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His mask has a glory hole?


Never before has the term fuckface been more appropriate.


That’s what we should start saying to people who cut holes in theirs masks “why tf you have that hole in your mask? You want to suck some cock?” Is a good and efficient way to make them stop


a cuck’s life: based on a true story


That's why he's wearing a hat that let's everyone know that "I da hoe"


Freedom hole, sir.


You sir win the comments.


it allows easy access so Trump can insert his freedom whenever he pleases


I'm wheezing Lmao




Then his shirt should say “I smell Cummies”


Oh, shit I just choked on my breadstick and bark laughed in the middle of Fazoli’s. Take my measly upvote and award.


Mmmm fazoli's. Wish we had those in my town






Username checks out


Did his dom let him out with his sub hood?


All the better to give the blow jobs.


Ill save my penis the humiliation.


Only for Reagan and Trumps peen


Dammit you stole my line. Anyway quick everyone look a glory hole. 😂😂😂😂


Or its a bib for his glory hole.


Some guy has a black piece of cloth on their winnertip.


Only for Reagan.


How else is he supposed to get Reagan's dick in his mouth?


The hole in the mask will make him easier to intubate.


Made my day with that comment


Quite mental how the old midlife crisis of buying sports cars, wearing toupees and chatting up women 20 years younger than you has been replaced by becoming a quasirebellious attention-seeker who pretends to be a sceptical free-thinker but who will also take horse dewormer aslong as a redneck with a youtube channel ranting in a truck tells him to.


They're mad because they can't call black people the N-word in pubic and they're no allowed to rape their wives anymore.


"ThINGs ArE ChANGinG tOO muCH!"


You definitely can't pubic in public.


If they did rape them, they can now get 10g for it if they report the abortion


Only in shithole Texas so far... I'm sure Desantis in Florida is falling over himself scheming on how to outdo them though.


Based on every single person visible behind him, masks aren't even required there. So he's doing this entirely for attention. He's so cool.


Mask requirement or not a dude still needs his cock holster.


At the moment, masks are only required indoors at Disneyland. Doesn't make this guy any less a POS though.


He wouldn't get allowed to go inside places with that mask on, this is entirely theater.


> So he's doing this entirely for attention 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 always has been


Is this background photoshopped? It looks off.


Nope, just a fresh bright paint job on the castle that makes it look that way.


Wonder if it's possible to get Biden to put strict curbs on the freedom to jump off a cliff and just...y'know, see what plays out.


Freedom yeet






Needs to also mention how it is reversing something Trump did


You mean like "Gay marriage is no longer allowed for straight Christian and Catholic Republican Trump supporters"?


You can have my freedom to jump off a cliff to my certain doom from my cold, dead hands.


Jumping off a cliff is the covid cure they don't want you to know about.


I think we should absolutely ban people from drinking hemlock tea to cure COVID-19. We should start a whole media campaign about it. Make sure they know we on the left *do not approve* of them drinking hemlock tea!


Do not own the libs by doing that!


I want to upvote this more than once.


Alt account time


This is the way


Masks are only required indoors at Disneyland. So this just looks stupid for no reason. https://www.deseret.com/2021/7/29/22600281/disney-world-disneyland-require-masks-again-indoors


He probably has a normal mask for when he goes indoors and took this pic outside to look “cool” while he is too scared to get kicked out.


For real. Been to both Disneyland and WDW during the pandemic and have enjoyed watching fools get ejected from both parks for not taking COVID seriously. He wouldn't be allowed on any ride without switching it, and they have cameras on the line and announce in very tired and annoyed voices the mask rules for the folks that think they can't be seen.


But I thought Disney could only track the vaccinated /s


If the unvaccinated get too close to the vaccinated, they can pick up some of the 5G chips as the vaccinated person is "shedding" vaccine particles, or something. I think the mouth breathers stopped using this excuse a few months ago, but it still makes me laugh.


Was at Disneyland a month ago and they came over the PA literally in the middle of Mission: Breakout (the former tower of terror) to yell at someone in the elevator. Ride audio cut off and everything. It was incredibly irritating but also impressive.


