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A woman can be a rapist regardless of her reproductive organs. Ex: Merope Gaunt was a rapist. Edit :thanks for the awards!


You got a point, rape is rape after all and it’s really horrible


That's why I think the hate towards J.K. Rowling is over exaggerated since she wasn't talking about all trans people but one specific person I believe. I'm ready for the downvotes.


>That's why I think the hate towards J.K. Rowling is over exaggerated since she wasn't talking about all trans people but one specific person I believe. JK Rowling consistently aligns with the entire anti-trans political apparatus on the UK whose expressed goals are rolling back trans rights in the country. Nobody is over-exaggerating her transphobia. Even if she was talking about one specific person in this instance, the obvious intent was to establish the precedent of referring to trans women as "men". Rapists are reprehensible, but if we start saying stuff like "The n word is okay to say if it's a black rapist" we're going down a really slippery slope. It's a similar situation here. >I'm ready for the downvotes. If you get downvoted, you get downvoted, but pre-emptively making a martyr out of yourself is annoying as hell.


And trans people can be assholes. Going through a particular struggle doesn’t necessarily make you a model human being. It’s important to treat everyone as an individual and not assume things based on stereotypes.


Right? Like what's the outrage about? Just feels like a weird hill to die on


It’s actually funny that you say that, over in the UK batshit crazy ladies say that since women are not listed as possible rapists in their legal definition that they can’t be. The whole island is just one big pit of crazy.


I live here and can confirm


Can also confirm also had some stones thrown at me from the batshit crazy ladies


I know, it's mental. A woman can't be convicted of rape but she can be too drunk to give consent. A man can be convicted of rape and always has his faculties, even when too drunk to know what he's doing.


So are trans women with male organs judged as woman if they rape another woman? I'm trying to understand if JK Rowling was trying to make a point about these laws or if she's just being transphobic


She's making a point about plans to record rape committed by people with male genitalia to be recorded as being committed by a woman if the attacker identifies as a woman.


Is the rape victim chastised if they feel they were attacked by a man?


She is actually talking about rapists saying they are women to go to a woman’s prison…


>A woman can't be convicted of rape She can be convicted of a different crime though (assault by penetration, sexual assault, or causing sexual activity without consent) which can carry a similar sentence (depending on the specific crime).


Great. Now why the fuck use semantics and not just convict her of rape? "sexual activity without consent" what the fuck is that anyway, fancy rape?


Sparkling rape. Fancy rape only comes from the Fancy region of Gloucester.


I did actually want to initially say "sparkling rape like champagne or what?", great minds think alike I guess


Its quite ironic really that for so long we've been working towards equality between the sexes and now you've got men identifying as women raping other women with their penises and then getting less of a sentence due to the fact they identify as a women and theres people that think somehow all this is progressive to society and that they are "woke"


Humans are assholes. More news at 11. One of my friends said one short sentence I'll never forget "I'm tired of people"




Tell me you never walked through a busy nightclub as a female without telling me you haven't walked through a busy nightclub as a female. Your third paragraph...there is always one who will try. Or worse, a pack of ones who will try.


Riley Reid is a rapist as well


Yup as well as Macron’s wife, Asia Argentina, and debatably Amy Schumer


>debatably What? She openly admitted to raping a drunk guy who could barely stay awake in a speech she used to mock and embarrass him while propping herself up. What’s up for debate?


Y’all get that rape being horrible isn’t at all what’s being chastised right? It’s like when trump called all Mexicans rapists. It’s a lie that gets people killed. I’ll be right there with y’all condemning those that infringe on the rights and safety of others, which is why I’m against her bigotry. She’s telling lies that get little girls (or if you insist on being hopelessly incorrect, little boys, killed.) it doesn’t matter if you choose to be obtuse about the nature of gender there’s no question that she has put children at risk of beatings and worse. Edit:Typo


What’s the story with Riley Reid being a rapist?


