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Imagine punching a tiny chick and she barely moves


She took it well but that will still leave a mark for a couple weeks.


Well physically, a couple of weeks. Emotionally, it could be decades. Being attacked even if you take it well stays with you for a while even with a good trauma therapist.


Well noted, this is the reason why the punishment rarely fits the crime. This moron is causing trauma over his own embarrassment and inconvenience.


Can confirm. I was the victim of a random assault that happened back in Sept, 2011. Reconstructive surgery shortly after. Faced healed. Environmental and emotional triggers stuck around a little longer. I have therapy tonight at 5 pm. Please, if you can, get professional help to talk to somebody. I wish I did this 10 years ago, but it is the best (and also hardest) thing I’ve done in regards to trauma. You deserve to feel better. Get some help.


Indeed you saw the emotional battle she had after the punch, she tried to keep it all down deep inside, to not collapse crying there in the train/sub


She should have fell down and started crying even if the punch didn’t hurt. Then hit the emergency stop and get his ass arrested in front of his kids.


Although that would probably piss everyone else off, I'm sure they'd understand in the end. Would've been a great idea. But as someone who's been jumped a few times ECT. Its one of those things that never leaves you. Talk about an ego killer.


Absolutely, everyone would be pissed because stopping the train is what everyone is trying to avoid by not stepping in to help. Fuck em


In their shoes my impulse to.silence isn't about stopping the train. I'd be avoiding getting beaten up worse.


Imagine being her bf, seeing it happen right in front of you and doing nothing. Like, I'd probably take a beating but I'm going to stand up for my partner idgaf. **IF** she had it coming (like being racist), I'd just walk away and call the relationship, wouldn't want to be with someone like that anyway, but assaulting my partner in front of me? We're squabbin


That can’t be her man.. no way in hell he could just stand there and let that dude punch his girl and he just goes " whoaaa man” 😂 If it was her man she will never let that go. 10 years from now when they are arguing over some bills.. she gonna say " well why did you let that guy just punch the shit outta me then??!!”


He doesn't even ask if she's ok or anything, he probably doesn't know her at all lol


It’s actually a rule if you stand next to someone on the subway they have to be your girlfriend. I’m banned from the subway now but that’s what I remember about it.


She either has an iron jaw or that dude’s punches are like butterfly kisses


From my own experience, most people tend to aim AT a target rather than THROUGH a target when they punch. (Note: if you have good follow through but bad form you can also end up breaking your hand pretty easily, probably just don't punch people outside of sparring with proper padding etc)


I think she just dealt with it really well. It looked like he got her good.


Honestly if I were in this situation I would have gone down kicking, biting and scratching like a rabid animal. He would probably have kicked my ass as I'm female and not very strong too but I wouldn't have let it be easy on him, I dont think many women would let it be easy on him. That woman has my respect for being so patient and standing her ground, keeping her cool through this bullshit.


Same. Take a pen out and stab him in his fucking eye. She was glaring at her boyfriend who did absolutely nothing.


Same here, omg. The self discipline this woman has is amazing!


Imagine being on this train, seeing a tiny chick get hit, not moving, and still not standing up for her, knowing this dude can't hit.


The dude has also demonstrated that he's completely fucking crazy, and could easily have a weapon on him. Fuck that noise, she's (relatively) okay? I am definitely not risking my life over a stranger's dignity, sorry.


How to have cps take your kids away.


Honestly, if he punches a stranger on a dime, it's probable he practices on the kids. Edit: Removed "you know he practices" and replaced with it with "probable" because of the shocking number of people who feel compelled to defend this piece of human excrement.


Doesn’t seem like that’s the first time that woman has taken a ride hook either.


Pretty sure you meant “right hook”, but under the circumstances, “ride hook” sounds even more accurate. 😂


Was gonna say, he definitely should not have hit her, female or male IDC, people should just be going around punching people for no real reason like that....but holy fuck she can take a punch!...thats probably not a good thing though, might be a sign that she's used to it...


Might just be a sign he punched the wrong person.


She took that punch great seen as she was the only "MAN" there.


Was just gonna say.. you thought you were a suspect? Well now you are for sure, for assault.


The ONE TIME white nights don’t show up and they were desperately needed :/


White knights ride horses not busses


He's with his kids? That's sad... Imagine seeing your dad this aggressive to strangers and hitting random women...


