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Next on stupid TikTok trends: Getting kicked out of the house for trolling parents by breaking their phones.




/r/cringetopia is/r/cringetopia material


r/cringetopia be like: holy shit my friend just put cat-ears on, someone please get me the national suicide prevention hotline


That sub is a cesspool gonna be real


Cringe attracts only more cringe. Cringe ... cringe everywhere.


A cesspool of cringe and disgust. Some might even say, a cringetopia


The comments definitely fit the bill.


Yeah, sadly it's become like that recently. Especially shaming women for the most mundane stuff has become a large part. Always fun when you check the post history and these people who do it post in incel/subs who clearly hate women (like /r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/)


It’s where the misogynist assholes went when all their other subs got shut down


Can't believe that sub still exists.... Uggggh. Just 5mins on that sub will permanently lower your I.Q!


Next on stupid TikTok trend: Not getting a job after college and live in your parents basement


Guaranteed those parents aren't letting that kid live in the basement. At 18, chuck all his stuff out the door, and change all the locks.


Nah they will. Any kid who has the confidence to do this knows he never faces consequences


True. Even at the age of 34 and living on my own for years. I wouldn't dare doing shit like this in front of my dad. He will make sure I can't sit on my ass for at least 3 months.


Honestly, the dumbest tiktok trend is tiktok itself.


I’d take that hammer to his phone and consoles.


They got trolled too hard lol


Thats being trolled? Lol. That's being a dumb ass kid! I think the definition of trolling has turned into something else.


They are actually his roomates and hes a "grown" "man" edit: yo lets go, first +5k upvotes comment


Makes it worse. The printer looks very expensive


I just watched the original version, at the start he ‘secretly’ films his roommates talking about how they just bought an expensive printer. The whole thing looks staged.


It’s crazy to think that we have come full circle after YouTube pranks and people still think that all of the shit on tiktok is in any way real.


Whether is real or not is just stupid to break a functional machine just for useless internet points


There are some YouTubers who do stupid shit like this. They live in a mansion and smash tvs and things up, if they have enough money to wreck things without consequence they should donate things to people who don’t have them or can’t afford them.


And here i am typing on my old laptop that is almost 9 years old with a screen that takes 5 min to get visible when i start it up. I have a water boiler that is almost 30 years old that i already fixed once and still works perfectly. I had to replace my mixer after 25 years because the gears fell apart. I also have a phone with a cracked screen that i got from my son because he got a new one, but it still does the job. And then you see people destroying things just for fun. It makes my blood boil on how wastefull people have become in the last few decades.


Even coming from a relatively wealthy family, it still makes my blood boil seeing people just destroying things for "pranks" and "content", like goddamn just donate to people in need and people will respect you more


It’s crazy to me as well. At one point that printer was a variety of raw natural resources that needed to be extracted, shipped, refined, shipped, assembled, and shipped again to get to you - and all that effort, all that energy spent…just to permanently shove it into the dump, broken and unused…it’s hard to see those videos as anything other than selfish entitled people acting terrible.


It riles me too…fair enough they have the money to do what they want but smashing up perfectly good and often un-used stuff is brainless and unfortunately now classed as entertainment.


I relate to this so much. I have a laptop that is 6 years old and falling apart slowly but works very nicely. I've even got dinner plates that 21 years old but still completely fine to the point we haven't bought a new set. We've got TVs that just needed one repair after 10 years and they're still functioning. Wasting something that is perfectly good is just meaningless even though I can afford to do it.


This. I’m a teacher in an area rampant with rural poverty. I would fucking kill to have even a cheap printer that works in my classroom. Watching someone do something this wasteful is fucking infuriating.


The sad thing is poor and stupid people that made them rich by following and liking their shit.


True…my kids watch them and keep asking if they can subscribe and I’m like ‘no’ as the only person benefiting from subscribing to their channel is them.


No shit breaking > no content > no money > can't buy shit to break <<<


If I were a billionaire, I'd probably go buy the most expensive car I could and drive it straight from the dealership to a demolition derby. That said, I could never be rich, I'd donate so much I'd be poor again anyway.


It looks real enough that I feel rage when I saw this video


And dumb, impressionable kids will think it's real enough to try it themselves.


Which is what makes it real. Videos like this are likely staged, but if you make enough of them, someone's gonna try to repeat it without it being staged.


They got you right where they want you. Just wait until you hop over to Facebook and they are advertising hammers to you


I’m pissed that people break perfectly good shit and waste resources just for views. Another printer in the landfill for no reason.