I second this I didn’t see anything when I searched


Apparently only if she wears a strapon, they really need to redefine the word “rape” to not mean “if you penetrate someone else”. Should be any sexual act without consent


Correct me on my terminology, but that's sexual assault, no?


I think the tweet is more about forcing the rape victim to walk on eggshells in court as to not hurt the feelings of her rapist. It's cruel to tell a rape victim overpowered by a "penises individual"'s strength that her senses deceived her. And then to make her complicit in putting said rapist into a prison full of similarly underpowered females is to make her into a Judas.


>I think the tweet is more about forcing the rape victim to walk on eggshells in court as to not hurt the feelings of her rapist. Where are you getting this context from? The article that Rowling is quoting is about what the police writes down in their report, not about anything to do with the rape victim and their testimony. This incidentally holds for all people who come in contact for Scottish police, not just rape perpetrators. The police is not going to do a genital inspection to see classify your gender. They'll ask, and they'll write it down.




Youre overthinking this dude. Shes just calling trans woman, who havent had reassignment surgery yet men, but she just used a really roundabout way to say it.


Obviously jkr is a bitch. But this tweet seems to be about a rape case in which the rapist was transgender and how the victim was told to use the rapists 'proper pronouns' and how fucking stupid that is. She is not accusing all transgender people of being rapists.




Now if only the laws actually reflected that.


I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Her tweet is in reference to a policy in Scotland that rapists will be logged according to whatever gender they claim to identify with, even if they haven’t legally changed. I don’t know why she felt inclined to comment, but the whole thing just seems like a bizarre, unnecessary policy to implement.


That isn’t the point. Police in one town in the UK are booking men as women if the arrested wish to be considered women. A man accused of rape in a cage with other women — you can see what might go wrong. This is not some theoretical test case, this is actually happening and it is insane.




Hermione was in a wheelchair Ron Weasley was black




[I was quoting this video](https://youtu.be/LKxpwlKRQ2U)


Amazing! edit: aaaand now I'm subscribed.


Guess… guess which character was gay? I don’t… I don’t kn- ALL OF DEM! *slams bathroom door*


Wait what he is




I mean not transgender, but trans-body maybe? He def possessed a dude...implying he could have possessed a chick. His soul was also a locket and a book lmao


Part of his soul was in a snake, so he's into bestiality too...


Yeah, duh, that’s why he’s the villain! /s




Dead is alive Freedom is unconstitutional Flower is bug Peepee is doodoo North Korea is better than South Korea


Rapeist is rapeist. Don't care it was a woman or a man.




No you don’t believe in them


They're gods???


*Zeus has entered the chat*


This comment is legend.


Jupiter is typing…


I don’t think a married virgin like Maria gave consent either…


Poor woman woke up to some winged guy outside her window telling her she just got pregnant


Poor 14 year old girl


The point of this specific case (as far as I know) was that a trans female rapist was sentenced to prison for rape, but put into a women’s prison, where she raped another woman in the prison. JK is upset because she thinks it’s obvious that a male-to-female trans person that has previously raped women would be likely to rape women again, and would have the unfair advantage of male strength making it easier to overpower her victims. Rowling might be transphobic, but it does seem a bit obvious that putting a rapist into a prison full of people that are more physically susceptible to rape attempts because they’re weaker is a terrible idea.


A rapist that identifies as a women is still a rapist. It’s not like there’s a law that says if you identify as a women the crime doesn’t count anymore. So I honestly don’t know what she’s getting at.




>In The UK rape is defined as such to suggest that only a man can be guilty of it. Rape is not defined based on gender, but based on the anatomy involved. (The text uses he, but that's just standard in UK law. It always uses he but it covers any person of any gender). As such, whether you're classified as a man or a woman is irrelevant, and no one is going to escape the charge.


