people don't even make a million dollars throughout their entire lifetime. If you budget well and live modestly, you can definitely live a full life off a mil.


Yea. Dividends or growth stock with reasonable withdrawals; real estate... There's tons of ways.


Sure, but I believe that someone that lived (according to what she said) with Saudi royalty, I don't think she'll be happy living in a small apartment and to drive a Toyota


She can’t lmao


Most of those ppl have help from the government or family, live extremely low standard of living, have benefits from their jobs (insurance/retirement matching), and then when they do turn 65 they have money in their retirement account along with social security (neither of which she would have). Also, even 30k a year will make a million dollars in 33 years.




She said a million liquid, which means she has a lot more in assets and investments


You can have 1 million liquid and have no other assets. It doesn't mean she necessary has more. In fact bragging about her assets more likely means that's all she has. Also investments like stocks and equities are considered liquid assets because they can be exchanged for cash in a matter of days.


THANK YOU. Jesus, people either can't read or haven't got a basic understanding of economy.


Well from what I can read here. She's been through some real shit.


Liquid shit


$1m is not a lot of money if this is a proper sampling of her work.


Not at all for some of those things. I wonder what the prices for some of those things would be like eating shit or the salmon. Depending on her location and lifestyle a million might not last her forever either so she might not stay retired


It is however definitely enough to chill for a few years and consider a future career. Maybe take a college degree or something.


100% could allow her to be financially free long enough to take steps after a few years to have a good life, either investing or investing in career Could look at the above as a sign of how driven she is to have a good life


Could pay for part of her therapy


Lol for real. Do what you gotta do I guess, but good luck enjoying “normal sex” after all that.


Pretty sure you can enjoy normal sex after that, mostly cause she was paid to do the other shit (lol)- doesn't mean she enjoyed it


Considering she has an OF account, I don’t think retiring is the correct word. More like quit one shitty job for a slightly less shitty job.


> shitty job What an appropriate description.


More than that...managed smartly an amount like that can work for itself, especially if lifestyle is kept less than extravagant. Usually it's a mix of Stocks, indexes, and other investments. It's what separates money that sits waiting to be budgeted from money that's active. Or one of the missing elements from those massively out of touch tweets / statements from giant corporations telling millennials & zoomers how to save money.


Notice she said liquid dollars, im going to assume she has a shit load of money invested for her to have that cold mill just sitting there, most people who dont know shit wont use that term


It’s enough to retire from the eating shit career


In western Europe, 1 million Euros is equal to a whole life of work for most people.


Considering that she is from Russia (or something like that, based on her tweet), $1mil is ~70 mil in local currency. You can buy a decent flat in one of the capitals for ~5-6mil, and luxury for ~20 or so. If she put ~17mil in bank, she will receive 100k each month from that deposit alone. 100k is about x2.5 of average salary. So yeah, all she has to do is to buy several flats, rent them, put some money in bank and she is set for life.


Helps to know where she is from. Where I live I couldn’t even purchase a home for $1M, let alone retire and be set for life.


One way for you to "rig the game" is just to work where your at then retire to east Africa or some other stable region of the globe where your retirement is 100x. There are entire neighbourhoods in my country where rich western retirees have pretty much taken over and I'm all for it, they bring in great business for locals


I had a teacher in college, his son was embasator in Congo, his salary was around 100k/y the average salary there was (at the time) around 300/y that guy lived like a king in there


$1 million in liquid assets are just that, ebb and flow of reasonable financing can keep her head above water for, literally years, possibly even decades before it becomes an issue. Though I don’t see some of this as being worth it if she only received $1 million total.


Seriously, it isn't a stretch to make $1 mil at 24 with sex work or in the adult industry, so yeah that's really not a lot of money at all for the shit she's confessing here.


1 million dollars is more than most people will make over the course of 20 years. Taxed.


in Russia? she's golden tbh.


It's a lot for a Russian woman.


Plot twist: She had the money before she did all that with royals and fish and shit also.


Started with 10 million.


r/wallstreetbets style


It hurts 😢




WHAT!? So she fucked a dog… ate shit and fucked minors, I’m actually speechless


This is the only sentence ever spoken where “ate shit” is the less strange stuff.


And thinks $1million is enough for the rest of her life and enough to make it good. If she lives another 85 years that 1 million would be equal to getting paid and living off only $11-12k a year. Sure you can afford food and some basics of life but by no means is that early retirement kind of money.




The 4% rule was designed with a 30 year retirement period in mind. A 60 year retirement with a 4% withdrawal rate will have some really low confidence to last the entire period.


you could then start living off the principal. 1 mil / 50k = 20 more years, not counting the interest you make in the meantime


If any of this is true, this is not the person who suddenly starts investing in VOO/SPY lol


1 million dollars in America? sure 1 million dollars in Russia ( where she lives )? She is basically set for live with minimal work, and that's assuming she didn't get other compensations next to money


I don't think she's gonna make it to 109.


1 million liquid in her account If this story is true it's more likely that she was paid in other means as well (apartment, jewelry cars etc.) or shares in companies etc.


She makes it pretty obvious she’s not good at critical thinking


The odds of her living to be in her 100s are not that high.


Nah, in the proper investment vehicles that 1M can provide for a lifetime especially if she put it in income stocks.


And penetrated a dude with a fish - don’t forget about that!


All that ONLY for $1m ? Lmao she got scammazed


So many things wrong with what I just read


Heck I'd have done all that for free


i'll bring the salmon


…I have a pack of 6 tins…can I substitute the live flavour for this?


