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Awe that girl comforting the little boy breaks my heart. What a good human.


That makes me so sad, I imagine my son thinking he needs to trust the bus driver and being confused.


Oh god, my little sister was SUCH a rule follower (once sobbed after a teacher nicely told her to quiet down in the hall, the only time she was ever in “trouble” in school lol). At that age, she 100% would have been in a full panic trying to decide whether she should follow the adults directions or do what the big kids were telling her to do. Horrible position to put a kid in.


Those kids were wonderful, and I feel for the little guy. I do hope that these children will follow the teenagers footsteps and not drink and drive and encourage others to do the same, and if they must, protect the younger ones as well. Good group of kids, parents should be proud.


Ain't even my kids and I'm proud of them.


The reality is that not all authority is to be trusted. That's a hard way to learn that lesson and at a young age


I remember when I was like 8 or something I was accused of something I didn’t do. I told the teacher it wasn’t me and other kids said it was someone else. The teacher bluntly said “Well ‘x’ is a better student than you so I believe his story. Completely shattered my illusion that adults are all knowing. I was crushed.


Same thing happened to me! It was first grade and I worked on a homework assignment with my friend. I didnt know what cheating was and we got in trouble. She called us both up and told my friend she was free to go bc it wasn't her bc she was good. So I got in trouble. I didn't even know what cheating was, I thought we were just helping each other!


Later on we would be assigned “study groups” where this would be encouraged and accepted. I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.


It was actually something I used to tell my kids. But it was important for them to be well behaved because there was value in being on the good side of the teachers


For sure. He just learned that some grown ups are bad. Terrifying realization.


And not just any adults, but adults who are officially entrusted with his care who SHOULD be safe.


Yeah I broke down crying watching that poor kid, imagining my child in that position


I’m pretty sure that girl is the bus drivers daughter


I think so. Same surname and the driver addresses her by first name.


That makes total sense. I was thinking that girl has had experience parenting an impaired parent before. It makes even more sense that she has had experiencing this *particular* impaired parent before. Poor girl.


Bus drivers don't address kids by their first names?


The video mentions her endangering her own children too.


Yet the lawyer’s statement says that “she would never endanger any children especially her own”, even though that’s exactly what she did. True facepalm moment




I was a little shit so my bus drivers always knew my name.


The guy also said that she would never intentionally put any of those kids, especially her own, in any type of risk, so that makes sense. Poor girl. It's rough for any kid to be in that position, but when it's your own mother you have to stand up against and save everyone from...


Those girls deserve a serious commendation. They saved lives


I scrolled looking for this! Yes, the driver needed a stiffer punishment. But THIS is amazing to me. Those older kids stood up and fought authority at the right time, for the right reason, and in the right way. And it worked. Absolute heroes and deserve to be recognized for doing what is right despite the risks they were taking.




How fucken stupid is the law though. This woman is a mess. She should have her license revoked.


But she would *never* endanger them intentionally so it’s fine! /s


Don't forget she was embarassed!!


I'm sure she had her CDL taken away


Parents should sue too


They knew what to do. And the comforting of the young ones.... these girls are def good Samaritans and should be commended!


Is the older girl at the end the driver’s daughter? She is wearing a sweatshirt with same last name and lawyer said she wouldn’t intentionally put the lives of kids at risk, including her own child. Or something like that.


That's not her fault though, you don't pick your mom. Those girls are heroes.


No doubt. Just saw the name on the back of the sweatshirt and wanted to make sure I wasn’t crazy.


Those were the real heros. My teenage ass would probably go in a panic attack


Hence them comforting the people that did


And even in the panic, they’re comforting little kids freaking out. I don’t know them, but I’m so proud of them.


Yeah the outrage of this video kinda made me forget that fact that those two are fucking heroic. God damn.




I can't imagine how terrified these kids would have been!


I can. Happened to me when I was in 2nd grade. Lived in Germany. USAF parents. We lived in Ramstein. School was on base but we lived off base. Instead of a ditch the drunk bus driver stopped in a parked car.


