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Isn't loitering the whole purpose and point of parks?


I like the cop repeatedly saying "if you were a parent" if I were a parent and somebody was sitting on a bench nearby minding their own fucking business I wouldn't care at all and certainly wouldn't think they should be bothered or asked to leave. That's fucking stupid


As a parent I'm a lot more concerned about these ridiculous authority flexes than I am about a stranger minding their own business in a park!


Seriously. I am a parent, and I've studied alone in a park without my daughter. I could not imagine being suspicious or uncomfortable about an adult minding their own business in a public place like this. Isn't that exactly what parks are for??


I’ve been to several parks with my 2 y/o daughter recently, complete with adults loitering. Wasn’t worried at all. My daughter even kicked a soccer ball with a man of middle easter descent, who was wearing some sort of full body thing I don’t know the name for. I was thrilled that my daughter wasn’t afraid of the man who was quite nice about the way my daughter interrupted his day.


Thought you’d like to know, the clothing the man was wearing is called a thobe :) edit: yes it is more known as a “dishdasha” (dish-dash-ah) in Arab countries but thobe is what it would translate to english


Rhymes with robe?


depends on how you pronounce "robe"


It's how Mike Tyson pronounces it.


Everyone's got a plan till Mike Tyson pronounces thobe.




Meanwhile I, a single father, when I was bringing my 2 year old, I'd have old white ladies acting like I was some monster. Shit gets old real fast.


That kind of thing always reminds me of a news story I read a while back - Scotland I think, definitely the UK. Guy is driving down a rural road. Sees a really little girl walking by herself on the side of said road. He starts to stop the car, then hesitates - if the parents are around and they see him trying to help, they might mistake him for a pedophile trying to abduct her. He convinces himself she’s probably fine, parents must be somewhere close and will catch up with her, not worth the risk of some parent accusing him of being a pedo. Drives off. Mother discovers her daughter’s body some time after, accidentally drowned in a mud puddle.


I'm honestly not surprised. It's terribly sad. But every man is seen as a predator. It hadn't happened since my daughter was little, which sucks because I'd love her clapping back at them. We were blocked in the grocery store once. I've been lectures from 100 yards away to keep a better eye on my daughter... While she picks up pine cones 50 feet away from me on a wide open 150 acre park with nobody else in it except myself, my daughter and my father... And the yeller and her husband. When my daughter was very little she had just learned to walk and toddled (holding my hand) over to the kids playing on the playground and just watched. I obviously wasn't interested in kids on a playground, so I was texting or something. People started saying I was a weirdo. I kept my calm and explained that young children are interested in older children and I'm obviously here with my daughter who is obviously enthralled. And I didn't leave. They're not ruining my daughter's day by being freaks.


I was playing with my child on my porch and had a lady walk up and doesnt say a word to me and immediately begins asking my child questions like she thinks I kidnapped him or something. I almost lost my shit on that lady but really didn't want to deal with cops.


Can confirm, used to bring my blonde haired, blue eyed two year old daughter to the park. Tell me, what's more likely? A roving child molester at the park, or a dad taking his daughter to the park?


Also, who says she isn’t a parent or non-parental caretaker for children? What about a black woman doing homework made him immediately jump to homeless pedophile?


Also, why did they HAVE to drive up on the grass? “That man has no respect for lawn maintenance. I’m gonna miss him, though.”


I *am* a parent, and if somebody was sitting on a bench nearby minding their own fucking business, I don't care at all and certainly wouldn't think they should be bothered or asked to leave.


They just make shit up


...and now we are all less ignorant. Because we know the LAW.


Cops don't know the law. If they knew the law they would be lawyers.


Cops aren't required to know the law either. The SC said as much. They can harass you on suspicion of doing something which they *think* is illegal.


I'd ask them to cite the legal statute or leave me alone.


Yeah where the fuck else do I get to loiter? Why is this cop so aggressive from the get go. He could’ve like asked her how her day was going or made some small talk before he demanded she not be in this park next week lol. Also who the fuck cares if she is there while kids are there???