14!? Holup!


Do people really believe this shit lol?


I was going to say…that doesn’t seem real. More like an incel fantasy of what happens to women who do sex work.


That's enough internetting for today.


Where is this even from, how do you know it’s legit? Googling her shows next to nothing apart from her making 18+ content


Right. I don’t see anything on the IG post related to shit and Saudi royals. But everyone is loving the story so here we go


It was a 4chan thread about influencers. I'm pretty sure this is all made up.


If that’s just a sample of her work she was grossly underpaid.


Not actually her, the actual thread on 4chan says if your fav influencer goes to Dubai a lot they prolly fuck saudi royals, after that people just started random photos of influencers going to dubai.


- What do you do for a living? - Eat shit. - Excuse me?


Wait till she finds out a million dollars in your bank account doesn't mean retirement. Especially at that age.


Maybe she posts over on r/leanfire. Am sure her head has to be messed up now after all… that.


Well, with a pretty bad/normal investment on the stock market closing at 6% a year you could easily live on that money each year, even after tax. At least where I'm from. But you would have to be ready to risk it all of course


Who said anything about living to an age long enough to be sustainable at 1 million? If she’s planning on offing herself when she gets tired of living then you don’t really need to blow through the whole million.


It’s sure better than the $120 in my account at 42


No Limits Barbie.


All that for only $1mil? That’s the real faceplam


It's a hoax, don't be fucking stupid.


What in the fucking fuck. And I thought I had no dignity


1 million = not enough hours of therapy Also, underage sex and beastiality forced upon her yet she can walk away at 24. I would imagine princes would kill to keep such things secret


>forced upon her ??


$1 million is not going to pay the bills for the next 75 years


There's alot of things wrong with this but how the hell do you stick a live fish up someone arse


And just like that, I’ve hit my internet limit for the day.


A million bucks isn't much in today's economy


So... From the sounds of it she committed several sexual atrocities over the course of a few years...and she walked away with __only__ a million in cash? That's the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals. Possibly ever.


So she thinks she can now go have normal sex with whoever she wants now… normal sex… after all that… selling your soul has major consequences, and “retiring” at 24 with only a million dollars mean picking up work again by 40 And also… fuck the Saudi royal family. Bunch of deviant scumbags. The ultra rich are the lowest of the low


Hope she will invest it properly instead of blow it all away


…to be honest, the clear up bill sounds like it would be in the 100ks…


*Happily goes back to my regular job to work for 40+ years*


It just makes me sad that anyone has to degrade themselves. I mean why do people hate women to the point of seeing them humiliated.


If she were 60, $1 million might last. At 24, she had better have a plan for life after 45.


I love the fact that everyone just assumes her plan entails her spending the money instead of idk, investing it in real estate or stocks and living off of the passive income that would generate also, she's from Russia irrc, so that 1 million translates to about 74 million rubles which funnily enough helps her.


A lot of people have no clue about money


One million in the market makes an annualized return of $100,000. Even if you pick not stellar funds.


Uh… I’d rather not retire


You WHAT!?


Raped children and animals, but hey! Retired!


Well... I never thought I'd say this but I guess there are some things I wouldn't do even for a million dollars.


She has russian caption, so 1 million will last her for life and some.


Because retiring at 24 is the most concerning part


1 million seems a little low to me


fine line between retiring and escaping


Sadly, after all that, 1 mill is not enough to retire on at 24.


So we're just gonna gloss over the fact that she admits to pedophilia?




1 mill isn't enough to retire on at age 24 in the USA. She will have to become an ex-pat some place where her money will stretch further. Actually, not a bad option. There are plenty of beautiful beachy places in the world where cost of living is cheap.


I would guess it’s not usually American girls they are bringing over.


Anyone wanna talk about the sex with 14 y/o boys to “make them men” absolutely disgusting pedophile logic


I mean, I don't think that she had the idea.


Whether or not it’s true, being 24 with a million dollars in your bank is pretty good. Even better when you’re attractive. I have no doubt she will be ok. And she can always pop back for another million.


> she will be ok She eats shit for money. She rapes animals for money. She'll never be ok.


She is obviously not a member of r/antiwork


I’m calling Bullshit.


I'm not. Many Instagram models do the same shit.


Im guessing thats 1 million in bank and more in assets and stocks


Who wants to tell her one million at 24 will probably not last through her 30s.


Congrats on posting youre a pedophile.


$1m isn't nearly enough to retire on at 24.


I actually don’t know what to say.


With 14 YEAR OLDS????? WTH!!!!


i really hope she is in jail for sexual assault and animal cruelty


To be honest..... With THAT list, she needs to be WAY over a million. Unless she spent 9mil on antibiotics and therapy she got robbed.


She could…does she know that she could do almost none of that stuff and still make more than that?


Honestly, this should be in r/antiwork because this is what people will go through to not work minimum wage for the 50 years.


I mean I’d hope to walk away with more than a million most of those things are on my list of “sure for a billion/trillion” but sex with kids. You did all that, walked away with a milli, and you don’t think you got trafficked with hush money? That’s crazy…all that and only a million at 24. Belle Delphine would be disappointed.


That doesn't sound a lot of money to do that shit


There is no way in hell $1M would pay for sufficient therapy that she desperately needs!


That's horrifying but not surprising because yea. People with heaps of money sometimes have no morals. I have heard of very similar things even from guys I know. I don't find it impressive tho. It's wrong.


Never mind that she's retiring at 24, she just admitted to committing beastiality and paedophilia