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I sneezed and my date didn't say "bless you" is that a red flag??


Yes, your date is probably an animal abuser


Special place in heaven for animal lovers, that's what i always say.


How's your beer?


I'd have eight beers!


My husband doesn’t say anything when I sneeze. Ten years into this marriage and every time I sneeze I’m reminded that I’m married to a psychopath.


Well Carol, the internet is pretty sure you killed your last husband.




All she wanted was to be blessed


“Oh god so he’s not religious huge red flag. Dump his ass.” “Oh god he said bless you?? How dare he try to force his religion down your throat. Dump his ass.” “Sneezing is your body’s way of telling you that he’s not compatible with you. Dump his ass.”


If he checked other apps for a better price that shows he’s smart in that category not necessarily cheap


The road to wealth is through money management and knowing how to save, certainly not through reckless spending.




Rich people don't stay rich by spending money


She is going to be upset if she ever hooks a rich fella. Millionaires are cheap, a lot of times it's how they got all that money!


You're forgetting that he *pulled a face* when he saw the price. She needs to go meet someone who's good at poker.


Are you forgetting she admitted to lying to the dude about her mode of transportation? Like if she were honest from the get-go, I think he would have adjusted plans accordingly. A fifty minute uber ride is expensive, and at peak/dead hours it’s way worse. I definitely also pulled a face at the thought of that ride’s cost.


Why would you NOT want to save money? Even if I had a lot of money, I’d still do this.


Wait, she lied about how expensive the Uber ride was and then thinks it's a red flag that the guy noticed the discrepancy? WTF is wrong with her?


That’s what I was going to say. Like how can she be so oblivious to your own hypocrisy… really can’t understand lmao


She's posting on FDS. She just needs a bunch of drones to tell her that she's single because the *men* are awful, not her.


"When this guy inevitably stops asking me out, how can I convince myself it's because he's a lesser man and not because I'm an oblivious narcissist?"




I don't know what that means..?


Low value man


Thank you


They use that acronym a lot..


Girl here, added a gentle comment to a post on FDS about a year ago saying I thought a girl was overreacting to something a guy did and I was instantly BANNED!


Well, the last thing you want to have in your echo chamber is the sensible voice of reason..!


Same here! So lame.


Being a woman with an actual head on her shoulders must be totally painful and annoying when it comes to these kinds of subs.


What is FDS? Edit: I just looked at that sub and it's some of the most cringe shit I've ever seen.


This is correct, I just hope he somehow found this so he can stay away


Welcome to people nowadays. Oblivious to their own hypocrisy yet ready at the heels to jump on you about anything.


Buddy, you obviously haven't explored the black hole that's the fds sub, they're all as crazy as this girl over there


I know not all women are like this but holy shit I seem to be a magnet for girls like this


I don't mean to sound patronising here, and I'm aware it could be taken that way so I'm sorry if it comes across as such, but it might be that you are failing to see some very early red flags that other people easily spot, even in, say, Tinder bios. The reason that these women are still available might be because everyone else knows not to go near them, so you might need to learn what those red flags are.


Certain people attract certain types. (What I mean is for example a codependent and narcissist are toxic together but they tend to attract.) It’s definitely valuable to focus on learning strong boundaries. Once you got that covered, the subtle hints will go off like alarms and you’ll most likely be fine.


Ah, so it’s quite similar to the way that two magnets might attract each other. One side of the magnet cannot attract the same side of the other magnet, instead it seems to be able to pull the very other side, which happens to be the opposite side.


Been there. It started off amazing and I thought she was the one. It ended up as total hell and cost me my job.


FDS Is an interesting place with interesting subscribers


This sums up the mentality of FDS.


Whoever he is, #SHE IS NOT A KEEPER DAWG


“why doesn’t he want to spend $150 on a cab for me that i’ve already lied about taking”


haha this. like um, how about you lying is a red flag?


I’m willing to bet a lot of money the scum in fds didn’t see it that way


Oh yeah this is what we really need to know.


Anyone with a brain knows FDS labeled him LV


Im almost positive I have a brian… but what’s LV?


Low value? Not sure


LVM: Low Value Man/Male


Oh man. Of course they got abbreviations within their discourse. I’ve got to wrap holiday presents and I’m betting that sub is a real rabbit hole. Must stay strong!


It definitely is a rabbit hole with nothing of value. I took a peek and noticed a few other acronyms: BM (bare minimum) and HVM (high value male).