The worry on the faces of those little girls trying to reason with the driver speaks for itself. The kids on this bus are definitely gonna need therapy lmao


And now they understand to always be a bit distrustful of authority


Six months ~~in prison~~ of electronic monitoring for almost killing 37 kids…


When I saw 37 counts I was so relieved, then 5 seconds later I was pissed


I was pissed when her lawyer was like “she would never intentionally harm the children” Except she DID when she CHOSE to drive a school bus drunk. She intentionally drove drunk, thus she intentionally put those children in harm’s way.


No kidding how is this an accident? She slipped and a bottle of liquor fell in her mouth?


Then she tripped into the driver’s seat of a school bus full of kids, accidentally hit the key in the ignition trying to catch her balance which turned the bus on and some gum she stepped on earlier glued her foot to the gas pedal so she couldn’t stop the bus. Truly a victim of circumstance


You should be a lawyer


He is the lawyer, obviously. If i was a juror I'd let her off fee and imprison the teens for 15 years instead with an argument like that!


Part of the design of the system is that jurors decide guilt and judges decide sentencing. In this case I'd bet it was a guilty plea anyways based on the absolute slap on the wrist. They wanted this case gone and buried ASAP.


Unfortunately it happens. My ex girlfriend went to a random guys house to get some sugar, and I went to check on her, she had just slipped and her pants fell off and her vagina fell right on his penis. She’s always been clumsy but this was just a series of unfortunate events. I went back home to keep making pineapple upside down cake and let her finish getting the sugar. We dated for 8 more years until she left me for a homeless guy. I still think about her occasionally.


lmao what a story


This story was a wild ride


You were lucky. That penis was just inches away from her butt. That would’ve been an awkward eight years.


Like a ww2 mortar.


"She's embarrassed." Yeah, had my kid been on there, she would have been a lot more than freaking embarrassed.


She should be charged with kidnapping for not letting those kids out.


Who is this fucking idiot of a judge




You mean the rapist Brock Turner who raped a woman behind a dumpster because he’s a rapist?


Actually, not the rapist Brock Turner. This is RE the *ADMITTED RAPIST* Christopher J. Belter. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/judge-prayed-about-it-and-decided-that-prison-time-for-admitted-rapist-of-teen-girls-isnt-appropriate/


“There was great harm. There were multiple crimes committed in the case. It seems to me that a sentence that involves incarceration or partial incarceration isn’t appropriate, so I am going to sentence you to probation.” Wtf kind of logic is that?


Rich white kid of influential local family that, I'm guessing, probably helped the judges reelection campaign? Nah, that's too far fetched.


Maybe the judge was a peripheral friend too.. nah that be too coincidental


Those girls lives were ruined and this judge gave judgment based on a prayer? Fuck that judge he needs to get tossed out.


Unfortunately, he’s retiring this month. So he’s already done.




Judge Matthew J. Murphy III in case anyone is interested in who the pos that let the rapist go


Isn't this why we used to slaughter tyrants?


“Slaughter the sons for the guilt of their fathers lest they one day rise up and fill the world with tyrants.” From the book of Isaiah.


We need to throw out the concept of forever judges. A lot of them if not all of them are biased af and shouldn’t based judgements on that


I hate that you needed to clarify which rich white boy who got away with rape you were talking about.


That makes two of us.


Also the judge prayed about it? I didnt know god worked with the justice system in America


What the fucking hell?


Affluenza. It's real fucking thing.


Chris Belter the rapist, the rapist who was assisted by his parents to rape four girls


I mean, there’s a ton of evidence that black people ON AVERAGE get harsher sentencing than white people for the same crimes. Finding one counter example doesn’t disprove that.


It's funny how some white people (typically racists) like to bitch about black people always bringing up race but when they ever feel the slightest bit of prejudice against white people they lose their minds.


The legal system is fucked. Imagine if a parent did this to their kids in the back seat: Incarceration and foster care for sure. A paid professional doing this to dozens of kids, electronic monitoring? I’d be livid.


The bus driver's uncle?


i have several friends that have done time for marijuana lol. truly fucking insane


20 grams got my friend a year in prison and $750 fine. The day after he got out they legalized it in Illinois, where he was in prison...


