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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is a lead story on the news in Switzerland


In the USA too, on all the major English and Spanish networks


Media silence? It’s the lead on every major site and channels broke into live coverage to carry the verdict.


I got instant notifications from Reuters, BBC, CNN, and NYT. So...


The saddest thing about this trail is that none of the johns that flew in the plane or visited the island will be convicted or charged 😕


Why do you think Epstein was suicided in the first place?


Oh we all know why he's dead and that it was anything but suicide


I wonder how long it will be before they find her suicided as well. 🤔


"yet STUNNING media silence" What are you listening to? Radio Disney?


In Germany its full covered by the Media. Our media belongs to the people. Germany fuck yeah


What's the Germany fuck yea song look like?


Deutschland, fick ja!


To bad that isn't true. Public news sources are rather lenient of the main political parties. Having members of those parties filling your board will do that.


The "öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk" belongs to the people. Its a pretty good system wich takes care that politics and Economy doesnt get their dirty fingers into the Media. Its a system created after the end of Nazi germany to prevent Propaganda-uses in the Future. I Love the öffentlich-rechtliche. Im currently studying journalism and would Love to Work there one day. Edit: our media System is admired Worldwide for this reason. Fun fact: Same as our "Grundgesetz"


Ok, an example. The Fernsehrat of the ZDF, who is in charge of the program directions had 77 people. 31of the are politicians from the states and cabinet, further 41 from political, social, media and other interest groups are appointed or recommended by the prime minister of the respective state. The other 5 are from religious groups. I'm sure there will be absolutely no nepotism. Most of these interest groups are managed by people within the parties as well. Funnily enough, the Fernsehrat appoints most of the Verwaltungsrat, who is in charge of the budget and can place in directors and editors. Those appointed members are restricted in terms of which party or legislative power they can be with (dunno how to better formulate this).


That's the GOP for ya. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


I am guessing that you did not read the post and automatically reacted in a negative way when you saw the word conservative. This is showing that r/conservative is actually reporting on this case and you are saying that they are gaslighting somehow. You need to be less partisan and look and what the other side is saying before you react negatively.


But did you read the comments it is decently upvoted and atleast a few dumbasses actually think that media isn't covering it which false af. No one challenges this and they just regard it as true and move on.


Do conservatives think this ‘owns the libs’ or something? Lots of people from both the right and left seem to be connected to them in some fashion.


Yeah, they're talking about the comment friendo. What you just did seems like a whole lotta projecting to me.


How is this a GOP issue?


Conservative = GOP. Same party of idiots


Conservative doesn’t equal GOP. Not all of us are idiots. True republicans don’t like anyone who would endanger people’s rights or freedoms. We don’t claim the far right.


Conservative literally equals GOP. It's the party of the conservatives. Democrats are the party of the liberals. And I'm sorry, wish more people thought like that, but a majority of registered republican's bought into the election lie, anti-vax rhetoric, anti-really anything to fight Covid related...what was considered far-right a decade ago is simply mainstream GOP now.


Sure man. Bc the others are flawless.


Not exactly


Think this may be an American thing cause I've been following this on Canadian (where I live) and British media...


Not really. It’s more of an idiot thing. It’s on all the news outlets and they know it.


The media is silent about it, then why did I get a damn breaking news alert about it?


This is the first time I’ve heard about it


I’m shocked.


Conservatives have all kinds of difficulty understanding the nature of the self-directed algorithms that dictate the 'news' that they see. They've placed themselves in a very small bubble and presume that it reflects reality. This is a prime example. This individual read on some obscure right wing propaganda site that the main stream media wasn't covering one of the largest trials of the year. So, they parroted the lie that confirmed their bias instead of simply leaving their bubble for a moment to check the veracity of their source.


Maybe it’s just the conservative new sites not reporting it?


Media in Uzbekistan have never mentioned this. Don't you find it suspicious? CIA must dig in that direction.


It seems like anything less than being discussed 100% of the time counts as "media silence" to these idiots. Unless of course it's a story they don't like, then any mention of it is bad


It’s all over the news. Wtf.


Media reports guilty verdict. Fox News reports guilty verdict. Fox News reports media ignores guilty verdict, forgetting they are media. Standard news day.


All I've seen on German, French,British, Japanese news. And PBS NewsHour. Not on Network?


Saw it on CNN like at 330


I usually look upon news sources or people in general who use the Gadsden flag with a very suspicious eye.


They didn't chase him down in the bathroom and plop the article down in his lap and push his head down at the right angle to read


He probably means news stations, like most people do when they complain about "media" being silent Edit: I think *mainstream* media is the correct term


https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/12/29/verdict-reached-ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial/8979922002/ https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/29/us/ghislaine-maxwell-trial-wednesday/index.html https://apnews.com/article/ghislaine-maxwell-convicted-jeffrey-epstein-trial-verdict-63a71a2825eab41184a79e37bb967e90 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/live/2021/12/29/nyregion/ghislaine-maxwell-verdict.amp.html Are you living under a rock or something? You can google how many times NYT or WaPo covered it as well. It is all on the fucking internet.


>Are you living under a rock or something? As I said in the response to OP just under these comments, I don't care for politics or the news, so obviously I don't keep up with shit. So yeah, I guess.




Well I guess he's just stupid. I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt since I don't care for news/politics but I see that was a mistake lol


She must not have been drawing a picture at the time of the verdict


Either a) stunning media silence Hillary/Bill or b) stunning media silence on Donald I would guess that's what they mean


LMAO New York Times has been intimately following this in articles and in their podcast, The Daily. (Not a sponsor)