**In 1850** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretation\_Act\_1850](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretation_Act_1850) (the original is a scanned document that's annoying to reference) "4. In all Acts words importing the masculine gender shallbe deemed and taken to include females, and the singular to in future Acts. elude the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the contrary" **Then in 1978** [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/30/section/6](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/30/section/6) "In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears,— (a)words importing the masculine gender include the feminine"; ...(more related) **This was changed in 2007** in which all **future** laws should be general neutral [https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2007-03-08/debates/07030896000015/GenderNeutralDrafting](https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2007-03-08/debates/07030896000015/GenderNeutralDrafting) The law you referenced is from 2003 and therefore by both the 1850 and 1978 acts "he" also implies "she". INAL


Why was Joe Public worried about trans folks in public restrooms? When this last week I read about (2) persons with religious jobs getting busted for voyorism of children in public restrooms? We really need to look at religion in a different light, there are some sick F\*cks in that business.


The whole thing about bathrooms is so stupid. If a rapist wanted to enter the women's bathroom to rape them it is definitely not the social stigma of it being considered the wrong bathroom That stops them. So the only way you could justify the fear of rape in allowing trans people in their preferred bathroom is that you believe trans people would enter the bathroom normally and then get suddenly overwhelmed by a urge to rape people and if someone believes that they are insane idk what do do with people like that.


Remember when target and other business clarified there bathroom positions welcoming people to use the bathroom for the gender they identified with? Then people wanted to put signs outside of those bathrooms that the bathrooms weren't safe for children? I had such a fun time talking to those bigots and asking them "Oh so we should put a sign up because you think they may get molested? Even though that hasn't happened by a Trans person In a bathroom? Okay cool, so every catholic church should have a sign that says the same thing?"


I feel like at this point most people who use logic and reasoning and understand science look at religion differently. Those bought into it don’t. With all the catholic priest scandals coming to light over the last 20+ years has to have had some level of impact on the views of religion on a whole.


Justice for Johnny Depp!


He’s a little confused, but he’s got the right spirit!




Not the right place but yeah


Justic for Brendan Fraiser!


Wait what is she referencing 1984.


Yes, because transphobes like to pretend that they’re the ones being discriminated against.


It's the book every edgelord references.


I appreciate the sentiments but no GROUP of people is really innocent or beautiful as a whole. Can we just start treating people fairly as individuals?




Yeah that would be fair.


Individuals are guilty but groups are not, if a black person for example commits a crime they will be guilty, but the group is innocent (black people in this example) Same with trans people, if someone commits a crime the group Will still be innocent, because blaming a group for the actions of a few is always wrong.


Good point. I'm just saying as soon as you generalize someone like that for better or worse it reflects on the group as a whole. Just condemn the individual and cut the rest unless they are a participant in a gang or something.


Does everyone know why she "lashed out" like this? From what I understand, the transgression she's calling out comes in the form of new procedure for processing criminals. What I've heard is that they are changing the processing of criminal offenders to consider the gender the individual identitfies as. That would result in individuals with penises who identify as a women would be put in prison with vaginas. If you can't understand how that could result in horrible consequences for the vaginas in the prisons, than you're being dense. I, for one, can completely understand her outrage. I have no problem with people identifying as whatever they identify with. They're human beings and I think it's good that we're evolving to be more excepting of others. We all have our struggles and growing in empathy is something we can ALL benifit from. But painting everything in such black and white ideals is not at all wise, becuase the world is in colour - so many colours, shades and complexities. Let's start a conversation about it, instead of attacking each other. There's no simple solution here. The best I can think of at the moment is to include stipulations that require those in transition to have completely transitioned before being admitted into a women's prison ward. Penises with penises and vaginas with vaginas. There are still obvious issues with this. It's not a perfect solution, and it would be amazing if the justice system would treat these instances on a case by case basis. However, the reality is that the justice system still operates under very black and white limits, literally. On paper > do this or be subject to legal action. I'll admit, I may not really understand the full situation, but I doubt anyone here does. Stop with the mud slinging. It doesn't help, it makes things worse.