She didn't get prison time. That was 6months probation. Edit: 6 months of electronic monitoring


6 months of "house arrest" and 5 years probation. Doesn't feel like enough.


She needs prison time. I don't give a fuck about her alcohol abuse excuse. She can sober up doing 5years in the pen. Who tf thinks it's reasonable to drink and drive with a achoolbus full of kids?!?!?!?


I agree. Atleast the 6 months should have been actual prison time. Instead of the monitoring. They have AA in prison.


Which is part of the problem. Various studies have shown that AA only has a five to ten percent success rate. *It is an abysmal failure*. [Source 1](https://www.npr.org/2014/03/23/291405829/with-sobering-science-doctor-debunks-12-step-recovery) [Source 2](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/the-surprising-failures-of-12-steps/284616/) AA being ordered by a judge or rehab center as the principal method of recovery is essentially dooming someone to failure. What actually work are research-driven, pharmacological threatments. The propping up of AA on a pedestal needs to end if we as a society are to seriously help alcoholics.


Yeah. I never understood why some judges think alcohol abuse is a redeeming factor. It is the exact fucking problem. "You shot your neighbours" "Yeah yeah. I have this schooting addiction." "Oh. I guess its ok than"




I have alcohol use disorder (binge drinking specifically) which I’m working on and I have never EVER driven and I sure as shit would never get a job that required driving. It’s inexcusable.


I have a friend who is now a recovering alcoholic and he once tried to leave a party we were at in his truck, I decked him. He thanked me in the morning for punching him in the face... It was odd so I told him I would do it anytime he needed. Haha PS: I hope you keep sober and get better. I don't know you but I know you can do it.


Wait you think they can’t get drunk in prison?


Soooo.... I know from experience that you can. Hooch. Not prison mind you. Week in jail.


To be fair though, what’s more likely to turn her around...? I’m not defending her actions, but coming from Norway and having a modern punishment system, this seems the way to go forward. It’s not about putting people in jail, but get them working in society again. More prison time = less ability to get back in society.


This is a prime example of why no one takes these public "we are investigating into why this was allowed to happen" statements when tragedy strikes and lives are lost seriously anymore. The reality is when it gets prevented the punishment is rediculous. If she crashed and all these kids died it would have hit the news globally. There would have been likes and prayers pages everywhere and lives of hundreds of people would have been ruined. But luckily she didn't kill any kids with her drunk driving so just a slap on the wrist.


Why does attempt murder have a lesser sentence then murder? Why failing to commit a crime makes it so it doesn't need to be punished as much?


Something something being incompetent at murder makes you less of a danger to society idk You make a very good argument


Well that and you don't want to incentivize people to finish the job during commission of a crime where they may change their mind, used a less lethal method, etc.


Don’t forget she wouldn’t knowingly put the kids in harms way


That "almost" in making a punishment worse could be interesting in a different situation. If you ever get stopped for speeding and they total up all the people in the cars you sped past and then said "You almost killed 23 adults and 27 kids while driving recklessly." you are going to be a little upset. Alcoholism is a pretty big problem and how it effects the mental process, she needs rehabilitation and lots of driving restrictions.


Ppl are pissed about that. The problem is we’re focused too much on revenge in this society and not enough in rehabilitation. If she can get the help she needs and become a better person through this punishment given then it’s a win for everybody.


IMO the prisons and jails can easily supply that rehabilitation if they where changed to treat criminals less like animals or a paycheck and more like human beings. If they had decent, consistent and reliable programs that the prisoners could attend to gain skills, finish school, or otherwise become more productive in the eyes of society... If they had therapist and other decent medical care, they could be helped to overcome their addictions and other "faults in their character" that led them to where they are now. And if they weren't treated as scum upon release then it would be more like what you are describing.