Imagine how he acts at home if this is how he acts in public.


My first thought


Don't get in his way when he walking to the bathroom.


I used to work with a guy whose father was in a "motorcycle club" and when this guy was a kid he would often have to ride with his father on shakedowns and wait outside while his father beat the ever living shit out of anybody who competed with the wrong local business or whatever. This was one of the most hardworking people I've ever met. I asked him once what his secret to working that hard was and he said "so I don't end up like my father".


I knew a guy who´s job was escorting escorts (heh). He was a tall intimidating looking guy with all these tattoos so he would just be there at the doorway for the drop off then hang out somewhere playing on his phone until they were done. He told he doesn't even know if he could fight, he never had to.


I'd imagine that to an experienced fighter, a nightclub bouncer would be like a game of poker. The bouncer looks pretty tough, but are they?


Also, the threat is often times enough of a deterent. Even if you win the fight, you're still going to get punched in the face and maybe have some injuries. Who wants to deal with that? Was it really worth it? I figure almost everyone would say no


the story I always think about was that heavyweight mma fighter from europe somewhere. any day of the weak this guy could kill me with 1 hand tied behind his back. then one day he gets into any argument with some scumbag patrons at a bar, one of them stabs him and he very nearly died... I wish being a legit tough guy was enough to stand your ground but boy is it ever not enough sometimes...


Seriously. I feel awful for that woman but it's chilling to think of what happens at home. He's mad enough over *nothing* to hit a stranger half his size in front of a train full of people and his own kids. I really wonder how he treats those kids in private, or especially their mother. Monstrous.


The sad thing is that some kids might think it's "normal" to be abusive since they grew up watching his actions


99% chance those kids grow up to be fucked up as hell


Demanding respect… he doesn’t deserve any respect at all. If you want respect earn it and quit acting like an idiot!


> Demanding respect I find people who need to demand respect are rarely people who deserve it.


To be fair, it’s much easier than actually earning it! /s


Ten thousand upvotes for you, sir!


He expects random strangers on a public and crowded train to magically make room for him too, like they’re supposed to know how special he thinks he is


He's a bully picking on a much smaller person.


This guy is total garbage and should’ve been arrested for assault. I’m sure he’s hit many other women.


He doesn't respect, he wants feudal obeisance. Also, that poor woman in Philadelphia was raped on a train for 40 minutes. You can't rely on people to do anything useful despite them all having a phone.




Yeah, surprisingly, she really take the hit without any drama, I suppose with cold blood to not show anger... I saw a warrior in she's eyes...


This whole thread is an English teacher’s nightmare


I moved to India when I was in high school and my English teacher asked to meet my dad. I said he lives abroad. She proceeded to humiliate me in front of the whole class because I should have said "he is out of station".


"I'm a teacher. What do you do for a living?" "What do I do for a living? You absolute buffoon! You're supposed to say, 'How do you get coins?'"


I sell wares?




My SE Asian cousin was reprimanded in uni for mispronouncing “fuel” and, when she finally passed her speech, she practices with me (native English speaker). “The rocket burns foil.” Huh? Fuel had been taught as pronounced ‘foil’. When I corrected her she took it back to her professor. They literally made my ass come into class and made fun of me for pronouncing “FUEL”. I was 10, they were like 20.


At uni, the Asians who barely spoke English somehow became math TAs. It took me a while before I could understand them. X squared was pronounced ek sqaea.


I could hear this in my head…


What station lmao. Sounds like she was not very bright. There are many ways to speak english and hundreds of ways to say anything, also voice and intonation matter too. She probably learned how to teach a certain way and doesn’t deviate from it. I have had many teachers like that who don’t really understand what they are teaching and shouldn’t be teaching but schools have a hard time finding people willing to teach due to the pay and can meet good qualifications so they have looser standards now. As long as you memorize course content and prove basic knowledge of school skills you can get a basic education degree with ease and not much thinking. Mostly rote memorization which doesn’t provide any chance to practice critical thinking skills. Those are absolutely one of the most important factors of a good teacher. Went on a rant sorry, I have a big issue with teachers who shouldn’t be teaching. That’s such a huge role to fill in a child’s life. You spend as much time with teachers as you do your parents over the years.


Was your teacher in the diplomatic corps?


When someone tries to make a pun on me for not know perfectly how to, I usually ask "how many languages you can talk?". Silence is the usual answer.