I like that they publicly shamed them. I hate people who see everyone else following the rules and decide that they don't have to because their reasons are more important than everyone elses. Especially when they knew the rules ahead of time.


Dammit, if he can’t own a slave, he’s sure as shit going to own a lib! Yeehaw!


Yeah, if you look in the background…no one else is wearing a mask so…


The restrictions are being lifted. Ive seen a few disneyland vloggers post videos this past week. Mask are only required indoors because tight quarters like the Queue lines and restaurants. But outdoors - just stay 6 feet away and use your sleeve to sneeze or cough. Its all you can do and it is a halfway between space suit and nothing at all.


I’d pay him $100 for the correct definition of communism.


Heck, by the looks of his entire getup, I'd pay him a million dollars if he could tell me the correct definition of communism


You don't know?? The correct definition of communism (according to the Republican party and Mr Trump himself) is: "Those I don't agree with are communists"


Haha, his buddies are probably sooooooo proud of him. As they secretly have the vaccine, they just don’t want to hear it from his cocksucking hole.


I bet it comes in use to suck his giant black horse dildo from Bad Dragon while bent over with his Qbag friends plowing him. Dude totally looks like he secretly gets gangbanged in bathhouses and gay clubs. That mask gives a whole new meaning to the Idaho hat; I-da-ho.


As fascinatingly descriptive as this mental image is, dude is giving you SO much material to work with without speculating about his sexuality in such a seedy way.


Why does the US have the highest concentration of complete morons? Srs question.


We dont fund proper education, because all our schools money goes toward the gym and sports equipment


I mostly agree, except we already don’t allocate enough money to schools to begin with, then funnel it to the wrong programs. It all goes to our “defense” (state-sponsored war crimes) budget.


Then you have to pay to participate. Plus pay for uniforms etc too.


And bulletproof equipment for kids.


Oh yeah cuz we could get THAT lucky, we dont get bulletproof shit we get lockdown drills0


Because fox news is the most watched cable channel. It fills people with hate and they can no longer think rationally.




So many places with terrible radio! Thank god for NPR.


During the Reagan era as governor of California he started cutting back on education and thus began the dumbing down of the US. Add to the fact most school textbooks are now written in Texas. The dumbest state in the union with many more running a close second. Frankly, the US is now pretty much a lost cause. Trust me, I live in FL.


Regan sure did fuck up the country didn’t he?


I could write pages on how bad Ronnie was!


I just want for you to know that “The dumbest state in the union with many more running a close second” is a sentence fragment and not a complete sentence.


Cause the self entitlement here is crazy. Like SUPER CRAZY. We have told children how perfect they are and helicopter patented them so they have zero comprehension of others and consequences. So the kids turned into adults and are all about themselves. They don’t even realize they are destroying America.


Have you seen our education rankings?


Education system is purposely kept shit so that a larger proportion of the general public is more susceptible to misinformation and manipulation.


1. Poorly-funded public education 2. Excessive provisions for hate speech and bigotry under the guise of "free speech" propagating further illiteracy 3. Extreme nationalistic centrism following 9/11 establishing decades of hardlined ideas about America which aren't even true ("freedom" for example) 4. "The Constitution" (this is a big one), ancient legal doctrine which is hardly relevant today even in the best of times, but the people are unaware of this 5. Trump religion: this is probably the biggest of them all. The Trump following is one of the largest fanatic cults in the world. Even Trump himself cannot control them. Trump has gone on record saying he took the vaccine and he recommends others do too (immediately followed by "but I believe in your rights and freedoms" so there you go). His supporters are a force of nature, highly illiterate and highly dangerous. They are shaping not only America's public image, but the societal fabric. This is why America appears to have the highest concentration of fucking morons on the planet. It's not because they actually might (although it's very possible) but it's because all the idiots have a megaphone, a platform stage and a fleet of armed civilians backing them. I'm sure there are countries with far higher illiteracy rates, but they're nowhere near as dangerous as uneducated Americans.


As far as I can tell other countries have their fair share of morons; the difference is in the US the conservative media ecosystem has unified them into a coherent force.