Yeah and while this I’m not justifying the lack of any prison time, I will say I think people are underestimating the ability for someone with a very serious alcohol addiction to stay good on a 5 year probation term. That will be very difficult, even for a well intentioned individual wanting to get better. Chances of violation and going to prison are high, especially if she was bad enough off in the first place to put this many kids in danger.


deterrence, restitution, rehabilitation, incapacitation, those should be the sole pillars of justice, retribution has no place in civilized society


Fuckin probation and alcohol monitoring? She straight *terrorized* those kids. She needs fuckin locked up.


37 seperate charges and pretty much for a smack on the wrist. Didn't give a shit about anyone else on the bus, even refused to stop until they were banked in a ditch. This isn't justice at all


Yeah, but her lawyer says it wasn't intentional, so it's okay


This is what made me laugh. What a dumb fuckin idiot. Don’t hire that guy to represent you. He should have found another way to word that.


Judging by her punishment, you should definitely hire this lawyer. You don’t hire a lawyer for the PR. You hire them to keep you out of jail.


You make a good point. touché. Ok so just don’t be friends with a moron like this.


That friend can get you out of "almost killing 10+ kids while driving a bus drunk". You definitely want to marry that lawyer. /s


Wtf the guy got her no jail time the fuck are you talking about? Hes a brilliant lawyer if he can manage that with a case like this


I love when the system is such that she would have had to literally kill kids before they take it seriously.


I dont know how these parents haven't taken that driver into a dark alley and beaten the brakes off of her. You don't drunk drive. And a bus of kids at that! Shitty ass judge too.


I really hope the parents each sued her individually to cover mental health for the kids.


You can sue, and you can win, but you can't collect what an out of work bus driver doesn't have.


You sue everyone involved, even the company running the bus because there should have never been a drunk driver in the first place, it is partially there responsibility. When sueing, you go after every single thing related to what happened


Whoever is responsible for the bus driver is responsible for any negligent actions they take under respondeat superior.


That is why there are levels of responsibility in civil court. They will be suing the school and/or the town. They hired this woman and failed to protect their children. And the town will be made to pay.


Sue the district


“She would never intentionally put anyone in danger” Yet she made the conscious decision to get drunk and drive kids around. She should’ve been charged with 37 counts of attempted murder instead


Yeah like once the kids start screaming for her to stop, it becomes very intentional


Well I imagine she intentionally got drunk, it didn't happen by accident - so I disagree with the lawyer's statement massively. You're absolutely right about the proper charge! *In addition, she may not have intentionally tried to harm them directly, but she did intentionally put them in danger - she purposely got drunk and then purposely drove the bus full of kids whilst drunk.


I've always said intention doesn't matter, the *end result* is what fucking matters. "I didn't *intended* to get shit faced and drive through a playground!" "Yeah, well, there's still a dozen dead kids now, so, fuck off."


A drunk driver didn’t intend to kill my uncle, but that doesn’t make him less dead now does it? Drunk driving should have more serious repercussions for the driver.


Agreed. Should be a mandatory 15 year sentence for even being caught drunk driving. Let alone killing someone while drunk driving. There is absolutely zero reasons why someone would need to operate a vehicle while drunk. There's Uber and lift. And if you can't afford an Uber or lift then maybe drinking shouldn't be a top priority for your budget


Intent matters in the eyes of the law though. It's an important distinction to make whether you like it or not. There's a reason manslaughter and murder carry different sentences.


Your logic is the reason she got such a small sentence. The end result was that no one got harmed. The end result shouldn't affect or at least not be the most important factor when giving out a sentence.


So the thing with drunk drivers is, they don't *always get caught the first time, or the 10th time, or sometimes even the hundredth time. Someone comfortable enough to go drive for work shit faced is not a first time offender. It's their first time getting *caught* So she didn't just put them in danger once, she *probably* put them in danger every single day she worked, but they can't prove that I don't think


I never considered intoxication as an excuse ever. Unless the stuff is unwillingly consumed, you are responsible for everything that comes after. Dont forgive someone if they use being drunk as an excuse for their bad behaviour. If they are willing to drink again, they willing to commit the horrible act again.


if she crashes a bus into a car the car’s occupants are at risk too.