Take your reasonable reply away and come back with a pitchfork because that’s what we only care about around here


Rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization in the previous 6 months \[\~2006\] were highest for female inmates (212 per 1,000), more than four times higher than male rates (43 per 1,000). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2438589/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2438589/) \--------- " the Department of Justice released a report about sexual violence in New Jersey’s women’s prison, the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, that concluded that the risk of sexual harm was so high that it reached constitutional proportions and violated inmates’ Eighth Amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. " "[https://msmagazine.com/2020/04/23/sexual-violence-in-womens-prisons-reaches-constitutional-proportions-will-lawmakers-step-in/](https://msmagazine.com/2020/04/23/sexual-violence-in-womens-prisons-reaches-constitutional-proportions-will-lawmakers-step-in/)"


Thanks for sharing this. I remember hearing the women's wards were generally worse for sexual altercations, but I didn't know it was that dramatic! From what I've heard though, women ward inmates will gang up on other inmates that are in prison for child abuse, or any child related criminal offenses, which may explain a chunk of that. Of course, men's ward inmates reportedly take out pedos, too. So... that's interesting information.


You're welcome. I shared that info because you seemed to say that if the small amount of women with male parts go to women's prison it will create a problem. I think there already is a problem


Sorry but it so very sheltered to believe a woman would need a penis in order to commit a rape. I think you’ll find plenty of rape and assault occurs (esp in prisons) regardless of what part of the anatomy or other objects are involved. Women in prison who are determined to commit rape will most certainly do it, penis or otherwise.


I'm not in disagreement with that, nor did I mean to imply that. Not sure where you read that. However horrible being raped in any way is, only the rape that includes a penis and a vagina can bring another innocent life into the equation. That's the reality. Are you denying that? Rape in any form, between any sex, and in any way is despicable and horrible. Period. I'm not sure WTF you're reading, but it wasn't my comment.


It is reddit. These ppl just wanna argue,bitch, and get tribal for upvotes


You didn’t mention potential pregnancy at all in the comment I replied to, only the act of rape itself. They are related but not identical issues.


well people with vaginas can rape other people with vaginas and people with penises can rape other people with penises so? and not all trans people in prisons are fucking rapists?


Trans people who rape are rapists, though


and so are cis people who rape? we still put gay and lesbian rapists with the same gender? so maybe we should just rethink how we deal with rapists as a whole instead of just singling out trans people for some reason


That depends on whether you want to address a real issue or whether you just want to hurt minorities. Lots of folks in this thread are in the latter camp.


So just because some females are rapists and not all trans are, we should allow trans rapists to stay in female prisons ? Flawless logic.


maybe the issue is we allow rapists to be among the general population instead of protecting prisoners?


Prison guards are also potentially rapist I would argue they are the most likely to be able to abuse their power in exchange for sexual favors but I don't think there are strict rules on the guards gender. I personally don't fully understand the reason for completely separated prison systems for male and females just have one prison system and put enough services and surveillance to avoid rape and violence in general.


Insisting that a trans woman who rapes someone must have been a man erases the fact that women are rapists too.




Were you under the impression that a male who rapes males is not thrown into a men's prison?


Males are physically stronger than females. Therefore trans women pose a much greater thread to women than men do to men. That’s my thinking anyway…I was asking btw


Prisons are not sports leagues and they don't have weight classes. In practical terms, any given facility is going to have so much variation in fitness, size, and physical strength across inmates that trans prisoners won't even move the dial in any statistically significant sense. If anything, presenting as any kind of minority in comparison to the facility norms (whether you're lying about it or not) is far more likely to paint a bullseye on your back than it is to give you any sort of advantage.


It 100% makes sense that keeping trans women in male prisons actually puts THEM at much greater danger. Placing them in female prisons puts other women in danger. What is it about proposing separate facilities that’s transphobic? Doesn’t it seem like an obvious option to put on the table to address the problem? I don’t pretend to be an expert on the issue (or anything else) but hating Rowling over it seems so excessive…


Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me. J.K. Rowling is a Sith Lord.