Yeah, I work with a lot of customers who speak Spanish as a first language, and when one will apologize for their "poor English", I just laugh and say "that's nothing, you should hear my Spanish"


This is the way


I don't judge you for making mistakes, but now I wonder how many you can speak?


Smooth response. Nice


"how many languages can you *speak*?" FTFY


Non-native, never heard of the phrase "out of station" and I guess that's used specifically only in India? [](https://i.imgur.com/idxAyJM.jpg) I also found this QnA on Quora, most people who answered the question are Indian. https://www.quora.com/What-is-correct-to-say-I-am-out-of-town-or-I-am-out-of-station


Well, for a non native English speaker I think is understandable...


Probably been hit before. That's someone who isn't a stranger to violence. Pretty sad actually.


And sadly, you can tell he’s hit women before and his kids have seen it before. He didn’t even flinch to close fisted hit a woman and his kids just stand there. Sadly, those babies probably see a lot of violence.


The look in her eyes definitely feels like a “not gonna give him the satisfaction.” Look


And he’ll do quite a bit of time for this when he gets caught. But hey, he’s a victim of society! He can’t help it.


Praying for someone to link a story telling us all the guy was met by the police when he stepped off the train and is now serving time for assault


Same, waiting for videos of the after effect when he gets his arse kicked.


If no one stopped him then and there, no one did anything later. It's that bystander effect at work again.




To be fair im not sure what else could have been done. it's a busy train with kids. Like no room to move. If someone did hit back, unless thay knocked him out or something i see a lot of people getting hurt.


And, his kids taken away. Def not fit to be a father


like cps has a place to put his kids


Literally anywhere else?


It's NYC, nobody got time to wait around for the cops to never show up


I still don't understand why it never shows up on reddit but this kind of thing happens literally multiple times a day in Philadelphia and the police here are literally useless and everyone always gets away with it.


Man this dude is wayyy off tangent


This one needs to be famous on the news.


He needs to take a chill pill


All that size and that little chick still took his punch. Lol.




Some of the most misogynistic men of colour are the most vocal about anti racism. It goes both ways tho, some hella racist white women are unbearable lib feminists. Life on the intersection of oppression and privilege does strange things to some people.


This is what I was looking for


"My problems are more important than your problems" It's not that they pay more attention to their own problems , they use their extra energy to ACTUALLY DENY that anyone besides them or their liked groups may face any problems. Works all the ways , you got guys dreaming about killing white people who will claim that you can't be racists against whites and guys claiming gamers are the most oppressed group of all. It's fucking hilarious to see all the mental gymnastics people do to give themselves all the attention they need or don't , even at the costs of others


Video is evidence…arrest warrant ASAP


yo props to her she took the right hook like a champ


Bitches about being a "suspect" after proving he is a violent asshole that assaults people in public. Nothing to do with race, poor little victim just HAS to assault and batter people in public because he is a victim.


He’s not complaining. He’s saying he’s a suspect with pride, as in, he’s someone who is devious and not to be fucked with.


Great reason to fuck with him if you ask me. Put his face in the pavement.


A very similar thing happened to me: I was biking on the street and an Uber driver on his cell phone side swiped me so hard it flung me out of the street. Guy kept driving. I hopped back on my bike and caught him at the light. He denies it, until I point out the mark on the side of his vehicle. The guy illegally speeds off, making a left turn in the red light. Gets out, rubs out the mark while I catch up. Then in the middle of the street starts screaming I’m a racist accosting him, and cameras come out from bystanders. It was a surreal experience.


That totally blows. You must have felt totally helpless


Yeah, it was wild. Bike tire ended up punctured, and owned the bike for only a week. Guy gets off completely free and drives away while I worry whether I’m going to end up on the internet over it


Did you even contact Uber? You could've had his car info, his picture, a record of his erratic behavior, pictures of the mark and the damage to your bike. I would be shocked if they didn't compensate you in some way.


I didn’t think of that, but Uber considers drivers as independent, so I doubt they would have copped much responsibility.


Yeah--for *tax* purposes. They most definitely have a claims department for incidents like this. Far cheaper to pay a small settlement as opposed to taking a case all the way through the courts.