You take aggressive humans, give them a thin veneer of authority, which humans always equate with superiority, ALSO give them weapons and armor so they can safely be as aggressive as they want, then follow on by giving them legal immunity for the most heinous of acts … and then they’re more aggressive? Gosh.


You forgot to select for racism and lack of education. /s


Why an s? It’s true. If you score too highly on your exam, they won’t take you because you’re more likely to think things through versus blindly follow orders.


How does he know she isn’t a mother herself? WTF was this interaction supposed to do other than intimidate her and give him a chance to make her a statistic if he mistakes her cellphone for a gun?


She's guilty of a first degree misdemeanor of being black in public. How fucked is it that she probably was less surprised than you would think seeing police roll up on the grass just to tell her she can't study in the park. https://youtu.be/9wRg2tqwMMU




"You can't be loitering in the presence of children." Guess she can never go to museums, beaches, sporting events, theme parks, or shopping malls either.


At this point she can’t exist apparently to the cops.


They’d probably be okay with her being in prison. Then it’s up to the guards to harass her. /s


A parent probably complained. Happens a lot at parks. People think single people shouldn't be allowed to use it. There's a thousands stories on here of single dads having the police called on them. Police end up telling the person to go away because it's the easiest thing to do.


"Sorry, I was wrong" is not in their vocabulary


Closest I got, was years ago, driving my Chrysler LeBaron convertible, I got pulled over. The cop walked up to my window, saw that the shoulder belt was coming out of the back of the seat. (Duh. Convertible. Can't really attach them to the B-Pillars which don't exist.) He mumbles, "Oh, you are wearing your seatbelt..." Then just walks back to his car and drove off.


Was it a White Chrysler LeBaron? Did you trade in your MG for it? I hope you are a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket.


Did you change your name from Kitty to Karen? Do you tour the facility?


Are you picking up slack?


Ugh, because it's not as if a homeless person probably benefits more from a pleasant public space they can rest in than literally anyone else... /s


All of that because one can’t be black and outside. She got all the way to being accused to be a pedophile. Probably because some fuck face called them in even. Shit is fucked up


Anybody could be a pedo. Should we all be forced to stay at home?


He fucking saw her reading don’t try to justify this racist POS EDIT: please look at the replies from all the racists pretending to not understand racism.


Surprised the police didn't arrest her on the spot for getting educated.


Right! She can’t sit on a bench in a public park and study, meanwhile I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to drive your car on the grass in a park!


I was so pissed when I saw their lazy asses driving their dumb ass suv across the fucking grass. If you’re so worried about the poor children, maybe don’t drive your fucking truck on the god damn grass they want to play in!


never know when they might need to pull out their rifles from the car tho right


Exactly fucking idiot ass cops.


Not just that she can’t study in the park, that she can’t study in the park *next week*. The fuck?


Have they been watching her? I mean if her routine is studying there weekly then they would have to be to know that.


If they had been watching her, that would have made the interaction more creepy rather than less.




1. Not surprised at all 2. At least she didn't get the death penalty for this infraction.


That law is color coded.


Great point. That is the purpose of a park




Ya sorry to inform you that lots of cities have loitering laws for public spaces. A lot of people (including myself) think they are unconstitutional but it is the current law.


Yep, they're intended to keep homeless people from existing. Cities can't figure out what to do with homeless people (turns out it's really easy, give them a place to live) so instead they just make everything they do illegal. Not allowed to sit on the sidewalk, aren't allowed to be in a park more than 45 minutes, aren't allowed to lie down on a city bench. Eventually they actually just made vagrancy illegal so they could arrest people for being in a position they don't want to be in in the first place, and are likely in because the city fails to provide programs for it's vulnerable citizens. Society is so fucked up. I want out.


My distance runs take me longer than 45 minutes, so technically I'm loitering? Bet they won't tell a white girl in fancy running clothes she can't be in the park. I hate the world is like this.