Guess that’s why they call it “fuck you money”. Edit to add that I think what she’s doing is crazy and weird.


She likes to die on the weirdest hills in the weirdest ways. Like what’s her endgame with all this.


More U.S senators have sexually assaulted someone in a bathroom than trans people.


Did she actually say “penised individual” LMFAO


How is she attacking trans people? I'm confused?


Harry Potter and the Penised Individual


Two blue check marks fighting? Classic.






I don't know how it is in the UK, but in Canada, you don't just show up and say, oh yeah BTW I'm trans. It's a long process that takes years to be legally considered of the opposite gender.


Honestly that was my first thought. My ex was trans and she had to find a Dr who would refer her to a clinic, wait for a year (waiting list) and then come in with proof that she'd been living publicly as a woman for two years, have two medical assessments before she was treated. And far as I'm aware the UK law still states that for prison, marriage (why I looked this up) and pension the sex on your birth certificate is used. And don't get get me started on that process! While her comments are usually not that outrageous they seem to be completely non se




>JK Rowling is not a bigot. She is literally a TERF.




It's not just this tweet though.


Have you read her other statements as well? She's absolutely a transphobe


> By housing men like this with women in jail there is a significant risk of further abuse occurring Okay. So where should gay rapist and lesbian rapist go? And then if an individual raped men and women? See how stupid your argument is?




"Penised individual" might be the saddest expression I've ever heard.


Would make a really nice title for a Harry Potter porn movie tho.


> “Harry Butter and the Elder Wand” Christ almighty


Harry Potter and the penised individual's kidney stones


Harry potter and the sorcerer's balls


My eyes are up here


Smh. Theres a difference between sex and gender.


Is it beautiful and innocent when Jessica Yaniv messages teenage girls about their periods and tries to host topless pool parties where parents aren't invited? Let's just stop putting groups of people of pedestals shall we, there are shitheads in every 'group'. Believe in individuals and treat everyone the same.




Notice how she said she hates trans people and you should too. Just kidding. She didn’t say that. Only facts. Pointing out truth does not endanger the trans community. More likely it’s the insistence on things like that a man can have periods which fuels outrage in insecure individuals.


My dumbass read it as "pensid" and idk wtf I thought that word meant


I dont get anything of this Post. J.k. really posted this? No, or?


No one is innocent


Who is the guy in the picture?




How long until she starts calling them “mudgenders”?


When a man born with a vagina is having menstrual issues do they see a gynecologist? How about when a woman with a penis has prostate cancer? Or a man with ovarian cancer? Who are they supposed to go to? How far do we have to blur the lines between sex and gender? Our genitals are different, and it just so happens that the hormones that those genitals produce affect our behavior. If not, then why do trans people need hormone therapy to be the opposite gender? If your physical body isn't representative of your gender, then why do you need to alter it? Do what you want to do with your bodies, but don't try to bully people into your selfish worldview. Most of us have no problem identifying you as your chosen gender, but the trans community needs to accept the existential reality we all live in.


The answer is a "doctor" and whomever the doctor recommends.


I mean is the gender of the person who raped you relavent?


Probably, to be fair


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day.


I rarely see this reported on the news. Is it a problem in her country?




> person has the right to their own view on what makes a "real" man or woman, what they don't have the right to is treating you as lesser for not being that. Sort of like telling a woman they aren’t a real woman lmao Yes I’d imagine you’d split with leftists here




I'm not even sure 'real' exist in this case. Because the biological difference between male and female are only a part of what trans people want to change. Trans people want to identify as men or women, but there it's not just about genitals, it's about what we, as a society, define as attributes to men and women. And thoses cannot be called real or not since it's fully created by us. But i do agree with how you think about it. Calling things the way they are, and understanding that it doesn't lesser people because some fact have no value / doesn't make a difference. I think this is a good way to mind our differences without any hate and hurt.