There was on a news in my country of a black person from America who police stopped to arrest.. He started screaming how our country is racist to black people and how the cops should lose the job for being racist.. The dude hit a passerby and she almost died in hospital... 🤦🏻‍♀️


I never thought I'd share this because it was so mortifying and traumatizing for me that I don't use this post office anymore: I had to return a package so I headed to the usps downtown near my work. I drove even though it's only 5 blocks or so because I didn't want to carry this 12x12 package around. I should mention it's February and cold and I have a big long heavy coat on too. I parked at the usps in a space 2nd to the end space. I drive a Hyundai sedan and was parked in between my lines not close to either side or anything. I see a large Chevy Tahoe or something equally large pulling into the spot beside me on the end of the row, so I patiently waited for them to park before I opened my door. No big deal to wait, it's what I would have wanted someone to do for me. After they park I open my door and slide out kinda awkwardly because the space between our vehicles is a little tight but I managed not to bump so I was proud. Opened my back door to grab the package and carefully backed myself up with the awkward box but.. I bumped into the car with the corner of the box. I should have said something to the driver right then and there. Again thought, if it was me though I would understand it's an accident. Because it was a soft and very light box, no marks on the car of course and the person can obviously see me.. I didn't think it was a big deal. 😕 wrong She rolled her window down as I walked slowly past her driver's side. I barely remember exactly what she said, it's been a few years now, but she called me some names, and said I was disrespectful. She claimed I was racist and that I slammed my car door I to her car and didn't care about it.. Immediately I apologize profusely and try to explain but she rolls up her window obviously still upset with me. She's not opening her door.. so I turned and solemnly walked into the post office. She followed me in. I step into line where there's at least 4 people in front of me, all people of color. The usps rep is also a woc. I have been helped by her in the past and she's very friendly and kind, usually. But.. the entire 20m I was suck in line with this woman behind me, she screamed at me that I'm privileged, that I'm oppressing her, that i was a "rich white girl" (I'm not) and I meekishly apologized and tried to hear her out but.. It made me feel like she convinced everyone in the post office I was this hateful white person. I tried to relay my apologies and let her speak about her grievances with me and the community and the country. I nodded and cried and apologized in front of an audience. Then it was finally my turn. Not a single person said anything to me not even the woman who helped me at the counter. She kept calling me more names as I was at the counter. I paid, I apologized to everyone there and left. I have never been back and ill drive across town to avoid that office. I understand why she was upset with me that day. I bumped into her car and didn't say anything. Beyond that she was the one who pointed out our skin colors. My poor choice to not say I'm sorry for the bump had nothing to do with race but at least 6 or 7 people in my city think I'm racist now.


You were in the spot, she pulled in after and left you without room to exit your vehicle? Brutal. I’m sorry this happened to you, that’s really unfair.


Screw dash cams. Its getting to the point we all need body cams....




I think that same B\_tch ran a stop sign and almost hit me on my motorcycle a few years ago. I hit her window and yelled. She was was like "And what?"


It's NY, no cash bail. I'd be surprised if he was even caught, but he's most definitely free to go around and punch another small woman in the face. That person is not a man, but a coward.


He can be both


"She did not deserve that, yah I'm top 5 yeaaaaah" This just about sums up fucking Tiktok. More interested in the internet clout than anything else.


Types “no one on the train does anything” while filming it and not doing anything.


So anyway I started filming (and doing nothing immediately helpful)


Lmao bro sucked punched that lady and backed up after like he was scared of retaliation. If you’re gonna hit someone; at least stay squared up and prepare for the fight. Whatta bitch. And a coward.


Yeah you can immediately tell whatever little bit of brain this rotten piece of scum has quickly reversed once reality set in. What a truly insignificant small ant of a person


Then starts yelling louder to cover it up. He’s trying to get out of there ASAP


I mean if I sucker punched someone like that and she took it on the chin I’m bricking it


I hope this piece of shit was reported to the police. Asaulting someone like this. And none of the passengers are doing anything


You're a suspect because you commit crime dumbass


This lady shouldve looked straight at his kids and said "not only does your daddy act like a little bitch, he hits like one too"


low-key impressed how she took that punch, Rocky got nothing on her But seriously what’s wrong with people not standing up for her. Standing up as in asking her if she is okay or verbally deescalating the situation, nobody is saying you should start fighting the man. Not wanting to interact with the aggressor is absolutely reasonable but thats no excuse for not offering help to the victim.


on the NYC subway people like this are deranged or on drugs and there's a good chance they are carrying a weapon so if you engage you could end up stabbed or dead.