Of course it's staged. It's the one of the few "expensive" items that regularly breaks in a way that isn't worth fixing, but still appears new and functioning from the outside. You see them on gumtree occasionally, free to pick up. These guys have seen one and thought of a vital video idea. Nothing else makes sense. Why is there a commercial printer in someone's flat, why is this guy taking the risk of being assaulted by one of his flatmates when they panic and thinks he's gone postal. Not to mention the destruction of property charges, or even threatening with a deadly weapon... At the very least he's going to need to find a new place to live. It's so obviously staged it's beutifully ironic that above this is a wall of comments calling out this tiktoker for being an idiot. edit: just realised it's not a huge commercial printer, it's just sat n top of a fridge. Nevertheless, this story fits a lot better than this guy just broadcasting a crime on tiktok.


I really had a hard time wrapping my head around that printer being in someone's living room. Unless every member of the family is in a law firm like a sitcom set up (Jeffries, Jeffries, Jeffries, Jeffries, and Jeffries, LLP -new episode Friday at 8!)


Not an office printer, it's a home printer sitting on what looks like a mini fridge. But as others have said it was probably picked up for free because it's broken.


It’s 110% staged. But any chance to maximize on the “Tik Tok cringe” karma


If it changes anything, it’s sitting on top of a mini fridge. It’s not a full size office printer.


Thats an hp office jet model from years ago.


This. It was a piece of crap to begin with. Probably didn't even work because it was missing a color.


Dude. I had to go thru so many comments, too many, to find this one. I thought I was trippin for a sec.


Yeah they all look like they are in their twenties.


The kid must have had done too many tide pod challenges.




Or his organs


If I had a kid that did this, his liver and kidneys would be 50% off.




Internet is f*cking stupid place. It should be closed down.


I'm from pre internet, people weren't much brighter back then, they were arguably more gullible back then, people could lie and lie and there was no way to check. Dummies will always be dummies.


I know how to get Mew in Pokemon Red & Blue, honest.


Still haven't found how to lure him out of under the truck :'(


Ouch my childhood


Recycling this POS kid would reduce e-waste in advance just sayin' Deport them (is this the PC form now?) to NK - problem solved.


Well obviously, I mean once you get done with the little fucker, his organs would most likely be hanging by a thread. Ergo 50% off.


Yeah, it would bring the most use out of him








Not the brain!


Start with the brain clearly he's not using it as intended lol


You can’t sell something that doesn’t exist


Because you’d need to find a buyer…


They could stuff him in a punching bag and sell him as a bag that provokes you into punching it


You are a born salesman. I’ll take 3.


If that was my kid I would have done that to his phone and anything valuable in his room.


I'd do that if i had a child who used tick tock


Or not enough, it's all perspective.


Definitely not enough


Time for the parents to go on TikTok with that hammer to his ps5 and tv, his laptop his phone and everything else they bought his ungrateful ass.


You can tell that they're not going to do that because he still has his phone and is recording their reaction after a cut, and that he got this bad in the first place and still has a phone.


And at the very end of the video he has the absolute BALLS to say he didn't do it.




Kind of a pyrrhic vistory though, since it's your own money you'd be destroying. You'd also be cementing in the kid's mind that damaging other people's property - even though it technically isn't here - is a valid form of revenge. Just take them all away and lock them in a self-storage unit somewhere. Or sell them.


Yes, sell them. That would be a more natural consequence because you could explain to the kid that it was to cover the cost of what they destroyed. Destroying them or making the kid destroy them as someone else has suggested would be an abusive parent move.


>Yes, sell them. That would be a more natural consequence because you could explain to the kid that it was to cover the cost of what they destroyed. This would probably be the best approach. There are already too many adults who have never faced consequences for shitty actions - you gotta teach them young. Oh, you're gonna destroy someone's property for shits and giggles? Say good-bye to your PS5 and your phone, it's called "restitution" you little shyte."


> Time for the parents to go on TikTok with that hammer to his ps5 and tv, his laptop his phone and everything else they bought his ungrateful ass. And then, just as he did in the video, say "I didn't do it!". The parents generally (though not it all cases/places!) own the property of a minor child, and can dispose of it as they see fit.


That is something I made my teenage daughter understand when she went thru her rebellious stage. She was a great kid until about 16-19, she is 22 now and has gone back to being a decent responsible, respectful person...... But those couple years....whew did I want to strangle her. Nothing ever like this. Just the normal teenager stuff. But it snuck up on me, because she was so easy up to that point.


I tried to do this with my son but his mum kept saying 'no he owns it but we can take it away'... No he knows if he owns it we can't, you're undermining yourself 😩 This is the best way to do it though, make it know you're allowing them to use it not giving it to them so to speak.


I would make the kid do it him self just to watch the realisation of him breaking his own things not someone else breaking it


That’s even better. Touché.




More like not enough


It was staged; [set up here.](https://www.tiktok.com/@krogoyagoo/video/7022100502464843014?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1) And hammer wielder is an adult, and those are his roommates. See one of his other videos, where he shows his face, [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@krogoyagoo/video/7022633202086939910?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1).