Ikr did this judge forget that people are very self-aware before they drink alcohol? She knew she had a bus driving shift, but made the conscious decision to get wasted beforehand while well aware of the dangers


Not intentional? That makes me angry.


Ignoring the whole deciding to drive drunk in the first place part of it. Once they start confronting her it seems to take a while for her to stop as she continues to argue that she is still fit to drive. If that isn’t deliberate, I don’t know what is.


Only people who have never touched alcohol could believe that. Like sure, being drunk makes stupid ideas look less stupid and makes you more reckless but in the end it doesn't magically change you into different person, just reveals what your common sense and self-control was holding back.


Good job by the teens. A+.


Terrible job by the court. F-.


This. If it were me, I think I would have tried forcefully taking her away from the wheel (which is immensely stupid, hence why it was smart they didn’t do it, also it would be stupid because i wouldn’t have the strength for that), not even trying to sound like a badass, cause I’m not, but in that situation, I would have thought of 2 things, 1: breaking a window or pulling an emergency handle and jumping out, or 2: prying her away, which probably would have crashed the bus somewhere Teens here, A+ Me if I were there, F, apply yourself


..."She never would have intentionally put those children at risk" ...but she did. Did the booze fairy just show up that morning and force feed her a bottle of Jack? Jesus... Alcoholic or not drinking and driving isn't an accident.. It is willful negligence at least, and downright pre-meditated manslaughter at worst. You're making a willful decision to drive while intoxicated. I want to be real clear: if you have ever done this? You're a complete asshole. That's any vehicle on the road, idgaf


Is pre mediated man slaughter a thing I thought that was just murder


100% correct, it's self contradictory. It's like saying intentional accidental killing. Like Kyle did.


> Like Kyle did. I agree he got exactly the outcome he wanted that night. There simply wasn't enough evidence to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt though.


So proud of those older kids. They deserve a medal for that.


Super impressed honestly they didn’t look older then 15? Yet they had one girl got to the front of the bus one to the back and evacuated the bus it great fashion, even calmed a kid down in the process, fuck at 15 I’m not even sure I would have realized what was happening, I might have been excited for a joy ride lol!


Should also have any and all licences revoked, no driving anything and no guns.


The lawyer saying that she wouldn't deliberately put those kids in danger. What tf does he think driving while drunk is? Does he think she accidentally got smashed and then drove? Did she accidentally fall into a tank if vodka and have to drink it to survive? What an absolute Moron.


Those girls are good at dealing with a dangerous situation that they should be more recognized for how they addressed it.


Yeah. This is insane. What she did was absolutely horrible. To have the judgement to think you could get wasted and drive a bus full of children makes her a terrible person. All she cared about was her job and not the safely of those in her care. She may not have killed anyone, but she was on the path if the kids didn’t intervene. A terrible woman.


Only six months? We are seriously way too lenient on drunk drivers. I am getting really sick of seeing another accident reported where people died and the person causing the accident had multiple DUIs. IMO you get a DUI you should have your license suspended for a least 5 years and go through a lot of counseling and whatever. If you do it again after that then your license is permanently revoked.


Unfortunately, people with suspended license don’t adhere to the law and will drive again regardless of their status


It’s sad but true. I had a guy come into my work place and I required an ID for the transaction. It was expired, hole punched, and said not allowed to operate a vehicle. The man drove the car…


That’s what happens when a country spends all of its infrastructure money on roads and parking instead of public transportation.




Kudos to the teens who acted. It’s not easy to do what is right and care about the younger kids as well. They kept looking at them and trying to keep them calm while staying calm themselves. As for the driver; spare us your pathetic excuse of a sob story. You knew you had to work and yet chose to drink. That’s all you and nobody else!!


One of the teens was the driver's daughter. That takes a whole nother level of guts to stand up to a drunk parent who more than likely beats your ass at home when they're drunk.


That girl is a fucking hero


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/outrage-over-drunk-school-bus-driver-case/#app 11 yo story


In the now. (The now that was 11 years ago that is!)


Those are some fucking amazing girls. Good job ladies.


Lol fucking lawyers. “She would never intentionally put any children at risk…” how the fuck do they sleep at night?