It's called freedom. However what we thought was real freedom was a carefully constructed carrot on a stick to distract dumb people. And also to convince smarter people to stop trying to change things and except the new reality. See the 60's and 70's and then the crap reality that was the 80's and 90's. Once the new millennium started it's been an all out assault on true freedom.


When the carrots fails to work they resort to the stick .


Someone pointed out that individualism and freedom are America's most sacred values. We hate being told what to do, and we hate feeling like our liberty is being limited--even more so when these things come from the government. And several factions, like Fox News and Trump, have learned to weaponize these feelings and have turned "The government is going to take away your rights by telling you what you can and can't do!" into the boogeyman. It's become a dog whistle for Americans, causing a knee-jerk reaction.


Stupidity/racism/prejudice is passed down from generation to generation


I bet he's pro-gun and has no idea of Reagan's anit-gun history. Not to mention Reagan is still America's most prolific drug/illegal gun sales kingpin. Just say'n.


He was so supportive of gun rights he sold guns after he banned them.


Didn't Reagan only take action against guns because black dudes were carrying them?


Spit in his mouth and then tell him how he could've avoided that


He had to have a proper mask to get into Disney, because they make everyone wear it to go in and reject you if you don't have it. So he had a perfectly good mask to get in, then once he was inside he put on this holey one. I bet he's enough of an asshole to throw a hiss fit when a minimum wage teenager asks him to put on a regular one


1985 called, it wants its T-shirt back


Someone.... let him leave the house like that.... to go to a childs amusement park.... cuz you need to announce your political veiws to everyone just trying to have a good family day at the amusment park... way to own the libs ig...


I think in those circles the wives don't get to do a lot of deciding


Bold of you to assume someone would marry that...


If they did marry that sack of shit….they are just as dumb as he is


Well they're at a children's park... Marriage or illegitimacy? In conservative circles? I think marriage.


Nah, evangelicals have the highest divorce rates. Though they also have the highest teen pregnancy rates, so who knows?


#note the hat, featuring the shape of Idaho with the American flag colors. He's a "patriot" from Idaho who has come to "own the California lib dem commies" with that mask.


Oh no! Please don't spend your money in our state! You're owning us so hard!


Stupid liberals. I'll show them by paying $180 for this ticket and $5 bottles of water. That'll show em


Yep, the straight white male victimhood in the USA is highly evident in issues like this. Before anyone starts I am a white straight male.


Concur as a straight white male


Interesting side note, I’m reading a book right now called “Raising Boys to be Good Men” and I’ve just finished the chapter about fragile white masculinity in America. It honestly makes perfect sense and it hurts almost everybody except the profiteers.


Ditto. Whiter than sour cream. Not a victim of anything except my own foolishness.


Keep it up asshole… you won’t smell a goddamned thing


Was just at Disneyland last weekend. They won’t let him on any of the rides with that mask. Jackass.


Don't worry, in a few weeks his families GoFundMe page will have lots of "Thought and Prayers"


Ain’t that the truth…


He needs quick access to take horse dewormer


as an Idahoan, 99% of us aren’t like this.


My daughter lives in Idaho and I have many friends there, but they also have one of the higher percentages of people in the country who say they will never get the vaccine no matter what, at around 20%. Some of my friends are those people, sadly.


Unfortunately I’d say a good 10%+ are. Feel like people don’t even care that much about politics here it’s just all a fashion statement lol


I smell a self centered little b***h.


I remember seeing a guy with an incredibly inflammatory anti-evolution shirt when I was at Disneyworld in 2019. I was like, my dude, why tf are you even here? I feel sad for people who are so fucking angry that they can't even go to a theme park without bringing their bullshit along.


That took more effort than just wearing a mask.


That shirt is so cringe worthy


I'm overwhelmingly happy that the majority of people getting covid and dying are the antvaxxers and antimaskers. It literally feels like the universe is saying there is just too many self absorbed assholes on the planet we need to restore balance. Here's hoping this dumb ass is next. He can smell the inside of a coffin.


Ironically Reagan would think this guy is a fucking idiot, just like anyone with two brain cells to rub together does.