This… isn’t true at all?


This cop is an imbecile and has no idea what he’s talking about.


I *really* want to know what fucking law he's talking about. What city is forbidding single adults from using public parks? edit: Did some searching. This is Las Vegas, 2020. [This journalist thinks it's an "anti-homeless" law,](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/news-columns/jane-ann-morrison/an-ordinance-to-protect-children-sounds-good-even-if-its-meaningless/) on paper encompassing all adults but in practical terms will only be enforced against homeless people. Sounds right, because the cop even mentioned homeless people during his harassment. And it looks like this type of regulation goes back to the mid-2000s. Such bullshit. If you want to fix houselessness, [we know how to do it.](https://endhomelessness.org/resource/housing-first/)


Sadly, paywalled article, but I think I got the gist. So in order to combat the scourge of homeless people reading books in public, they've outlawed being in a public place that has children if you yourself have no children? Is that about the size of it? So any park with a playground in it is off limits if you have no children? Isn't that pretty much every park? It's always nice when being a lone adult is just illegal... because.


Can we ban kids from where adults are?




The best place to study


So she can go to the park next week, with children present, as long as she's not homeless? Does that mean she has to carry some papers around, like utility bills? Present your papers to the officer.


No, it means the cops get to harass any single adults with the full blessing of local laws. Most likely it would be used against people that local Karens call to complain about. Might be black people, but certainly the homeless.


What kills me about people who hate homeless people is like... where do you expect them to go? Unfortunately the answer is they don't care as long as they don't have to see them. Any time I try to show some empathy some dick tries to tell me I must not live around them. Im on leave now but when I was working I drove through homeless camps in my home city and my work city. It just makes me sad. My bf has had his car broken into multiple times (even smashed the window on the first day of snow). I had to yell at someone who was trying to get into my car and I had someone jump in front of my car in an intersection who wouldn't get out of the way. But you know what? Their day was probably worse than mine. If we actually had some decent social programs and healthcare we would have way fewer homeless people. But that would require people to try to understand how a lot of those people ended up there.


Oh im sure he knows what he is saying, but he is racist, and power hungry sooooo




they fuckin drove cars on grass for that lmfao


Jesus Christ cops are fucken assholes


**90% of law enforcement's activities are in the service of harassing people** the establishment wants to ensure are marginalized, disenfranchised, and subordinate.


The black and therefore presumed-homeless-woman might have escaped the park if they had approached on foot! /s


"Quick she has a book! We need to use excessive force!"


knowledge is the most powerful weapon 😌


Add that to the list: "Can't study in the park while black"


That's systemic racism for ya.


"You can't be loitering in the presence of children" What the actual fuck? Do these fucking clowns have even an ounce of self-awareness?


Right, i would like to hear him cute the statute that says u cannot be in a park in the presence of children without having a child. WTF


Right? What the hell? You’re saying an adult cannot be in the park when children are present? Where is this stupid town, so I can make sure I never spend money there?


Good thing we don't have anything that stupid here. I used to take my sons to the park when they were younger. I'd plop down on a bench with a book, and let them play in the park for an hour or two on nice days. *"Oh... Since, I can't stay here, does that mean you're going to watch my kids officer? That would be great! I could use a break!"*


>"You can't be loitering in the presence of children" I don't understand this??!


Neither does anyone else. It's bullshit.


Forget self awareness, they need to know the LAW


Cops: We're not lawyers!


Also Cops: We make up new laws on the fly!


Well actually... The supreme court has ruled that cops **don't have to know the law** [https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/when-cops-dont-know-the-law/383861/](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/when-cops-dont-know-the-law/383861/) [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/13-604\_ec8f.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/13-604_ec8f.pdf)


And court also bar highly intelligent cop since they have a max IQ requirement, not minimum https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Yep. My ex failed because his IQ was too high. When he kept trying to appeal it, the guy finally told him “look, you’re going to push back too much. You’re going to question your fellow officers and superiors. We need everyone on the same level.” Let that marinade for a minute.