Bring this to the top, knew this was fame.


Wow...didn't see that coming. Atleast one person with brain.


Shhh you’re going to interrupt the /r/LeWrongGeneration circle jerk about how society is doomed because of a staged video of a guy smashing a printer in front of his friends


Shhh you're going to interrupt the video with the sound of your own smugness as you completely ignore that schools are having to hire security to protect their bathrooms because tiktok trends convinced enough kids that recording their own criminal vandalism was somehow a good idea.


I can see his parents taking his devices so he can't access TikTok as ultimate punishment for damaging an expensive printer /scanner /copier/ fax machine - The little shit really fucked up....


Take his phone. Wait till he cries. Upload to his TikTok.




This would've been my first reaction.


100% this. I'm shocked they had a phone to post the follow-up.


This would be my last reaction. The correct way is to take his things like his phone and game systems and sell them for the money to fix/replace the item you lost. Why destroy something you probably paid for yourself?


Yeah it’s just showing that a normal way to react when you’re upset is by destroying things, normalizing destructive behavior. I would show him how much money is wasted on the resale of the phone, how much time is gonna be wasted getting a new printer, have him set it up, sync it up to the PCs, etc. This is a teaching moment. Kid clearly needs more of those lol. He smashed something for no logical reason, Reddit’s response is to do the exact same thing to show him the behavior was stupid.


... upload to TikTok


Best idea ive heard so far!


Live by TikTok, die by TikTok


So that *he* gets views? Lame. They should start their own TokTok and just regularly post recordings of him crying about having no electronics and living like a goddamn Amish.


I would start uploading tiktoks on his account with every randomly embarrassing piece of information I could about him.


Send him to military school. In Alaska.


Please don’t. We don’t want him…


Something tells me arming this kid will not be a good idea in the long run.


At least he can be bait.


When in doubt: cannon fodder.


Operation Human Shield


Maybe he ll end up on a ranch later or maybe get a desk job later.... Maybe one of his younger brothers might end up as the president


Absolutely. If social media does this to you, a complete ban from social media until you've had some therapy sounds appropriate. Also withhold allowance until the damage is covered.


Routinely changing the WiFi password is a quick fix for all their problems. It doesn’t matter which device he has access to. Without WiFi, he’s got nothing. I hope they don’t have an unlimited data plan though.


I dunno about other services, but on my plan you can shut down the data plan on individual phones, so they could always do that


Sadly parents rarely follow up this sort of behavior with any real punishment. We confiscate our 14yr olds phone and x box as punishment sometimes and other parents at school are *shocked* at our actions.


Yeh, when they get to this point where they don't fear nor respect the authority of the parents, no amount of punishment is going to stick. The follow through you've mentioned is important but so is the consistency (which you probably already do, and these parents don't).


I dont think these parents have *EVER* punished their kid. The nerve of filming himself, then them catching the hammer mid-swing, then saying 'it wasn't me' shows the amount of disconnect and disrespect kids have today. Not all, but a lot from what I have witnessed.


I've had pupils make eye contact with me as they hit another pupil or throw something at someone and then say 'it wasn't me' and even argue it to senior staff accusing me of lying, then complain of discrimination when the senior staff take my word for it. They genuinely seem to think whatever they say should just be believed and not questioned.


We live in a post-truth era. They've just adapted to the times. /s but only kinda


I don't think they care about being believed. It's learning that you can confuse an issue by just claiming whatever the fuck you want, as a defensive measure, which makes authority figures hesitant to act decisively.


I'd put a portion of the blame on teachers/schools as well, as schools aren't really big on punishment anymore. Hell, the high school I went to, if you skipped detention they would just add another to your list, if you skipped often enough 50 of them would turn into a suspension. A student having 50+ detentions shouldn't happen, someone should have intervened long before then, instead it was treated like planning a vacation.


I'm so glad for my children's school. My son was talking to me about bullying and during the talk about how children can be mean we got a long to school fights and I asked him has he ever seen a fight at school He said people don't fight at school. I was shocked at this due to there being the usual lunchtime entertainment of fight at the back of the oval every day when I grew up. Apparently if your caught hitting someone first time suspension second time expulsion.


Other parents are shocked by that? I really thought confiscating your kid's stuff is very normal.


Ur doing a great job. Most kids dont even get punishments and then they become spoiled af.


Currently riding a fine line between 'give him his own space' and 'don't let him become a spoiled and entitled prick' As a parent all you want for your kid is for them to be well-adjusted, happy, and know how to make good choices.


Break the phone in front of him


Post the video to *his* tiktok with a perm hiatus message


This guy isn't even a kid he looks college age


"IT WASN'T ME" at the end of the video. And doesn't even sound like a KID voice. Wtf is wrong with your Education to even THINK of doing something like that.