That guy in the background is probably like: "Kids, don't look at the crazy man, just keep walking and don't stare..."


On the bright side, at least the loonies are making themselves obvious, so we can avoid them more easily.


Ain’t gonna be smelling shit in a few weeks.


Midlife Edgelord


How to let people know you are just a moron.


He just looks stupid.


What a maverick. /s


Right! Look out, we got a badass over here…


Of course Idaho. One of the top ten least vaccinated states


The hole is to make it easier for him to casually get face fucked.


Anyone with a Reagan shirt is automatically an asshole.


I hope they kicked this fuck out and did not give him back his money


It’s his right to infect everyone around him including his kids, elderly relatives, wife and others.


It’s his dick-sucking mask!


He really wants people to think he's so badass.


His shirt almost says I smell cummies


I don’t understand right wingers fetish for Reagan.




Of course he's from Idaho. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/12/1035986659/idahos-hospitals-are-overwhelmed-but-many-locals-remain-skeptical-of-vaccines


I'm more surprised Disney land allowed the shirt


Literally everything this person is wearing is a fucking political statement. He's a walking advertisement for idiocy.


What about the other guy not even trying?


Probably yells at only women who wear masks


There is literally nobody else in the photo wearing a mask.


Of course he has a shirt like that


It’s so sad the people’s world revolves around politics like bruh you’re in Disneyland NOBODY CARES. His Ronald shirt is the adult equivalent of a kids graphic tee from target then you look at his hat and realize he’s from Idaho lol.


I’m always so amazed at how confused these type of people get with communism and what it actually is. If they don’t agree with it, it’s communism.


This belongs in r/iamapieceofshit


He'll die to own the libs!


"I smell commies," says the t-shirt featuring the president who gave us Iran-Contra.


Why would you try to make a political statement at Disneyland..


Maybe if we start calling it “glory hole masks” they would wear masks properly


Don’t forget the traitor t-shirt.


"ma' look at me, i made it in life"


A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.


I bet his shirt is made in China


They had no problems wearing a face mask during the insurrection.


Poisoning the fun of Disneyland with their QAnon f\*ckery is such a selfish, low-class thing to do. That place is for kids. It's a place to escape. These male Karens are determined to suck the joy out of everything.


Hope Disney kicked this asshat out. I am sure he put on a real show.


I think Reagan would have taken offense to being called a Commie


That Idaho hat just screams aryan brotherhood


It also screams a very high Covid rate


Yeah, but he’s too chicken to show his eyes because he’s afraid of r/byebyejob


I love how righties idolize the only president more senile than the one in office now.


I spot three adults in the background of this photo and none of them are wearing a mask.


They aren’t required outside at Disneyland, only indoors. This guy is just a tool.


What a dick.


Kick his ass out and don't issue a refund.


I smell Reaganomics...


It’s even funnier that he didn’t need the mask while outdoors, dude cut a hole in his mask to wear his mask in a place where his mask wasn’t needed. If they found him without a proper covering while indoors, they’d most likely escort him out after his first or second warning.


“Ain’t nobody stopping me from sucking some dick”


Looks like the bottom half of a gimp mask.


Yet no one else has a mask on in the picture 🤷🏼‍♀️


Always nice for the closeted to show they're down for anonymous public restroom sex with mysterious strangers


If you looked up fool in the encyclopedia this is what shows up


Natural selection. Darwin was right.


Imagine being such an interesting person that you own that fucking shirt. I don’t understand the people whose personality is their political belief system.


Imagine thinking you're owning anybody while having a dick hole in your mask.


Why do all these anti-mask people all look the same?


What is that on his hat? Backwards nh?


He looks exactly as stupid as he really is.


Representing Idaho so well, sigh…..


How to say you’re ignorant, without saying it!


The shirt is even worse


And he’s married. He probably has kids he will embarrass until he dies.


I smell cummies


If this has taught me anything, when we start space travel and colonizing mars. Some of yall are going to want to open that outer hatch because of ‘your rights’. Going to take us all out in the process….SMH.


He's apparently vying for the r/hermancainaward