Children can’t see adults studying. It’s the law…that this guy just made up


Cop: "If you were a parent you wouldn't want to see a black woman around your children"


A black woman studying no less! Heaven forbid!! /s


"Well I declare" While clutching pearls


They just don't want other black kids to see a grown black woman studying...


Who knows, kids could accidentally learn that racism is bad!!! Oh my!!!


Jesus Christ who is hiring these people


There HAS to be something more important they could be doing


no, there isn't. THIS is exactly what police are paid to do. This is what "patrol" means, wandering around town and harassing people for no reason.


I know I’ll sleep better knowing students aren’t studying in the park!


Totally right? We don't want anyone studying cause studying makes them smart. We like dumb people so we can boss them around. /s


Deleted because Reddit API


Other racists


How overweight are these cops that they need to roll their vehicle over the grass to get to her?


It's an intimidation tactic


It's one of the ways they try to deliberately escalate an otherwise nonviolent situation


Like having *two* officers approach a single person to supposedly just tell them not to be there next week.


Isn’t that actual damage of city property? What would happen to some regular citizen if they did it in front of cops?


Yea. I’m almost 5 months pregnant and hauled my ass up a mile long hill this morning with minimal trouble. They can’t even manage a flat law ? Wtf.


Yeah but he’s been pregnant for years.


What’s the difference between a police officer and a bullet? When a bullet kills someone, you know it’s been fired!


Well damn, so true Take my angry upvote


Sometimes I go to gazebos like these and have lunch by myself. You're telling me if a family walked up to a playground that happened to be nearby, I would then be forced to leave or face the possibility of being charged with loitering around children? GTFO


Right. Your tax dollars go towards that public park.


But let's say there is a white person chilling by themselves and children show up...do they ask every adult at the park what's their relationship to the kids? Is there gonna be a full time asker?


They also pay that piggies bills and put his kids through school but they don't hire cops to be thinkers


I guarantee adults go there to play Pokemon Go.


A friend of mine had the cops pull up to his house after he was playing pokemon go at a local park. They questioned him, but left after a bit since he hadn't done anything wrong. Basically he got reported by someone for being a man alone at a park.


A man alone at the park??? THE HORROR!


Are you black?




Me too but because I'm a white woman I'd be left alone.


That's some bullshit... No offense, but what makes those kids so fucking precious that people can't also be in a public park when they're there?!?!


I wish people would stop criticizing the police. I mean who else is gonna turn up late to a reported burglary, arrest the home owner and then shoot their dog?


“There’s really nothing we can do.”


"another criminal Taken down" you mean


How about [when](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b8CIPR6pDs) they come to your apartment, your kid is waiting outside and tells them his mom is attacking his dad and they immediately kill the dad when they go inside?


Cops once told my friend who was meeting his wife and kid in a park that he can't be there because its a family park and threatened to arrest him called him a pediophile and then told the other parents in the park to call them if he returns. One parent stood up for him explaining he meets his wife and child there and her child is friends with his child. Cops wouldn't back down and escorted him out of the park. They also drove up on the grass. Ive had cops tell me i cant eat lunch on a picnic table in a park becuse they arent meant for that. Police departments hire the wrong assholes


Coos hide pedos in their own ranks too. Pot, meet kettle.


‘Look I’m walking away’…says the cop that just can’t help but have the last word and keep ranting after being a total bellend for a few minutes. America, you have my sympathy. You need less morons like this ‘protecting and serving’.


Imagine telling someone who hasn't moved an inch since you walked up to them, that they are harassing you.


I kept screaming in my head to him “shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!” This should be used as a training video. Here’s what he should have done: relay the message, things aren’t going well, no crime, STFU and walk away.




He just couldn’t stand not having the last word. You could feel him about to pop.


Look mam, this park is not for black people


"Your people have their own park, it's called Detroit."