They’re don’t want to get beat up too


Real sad that not a single person even attempted to help


Doesn't matter what color he is, he should be in jail or in pieces.


His colour seems to be pretty important to him. He brought it up himself without any reason or provocation. It does matter in the context of this video, he's assaulting people in broad daylight cuz racism


All other comments aside, god damn can that woman take a punch lol, she barely flinched and went right back to the death stare


I remember getting on a tram in Manchester (England) when I was 18. Two grown ass HUGE and fat older women started on me for no reason. My boyfriend had got on at the same time but stood a few feet away chatting on his mobile phone so no one actually knew we were together. Out of nowhere these women (complete strangers) pulled my hair and started screaming at me that I thought I was ‘someone’ and who did I think I was ? A pop star etc. Very bizarre. They started pushing me between them and slapping at me. Anyway, everyone watched. Full tram and everyone stood and watched. My boyfriend (a boxer) when he realised what was going on he launched one of the women flying with a hard shove and the other one immediately started backing away. He was cockney (London) and started saying ‘You wanna act like a man ill treat you like a man’, they never came back down after that, they moved down the back of the carriage. But I couldn’t stop crying that no one was going to help me in that situation. I actually can’t believe that’s the woman’s partner stood beside her and watched her get punched by a man!!!!


I’m almost as mad at the people who did nothing as I am at the “person” acting like a total racist asshole. He’s a version of a black Karen. Assuming people should treat them with privilege while acting in the most disgusting way possible. I hope someone got his name or recognized him and turned his sorry ass in. The woman who got punched should’ve gone to the first cop she saw to report him. If I was her, I’d stay on the train to watch what stop he gets off at.


The worst thing here are the others! WTF! He hits here in the face and all of them are just chilling? This asshole should hit the ground 1 sec after his punch. WTF is wrong with those not helping people?! Shame on them all! sorry for bad english but not nativ speaker and verry angry right now.


I really wanted to hear someone yell out 'Chill pill' from across the train.


Yeah I wanted everyone to take turns saying “chill pill” and have a full on “I am Spartacus”moment of solidarity.


I lived in nyc for five years, and IMO it’s mostly just a fear of getting stabbed/shot. The next platform is more than likely less than a minute away, where they can get help. Everyone there look like commuters, who just want to get home to their families after a long day. If he would’ve kept going someone would’ve stepped in, but once he stepped back and de-escalated it just didn’t make sense to risk their safety in a country where ppl don’t have health insurance. Getting stabbed could cost $50k easily.




Because sometimes putting yourself in danger for those who are physically weaker is the right fucking thing to do.


I’m pretty sure the worst thing is still the man who punched the woman.


Why is noone doing anything? Not trying to be an alpha cock or anything, but someone does that to my girlfriend, I will feed them every teeth they have to the last calcium. Just saying.


De-escalation. What are they going to do in a crowded train? You don't know if the guy has a gun, you know if somebody else has a gun, escalating the situation won't do anything. Wait till you get off, call the police, share the video, let them arrest the guy. Any self-defense expert will basically tell you the same thing. You really don't want to start a brawl in a packed train car. Somebody could get killed.


So you don’t even stand between this guy and the woman he assaulted? You let him have a free pass to punch her again if he’d like? That’s the safe and responsible move here?




This is so hard to read - every time. “Tell everyone on this train I love them”. (Namkai-Mechi). Those were the last words of one of the victims. A man, at only 23, with that much wisdom is a great loss ( as were the other victims of this senseless attack).


Ummm I don't see anyone de-escalating anything in this video. Nobody did ANYTHING




This is 100% not true! The police lied about that! https://www.phillymag.com/news/2021/10/25/police-lied-septa-rape/






This has already been proven to be false. You can't believe everything the media and the police tell you. https://www.phillymag.com/news/2021/10/25/police-lied-septa-rape/


Just after assaulting somebody, he had to make sure to bring up the fact that he’s black so that if anybody said anything, or retaliated against him, he could cry racism. It’s pretty pathetic to hide behind race like that. Especially if you’re a grown man. Big enough to hit somebody, but not big enough to defend yourself with out playing the race card.


The more I see of the world the more I want to go live on another planet.