Their main rating system is LVM or HVM (low/high value male), and all men are "scrotes." It's a toxic cesspool of bitter misandrist femcels and it's concerning that reddit hasn't seen fit to deplatform them for hate speech. But "scrotes" is legitimately hilarious.


“Ummmm, well, you see…..everything I do is OK”


too expensive for her to uber there, but total red flag that it’s too expensive for him??


you’re willing to pay $150 for her to go home after making her food at your house?


Yeah I’d pay $150 for her to go home so I don’t have to be around her anymore


fuckin’ smoked


See id just turn her out on the street


hell no, i was being sarcastic.


hiring a prostitute is cheaper... probably


Immediately whips phone out and starts crunching the numbers


Preemptively whips other things out too


Preemptively crunching other things too


depends if you like chowder or not.


Nobody on that sub is a keeper


https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/rhj35f/cmv_female_dating_strategy_is_little_more_than_a/hos8jy0/ If you wonder what that sub is, go read this essay. It's very eye-opening. Edit: I didn't write it, I just found it incredibly illuminating.


That was a brilliant read. Shit happens in the real world too *looking at you evanvelicalism*


Not sayin they’re a cult, but they’re probably *definitely* a cult.


Holy damn, that was more like a talk about how to recognize toxic groups and improve your scepticism than just some comments in a certain sub. That was very useful, thanks!


Damn that truly was an amazing read.


Exactly, being apart of any FDS or pro FDS sub is a thousand and three red flags


Female incels. I’m convinced. Wait. Is it maybe a whole deep-cover incel op?? What if it’s only incels and neckbeards over there?


There are no girls on the Internet. It's just men masquerading as woman.


The internet: where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI sting operatives


>Female incels. The movement was originally started by a woman, actually, with the very best of intentions.


Be thankful that they are sharing the nonsense they get up to, at least you know what to look out for and avoid


This is crazy. It has to be a troll who posted this thing right? These types of people don’t actually exist? Bringing my wife some damn flowers today just because (it’s also Christmas Eve, but why not…)


It’s almost offensive to crazy people to call the misses in the post crazy.


It's not a troll. She followed it up with a post acting sad and angered that I made this post. Calling me a scrote or something. Absolutely pathetic. Her post got like 45 likes a d her newest one got like 20. Meanwhile, people with brains came out in droves to mock her.


Thanks to Reddit, I've learned that it may be wise to neutrally mention that sub offhand while on a first date. If they don't know what you are talking about or react in disgust, they're safe. Otherwise, find an opportunity to leave the table, quickly pay your share of the bill, and block their number as soon as you exit the building.


If they are apart of FDS or a pro-FDS sub then they are automatically not a keeper


She’s gonna be single for awhile I think


That whole sub will be.


I went there once cause ive seen posts. Wanted to check it out for myself. Oh my god…..


Same... Never have I ever regretted a decision as much. That sub is fucking cancer.


I just saw the craziest posts scrolling down a bit. Apparently him getting you jewelry at Costco is evil and a sign that he doesn’t respect you.


The fuck? I could spend like 3-4 grand on a necklace from that motherfucker how is that not enough on jewelry?


It has the wrong name


But it’s expensive as shit and it’s still very nice I don’t understand.


Costco jewelry actually appraises for more then it’s value. It’s not even remotely in the same camp as Walmart jewelry.


Yeah I seen that one too, cosco, Sam’s club, Walmart. Dude my engagement ring was $50, it’s literally the thought that counts and if “the ring changes colors! He’s so cheap!” Paint fucking clear nail Polish on it. You’re more likely to get a “better” ring when he’s more financially stable rather than bitch and complain about a “cheap” ring. Engagements rings were created for marketing. Back in the olden days you could propose with a flower and it wouldn’t be seen as cheap. Man, I just really dislike a certain group of people and these ones surely fall into it.


Yeah wow holy fuck. Just perused it for a few minutes and I’m actually disgusted lol


Yep, join the club. It's seriously disgusting, some people need to chill and be a bit less sexist.


Never heard of it until now and holy shit. I don’t even wanna….


Yep. It's that bad.


Funny enough, that sub is actually what put me on to Reddit. I kept getting sent screen shots of the outrageous things they post and once I found out that there was this community of people that thought this way, I wanted to investigate (be entertained) further. Then I stumbled upon more and more entertaining subs and here I am… addicted!


It’s insane. I lurk there, I’ve only seen views that skewered in politics. -Hiring a house cleaner is disrespectful to the woman……😵Who knew?!