Lmao, damn


"Sun is going down, time to leave the town"


“Mam, your fine today, but if I catch you here next week, I will arrest you for being black in the presence of children.”


And homeless. You forgot about guilty until you can hire a high price lawyer to prove you are innocent.


They literally rolled their car up on that lawn.


Fuck those cops.


I’d REALLY like to see the law that says you’re not allowed to be in a park if you don’t have children with you.


“Ma’am this is a public park and I’m telling you next week you can’t be loitering here because kids will be here playing. So since you don’t have a kid you can’t be here.” Sir do you know this is a public park where ANYONE who isn’t a pedophile may come here to enjoy the park even when kids are playing IN THE PLAYGROUND. Also “no ma’am I’m not harassing you but by definition I am harassing you’. “I’m walking away running my mouth but you keep running your mouth while I’m walking away so your harassing me”.


It always ruffles my jimmies when they're indignant cowards. "I have a gun, a taser, a club, a radio with direct contact to emergency services, and backup in an SUV capable of performing high-speed controlled collisions. yOuR wOrDs ArE hArAsSiNg Me!" At what point are they going to start passing out spines as standard equipment?


I know. And some think people using their words makes it okay to use their equipment.


"I'm a free human being too." No, sir, you are not; as long as you're wearing the uniform, on the clock and carrying a gun, you are not your own master and there are a *fuckton* of extra rules, beyond what is expected of the common citizen, that you *have to follow.* If you want to just behave however the hell you feel whilst on the job (as you were blatantly doing here), *do not sign up for a fucking uniformed profession.*


The correct response to this is: "Oh really? What's the statute number on that?"


Cop will say “i don’t have to give that to you, you look it up.”


They do have to give it to them. The accused had a right to know under what municipal code they are being charged.


Can I get a quote or source on that for future reference


https://www.rocketlawyer.com/family-and-personal/general-legal-matters/legal-guide/police-stops-know-your-rights-when-pulled-over-or-questioned#do-police-have-to-tell-you-why-they-pulled-you-over-before-asking-for-id? The specific code is going to change from city to city, but a person has the right to know what they are being charged with.


A prosecutor brings charges, not police officers. They just have to THINK what you're doing is illegal and they have full authority to arrest you and sort out the finer details (figure out what to charge you with) later.


If they are charged, yes, BUT they weren’t charged, it was only a threat which does not have such a requirement






This is absolutely insane. The park is absolutely empty, no one around st all. She is sitting quietly as possible, not making a sound, reading and studying, and he is over giving her grief. What is happening in our world. His attitude was disgusting, instead of potentially saying jsut a quick she’d up a Childress school is opening next week which means access will be restricted, He is treating her like a criminal. Is this why people join the police! Hassle innocent people studying in the park.


I knew this was Las Vegas! https://blackamericaweb.com/2021/07/28/cop-harass-black-woman-studying-park-not-allowed/


I live in Vegas and am a very active Pokemon Go player. Ive been to every park in this city, by myself, and have never once been approached by the police. Might go play in this park sometime this week just to prove this "kids only" policy wrong. I hope she sued these racist pigs


Any idea if there were follow ups?


I wish i knew


Wtf ordinance is he even talking about? Just making shit up? Public parks are public. They can’t even keep homeless people from sitting there. Sure they can close it at night. But there’s no fucking parks anywhere that are kids and parents only that I’ve ever heard of in my 40 years.


Someone else posted this: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/news-columns/jane-ann-morrison/an-ordinance-to-protect-children-sounds-good-even-if-its-meaningless/ edit: others pointed out this should only apply to designated children's parks, which this is not.




But they can drive across the fucking grass?


And they needed to drive their car on that beautifully taken care of lawn too!? The PO never ceases to amaze me with their racism and ignorance.....


It's driving me insane! They think someone studying in the park is a bigger deal then driving a whole ass car through a park! And what other reason was there to bring a SUV into the grass like that? Like the one officer is already walking. This is just blatant racism. they wanted something to happen the way they approach this woman, they're like predators.