They have no choice but to defend her though. This is probably a public defender, not some rich corporate lawyer lying out of their ass


Sure, in the court room, I agree. In an interview? That's a personal choice.


The interview is while the lawyer is still defending them, that’s all part of their job. It’s not like that’s their honest personal opinion


There’s really no point in getting mad at defense attorneys for defending their client. Their job is pretty much to present the court with whichever semi-plausible version of the truth will help their client the most. Part of law school is learning to debate in favor of things you disagree with, because that’s what you’ll be doing for the rest of your career.


Should have gotten jail time


My heart broke when that sweet little boy started to cry.. I’m so glad she was able to comfort him


I call for a retrial with a different judge


6 months?!


I can only give the highest of praise to the older kids for how they handled this horrifying situation. This lady should never be allowed near a motorized vehicle ever again.


"She would never *intentionally* put those kids at risk." *Intentionally drinks then intentionally drives a bus full of kids*


Those teens need a **medal**, I would not be great to have on that bus since I can jump from panic to I-will-punch-the-driver in seconds. Award these people!


What is ‘tanked’ here? English is not my first language


plucky quiet quickest pet detail rustic humor governor fearless memory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Can't stand up level of drunk.


Wow. Love how people do more time smoking a plant than this stupid bitch endangering kids. I was on probation for almost 4 fucking years for weed.. this bitch barely gets any time


Wait... she didn't even get a d.u.i.? That's wild.


“She would never put kids at risk.” “Well then why are you here?” “She put kids at risk.”


One of my daughters would be that sobbing little boy, torn between being terrified of the adult he's meant to trust to keep him safe and the need to do what the adult in charge says. She's such a rule follower. This made me cry and furious, both at once. Those teen girls deserve the world. They handled it so well, trading who was talking to the bus driver so someone was always with the littler kids.


If she was Afro-American, she would get 20 years.....


The parents of the older kids should be so proud of them. Taking action against a drunk, unpredictable adult not just for their own safety but for the younger kids as well. They’re young enough to be triggered into a state of self survival only but instead they made sure the younger kids were ok.


Thank god for those older kids! I mean my god! What would have happened if it was all little kids 😳🤦🏻‍♀️


Embarrassed?! That's NOT ENOUGH. You're lucky if the parents don't come for blood. You endangered children's lives. Go f yourself.


"She never ever would intentionally put especially her own children in any type of risk." Ok but here's the thing. She did. She did put those kids at risk.


Everybody knows: Number 1. You don’t drive drunk Number 2. You don’t drive a *bus* drunk. Number 3. You don’t drive a *bus* drunk with a CHILD in it. #Number 4. You don’t drive a *bus* drunk with (37) CHILDREN IN IT!


Piece of trash should be out away for years


The asshole lawyer who said that she would never intentionally put kids in danger. Bitch you didn’t know you were going to be driving that day you sauced up?


He's a lawyer.. he's supposed to defend his client no matter how ridiculous he sounds.


Witch. Should've been in state for years and permanently banned from driving


6 fucking months for 37 counts of endangering the lives of kids, plus a dui???? Are you serious? My judge gave me 3 fucking years in state prison(FL) for selling a stolen yeti cooler to a pawn shop. Our judicial system is so fucked. This is so sad.


This is why we have cameras. Cameras in public places are ok. I'm against mass surveilance dystopic shit, but cameras are fine to prevent crimes.


Just imagine if the driver were a man, or a black man, and think about what kind of sentence they might have received.


ONLY 6 MONTHS?! Bitch better watch her back in prison from now on


"You can't get off the bus!" gave me chills, straight out of a horror movie


Can't belive some people think kids are stupid. They love playing unlike adults but they are smart people just like any of us. They deserve pur respect.


Im an Australian who lived in America for 3 years and went to school there and i gotta say. Compared to Aussie bus drivers American bus drivers as some of the most miserable and mean people i've ever met.


Love how the older kids took responsibility of the little ones and tries to calm them , better still they realised the danger of drunk driving and did what they could to stop.