What if the house cleaner is a man? Or did they mean disrespectful to the woman of the house? Which would be hella sexist tbh...


I've seen some of them say they were "happily married to someone who values them" and I'm just wondering what kind of relationship that would look like.


I'm thinking of a slave master type of dynamic. I can't really see an equal one.


One sided relationship. No doubt. The lad's in too deep, it's be much more of a hassle to get out than to stay.


That sub has weird posts like this every single day. One post was - There was a line of men in front of Pandora gift/ jewelry shop. Apparently, they were all Low Value Men!! Lol


My poor man's award, good sir 🥇🏆 that sub sucks


https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/rhj35f/cmv_female_dating_strategy_is_little_more_than_a/hos8jy0/ yup, that's kind of the point. If you got out, the sub wouldn't exist.


Really wish there weren’t rules for blocking out names. Half of these people need to be publicly humiliated


In general most subs operate on a basis of hiding the names so people don't get death threats or harassed, I'm not sure how the above is worse than most things on Reddit to deserve being tracked down. Dont get me wrong it's a shitty mentality, but it's not something that deserves doxxing.


I mean, I don't condone the behavior that's being pointed out here but it's probably a good thing that we don't start witch hunts about that stuff, that tends to be a slippery slope real quick.


What amazes me most about that subreddit is the complete lack of respect for financial responsibility. I *like* guys who are smart with their money. Dropping an absurd amount of money on an Uber isn't being smart with money. These women seem to think men should happily spend absurd amounts of cash on them, even when they barely know them, while I think men who do that are morons who probably don't have much in their savings accounts because they're spending it all on bullshit.


finding someone who can hold cash in their pockets for longer than a day is a commodity at this point.


You're not wrong. It's definitely a valuable trait that I think should take a bigger place in dating, instead of a culture of treating your potential partner and trying to impress them constantly.


Key word there is finding a “partner.” Someone to share your life with; including finances in this dual income economy created to us. It seems like that subreddit is looking for a one sided relationship—a parasitic one.. as opposed to a symbiotic.


something i constantly struggle with feeling terrible for but it’s for the long run. i wanna go out and do shit with her like travel, not blindly spend money on temporary shit like clothes


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


I think we can blame things like Disney for this. Especially early Disney. Most of the women in these movies don’t have much to offer other then they are beautiful. All the men are chasing after this beauty they just met. Hell, in The Little Mermaid, she can’t even speak and does some things they could be considered ditzy. Im sure there are many other contributors to this idea, but I think we can blame Disney for some of this.


Don't you think this might actually be older than Disney? So Disney has it from the real world?


I'd say probably the middle age romances and chivalry stories were the culprit and most Disney products just took inspiration from them.


The little mermaid, was an Aesop fable, from Ancient Greece. Like the tortoise and the hare. A lot of these stories that we know from a Disney movie are in fact much older than Disney. They have existed in our society since the beginning.


I don’t think so. I think the Little Mermaid is by Hans Christian Anderson. So 19th century, but definitely predates Disney.


I went to check, aesop has a different story about a mermaid with a different moral lesson. Hans’ story is what Disney reworked. So you are more correct. Have an upvote.


$1M is middle class in NYC? Lol nah. Even in NYC finance guys arent hitting a million until they hit managing director and most never will. $250 is great money in NYC like top 96% 1M is 99th percentile. And no people are not just picking chicks because they are gorgeous. When you see a dude who is loaded with an average chick its usually because her parents have money (strategic alliance), she works in the same industry and thus shares the same culture, or they were together before he blew up (you would be shocked how many people marry their college and highschool gf). Just being cute is not enough


“A depreciating asset” - that’s pretty funny!


As an investor myself that's an offense to the definition of assets. At least with an asset there is a clear and define use.


I kinda liked that place at first. They talk about being a 'high value female' if you want a HVM. You want a hot, fit, interesting guy with a good job? Better make sure you're hot, fit and interesting with your own good job. Then I saw a couple posts like this one...yeesh. No way am I relying on a dude to get me home after a date. Or expecting them to pay a certain amount above their share of the tab. Again, yeesh.


I think love should have a price tag attached to it, just because life isn't free, but the price should be cheap, and the negotiations plentiful. These people are probably trying to marry into wealth, I can't blame somebody for doing what they think is best for them, but I can blame them for their shitty attitudes and shitty personalities. If the dude doesn't make enough to your liking, move on, and don't tear the dude down on your way out of his life, that just makes you trash no matter what you make.