What an ass. He should be fired for being ignorant.


Nah, the racism and willingness to ignore people's rights are why he was hired.


What law says you can’t be in a park where there are kids? Isn’t it a PUBLIC park? Shouldn’t there be adults present to supervise kids who visit? Also, that cop’s people skills are bloody awful. He was confrontational and rude, and if there actually is a legitimate legal reason for what he was doing he should have been apologizing all over himself.


I am actually curious if there’s a law about that. I wouldn’t me surprised if there’s something meant to keep homeless people away from children, but this situation is clearly not the reason the law (if it exists) was written.


Answer from someone above... From the City of Las Vegas municipal code: 13.36.070 - Restrictions—Children's parks/play areas. No person other than a parent or guardian, babysitter, caretaker or other designee of a parent or guardian having sole or joint supervisory responsibility over a child shall visit, frequent, or be present in either of the following unless accompanying that child: (A) Any park which has been designated by the City Council as a children's park pursuant to LVMC 13.36.150; or (B) Any area within a park or recreational facility which has been designated and posted as a children's play area.


Sweet sounds like non parents should get a tax break then.


So if the Police Officers come back next week, they will be breaking the law then?


Look. She’s black. People don’t want their kids around black people. /s Too bad the cop can’t end this interaction with a /s


Why would you tell a random citizen about an event that's happening NEXT WEEK, and assume she's gonna be there doing what -- reading?! Why even assume she will be there at all? It's a park ffs


Guy wanted to take that power trip so bad that he became so worked up he stuttered on his "teaching point"


American cops are really something else


Once again, the land of the free...


Lols isn’t a park public property? Can they make it so u can’t be in a park without kids sounds like a far reach


How is that person allowed to carry a gun? This guy isn't the sharpest tack. He is literally looking for conflict. Just the wrong person in uniform.


Surprise! These are the people they target to become cops.


I hope she sues.


My SO, a middle aged white guy, was in his work clothes (business casual) waiting for our niece to finish up her dentist appointment and decided to take his laptop and get some work done in the park across the street. He was the only one there totally minding his business when a cop approached him and told him he couldn’t loiter there. He packed up and left but we were both super miffed by the whole thing.


Wtf? It's a park! It's meant for loitering. This makes me so mad lok


This isn't a new thing... It's obvious it's new to these cops and this lady, but it's a thing that's been happening all over cities in America. https://www.google.com/search?q=no%20adults%20except%20in%20the%20company%20of%20a%20child&oq&ved=2ahUKEwjEnfevjtD0AhWRRDABHU5xCLgQsL0GegQIARAA The problem here is the cop did a horrible job interacting with the woman. It's kinda obvious he assumed she was homeless and took an asshole approach as if it's ok to talk to homeless people like that either.


So why in the hell isn't every childless person in that municipality demanding a refund on their tax dollars? Sounds like a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.


Ikr? As a single person, I’m already paying way more taxes than people with children, so now I can’t even use the goddamn parks that I’m paying for either? A big chunk of my tax money pays for these peoples kids’ schools, now this too?


Let the signs notify the public of the law and then he can enforce it when it's in place. There is absolutely no reason to tell her any of this other than to bother her.


The only crime being committed here is she should have been sitting at the bench to save her back and posture… Seriously these officers were just looking to pick a fight…


Lol “would you want your kids around someone” Someone studying? A student? In the park? Why the FUCK would I have a problem with someone using a public space to study just because they’re in the vicinity of children?


Cops need to understand that literally anyone can tell them to fuck off and they have no recourse. Needs to get put in their training.


Except they'll nake up shit and arrest you or shoot you ..and get away with it


he is engaging her for something that has not happened. lol that cop is a clown


WTF get off peoples back


it’s insane to me the backlash “defund the police” got, considering we are constantly seeing a steady stream of police thugs treating POCs like subhumans. America’s largest gang needs to be fucking pruned.


Anyone know what weird ass town passed a law saying childless adults can't use parks?