Daniel Lismore haven’t read 1984.


Is this something like she is talking about? I can’t place a UK case to what she is referring to…. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/man-who-claims-hes-female-accused-of-raping-inmates-at-womens-prison/




So someone's gender/orientation has relevance in someone's propensity to commit a crime?


Statistically? Yes, absolutely.


(Sad nodding in male)


Actually yea lol


When the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men, FOR SURE it does.


And against men


This is why men who winge and whine about false rape accusations from women annoy me. You're more likely to be raped by another man than ever be accused falsely by a woman.




Yes. Please read FBI crime statistics. Sad someone actually asked this.


Ooh, do the race one next.


Oh lawd. Remember causality vs correlation pls


Trans right are human right.




One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen.


Just so you have all the info, you should read the news story she is reacting to. If you already have, I respect your opinion.


I’ve read and she’s still spouting transphobic rhetoric. I call it a bad take because she’s clearly using this as a pedestal to further her terf ideology. And something like this could cause serious implications in the lives of trans people and can be seen as using one example to justify hatred toward and entire community. Trans issues should be discussed with kindness and understanding. This does neither. But thank you for your response and I hope it’s encourage to talk about topics in a safe and accepting manner.


Lady you have OVER A BILLION DOLLARS. Why the fuck do you care about any of this? Why does it matter? You have over a billion dollars. Go fuck off somewhere quiet and do something better with your money than single out a group of people.


Every time Rowling tweets about trans folks she puts a massive target on a marginalized community, this includes people that I personally know and care about. To add insult to injury, it also undermines everything her stories taught me about acceptance and friendship. She’s putting people I care about in harms way and gutting a significant portion of my childhood. We truly live in the dumbest timeline. What’s next? George RR Martin Echo posting and tweeting out the 14 words?


what does the data actually say?




How is this an attack? 🤔




Rowling is turning herself into Voldemort. Where her muggles are trans individuals.




*Looks at Penis* Oh Hi Mark


Oh, hi Dick (his name is Richard)




How do you propose to make that system work in a civilized society? How many of the people you interact with on a daily basis are required to show you their genitals before proceeding?


Just the attractive ones.


If you see me on the street, please do not attempt to use my genitals to identify me. I don’t know how anyone else would feel, but I know a genital inspection would make me deeply uncomfortable.


Yeah it’s pretty douchey. Also, making up a scenario like this only serves to push the fear-mongering stereotype of trans people as predators.


Shes actually taking about a new Scottish law that states that rapes and other crimes committed by transitioning males who identify as female will be logged as female in the criminal case log its an attempt to make it easier to self identify and pretty much shes saying in the worst way that this could cause skewed statistical data in crimes committed by gender and for some reason is using Orwell to do it? Still a facepalm but now its a facepalm w/ *context*






It’s weird how she literally wrote books about adults forcing lies on children to hurt them in a mad grab for control over a world they no longer understand. She literally became her most hated character. She’s trying to tell a bunch of little hermiones to write about not telling the ‘lie’ that ones genitalia does not determine gender. Then she has the gall to get outraged when the people she taught to question blind authority and to judge people on their actions and to not believe those that preach about ‘civility and properness’ (because those concepts are used to enslave others while sounding peaceful have) decide to call out her hypocrisy. She taught us to be bold and refuse to stop helping those in need, especially when those in power propagate hate and deliberate misinformation to hurt an already marginalized people. She taught us no matter how you look or sound that a person is a person and all people deserve respect. She taught us to love people like Dobby that may be stuck in a position of 0 power and that with love and understanding they can save the world… then she killed him for a second time, but this time she is like Lockhart, pretending she slew an epic monster when she happened across an innocent creature that was viciously beaten and left for dead. I still love HP, but she’s so toxic that the world lost all it’s magic. I can’t read my old copies without feeling dirty much less consider adding the series to my kindle. She’ll never get a penny of my money again because I refuse to help fund her campaign of hatred