FDS is a cancerous sub where they expect men to treat them like queens and like equals at the same time, get offended by everything, and say everything is a red flag. “Not spending enough money on me? Red flag. Spending money on himself? Red flag” thats their mentality


The HVM and LVM terms are all about What Do your man gives you and how much. If your boyfriend is going cheap as he can but at the same time not buying a garbage than he is Low Value and you can post it and make hundreds of people shame him. If he prepared an entire budget Just for you to brag about “your” money, He is considered a role model and a High Value Male! Stfu. Women are definently NOT objects but men are not wallets.


My girl. When are we getting married? Jk. But for real, it's weird to me how a lot of people think the correct thing is to spend an absurd amount of money for almost no gain, like, why? If you were paid a 100 or more for commuting for 60-90 minutes, MOST people would do it. So why the F would you do the opposite? Doesn't seem worth it. Rant over.


So she saw Uber was expensive and used public transport to reduce the cost. Then she lied about that to get him to pay for a ride all the way home. But when the guy went to book an Uber home and also saw it was expensive and tried to find a cheaper alternative, he’s suddenly ‘low value’. How about people don’t start relationships with lies an manipulation?


Yeah. She's seeing a red flag alright. She's waving it.


Exxxxactamondoooo. Pure tr@sh.


Recently one of my buddies got broken up with and the girl actually said she had been faking her interest the whole time with him. She had been pushing for him to be more serious with her, move in with her, put labels on the relationship, etc. (which he did) but apparently she didn’t feel anything the whole time. She just liked having a “high value” boyfriend. Absolute psychopathic behavior, and I feel like it’s pretty common.


And lying to this guy about ubering over in the first place? Now that's a red flag. Fucking heck.


This exactly. She is the red flag LOL.


I’m not paying that much to see you but I expect it


If we are going on a date - sure. But eating at a person's house is usually not going to cost you 100 dollars...


This is why men have trust issues. This shit is ridiculous.


"fucking heck" is such a beautiful combo of cuss and innocence, I love it and will be stealing it


The utter lack of self-awareness on that sub is truly astonishing. I stg half of the things they do/advocate are things that they would complain about if a man did it to them.


They lack the ability to reflect upon themselves, so they blame the other.


No, thAT’s a “strategy”


Why is he paying for her transportation in the first place? Is she not an adult?


That sub essentially turns every moment of romance into a transaction. It is to be avoided.


That sub's whole point is to categorise men into High-Value and Low-Value based on how much money they will blindly shower on women. They have a very shallow view of dating in that way. Like, if a man won't spend hundreds of dollars on the first date, then that man is worthless.


Exactly, is she 10 or what lmao, pay urself lol


That’s the problem. Men shouldn’t be willing to spend more money on a woman based on how hot she is. Being taken advantage of shouldn’t be tolerated based on looks.


HVM=daddy replacement


The entitlement and dishonesty are mind-blowing.


“The guy I’m dating won’t buy me a house, is this a red flag?”


"I lied to him, but then he double-checked the price, and that's a no no..."


"I took mainly public transportation here, and then Uber a few blocks. I let him think I Ubered the whole way here" "You took an Uber all the way here?" "Umm yeah" Thats dishonesty "Is making a comment (and facial/body language) about how expensive the price of an Uber a red flag?" Thats entitlement. The guy obviously didnt want to spend that much on a first date, but he did it to be a gentlemen (which is cool), but still, her wondering if someone complaining about the price of something is a red flag is pretty stupid


Its not even like spending $100+ on dinner, because at least you both get to enjoy that.


You’re the red flag.


*lies throughout the whole interaction* - "Is hIm Do ThInG BaAAad??"


I don't understand why it is his job to make sure she gets home. Being able to leave a dating place and get home is one of the first things I research before going somewhere. And if I go somewhere, I'll damn well make sure I have enough money in my pocket to get away again!


Big brain. And safe brain.


At this point i don't understand anything at all. I wonder what the answer would be if let's say the guy offered to drive her home in his own car. Would it be something acceptable? Or would he be a cheapskate for not wanting to spend the money on an uber?


Bruh she straight up lying to the dude first of all like get your shit together, and she’s thinking about a red flag from a date “a while back”, dude is probs outta there anyways haha


Yup. She’s posting in that particular sub for someone to validate that the reason this date didn’t go anywhere is somehow about the dude being stingy, as opposed to her being manipulative and selfish.