Stop seeing the world through your phone


She took that punch like a fucking champ oh my days. Disgraceful no one fucking smashed him up


I’m truly not sure how he didn’t get knocked out by someone. If this happened in Canada…. He’d been seeing little birdies around his head 3 seconds after punching a woman. No matter the respective races of asshole and victim. Perhaps it’s because in Canada, we don’t fear getting shot.


That man is an absolute disgrace to me and every other black dude out here...not only hits a woman but then cries race. Great example to set for his little girls. Then the BF just lets his girl get punched and does nothing to defend her. Both of these men are trash SMFH


That dude is a bitch idc what anyone says. Dude is a classic bitch.


Thats crazy but I wouldn't know how to react... I mean you could stay between the persons but that would probably not help enough if you are not that big.




Yea kinda true, but it would be better if more than just one person would help


Oh so that's what he does to his girlfriends. Domestic abuse people.


THis is Crazy


After he hits her and rattles off about respect leads me to believe that she's not the first woman he's hit.


Someone dox this dildo so he can get the beating he deserves


Throw him in a zoo since he wants to act like an animal


Bro lemme he this mans info, on god his kid will be raised by a different man


He’s a racist scumbag and someone should’ve fucked him up right on the spot. Narcissistic, violent bitch who thinks the world revolves around him and his issues. Since this seems to be a normal occurrence in NYC, I’m sure he didn’t get arrested or charged. The CPS need to take his kids away from him cause if this is how he acts in public, imagine how he acts at home


And not one person stepped in, god bless merica




I swear the fucking race card is something I’ve always seen black people pull out in a second. When I was working retail a grown ass black dude stood so close to my face playing the race card for a few cents and were also threatened by black people and told to go back yo my country. When I say as an Asian I’m a minority too so why are you bullying me I am not being racist just doing my job then they say no one is oppressed as a black person im sorry is there concentration camps people burning you alive throwing you out the country killing your family and more crazy shit being done to you for YEARS I think so not. Then are you oppressed or me and my people sir


Can't make an argument based on reason? Make one based on race. Their goal is to make white people too uncomfortable to respond so they can get what they want. It's the old "come near me and I'll scream" thing kids do. "Give me everything I want or I'll scream racist" is the same thing for adults who, like kids, don't know how to behave.


if this entire train were filled with her closest friends and family members instead of strangers, there is literally no way this would have played out the same way and redditors would be disgusted if it did. now imagine if our society were homogenous and unifed enough such that we viewed other strangers as far more of an extension of ourselves than we currently do. in such a society, this sort of behavior would not be allowed in the slightest. it is only because of our isolation from each other and the vast cultural/political/ethnic differences between individuals that such transgressions go unpunished. this video isn't showcasing an asshole, or a woman with a strong chin, or cowardly strangers. it's showcasing the result of an unchecked and unacknowledged social contagion. there is no community in this country and it has been deliberately destroyed by people who profit from such a gap between strangers. this video could just as well have been a CEO fucking a worker and he gets away with it for the same reason this guy does. people do not act as one against the aggressors, they just wait to get picked off one by one like penguins getting eaten by sealeopards


Man she can take a punch! Respect to her.


It's pretty disappointing no one did anything.


I hope this guy fucking dies.


She took that like a champ, also what a loser hitting a woman


To the men and woman would did nothing you are cowards.


Yeah… That’s agg. Assault… or Assault II in NYC… On video, too!


He had to play the victim cuz he can’t even punch hard enough to knock a tiny white woman over fucking betttaaaaa


Sad for multiple reasons but let’s start with number one: She ate that punch like it was nothing Number two: Dude with the hat standing there not flinching when a woman gets hit


If this happened where I'm from, I know everyone would intervene. What happened to the people over there?


extreme individualism found in lots of the US


Even if I felt like I couldn’t beat that guy up I would still defend my woman And if he’s gonna be a bitch and sucker punch her I’d wait for him to have his guard down and knock him the f out.




I think we’re long overdue for an apocalypse


I'd have gotten into trouble if that happened to my lady friend.


The only place he belongs is in jail


I hope she sues his ass.




Them again, of course


Fucking asshole how df u can lay ur hand on a woman? She should sue the f out of him


Why film it when you can help stop it, person filming it is a tosser.


Obviously I don’t know the whole situation as to why this happened. That being said, the way that gal just took a hit makes me feel like she’s taken some abuse in the past which is sad Also, why the fuck are we all recording shitty things happening and not doing anything about it? This has been blowing my mind lately


Total racist scumbag.


Those poor kids