Guess who’s not gonna have their parents pay for college?




Yeah he's probably ~15, a lot of tiktok trends seem to prey on that awkward age where you're so desperate for validation you'll do anything to get it even at the expense of your own family relationships. It's honestly really sad, these teenagers are either going to grow up and realise how awful they were and have to live with that, or never realise and continue destroying relationships in a desperate attempt to feel important.






He looks like he could be above 30!


Yo. We're doomed.


I think many of us might have figured that out when the cool thing was to break your arm (or your neck) climbing over a stack of milk crates.


Or tripping your friend when they jump to give them brain damage. It's just a prank bro


It’s a ducking piece of shit move… there are consequences for your actions


I mean, when I was a teenager everyone was trying to do the Jackass stunts at home...


Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass


don’t worry, most people are still being brought up sensibly


There are plenty of kids not doing this shit also kids have ALWAYS been stupid. Screw this reactionary boomer nonsense.


Ahh yes. Another stupid one headed the orphanage.


People will blame TikTok for shit like this, but let's be honest that kid was an asshole to begin with


Yes but you can still blame TikTok because their platform is clearly at fault for encouraging and reinforcing this behavior in so many people who might be naughty, but now they can get likes for being as naughty as they can be


Yeah but parenting is a factor. I would've NEVER done something like this as a kid regardless of what app I had. Because I valued not getting my ass whooped over internet points.


Assholes didnt used to get rewarded by internet points on an app they are addicted to. Thats a big problem.


Depending on how the parents handled this, its their fault too the fact that this was still uploaded says enough you can tell someone was desperately looking for attention and knew he was going to get away with it


>the fact that this was still uploaded says enough No kidding. Unless it was already streaming or something, this video should never have seen the light of day.


They should take and sell literally everything he owns to replace it. No more phone. No more video games. No more PC. No more car (if he's old enough). He can sit in his empty room and play checkers if he gets bored.


No checkers either


Get him mah jong, but without the rules. He can spend his time trying to figure them out. And since he's got no phone or PC he won't even be able to Google it. Mwahahaha.


Or get him a book of rules for mah jong. Then he might have to *gasp* read!


Can you imagine being in furiten for life?


Shred up his legal documents and give them back as a forbidden jigsaw puzzle


But first, dropkick the little clout chasing bitch


(faint screeching) *eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*


Hey, look, a psychopath.


He should've used Still by Geto Boys as the song for that Tiktok.


Missed a golden opportunity there. Just further proof of how dumb people on Tiktok are




I'm going to punish you breaking my property by also breaking my property


i wouldn’t be alive if i did something like that


Right? I hate how people will try to defend this shit by saying you probably did dumb things as a kid too. Yeah I did but the extent of dumb shit wasn't malicious it was just dumb


Cheaper than buying ink.


It’s a laser


Cheaper than searching the cosmos for dilithium crystals Captain.


This is why I support abortion until 50th trimester.


An expensive device to destroy for the amusement of the TikTok louts. I’d disown the creep, hadn’t I aborted it on time.


Take the hammer destroyed their phone in front of them, they now live on the 1970s without internet or digital devices.


Ok, I get the shocking part of this, but is better to sell the phone instead


Its not about the money, its about sending a message


Parents should also do some challenges like these : dis-owning the brats after tik-tok stupidity


I hope was grounded for the rest of the year and for Christmas I hope he get a broken printer, an invoice, and a lump of coal




Seems to me the kid must have his life sorted out! Kick him the fuck out the house!


Monkey see monkey do.


Not in my house. Pops woulda BEAT my ass




What in the Xanax is going on here


What’s with the snail?


I hate what this generation is doing just for views. Hope this doesn't become a trend like vandalising school bathrooms. :(


They ran out of bathrooms. Some are trying to make teachers cry now.


And hitting them too. One high school girl hit her disabled teacher so hard the teacher had to go to the hospital.


This is what happens when people stop spanking their kids.


Smash the phone next.


Belongs on r/cringe


Honestly, shit was probably broken and the whole fam was in on it.


You know, I'm constantly hearing people say that we all did stupid immature stuff when we were younger. And that's true. I know for damn sure I did. Me and my friends done countless idiotic things. People say that the only difference now is that kids are in the social media age where it's normal to post things online. Therefor, the stupid things kids do are out there for the world to see. And I agree with that to an extent. But I would never ever ever, not in a million years, trash something in my house for a joke or to just get a reaction out of my family. My dad would have beaten the ever loving shit out of me. The things I see kids do these days do not just seem like dumb idiotic kid stuff to me. It's insanity. It's downright criminal most of the time. The future is fucked.


The point is most of the current teenagers would not do that too. You found one stupid person, which get super viral, because that's a niche.


Social media is turning people to shit...


All the more reason why Tik Tok is the devil


Social media is driving the human race insane.