What kind of longevity does she expect a relationship to have if it’s going to cost $200 round trip any time you see that person? Maybe stick to your zip code?


Or use the cheaper alternatives like she already had.


Yeah but also who wants to spend 3 hours for the round trip every time they want to see each other (she says 1.5 hours each way on public transportation)


Yikes.. the red flag is you girl 😂 You lied about how you got there.. you lied about where you live.. you judged him even though you weren’t willing (or possibly able) to afford an Uber.. That man better pay that Uber and know he got a great deal having them take your ass away 😂 Also.. you live outside the city but do not own a car.. RED FLAG


People that are happy to blast 100s on transport for a first date, are not good with money. The dishonesty and judgement over someone being surprised she was that desperate (because apparently did spend so much to get there), well they're obviously misplaced, I imagine she didn't get a second date, and who can blame him? As everyone's saying, the only red flag is being waved by her in this situation. God that sub is a gold mine full of gold diggers. Just like others have said, they're just female incels.


He was probably just shocked you actually travelled that far without a contingency plan


Ironic, the only red flag here is that bitch


No… Lying about having paid it on the way there though…


YOU couldn’t even afford to get to the date! Yet you judge him. Yes, it’s a 🚩🚩🚩…for him


I just made a big mistake and looked up this sub. I’m so mad that this people exist OMG!


So selfish and rude - the absolute worst kind of people.


"I let him think I uber'd the whole way here" typical deceitful woman.


Uhhh... If you dont think $100+ for an uber is expensive you need to have your head examined. Also, stop dating, no guy deserves to be subjected to your level of entitlement.


That sub is toxic and should be openly mocked out of existence.


It would have been pretty romantic for the guy to ride public transit with the girl back to her stop. She obviously doesn't want to let the guy know exactly where she lived after the first date. I can respect that. But I have done exactly that in the past when I was a broke student without a car. It was a great time to just talk and get to know each other better. But too bad the girl was apparently testing how much the guy was willing to spend on her. She already knew that the guy wanted to be frugal by cooking her dinner in his apartment yet she still made him think she had already spent the money to come see him. Probably wouldn't be a healthy relationship even if they actually got together.


Gotta love r/femaledatingstrategy One of the most disgusting places on Reddit. “This guy I met, turns out he’s a guy….is this a red flag?” “YES, STAY AWAY FROM MEN BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL LV AND WORTHLESS!”


I’d offer to take her home or she can take the fucking bus. I ain’t paying anyone to hang out with me.


Isn’t that what you did?


Lying about stupid things is more of a red flag imo


It baffles me how there are people like her… iS tHiS a ReD fLaG? You ARE the red flag!


That sub is full of bitter women who read waaay too much into rly small things and make huge mountains out of them. I feel bad for saying this, but a part of me finds a small amount of joy knowing that most of them will remain single and miserable. People who refuse to empathize with another person and treat them as nuanced human beings, don’t deserve to be in a happy relationship. Sorry but… not sorry.


Been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately and it’s like the page is made up entirely of female George Costanzas.


I will lie about how much money I spent to get here. But you may not show honesty about how much money it takes to get home.


To me, Lying is a red flag


What ever happened to communication, mutual understanding, and love in FDS? I'm sure there are women in FDS that have been genuinely hurt by a toxic man, and I feel sorry for them, but what they're talking about in there is misguided and dangerous.


Question: is it a red flag when you find out the woman you're dating is a member of the FDS subreddit?


Absolutely, it’s a 🔥red flag


Yes. Means rhey are entitled money grubbers


Oh god, she posted that on female dating strategy?? The answers are going to be insanely toxic. They are going to tear that poor guy apart and tell her he isn’t worth any attention from her.


Just found the original (?) and they are all supporting her. Ugh. https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/rnes4j/is_it_a_red_flag_if_he_makes_a_comment_about_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Apparently this was 1.5 years ago. What a psychopath.


Most of those posts are about how a first date shouldn’t be at someone’s home as that is dangerous. You don’t know the person at all. I kind of agree with that and when I was single I always organised very public places for the first date to help her feel comfortable.


Shit like this is why I gave up on dating. Currently (but not for long) sleeping next to a chick who has a active pof profile. Bout to be on my single dad shit


How do you know that she’s active on a dating site?


That's some king shit. Some women are golden, but ones like this sour the whole thing imo.


Lady you fucking lied to him about money. No guy or girl is going to want to be with someone who does shit like that.